The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3028: Entrance

Thinking about it, I felt a sigh of relief, waiting for her to see the surrounding scene again. She had already been sent out and was standing outside the Baizu trial field.

"What is going on here?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Is this only at the level of the first nine levels of the holy level? Want to continue the trial, you must improve it?"

When Xu Ziyan remembered that he had been trained to ascend to the early stage of the Holy 9th, his skills for the use of Heaven were significantly reduced. There is nothing strange about this purple smoke, the level is high, the requirements for the use of heaven are high, and there is nothing strange about the decline in skills.

"Then go to improve and repair!"

Nowadays, there are hundreds of trials, and Xu Ziyan does not have to slowly absorb the power to improve, can use the time array method, and then use the Baizu trial field to hone himself. And her body strength has now met the requirements.

When Xu Ziyan was swept away, he returned to his own Taifeng Peak and entered the Chamber of Secrets. He came to the time array in the Ziyan Space, took the Xiandan, embraced the veins, and began to improve his cultivation.

At this time, the time of one year has passed, and the one-year-old fairy war of Black Rock Island has ended. The descendants of all ethnic groups have begun to withdraw from Black Rock Island, including the Haizu.

The fairy war will be a two-month truce. Two months later, the black rock island will once again become a battlefield and become a battlefield for the refining monks. These two months are the time for the monks of various ethnic groups to gather in Zhenhai City, and will go to Black Rock Island in two months.

The war of the year has caused great losses to all parties, and the tribes of the three tribes lost 40%. The sea people lost 60%. Moreover, during the year, the three tribes killed a lot of extraterrestrial demon, and the news that the extraterrestrial demon occupied the sea body was also spreading in the black rock island. This news has begun to pass slowly throughout the sea.

Among the three tribes. The casualties of Taixu are undoubtedly the least, which are all benefited from the test of the Baizu, but even so, the monks of the Taixu are also injured and killed by 20%.

but. Whether it is the sea or the tribe, the strength of these surviving monks has been greatly improved, especially their temperament has undergone great changes. Every monk’s body exudes a sigh of breath, whether it is fighting. The experience and skills, as well as the tempering of the mind have been greatly improved. I believe that after these monks return, after a period of retreat, they should be able to break through the realm of the present.

Taixu Zong returned to these after-day monks. Then began to transport the refining period monks to Zhenhaicheng. Too imaginary, these refinery monks saw the return of the day after the monks approached the breath of breakthrough, one heart was hot.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation has been upgraded to the peak of the nine-level sacred level, and has already entered the Baizu trial field.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the Baizu trial field and played with the monks inside, Xu Ziyan felt that his realm of use of Heaven had declined. However, she did not have the slightest frustration, but she was so excited that she could be further promoted in both her mood and her body.

The monk who appeared opposite Xu Ziyan was also a monk at the beginning of the holy nine-story. At the beginning, it was also a single attribute. Nowadays, the single-property monk Xu Ziyan can be completely crushed. Although her realm of the use of the heavens has declined, it is actually impossible to say that her realm has declined, but in the holy nine. At the initial level of the layer, the realm of heaven has improved.

However, Xu Ziyan is an eleven attribute monk, although it is not as good as the other side in the realm of heaven, but the attribute is crushed on the other side.

With the crushing of the attributes, Xu Ziyan has no worries. Of course, she will not use the eleven attribute fusion to target the single-property monk as soon as she comes up. If that is the case, the opponent is absolutely killed, but the opportunity to comprehend is lost. Therefore, Xu Ziyan also uses the same single attribute as the other party, only when it is dangerous. Use the fusion attribute to resist it and move back some disadvantages. Then use a single attribute to fight with each other.

However, after all, it was not the first time that Xu Ziyan had accumulated enough experience. The speed of Xu Ziyan’s comprehension was very fast, and it was not until the multi-attribute monk reached the speed that he began to slow down.

Xu Ziyan is esoteric in ecstasy, and the fairy war on Black Rock Island is also in full swing. The lord has returned to the Palace of the Immortals, and the monk who took the town of Black Rock changed to the Lord of the Lord.

Originally the Lord, the Lord and the demon Lord also wanted to find Xu Ziyan to discuss, but Xu Qinyang informed them that Xu Ziyan had closed, so the three of them negotiated, and the devil went to Black Rock Island.

After half a year, Xu Ziyan once again reached the eleven attribute monk.

Facing the eleven attribute monk, Xu Ziyan was shocked to find that the monk was only a little higher than the eleven attribute monk before, but it was only the peak of the nine levels of the holy level, but the actual combat power has turned five times. Xu Ziyan was almost killed by the other side, and was sent out in a serious injury.

This eleven-character monk was in front of Xu Ziyan in the face of Xu Ziyan. The half-year time was so that Xu Ziyan did not pass.

This year, Xu Ziyan was exhausted. In the end, Xu Ziyan decided to let herself relax. She felt that such high-intensity cultivation not only did not improve, but slowed her progress.

A relaxation is the king.

The final battle of the black rock island refining period ended, and the monks of all parties began to return to their fields, and the Taixu monks also began to return to the sect. Although the monks who saw their own ancestral halls died 20%, but seeing the remaining monks have a clear improvement, and let Xu Ziyan's mood get better.

Two months later, it will be a decisive battle between the monks in the foundation period. Xu Ziyan took the initiative to go to the black rock island. For the requirements of Xu Ziyan, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord will naturally not object.

Two months later.

The battle of Black Rock Island began again, this time is the decisive battle between the monks of the foundation period. The battles before the monks in the base period have been able to use some of the more powerful fairy tales, and the roar of the fairy tales broke out all over the black rock island.

Xu Ziyan sat on the top of the cloud and looked down to the bottom. The gods were overwhelming. The entire monk on the Black Rock Island was indeed the base period. No force violated the rules. The extraterrestrial demon also kept the rules.

She also caught the monks who came to the town outside the Tianqun, which was a super-territorial demon in the late eight-level sacred level. He was sitting on the white clouds like Xu Ziyan and exploring it below.

The battle below is very fierce. The two sides are not blindly fighting, but the Black Rock Island is divided into two parts, the three tribes are in the east and the seas are in the west.

The two sides have each other's offensive and defensive. Today, the sea attacked the three tribes. Tomorrow, the tribes attacked the seas. The two sides either had a single duel or a small team to kill. The large-scale melee did not happen.

A month's time passed, Xu Ziyan just felt so relaxed, but then I felt bored. The gods were spread out and the entire Black Rock Island was shrouded. I wanted to explore whether there would be anything like the remains of this black rock island, or rare herbs and ores.

After careful investigation, Xu Ziyan was disappointed, but there were some herbs and ores, but they were not rare things. Not to mention anything like relics.

Xu Ziyan spreads the knowledge of God to the bottom of Black Rock Island and probes it downwards. She is purely boring, although she still hasn't found anything, but she still carefully explores it. It is a little bit better, and it is better than idle.


When Xu Ziyan's knowledge spread to the bottom of Black Rock Island, she found a difference. In the depths of the ocean, the roots of Black Rock Island have a mountain wall that exudes a wave of space.

For this kind of fluctuation, Xu Ziyan is too familiar with it. It is a space entrance, and there must be an independent space inside.

Xu Ziyan’s interest suddenly rose, and when he was in shape, he sneaked into the sea. On the other side, he also paid attention to the appearance of Xu Ziyan's extraterrestrial demon, and then followed Xu Ziyan to the depths of the ocean.

Xu Ziyan could not sneak into the seabed for no reason, and must have discovered something. The things that can make Xu Ziyan interested must be unusual, and the extraterrestrial demon is excited.

Xu Ziyan naturally feels that the demon outside the field is tracking himself, but Xu Ziyan has not been treated as one thing. Now the tribe and the extraterrestrial demon have an agreement, and Xu Ziyan is not good at killing each other here. However, if the other party has any action on himself, Xu Ziyan will not hesitate to kill the other party. With the strength of today's Xu Ziyan, killing a super-territorial demon in the late eight-level peak of the holy level will not cost anything.

Xu Ziyan stood in the depths of the sea and looked at the rock wall that radiated space. A figure fell from the top, it was the extraterrestrial demon, standing on the side of Xu Ziyan, looking toward the mountain wall, the eyes showed excitement fluctuations.

“Xu Daoyou, is this an independent space?”

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, no words. The double convenience is no longer talking, and each begins to explore the rock wall. The spatial fluctuations on the rock wall are not naturally generated, which means that this independent space may be naturally generated, but this closed entrance is not natural.

Perhaps this entrance was originally the natural entrance to this independent space, but it was artificially closed. Since it is artificially closed, it can't stop Xu Ziyan as a holy monk with eleven attributes.

Just Xu Ziyan does not want to break the seal of this entrance. Who knows what is inside?

Once there are some beasts inside, release them, will it not form a disaster?

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng, and the eyes of the space appeared in the right eye. With her understanding of space nowadays, there are few barriers that are difficult to live in her, and the body shape disappears within the rock wall.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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