The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3000: Siege of the mainland


Xu Ziyan is back. Those monks who have robbed the stars have never let Xu Ziyan know, and dare to count the thoughts of the stars.

Don't look for it like this.

Xingchenzong gradually became more and more lively, Xu Ziyan exposed several times, but most of the time was used to point to the cold and cold stars and other monks.

A month later.

Zhou Shengzhu, the lord of the palace, the leader of the wood ally, the lord of Tang dynasty, the lord of the sect, the sect of the sect, and the chief of the black dragon came one after another. Xu Ziyan personally greeted them one by one. Black Dragon saw the face of Xu Ziyan. He did not show any hint of price increase before. Instead, he was extremely respectful to Xu Ziyan, and he promised to form an alliance with the Stars.

This is also no way, he did not think that Xu Ziyan's current cultivation will be so high, and his heart is still very imaginary, because he does not know if this is cold and cold, they specifically asked Zi Zi to come out to deal with him. I didn't want to come, but I didn't dare not come. At the beginning, he had already heard that Xu Ziyan alone had six purple levels, and that the legend of Xu Ziyan had reached the beginning of the purple eight-layer. How dare he come?

Fortunately, in the past few years, I have not really offended the Stars. All transactions have not changed. It is just that there is some meaning to raise the price between the words, and I have not said straightforwardly. As long as I have a lower posture in front of Xu Ziyan, I will guarantee that later. The transaction was smooth, and it would not be difficult for him to be compared to Xu Ziyan, so he eventually came to the Stars.

When the Holy Land Lord and the Emperor Palace and other people received the invitation of Xu Ziyan, they immediately rushed to the Star Zong, and they wanted to come. Xu Ziyan must have convinced her two masters to come and take them to visit. So when they saw Xu Ziyan, they asked if they could go to see the two masters of Xu Ziyan?

Xu Ziyan had to smile and shake her head. This time, the gathering of Starlight mainland masters was also the idea of ​​her occasional rise. When she learned from the Great Wilderness that the mainland of Starlight did not know about the catastrophe, she decided to convene this gathering to inform the purple-level monks on the mainland of the catastrophe. Let them lead the monks of the Starry continent to prepare for the loss of the catastrophe.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan just shook his head and said that he had something to do with the teacher and told them that after everyone arrived, they would announce the information that Master brought to everyone.

One monk saw Xu Ziyan look serious, his heart was a jump, and he felt keenly that it was not a good thing, and one could not help but be serious. While talking with Xu Ziyan about the cultivation experience, while thinking about what is going to make Xu Ziyan’s master pay so much attention?

One by one monks came one after another, these purple-level monks saw Xu Ziyan's cultivation is still the beginning of the purple eight-layer, let them breathe a sigh of relief, because in recent years they have improved, but they have not broken It is still the original realm. I saw no breakthrough in seeing Xu Ziyan. This balances their hearts.

Seeing that the purple-level monks came together, Xu Ziyan changed everyone to gather in the hall. In addition to the Zhou Shengzhu, the lord of the palace, the ally of the peasant, the lord of Tang, the lord of the sect, the sect of the sect, and the seven of the black dragon, Xu Ziyan brought in the cold, the four seas and the solitary lord, because she will soon leave here. The star lord is still cold and swimming all over the world. The solitary singer was now the highest in the Stars, so he was also allowed to attend the meeting.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the crowd, and then fell on the body of Zhou Shengzhu and the palace owner, condensing:

"Zhou Shengzhu. You are the main owner of the palace. Have you heard the occasional rumbling of the sky recently?"

The look of the monks in the hall changed. They are all nodding. The Lord of the Holy Land is facing the Xu Zi flue:

"Xu Daoyou, when the sky was rumbling, we also went to explore, but did not find anything. But you know what caused the sky to rumbling?"

“The Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace are the oldest forces on the mainland of the Starlight. Is there no record of the Holocaust?”

"Holocaust?" The monk in the hall changed his mind. The main road of the palace was: "Although there is no detailed record, there are also sporadic records about the catastrophe. Is this the rumbling of the sky and the catastrophe?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan condensed the key points: "I am here to tell you the fate of the commander. The catastrophe may come at any time. All of you are high-ranking monks of the Starlight continent. You should lead the monks of the Starlight continent to prepare for it."

"This catastrophe is serious?" Black Dragon asked Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "If it is not serious, how can it be called a catastrophe?"

"Let the teacher?" The eyes of the Lord of the Holy Land reveal the color of expectation.

"My master can't stop this catastrophe. No one can stop it. All we can do is persistence, persist in the catastrophe, and persist in order to survive. If we can persist until the end of the catastrophe without death, even if we win."

The monks in the hall looked at Xu Ziyan with a sigh of relief, and the staff whispered softly:

"Xu Shi, what is this catastrophe?"

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked as if he had penetrated the ceiling to look at the sky.

"There will be cracks that have never been seen in the sky. From the cracks, there will be rushing into the Chaos Beast and the Devils outside the field. There is endless, endless..."

On the mainland.

The sun disappeared, the clouds were overcast, and the rain was heavy. The sea is pouring, and the rivers are flooding.

Xu Ziyan left the mainland for a month and a half, and the heavy rain continued for a month. The area of ​​the land is constantly being swallowed by the waters and gradually becoming smaller.

During this period, the monarchs and other great monks also thought about using various means to dispel the dark clouds, but they always used to dispel the dark clouds as a small means. This time they could not stop the heavy rain and watched the flooded waters in all directions.

Long Island.


The dense seas surrounded the Long Island and are attacking the defensive shield of Long Island without fear. The dragon looks dignified in front of the defensive shield and looks out to the outside.

The waves are raging.

On a high, hill-like wave, several holy seas looked at the dragons in the defensive shield.

"Dragon King, join us, let us conquer the mainland together, let us become the true master of the fairy world." A sea-class two-level seas shouted to the dragon in the shield.

Xiaolong frowned, and there were three holy monks on the wave, one holy level and two holy level. Xiaolong’s heart is full of worries.

“When did the Haizu appear as a holy monk? And three?”

The gaze looked toward the surroundings, and all the densely populated seas were at the margins. Now through the efforts of Xiaolong, looking for dragons everywhere, there are now more than 2,000 dragons on Long Island, but Xiaolong knows that if the defensive shields are broken, they will not be able to win, so many seas will always return They are drowning, and although the seas will lose a lot, the dragons will probably be destroyed.

"Go! You must leave here, go to Taixu, find the purple smoke sister."

Xiaolong quickly made a decision in his heart. Although this will make the dragon lose a lot, but it will not be extinct. He believes that under the sudden breakout, with the strength of the dragon, it will be successful. Not to mention the less than a last resort, Xiaolong will not let the dragons fight, he has the grasp of a dragon to escape to the Taixu.

The voice of Xiaolong was passed out: "The Taoist friends of the sea, this thing we need to discuss."

"Okay, I will give you a day!"

There was an anger in the eyes of Xiaolong, but in the end there was no speech and he returned to the Dragon Hall. The attack of the Hai people also stopped, and the surrounding silenced, but the heavy rain of Pang Wei made the sea and the sky a chaotic.


The environment is more chaotic. Long Island's defensive shield opens a gap. Xiaolong appears quietly outside the defensive shield. He has already collected more than 2,000 dragons into his own body world, raising his hand and tearing the space. Go and go.


In the sea, a huge wave was turned up, and the seaman on the second floor of the holy level stood on the huge waves, looking at a trace of the mans in the air, and said:

"I don't know how to lift!"

On the mainland.

The whole world is in chaos, and the heavy rain connects the heavens and the earth together. The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord, the Kuitian and the tens of thousands of miles stand in the air and look down, one by one sinking into the water.

The area of ​​the mainland is getting smaller and smaller, and the homes of countless monks are gradually turning into waters. The mortals who cannot cultivate are dying in large areas. The families and sects in the flats begin to migrate toward the mountains. The high mountains seem to have become An island in the sea.

"Get ready to fight!" said the lord suddenly.

No one asked why this is the case. Each of them has speculations in their hearts. Perhaps this is the prelude to the real catastrophe. They have already seen that the seas are propelling the waves to the mainland, killing the Terran, the Devil and the Yaozu along the way. Compared to these seas, they will soon attack their various gates.

The five holy monks disappeared into the air in an instant, and returned to the Wuthering Mountains by Wanli. At this time, the Taixu had already recruited the monks in the Wuthering Mountains into the Taixu, and the Xiancheng also temporarily gave up. All the monks entered the virtual. Zong, looking up from the middle of the mile, the Wuthering Mountains are like the islands in the ocean.

After entering the Taixu ancestor in Wanli, I came to the hall of the deliberation, and I saw the dragon, and I couldn’t help but look at it:

"Little dragon, how come you?" Then the look changed: "Is it wrong..."

The dragon looks like a sigh: "On the predecessor, Long Island was besieged by the sea, and the dragons were defeated. The dragon came to the Taizong with the dragons."

On the face of Wanli, there was a anger: "These seas are really lawless, do you really think they are invincible?"


There was a shock in the air, and Xu Qinyang, who was sitting at the head of the hall, had a slight gaze, and the gods spread out, and the face suddenly angered:

"The sea has come, let's go see it!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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