The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3002: Magic Dragon Ball

"What is this?" Xu Qinyang was shocked.

"Ha ha ha..." The crab head laughed and screamed on the side of the battle: "The real battle has just begun, hahaha..."

A **** knowledge spread out from the Taixu Zongshan Gate. It is the **** of Yanshan Spirit. At this time, he is at the crucial moment of the refining front. Once it is terminated, it will be abandoned. However, he still spread a glimpse of the gods and observed the battlefield. He frowned slightly. Although he saw that the Taixu monks began to suffer casualties, but they have not yet reached the critical point of the crisis, Yanshan soul still keeps refining the market.


The sea corpses on the ground stood more and more, and gradually the Taixu monks changed from a superiority to a stalemate, and gradually began to fall into a disadvantage. Because at this time the sea has more than a million bodies. This makes the Taixu monks a very headache. Unless the sea monks are bombarded into powder, the seas that become corpses will climb again, and the sea corpses that climbed up are even more horrible, and they are no longer affected by the illusion.


Xu Ziyun and Tu Yishui, who stood at the gate of the mountain, couldn’t help themselves. They attacked the forest in the past. As a holy monk, Xu Ziyun poured down on the fairy tales, but in an instant, those sea corpses were formed into pieces. The film was made into powder.

The body of the earth is like a beast, and it is rampant in the body of the sea. The sea people that he collided with each other become a broken body.

Xu Qinyang looked at the sky and his eyes were tight. At this time, he did not know where there were two holy seas, and it was still two holy seas. At the A level, take the Wanli and Xiaolong. Originally, one of the thousands of people who suppressed the other side and the dragon began to lose their advantage, but the original tenant was a enchanting monk, and the dragon was a dragon. Although the two monks lost their advantage, they did not fall behind. However, the look of the two monks became dignified, because the two of them did not know whether there would be another sea monk. At the same time, they are also very strange in their hearts. When did the Haizu have so many holy monks?

Xu Qinyang took his hand back from the gate of the mountain and looked back at the battlefield in the forest. Recall that the Taixu is built step by step. From a third-rate small gate to today's super-large gates, from only a few people to today's million monks.

At the beginning, Taixu was once destroyed by the Lord. Is it too imaginary to experience a disaster?

"No! I definitely don't allow this to happen."

Xu Qinyang took out the guqin and floated in front of him, and his hands and fingers floated on top of the guqin. The lyrics quickly spread out.

The bodies of the sea people began to wobble, and even the sea corpses fell to the ground and were smashed into pieces by the Taixu monks. Or blast into a broken body.


More sea people rushed in. Lost in the forest, but the sea monks are too many, have filled the forest, killing each other in the lost of the illusion, the body is increasing sharply, and then being controlled by the tens of thousands of seas, Standing up from the ground, he rushed to the past with Xu Qinyang.

Three days.

Both sides are strangled in the forest. The over-consumed Xu Qinyang watched as the pieces of the body continued to approach the mountain gates. These bodies were not only the seas. There is also a monk who is too imaginary, let Xu Qin Yang squint.

The Yanshan spirit, which has always been divided into a glimpse of the gods, sighed softly. One hand continued to refine the market, and one hand explored it. There was a big hand covering the sky in the sky. The slap of the sea below the slap, and the sound of Yanshan soul sounded in the air:



In the lower seas, a monk suddenly broke out with a strong sacred atmosphere. He raised his hand and hit a yellow Luo umbrella cover. He greeted the palm of the Yanshan soul and continually zoomed in and out of the air. , like a sun.


The big hand of Yanshan Soul bombarded the top of the yellow Luo umbrella cover. The yellow Luo umbrella cover shook twice, and even blocked the palm of the Yanshan soul. At the same time, the smashing of the edge of the yellow Luo umbrella cover shot a ray of light. , shot to the surrounding Taixu monks, and instantly came a burst of body screams and screams.

The flame mark of Yanshan's soul is a hop, and his face changes dramatically.

"Long Zu's yellow Luo umbrella cover?"

The shape of Yanshan soul disappeared in the cave, and the half of the refining market exploded. The shape of the Yanshan soul instantly appeared above the forest outside the mountain gate, and a palm was shot toward the holy sea.

It is a six-tiered sea-class sea. Looking at the eyes of Yanshan soul, the sarcasm is revealed. The yellow-roofed umbrella cover is greeted by the palm of Yanshan soul. At the same time, a dragon ball is sacrificed, and the dragon ball is seen. , illusion of the appearance of Xu Ziyan, looking at the soul of Yanshan with deep affection, Zhang sang and sang.



The palm of Yanshan's soul fell on the yellow Luo umbrella cover, and the yellow Luo umbrella cover violently shakes, but it blocked the palm of the Yanshan soul. The eyes of Yanshan soul are shrinking, staring at the sea-class of the holy class, and suddenly screamed:

"What are you? Occupy the body of the ancient corpse of the sea?"

"Ah~~~" The Dragon Ball, which turned into a purple smoke, is still singing.


The mood of Yanshan soul was actually affected by the singing, and the body began to petrify.

"Fantasy Dragon Ball!" Yanshan soul said: "What the **** are you?"



The lower part of the Yanshan soul has turned into a stone. The eyes of Yanshan are condensed, and the hands are taken out of the peerless hegemony. The knife is flashing and the sky is bright.


The yellow roman umbrella cover was smashed into two halves, but the power of that knife was also resisted.


The body of Yanshan Soul has been petrified to the waist, and Yanshan’s soul is cracked and shouted:

"Give me broken!"

A knife will smash the magic dragon ball!

The holy sea-class who has already regressed to the distance has made a slap in the face, and the magic dragon ball that turned into the appearance of Xu Ziyan turned into a streamer and returned to him.

"Green children!" Yanshan soul knows the power of the green child. At this point, I sighed: "Strangle!"

Green children can not listen to others, Yanshan soul can not help but listen, the entire forest immediately became an independent space. Or the desert, or the sea of ​​fire, or the ice sheet...

At the same time, all the Taixu monks were transferred into the Taixu sect. Even the thousands of miles and the dragons who were fighting in the air and the two holy seas were transferred to the Taixu.

"Mountain Spirit!" When you see the appearance of Yanshan Soul Petrochemical in Wanli, the look is a change.

"It's ok!"

Yanshan soul lightly responded, he closed his eyes and saw his body swaying. The petrification of the waist shocked, like the tide of the sea, but the petrochemical seemed to be extremely strong this time. Even with the Yanshan soul battle, not only stick to it, but also want to completely petrify Yanshan soul.

Outside the mountain gate.

A large number of sea people were strangled by the array, but the few holy seas. And the tens of thousands of sea monks who were behind them were not controlled by the Green Fairy. Quickly exited the forest, stepping on the waves and staring at the forest.

The millions of sea monks who have remained in the forest are being strangled by the greens. The holy sea-class who held the magic dragon ball in his hand suddenly took a palm to the forest.


The sea area boiled up and poured toward the fantasy city. At this time, the magical magic had no spare capacity to control the fantasy city. Only in an instant, the magic city was submerged by the sea. The raging waters poured into the forest, less than a quarter of an hour. The forest has turned into a vast ocean, and the water is still growing, and soon the entire forest is flooded. The holy sea screamed:



The entire forest was frozen inside, and even the tree was frozen by two-thirds.


There are countless seas in the outer seas, and there are thousands of them. The seaman holding the magic dragon ball raised his hand and pointed at the tree.



Tens of thousands of attacks rushed to the tree, and the tree released a green light, and the attack was resisted. The green children in the fairy squad tightened their brows, and the solid body became a little lighter. Even if she has become an ally, she can't resist the attacks of thousands of monks. Moreover, these sea people did not enter the battle, she could not kill them, only passive defense.

Xu Qin looked at the attack outside, and looked at the Yanshan soul who was fighting with petrochemicals. His eyes were full of worries. If the Yanshan spirit is not petrified, the thousands of sea people outside are not a problem. There are also millions of monks in the Taixu sect. Under the leadership of the Yanshan spirit, they will not kill the outside seas, but guarantee that the tyrants will not be broken. It is not a problem.

but now……

"Ziyan, where have you been?"


The intensive attack lasted for three days, and the green child's body had become almost transparent, and could not help but call the Yanshan soul.

"Soul of the mountain, I can't hold it!"

Yanshan soul opened his eyes and looked down. At this time, his knees were still in a petrochemical state. I took a deep breath and looked at the seas outside. The two palms slammed outside to the outside.

The whole sky suddenly darkened, and the two large hands that covered the sky and swayed by the Yanshan spirit smacked toward the millions of Hai people.


A few holy sea-class people had stood far away from the Taixu sect. At this time, they saw the power of the two big hands photographed in the air, and the look changed dramatically, and quickly retreated toward the rear.


The two big hands slammed down, but the two palms shot a million Haizu, and the other seas smashed.

The faces of several holy sea-class people were uncertain. The sea people with the magic dragon beads once again sacrificed the magic dragon beads to the air, transforming the appearance of Xu Ziyan, and Zhang opened the sound of singing.

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*(To be continued..)

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