The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2980: Endless

The sky, the thousands of miles, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun also rushed out from the battle. As the five tornadoes swiftly revolved around the battlefield, the layers of the shins were smashed. The pressure on the monks in the battlefield was slightly reduced, and the formation of the battlefield was restored to its original state.

At this time, the battle was divided into four battlefields. One was composed of hundreds of monks. They were the group with the largest number of monks, but they also had the largest number of skeletons. And their strength is relatively weakest.

The so-called bite of death, not to mention the strength of those bones for these monks and monks is not an ant, which makes the pressure of the monks and gods feel more and more, the formation after a short expansion, once again Gradually squashed.

The second battlefield is Zuoyan, Cangwu, and Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun, five holy monks. These five great monks did not form any battles, but they were completely in the sacral army by their own strength, occupying a complete advantage. A large block of sacral bones was bombarded by five of them, but they were five hearts. There was no joy at all, because the five of them saw that there were countless skeletons rushing out of the trench, and they didn’t know when it was the end.

In the face of this situation, it is that Zuoyan’s five holy monks also feel cold in their hearts.

The third battlefield is the holy bone of the five holy faces of Yanshan Spirit. The battlefield is fierce, and the power of the holy level seems to be stirring.

The last battlefield was Xu Ziyan and the white-shirted woman. At this time, Xu Ziyan fell completely in the wind, and the time of dodging was more than attack, and the body was traumatized. Hemodialysis clothing.

Xu Ziyan has some doubts about how long he has not been so embarrassed, and forced by a monk to barely fight back.

In fact, Xu Ziyan and the white shirt woman should be a stalemate, Xu Ziyan should not be in such a passive situation. At least in the heart of Xu Ziyan thinks so. This is definitely not the arrogance of Xu Ziyan, although the other side is repaired to be much higher than her. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already felt that the other side’s cultivation is the peak of the nine-tiered stage of the holy level, and there is absolutely no breakthrough in the world.

However, even this should not be the reason why Xu Ziyan is completely passive. Because the eleven kinds of attributes of the other party are not merged. It is a kind of arduous stacking, and the eleven attributes of the hot purple smoke are in a state of fusion. Although it has not merged into the great consummation, it has reached the realm of Dacheng. In this case, if Xu Ziyan can't win the other side, he should be able to stalemate with the other party, and at the very least, he can stand still for a short time.

However, now Xu Ziyan is completely passive. The white-shirted woman kept on the fingers, and the world was like a meteor, and it was scattered toward Xu Ziyan. The boundary of Xu Ziyan was broken in layers. If it weren’t for her eleven kinds of attributes, I am afraid that it has completely collapsed. Even so, the world is constantly being bombarded, and Xu Ziyan’s mind is greatly shaken.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood out of his head. Once again, the boundary was closed up, the space property was run, the body shape flashed in the space, and the dodge was in the gap of the power, and the heart was full of anxiety.

The white-shirted woman looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of surprises, as well as greed, greedily looking at Xu Ziyan's body. The body of Xu Ziyan is the best object for her.


The attack from the white-shirt woman changed, not the world after the fusion, but the eleven worlds were besieged against Xu Ziyan, and each world is an attribute. The world of the eleven attributes that the original white-shirt woman released was piled up. It is not able to really exert the power of the eleven attribute world, so this time she will attack the eleven attributes separately, and the power is not worse than the attack after the fusion.

Seeing that the eleven single-attribute worlds will seal all the gaps around Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan will be killed in eleven worlds. Xu Ziyan’s right eye has a mysterious pattern that opens the eyes of space. Extend a finger to the front.


The eleven worlds have stopped for a moment. It was during this moment that the shape of Xu Ziyan rushed out of the gap.


In the eleven worlds behind her, they collided together, but they only bumped and did not explode, and they were controlled by the white-shirted woman to chase after Xu Ziyan, and looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes more greedy.

"Forbidden!" The white-shirt woman pointed out a finger at Xu Ziyan, and the space around Xu Ziyan quickly slammed into Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan also made a space magical power, and the space smashed a gap, and the shape of Xu Ziyan passed through the gap.

"Quiet!" The white-shirted woman pointed to Xu Ziyan again.

Xu Ziyan quickly pointed out a finger at the moment when the other party pointed out: "Time is accelerating!"

Xu Ziyan once again broke away from the other's magical powers, and my heart became cold. At the moment, I couldn’t take care of anything else, and I sacrificed a virtual sword and stabbed it out to the other side.


On the upper part of the sea, there was a pair of giant eyes, and the giant eyes were slowly opening, and the breath of silence spread to the woman in the white shirt.

For the first time in the eyes of the white-shirted woman, the dignified color appeared, and both hands were on the chest. The eleven single-characteristic worlds whizzed around and circled around the body of the white-shirted woman.


The eleven single-attribute worlds have been built into a world in which the eleven kinds of attributes have spawned a vigorous life, colliding with the dead silence.


From the white-shirted woman, there was a rumbling voice, and I saw Yanshan’s soul smashed.


Every drop of water became a weapon under the ruin. Under the ruin, it formed a trench in an instant, and rushed toward the white-shirt woman.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy. At this time, she also saw that Yanshan’s soul had already besieged his holy bones and killed her, and she formed a pair of white shirt women’s front and back, just as they faced the ancestors.

The white-shirted woman’s backhand shot, a world is behind her.

The three great monks instantly stopped, the white-shirted women were in the middle, and the three purples and Yanshan souls were in front of each other. The three people were deadlocked together, and the surrounding sea water was constantly boiling, scouring, generating whirlpools, tornadoes, huge waves...

Like the end!

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul frowned at almost the same time, because the two of them found themselves gradually falling into the wind, the reason for falling in the downwind is very simple, that is, in the stalemate, the forces of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are sharply Consumption, but the power of the woman in the white shirt seems to be endless, not consumed at all. This caused the white-shirt women to gradually suppress the two people of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan.

"Why is that?"

Xu Ziyan thought quickly, what makes her power inexhaustible, no one's strength can be used, this must have any reason, if you find this secret, it is possible to defeat this white If the woman is not found, Xu Ziyan can't imagine the consequences.

Xu Ziyan now needs time, and it is necessary to be able to sense the time around the gods. But now she does not have this time, because all her minds at this time are poured into the sword of silence.

"You can't go on like this anymore. If you go on like this, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul can only be slowly consumed by the other side."

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls have their own spirits. At the same time, they have a vibrating hand, and both the silence and the bursting have erupted. The three great monks have risen to the waves, and the three figures have flew out in three directions.


Hundreds of millions of flying otters were released from the body space of Xu Ziyan, condensing a dense spear.

"go with!"

A resentful, dense spear spurred toward the white-shirted woman.


The white-shirted woman took a shot and the world was crushed against a dense spear.


The one spear slammed open and spread toward the white-shirted woman. Numerous flying otters were destroyed by the world of white-shirt women, but there were still countless flying otters rushing to the white-shirt women.

Only in an instant, the body of the white-shirted woman was submerged by layers of flying water, even if the sea could not stop the intensive biting sound of the otter.

With this opportunity, Xu Ziyan shrouded the past, and she wanted to find out where the steady power of the white-shirted woman came from?


From the layer of leeches, a ray of light was produced. It was the magical power released by the white-shirted woman. Countless flying otters were killed, but more flying otters gathered in her look.

The white-shirted woman propped up the defensive shield, but the defensive shield was quickly swallowed by layers of flying water. Forcing the flying otter to constantly prop up a layer of shields against the flying otters, while releasing a sacred scorpion, strangling a piece of leeches.

Her strength is endless. If other sacred monks are faced with so many flying otters, the consumption will be very fierce, and there are two sacred monks in the vicinity of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. Losing is a foregone conclusion.

However, the white-shirt woman does not seem to have the slightest loss, and is constantly strangling the flying water. Looking at this trend, the flying otter is not only unable to hurt the white-shirt woman, but will eventually be smashed by the white-shirt woman.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had no pain in the flight of the water, and the gods covered the whole area. At the same time, the Yanshan soul on the other side spread the knowledge.

The two people jumped at the same time because they found an anomaly at the same time. It seems that there is a steady stream of power in this sea area to supplement the power of the white-shirt woman.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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