The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3015: Original shock

I am very grateful to Yi Xiangkong (10000), bookworm blind spot classmate (588), not old **** classmate (200), rest 123 classmates (100), A Yaner classmates (100) reward!


And she can clearly feel that her skills for the use of Heaven have grown again, from 50% to 51%, 52%...

Xu Ziyan has forgotten the time and is completely immersed in this painful and happy practice.

When her skills for the use of Heaven have recovered to 80%, she has begun to suppress the decapitation of the old man with her qualifications of eleven attributes.


The old man was finally bombarded by Xu Ziyan, but this time the old man did not upgrade again as before, nor did he enter the third floor, but sat on the ground and waved toward Xu Ziyan.

The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. When the old man who saw the dagger had no desire to fight, he relaxed and walked toward the old man of the dagger, while pondering:

"The repair of this dagger's old man is not only the peak of the eighth level of the holy level?"

Going to the front of the old man of the dagger, he gave a deep ceremony: "Thank you for your guidance."

The dagger old man nodded with satisfaction and gestured to Xu Ziyan to sit down. Xu Ziyan asked the opposite of the old man in the dagger:

"I haven't asked my predecessors to honor my name!"

There was a trace of memories in the eyes of the old man in the dagger. The right hand gently licked the silver-white beard, and the sound seemed to flow from the long history.

"Name? It has been a long time, and it has become strange. I am the original. How about the human race today?"

Xu Ziyan has used the Peng Peng to see the old man. Knowing that the old man is also a human race, he told the old man about the situation he knew.

The elders of the dagger listened to the silence, but in the end they sighed and muttered:

"The fairy world has not fallen to such a degree!"

Xu Ziyan whispered: "The predecessors came from that era?"

The face of the old man on the dagger has a complex color. The speed of speech speaks slowly: "The age of the hundred people."

Xu Ziyan is silent. Today, Xu Ziyan has a vivid impression of the Baizu era. It is a glorious era.


Since the Terran has been so brilliant in the Hundred Ages, why is it so late? Especially in the era of the dragon and the phoenix, the Terran has not fallen to the enslaved situation?

Xu Ziyan could not help but ask this question.

The old man of the dagger was silent for a while: "There is nothing that I don't understand. After such a catastrophe, there will be earth-shaking changes. A powerful race will be extinct, and a weak race will become stronger. The Terran is not extinct, and it is gradually moving toward strength. It is already gratifying."

"You were in that era?"

The face of the old man on the dagger is arrogant: "I was the king of the Terran in the age of the Baizu!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up: “What about your repair?”

“The late nine-level peak!”

Xu Ziyan is silent. She knows that today's dagger old man can no longer be counted as a monk, even a finished **** is not counted, just a glimpse of the gods.

"Predecessors, here is it?"

The original silence for a while, seems to be remembering something, Xu Ziyan did not bother him, just silently waiting.

"You should be able to see it. I am just a god."


"After the catastrophe came, we had no way to stop this catastrophe. There were countless cracks in the sky. The chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons were endless. We felt that the fairy world had reached the end of the world and could not stop it. So we wanted to The race left the fire.

We went around to search for Tianshishi. After I found this patch of Tianshi, I used this piece of Tianshi to create a continent, and transferred some elite disciples from the Terran to the Tianshishi space. Left a glimpse of God. Then I returned to the fairy world and led the Terran to resist the catastrophe. My body should have fallen. Moreover, my ignorance of the gods has been steadily declining, and now it has fallen from the peak of the nine levels of the holy level to the peak of the eighth level of the holy level. This is still a hundred years before I sacrificed eight hundred lotus platforms to inherit the human race. If I give out eight hundred lotus stands all year round. I am afraid that my ignorance has long since dissipated. ”

There is an admiration in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, a monk who is completely anthropomorphic. It is the king of the human race!

"That... why don't you make up the sky to make up the sky?"

"Oh..." said the original bitter smile: "There are too many cracks, and they can't make up."

"So, there are other races that have opened up the Tianshi Stone continent and left behind the fire of other races?"


There was silence between the two people, and it took a quarter of an hour to say:

"You should not move the Tianshishi continent out. You will still build Tianshi to build a continent and keep some Terran fires!"

Xu Ziyan silently said: "No! I still want to use it to make up the sky. The Tianshi continent has its flaws. Even if the fire is left behind, the Terran will not produce a monk like you, that is, I can't produce it. Although the Terran in the Baizu era experienced a catastrophe, it has not been extinct. Although today's Terran is not as strong as the Baizu era, it is also stronger than the monks in the Tianshi continent.

And once the Tianshi Stone continent is formed, the outside people can't get in, and the people inside can't come out. What is different from the cage? ”

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan suddenly stunned and asked: "Predecessors, I see you are the five spiritual roots, how to get this Tianshishi? How to enter this Tianshi?"

He was sitting there, but he did not care about the purple smoke. Half-sounding, leisurely long sigh:

"You are right! And it’s better to steal the life than to fight. If the Terran is not extinct in the catastrophe, there will be a glorious day. If the genocide is extinct, it can only be destined."

Xu Ziyan whispered: "Predecessors, the younger generation did not know what position the Terran occupied in the Baizu era, but today the Terran is in an absolute dominant position in the Upper Yuan. Whether it is strength or quantity. I think if in this case the Terran is When it was extinct, the entire Upper Yuan dynasty was completely destroyed. At that time, even if it had a patchwork of the Tianshi continent, it might not be able to protect the human race."

"Yes, it is the old man wrong."

Xu Ziyan will hand over to the old man of the dagger: "The predecessors just wanted to leave a fire for the Terran, and they are great people."

"But it!" The original face showed a smile and waved: "What did you ask the old man?"

“Ziyan is asking the predecessors to be the five spiritual roots. How to get this Tianshishi? Then build the Tianshi continent?”

"Oh..." The original smile was necessary, and there was a trace of pride on his face: "This is the spatial attribute that the old man realized after the integration of the five attributes."

When I saw Xu Ziyan’s hairpin, I pointed out that “the golden wood and the fire and earth can be merged into one space, naturally with space attributes.”

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan's heart is bright: "Like the mountain spirit. Are they not all five attribute roots? Are they all cultivated in the five-characteristic space? Since they can form a space, of course, they have spatial attributes. .


A monk with a single attribute Linggen can also cultivate a single attribute body space. Does it also have a spatial attribute? ”

“Predecessors, are the monks who cultivated the inner space able to comprehend the spatial attributes?”

The original shook his head: "Where it will be so easy, although the single Lingen monk cultivated the internal space, but the space is not finished, even the prototype is not counted, pointing at the point of space attributes to comprehend the space is impossible. Is the five attributes It is extremely difficult for space to understand the space."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded, and felt that the original was very reasonable. Suddenly remembered a possibility, could not help but look at the original road:

"Predecessors, once Tianshi is used to fill the sky, you..."

The original smile faintly said: "I have lived for a long time."

Xu Ziyan was silent, she understood the original meaning. There is no Tianshi. He can only exist in a state of ignorance. A glimpse of God is not impossible to exist, but it is necessary to refine a special fairy to let the original survive. This is undoubtedly a cage for the original. He has existed in the Tianshi space for a long time, so that he is trapped in a fairy in a state of ignorance...

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh.

The original faint smile: "Ziyan, you don't have to be sad for the old man. The reason why the old man survived with a glimpse of the gods is to prevent the inheritance of the family. Now the Terran has you, my wish is over."

"Predecessors. Is there no other way? For example, recasting the body?"

The original face showed bitterness: "Ziyan. If anyone can recast the body, who would not want to survive? It is too hard to find the material to recast the body."

“What kind of material is needed?” Xu Ziyan asked in a hurry.

“Building wood! It’s just that Jianmu was destroyed in the Baizu era. Where do you go to find the wood?”

"Is there a building wood?" Xu Ziyan’s face showed a happy color.

The original look is a glimpse, and then the excitement: "Ziyan. Do you have a building?"

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “How much?”

The original look dimmed and said: "It takes a lot of people to build a human form with wood. It is about the size of the human race."

"Predecessors come with me."

Xu Ziyan stood up and pulled his original arm into the whirlpool. He returned to the first floor and called out the small wood. When the small wood appeared, the original look was a glimpse.

"this is……"

Xu Ziyan has already pulled the original into the mouth of Xiaomumu. The next moment, Xiaomumu has come to the front of Jianmu. When he came out from the mouth of Xiaomumu, he stayed there and looked at the building in front of him. appearance. Half-sounding, said:

"This is this... is this building?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded. She did not hide her space secrets. On the one hand, she now has confidence in her cultivation. On the other hand, she admires the original.

At this time, the original gaze was removed from the building wood, and then looked around, he looked at the innocent starry sky, and the look was once again stagnant.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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