The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2982: Hundreds of will

All the monks have a certain heart, although they still do not see Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, but the roar that came out of the trench proves that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are fighting in a place with a white shirt woman. Seeing this momentum, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul seem to It did not fall in the wind.

The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Kuitian heart are even more urgent. Look at this appearance, maybe Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul will soon find the treasure, if the treasure falls into the hands of Xu Ziyan or Yanshan soul, they will never have a chance.

Although their current monks have improved, and the masters, demon Lords, and Kui Tian’s repairs have also broken through to the early stage of the Holy 9th, they do not think that they can take the first stage of the 7th floor of the holy level and the 9th floor of the holy level. In the late Yanshan, the hands of Yanshan souls robbed the treasures.

Even if they are joined together, they may not be the enemy of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul!

Therefore, they should solve the siblings of their siege as soon as possible, and catch up with Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. They only have a chance if the treasures have not been collected by both of them.

At this time, the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls were not as good as those of the monks outside the trench. After the white-shirt women’s blow, the two men flew toward the depths of the trench like a meteor.

The two of them found that the deeper the sneak into the trench, the stronger the strength of the white-shirted woman. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul two people have ooze blood, and then the other side's blow, the speed is faster to dive deep into the trench.

The white-shirted woman followed behind the two men, and Wei's huge attack frequently attacked Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul behind him.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul have no space to dodge. They can only counterattack and drill toward the depths of the trench. The huge trench showed a crack in the collision of the three great monks. Finally, a large block of large pieces fell off.

The women in the back of the white shirts are getting more and more intensive attacks, and the power waves are higher than the waves, and each attack has the power of the late nine-level peaks, even if the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls are actually The body in the earth. Can't stand it.

However, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not dare to stop completely and fight with each other wholeheartedly. There will only be one ending.

That is the fall.

Within this trench. White-shirt women occupy an absolute advantage. Therefore, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul must find the connection between the other side and the trench, and this is possible.


The attack of the white-shirted woman intensively attacked the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan, and the waves were unsettled.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul have given up the attack at this time, but they are passive defenses, and then quickly drilled deep into the trench by the blasting power of the other party.


Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul spurted blood at the same time, but the body shape did not stop.


A large cliff collapsed. The shape of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul disappeared between the gravel.


The white-shirted woman emptied the gravel with a single blow, and saw that the body shape of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul was rapidly submerging, and the backs of the two of them were constantly popping out blood.

At this time, there are more than a dozen mouths on the back of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, and some of them have deep bones. Two people swallowed a large number of elixir in an instant, and continued to dive with the pain of the body.


Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul dive to the bottom of the trench, and they saw a layer of layers on the bottom that did not know how thick the broken bones. These broken bones are undoubtedly the Baizu bones. This trench does not know how many hundred monks have been buried.


Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul almost jumped at the same time, and their body shape swept away toward the front.


There was an intensive attack behind it. At this time, the eyes of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are bright. They saw the light in front, just a few moments, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul came to the light, it was a huge pool.

Not bad!

At this time, the feeling of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul is a pool, because their color is different from the color of the sea in the trench, just like there is a pool in the trench.

Xu Ziyan's gaze is a condensate, that is eleven colors, representing eleven kinds of energy, but these eleven kinds of energy have not yet fully integrated. They are also distinct. But that also gave birth to powerful power.

That is the purest attribute energy. And there is a kind of soul power floating in that energy.

Do not!

Not a soul, but a will. It is the will that hundreds of millions of monks have left.

Xu Ziyan understood that it was because the white-shirt woman was once a member of the Baizu. It used to be against the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon. Protecting a member of the monk in the fairy world has earned her resonance with these wills. It is this kind of resonance that allows the white-shirt woman to control some of the power of this sea area. Because these eleven kinds of pure energy have really merged into this sea area, they will also leave their will after death, and merge this sea area to guard the fairyland behind it.

And the eleven kinds of ray of water is the gathering of the hundreds of millions of monks in the hundreds of millions of monks, and the gathering of the most pure elements in the body, gathered into such a pool. Become the source of power in this sea area.

"Ziyan, you go!"

Yanshan soul knows the sound, Xu Ziyan's body shape rushed to the pool. If she can absorb the energy of the pool, not to mention whether she can cut off the relationship between the white-shirt woman and the pool, her cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. She did not have a humility with Yanshan. On the one hand, this time is not allowed. On the other hand, she also knows that the Yanshan soul has been suppressing the monks. If the Yanshan soul absorbs the energy here, it may not be able to suppress it. The outcome is likely. Become a stone.

Yanshan soul reflexed to the white shirt woman, he wants to win time for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's figure quickly approached the pool of light that exudes eleven attributes. Suddenly, the pool of water boiled up and condensed into a huge fist and slammed it toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was caught off guard, and with a bang, Xu Ziyan was shot and flew out. On the other side, a roar was also heard, and the body of Yanshan Soul was blasted into the broken bone.


The shape of the Yanshan soul rushed out of the broken bones and covered with blood. On the other side, Xu Ziyan stopped in the blood. Two people gathered together and stood shoulder-to-shoulder, and the eyes showed a dignified color.

The figure of the woman in the white shirt slowly landed on the water pool, but did not enter the pool, but only floated on the pool.

"Two juniors can find it here, but here is where you fell."

A burst of volatility came to Xu Ziyan and Yanshan. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan are in the heart of the soul. The sword in the hands and the arrogance of the peers are tight.

"Since you have found this place, let you look at the power of the will of the Baizu!"

The whims of the white-shirt women’s volatility spread: “The will of the Baizu, can you help me kill the enemy?”


The great volatility of the gods spread from the will of the hundreds of people in the water pool, so that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul could not help but take a step back under this kind of will.

In the vision of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, they saw a will from the pool, and then the will will be turned into a virtual shadow, hundreds of millions.

Their bodies are illusory, their faces are very vague, but they have a strong will and endless power from their illusory body.

Looking at the hundreds of millions of phantoms standing behind the white-shirted woman, Yanshan soul can still maintain calm, but Xu Ziyan is the eyes become moist.

These Baizu monks were originally degraded in order to protect the fairy world. After the death, they were not scattered. They were willing to continue to guard the fairy world with the power of the soul. Even if the soul flies, even the last will disappear between the heavens and the earth.

Hundreds of people will!


"Xian Daozhen, the hundred people of the Huanghuang, guarding the fairyland, the glory of the hundred glory, the birth of He Huan, why bother to die..."

Hundreds of millions of people will send out the sound of rumbling, so that the spirit of Yanshan is also discolored. This sound is straight through the soul, making people feel terrified.

This is awesome! This is a great sound!

Faced with this kind of momentum, it is the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls who have experienced the two worlds feel the endless pressure coming from the face, and the heart is a little weak.

In this vast voice, one by one, the shadowy woman rushed toward the white-shirted woman and entered the body of the white-shirted woman. The momentum of the white-shirted woman continued to rise...

The faces of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls became pale. The two of them knew that they were unable to resist the white shirt women at the time. They were not the opponents of the white shirt women. Now they have the help of the Baizu. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul do not know whether they can pick up. Can get a blow from the other side.

However, at this time, the two of them have no retreat, they can not do without the sea, if they can not kill the white shirt woman, all their monks will die here.

The opposite scene is extremely spectacular, and hundreds of millions of phantoms are going back to the woman in the middle of the white shirt, as a huge whirlpool is rapidly shrinking...

In the end, a ghost can't be seen, only the white-shirt woman is left. At this time in the eyes of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, the figure of the woman in the white shirt did not change, but there was a feeling that the other party was extremely tall, as if she was an ant in front of the white-shirt woman.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked at each other and cut off the fear in their hearts, and their eyes became sharp. No matter what the other party becomes, no matter what the other party carries.

They only have two battles!


Floating above a cloud, it is a flying otter, Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy, the mind is moving:

"go with!"


The dense flying otters swarmed toward the white-shirted women.


The woman in the white shirt suddenly screamed and screamed, and the power of countless wills swayed out. The flying otters fell to the ground layer by layer, motionless.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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