The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2999: Return to the stars

Thank you very much for the candlelight--Sun classmates (200), not the old gods classmates (200)!


The Great Wilderness loosened his mouth and still looked at the Xu Zi flue with pity:

"Xu Daoyou, can I go to see your Master with you?"

"not good!"

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head. In fact, Xu Ziyan did not think that he would turn the Great Wilderness to the Taixu. However, after pondering it, I finally gave up. This is the hometown of the great wilderness. If you use the method of deception to abandon the great wasteland from your hometown, after discovering the facts in the wilderness, you may have resentment against yourself. Although he is not afraid of him, it is not a good thing to make hatred with a purple-level six-layered beast.

Moreover, the starlight continent also has a crisis of catastrophe. Once the starry continent catastrophe comes, leaving a purple-level six-layer master on the starlight continent is also a huge force. This mainland also has a friend of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan should also consider this friend.

In the Great Wilderness, Xu Ziyan simply refused, and the color of disappointment appeared in his eyes. Xu Ziyan patted the head of the wilderness:

"The wilderness, with the elixir that I left for you, you will always make a breakthrough. Maybe one day in the future, you will see my master."

Xu Ziyan indulged in a moment: "The wilderness, you have not been greedy recently, and practice well. I will leave you not only the elixir who has improved the power, but also the heavenly Dan. It is not difficult for you to make a breakthrough in the seventh level. It will go even further. The rumbling voice in the sky you hear is the catastrophe coming."


"Well, very powerful catastrophe, so your cultivation is improving. It is of great help to you and this continent."

"You... what did Master say?" The shock in the eyes of the wild.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded seriously.

Standing there in the wild, his eyes were full of fear. Although he had not seen the master of Xu Ziyan, he was able to cultivate Xu Ziyan to such a level. The masters of the two masters can be imagined. In his heart, the two masters of Xu Ziyan have been worshipped to the extreme. At this time, I heard that the catastrophe was said by Xu Ziyan, two masters, and he could not help him.

"You...the two masters can't stop it?"

Xu Ziyan slowly shook his head, and his heart could not help but smile. The legends of his two masters were purely fabricated by himself. I did not expect to have such a reputation in the Starlight continent.

The Great Wilderness nodded seriously and did not entangle the two masters who were going to meet Xu Ziyan. In his view, the two masters of Xu Ziyan must be prepared to deal with the catastrophe. Where is the time to meet with themselves?

Watching Xu Ziyan leave, the Great Wilderness immediately retired and cultivated.

next moment.

Xu Ziyan has appeared in the original reversed place, now the stars. When the eyes were swept away, I saw that the mountain gates of the stars were covered in the formation. I know that today's Star Zong should not be strong enough to dare to open the mountain gate.

However, this fairy squad is naturally unable to hold Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan step into the fairy squad, less than a few moments of time, it will appear in the stars.

Within the gate of the mountain, there is still a monk's handle, although there is a guardian of the fairy. Star Chen is still very cautious.

Suddenly, when the figure flashed, there was more people, and there was a fluster in the faces of the six valued monks. After all, this kind of thing never happened, no outsider can safely pass through the big array.


One of the monks had an ecstasy on his face and stammered:

"Xu... Xu... Master?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze fell on the monk’s body. The monk in front of him was familiar with it. Xu Ziyan knew that this was the old man of the Star Mercenary Corps, but the other five monks were completely strange. So he smiled and nodded:

"How can they be good?"

"I will take you there!"

The monk said excitedly, Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "No. I am looking for them myself."

The words fall. Xu Ziyan’s body shape disappeared. Six jade bottles fell from the air and fell into the arms of each monk. Six monks caught the jade bottle in a hurry. The old man of the Star Mercenary Corps is a happy heart. He naturally knows that Xu Ziyan is the master of Dan Dao. I hurriedly opened the jade bottle, and I saw that there were ten medicinal herbs in it, and a fragrant smell overflowed.

The monk’s face was ecstatic, and the jade bottle was immediately collected. The other five monks also hurriedly collected the jade bottles, one by one, and asked carefully around the monk:

"Zhang Shixiong, who... Who is the predecessor?"

"Who is it?" Zhang Shixiong said proudly: "Don't you hear what you said?"

"You call it Xu Zongshi..." One of the monks looked shocked: "Is it... is it... Xu Ziyan Master?"

"of course!"

The faces of the five monks immediately showed an excited look...

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out, and the brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. The figure fell in front of the cold door. He raised his hand and knocked on the door gently. Then he felt a sense of God swept out from the door. The sound of "砰" was opened, and the cold and cold stood in the door incredulously, looking at Xu Ziyan, half-talking:

" are back..."

Xu Ziyan knows how to clean up, and then sees that the cold is now the blue-grade late eight products, then nodded and smiled:

"Cold cold, I am back."

"Don't you go?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I will leave after a few days. This time I will talk to you about something."

"You wait!"

When the words fell, the cold and cold knowledge spread out, and in a short while, the figure in the air fell in front of Xu Ziyan.



"Ziyan, you are back!"


The people who came here are traveling around the world, Du Fu, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Huhan, and six people. Xu Ziyan also excitedly greeted them one by one, and everyone entered the cold and cold cave house.

After they have settled down, Xu Ziyan has swept the crowd and saw that the repairs of the four seas have reached the blue-grade late eight products. Du Fu has reached the blue-level mid-term five products, Shi Xiaotian. Tian Heng and Mei Xiaohan reached the blue-level mid-eight products, and the solitary lord has reached the half-step holy level.

"Dingxiang them?" Xu Ziyan asked.

There is a trace of loss between the cold and cold looks: "You know, Zhou Peng has returned to the Holy Land, Tang did not return to the League. Not long after you left. Dingxiang also returned to Dan League, and the flower returned to Fumeng, now the stars The sect is responsible for several of us."

Having said that, the look on his face became cheerful and said: "Fortunately, we have the medicinal herbs you left behind. And in the past few years, the Danfu Array in the Zongmen has developed rapidly, not only our repairs. In order to improve, the monks in the entire Zongmen have been promoted very quickly, and the strength of the Zongmen is getting stronger and stronger."

Xu Ziyan heard and nodded and said: "I just saw some raw faces."

"Yeah!" Leng Hanmei opened his eyes and smiled: "In the past few years, we have received a lot of disciples. Zongmen covers such a vast area. Our number is too small. Today, the number of disciples has exceeded 10,000."

Everyone talked with me in a word, everyone is a monk. Without talking a few words, I talked about cultivation. This chat, I did not know it in the dawn. Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered the transaction with the Haizu, and said:

"Cool, how about the deal with Black Dragon?"

"It's still smooth!" Cold cold slightly wrinkled his brow and said: "But in the past six months, there seems to be a price increase on the Black Dragon side. And we also encountered robbery on our way to the sea, although we later strengthened our strength. Still being robbed once, not only lost the goods, but also killed dozens of disciples. Now we can only send a solitary visitor to each transaction."

Xu Ziyan’s brow wrinkled and his face looked cold.

"Can you find out who is robbing?"

"After that was robbed, we let the solitary stalker secretly follow the disciples who went to the sea trading, and then caught the robbing people, a group of thieves who have been destroyed by us. Since then, they have been alone. Going to the sea trade in person, but I have never encountered any robbery."

"Well, this is good!" Xu Ziyan's face was slightly slower.

"But. Purple smoke. Black dragon over there..."

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "I am going to say something to you this time. You send people to ask Zhou Shengzhu, the palace owner, and Dan League. The League, the Confederate and the Black Dragon come. When the Black Dragon knows that I am coming back After that, he naturally won't mention the price again."

When the cold and other monks' eyes were bright, they all excitedly nodded. As long as this purple smoke is so high-profile appearance, at least in the next few years, no one dares to calculate the stars.

"Ziyan, you just said that there is something to say back this time, what is it?"

"Have you ever heard the sky roaring for no reason?"

"Yes!" Cold cold nodded: "But I can't hear it recently."

"I am coming back for this matter."

Seeing Xu Ziyan's look dignified, the look of cold and cold people can not help but dignified.

"What is it?"



"Not bad!"

The look of cold and cold people are serious. Although Xu Ziyan has not elaborated on it, what can be called a catastrophe is enough to scare them.

"I immediately sent someone to inform."

Cold and cold, he left in a hurry. In a short while, seven speed-type celestial boats flew out from the stars to the Holy Land, Tiangong, Dan League, the League, the League, the Adventurers Alliance and the Haizu.

At the same time, the news of the Star Zongshan Gate opened, and the news of Xu Ziyan’s return spread quickly.

The starlight continent has boiled. The first time that Xu Ziyan was the only one of the six purple masters, he was known by the Starlight mainland monks. They all know that Xu Ziyan is the first master of the Starlight continent, and it is said that there are two masters behind Xu Ziyan. Now I heard that Xu Ziyan came out again, and a large number of monks began to come to the Stars, just to see a purple smoke.

In the past few years, the prestige of the Stars of the Stars has declined with the departure of Xu Ziyan. There are many sects and families watching the upside down. If it is not the Stars, there will be a large array of guards, if not, the attitude of the Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace. I am afraid that people have already begun to attack the Stars.

But at this moment, these thoughts have disappeared from the hearts of those monks!


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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