The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2975: King of the Giants

I am very grateful to Jie Ji students (200), the death of tears classmates (100) reward!


This made them determine that in the early days of the Baizu era, it was indeed a big space crack. It should be a main battlefield of the Baizu era, because the soul of the Baizu faced by the battlefield was already repaired by the land. To see how powerful they were when they were born, so many powerful monks gathered here, and it is conceivable that the battle here was fierce.

Only such a fierce battle will make the Baizu monks suffer such a heavy blow, not only the physical death, but even the soul is essentially harmed.


Should there be a hundred monks who preserved the soul consciousness?

For example, the owner of the song!

Xu Ziyan and other eleven holy monks no longer capture the soul, but look at the unknown ahead, the look is dignified.

They don't understand why there are so many souls of the Bai people in this seabed. Why haven't the monks on the Yuan Dynasty been found?

It was when they first came, they did not find that there was no abnormality in the sea, and they did not hear the song. Has it changed now?

The eleven holy monks began to speculate. After everyone's analysis, they thought that these hundred souls had fallen into a deep sleep before. After all, they were hurt very much. Although they should have been sleeping and recovering.

It is just like today that it seems to have been attacked by the Chaos Beast. The space is rumbling and awakens the sleeping souls of the Baizu, and all these changes have taken place.

“Is it really going to be a catastrophe?”

The hearts of the saints are very dignified, looking at the densely packed Bai souls in front of them. Seems to see their own future.

The team is constantly advancing. Although the attack of the soul is like a sea tide, the monks on the side of Xu Ziyan are the elites of the two continents. Coupled with the operation of the battle array, although the Baizu soul of the Tianzun period has begun to appear, it is still crushed by the battlefield.

The soul body is very strong in the progress of the heaven and earth, but their weaknesses are also very obvious. The defense is very poor, although the attack power has reached the realm of Tianzun, but the defense is still not up to the level of respect, how is the opponent of the battle?

Although Xu Ziyan and other monks also raised their vigilance at this time, their hearts were not very nervous. If they are all such souls, even if they have consciousness?

Still not waved, it is gone?


Xu Ziyan's look changed, and she was proficient in the rhythm. She instantly felt that the floating song had changed. Although the song has no lyrics, it is just an "A" word. But the melody has a certain law, and it is the law that attracts the souls of the monks.

However, at this moment, Xu Ziyan immediately felt the change of the melody. I can't help but tell the voice of the monks:

"Be careful!"

The monk, who had been somewhat lax, immediately became nervous and looked at the Baizu soul in front of him. It was the Yanshan Soul and other holy monks.

Then I saw that the souls of the Bai people retreated back like tides, and then they went inside into the bones piled up on the ground.

The faces of the monks are a change.

The surrounding sea water violently rushed. Then I saw that the skeletons piled up on the bottom of the sea suddenly moved and stood up one by one.

These humerus are not well preserved, more are part of the body, some are upper body, some are lower body, some are left half body, some are right half body, and some are a hand bone, or a leg bone, various Everything. Evil.

but. Undoubtedly, with these skeletons, the defense of those souls is greatly enhanced, in front of the monks such as Xu Ziyan. Like a skeleton army running towards them.


The two sides collided together and the sea water was boiling. The two sides fought fiercely together.

This time the battle was several times more intense than before, not only the long-distance attack by the two sides, but also the melee. Those cheekbones rushed to the front, fiercely attacking, even if it was just a leg bone, but also a foot to the monk.

The battle was fierce and the battlefield was under tremendous pressure. Xu Ziyan and other eleven holy monks still did not shoot, the surrounding monks are also Tianzun, belonging to the peak figure of the holy level, although subject to more and more pressure, but still able to calmly defend and counterattack.

This has benefited from the fact that they have been holding the mainland all the way back to the mainland for nearly two months of non-stop killings, which have caused them to collapse in front of them without discoloration. And for now, this pressure is far less stressful than when they faced the wild animal.

Xu Ziyan and other holy monks saw this situation, not only secretly nodded. These monks have become the power that can really support the mainland. They believe that even on the day when the catastrophe really comes, the inheritance of the Upper Yuan can continue. They are no longer weak and have already possessed the ancient monks of the ancient times. Power.

The team is still advancing constantly, and numerous bones have been smashed into pieces, and even the souls of the hundreds of people inside have been blasted. Every day, the monks are very serious, summing up the experience while fighting, so that their combat strength is constantly improving, so that they are more and more skilled in the control of Xianxuan.

At this time, the monks have advanced to a submarine plain, and the entire plain is a skeleton. At this time, these skeletons are standing up one by one, colliding toward the battlefield, and at the same time, the immortals like the tides flock to the battlefield.

Every monk has a clear heart on his body, so that these gods can resist the interference of the songs, and these monks have the ability to continue to fight, and the battles are smoother through the baptism of the wild animals, although all around The skeleton is not visible, but the battlefield is advancing in a crushing situation.

Every monk knows that this is an experience for himself. It is not easy for a monk to find a chance to suit himself. After the baptism of the wild animal, they have almost been improved and it is still difficult to regret. In the experience of encountering like a wild animal, I did not expect that the opportunity would come so fast.

Although they are not as strong as the wild animals today, they know that this war is essentially different from the war with the wild animals. The war with the wild beasts, all they have to do is to smash a **** road, but the war with these sacred bones is different. They need to destroy all these sacred bones, so every monk knows that the pressure they will bear will come. The bigger it is until the tibia on this plain is completely destroyed.

One day, two days, three days, ten days, twenty days, thirty days!

At the end of the thirty-two days of the land, there was a wreck on the plain, and no bones were fighting. The silence was restored all around, but the monks just couldn’t feel the attack of the cheekbones, but they couldn’t see it clearly, because the fluttering around them was bone powder, gray and gray, like chaos.

Gradually, those bone powders either settled down or floated away, and the visions of the monks became clear again.

Even when it was a scene of intensive siege of the cheekbones, the monks with extremely peace of mind were suddenly raised. In their vision, at the end of the plain, the sea was slightly floating, and they saw a huge skeleton.

"The giants of the Hundred Ages!"

The minds of the monks are all one, and the bones in the distance are a hundred feet high, standing there like a hill. The thick bones are full of strength.

Do not!

This is not just the giants, but the king of the giants!

Xu Ziyan They have seen the giants in the space of the ancestors. The average height of the giants is about ten feet, and this skeleton has a hundred feet, and only the king of the giants has such a height.

Huge head, powerful arms, double wings, four arms. Holding three pieces of fairy in your hand.

The two hands above held a long gun. The long gun was five meters thick and a hundred meters long. It was held in the hands of two giants. In the lower two hands, the left hand holds a huge cone and the right hand holds a giant hammer.

The huge skeleton was standing quietly at the end of the plain, and the sea was slightly undulating, as if he was moving, an invisible pressure spread toward them.

The monks couldn't help but hold their breath, and even the heartbeat could not be controlled by the slowdown. The visual pressure caused their hearts to rise to extreme jealousy.

However, they have no way to turn back, even if the opponents in front are stronger, they only face, only to conquer.


The voice of Xu Ziyan was full of steadfastness. This firmness directly affected all the monks. The slightly floating heart was quiet again. The battle array was once again running, approaching the king of the giants in the distance.

"Mountain Spirit!" Xu Ziyan thought about the front and approached the side of the gods and said: "The gun?"

“Super product, full of metallic energy!”

"The two fairy pieces below?"

“Looking like a fairy that releases the Thunder!”


The heart of Xu Ziyan is a shake. What is here?

Here is the bottom of the sea, surrounded by water. Needless to say, the conductivity of water is not at all dangerous.


The sea water suddenly stirred up, and the huge skeleton was seen in the field of vision. The left and right hands were striking in the middle, and the huge hammer hit the cone.


Xu Ziyan’s knowledge quickly fluctuated.


The water around the battle array was drained out, and the gods and gods joined forces to prop up a huge shield, and they continued to add a layer of defensive shield.


A loud bang, the huge hammer struck on the cone, the field of vision was dazzling, almost unable to open his eyes, and the dense thunder slammed toward the monks.



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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