The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3030: Moths

Thank you very much for the reward of Black Husky (688)!


The intensive Thunder barely left a slight gap. In the sea of ​​Thunder, the chaotic beast was only smashed into powder in an instant. Xu Ziyan breathed a long sigh of relief, took up the boundary, and turned to the mountain. The chaotic beast looks at the past.


At this moment, the chaotic beast that had stood still did not move, and it was shocked toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is a tight heart.

Is it that the demons outside the domain have failed?

Xu Ziyan did not want to release a soil property fairy, a mountain appeared between her and the Chaos beast.


The mountain peak collapsed instantly. Among the thousands of gravel stones, the chaotic beast struck over, and Xu Ziyan was less than a foot away.

Xu Ziyan’s sword stabbed toward the other’s eyebrows.


Xu Ziyan's body shape was hit and flew out, and his right arm was a little numb, and he couldn't hold too much.


Thousands of fireballs suddenly appeared in the vision of Xu Ziyan, like a sea of ​​fire swallowing toward Xu Ziyan.

"not good!"

At this moment, Xu Ziyan thoroughly understood that the extraterrestrial demon is occupying the body of the Chaos Beast, otherwise it will not release the supernatural power. To know that the Chaos Beast is not magical, only the extraterrestrial demon can have magical powers. The combination of the extraterrestrial demon and the chaotic beast, the power can not only double, the unexpected purple smoke is very embarrassing, although the dodge in time, was also hit by several fireballs. Rolling in the air and then falling heavily on the ground.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood, and the two parts that had just been scratched by the chaotic beast had not healed. This was bombarded by the fireball. Let Xu Ziyan be hurt both inside and outside.


The sound of blasting came from the air, and a big foot of the Chaos beast stepped down like a mountain to the purple smoke lying on the ground.

Xu Ziyan’s right eye space whirls and his body flickers, and it disappears in place.


The earth was stepped out of a deep pit by a chaotic beast. Then turned his head and snorted in the direction of Xu Ziyan.


The Chaos Beast once again slammed into the past with Xu Ziyan. The whole earth was shaking, and the pressure from the face was almost zero.

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and the sword in his hand stabbed the chaos.


The world seems to be still at once, and a pair of giant eyes appear silently in the sky, opening their eyes.


The chaotic beast that was occupied by the demon outside the field released a sea of ​​fire and spread toward Xu Ziyan. But when the sea of ​​fire just spread out, it was silently extinguished.

Silence is shrouded in chaotic beasts. The huge body began to scatter as much as the gravel.


The Chaos Beast snorted and madly rushed toward Xu Ziyan.


The Chaos Beast screamed and turned and ran. The huge body kept crashing, but before he collapsed completely, he was allowed to rush out of the scope of silence.


The huge body of the Chaos Beast collapsed, and the demon outside the field ran out from inside. Flying towards the entrance, it was only a trace that disappeared in an instant.

Xu Ziyan looked at the direction of the disappearance of the demon outside the field and did not pursue him. The continuous battle made her consume a lot, and in this strange world, Xu Ziyan also took care. What she needs now is to resume repairs as soon as possible to cope with unexpected events, rather than to pursue the extraterrestrial demon.

Xu Ziyan looked for a relatively safe place, set up a defensive array method, and then took the elixir, and began to restore the cultivation.

This began to recover. I was shocked by Xu Ziyan. The surrounding world is really too strong, and Xu Ziyan has just been running around, and those heaven and earth forces have swarmed into the body of Xu Ziyan. Quickly restored the repair of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan temporarily resisted the surprise of his heart and regained his cultivation with one heart and one mind. After repairing as much as possible. Only to explore the mystery here.

Besides, the demon outside the field fled to the entrance all the way, and even dared not look back. I was afraid that after the chasing of the purple smoke, one of the holes went into the entrance, and then it penetrated like a layer of seawater and escaped from the exit.

After fleeing to the exit, he stopped and looked back. He saw Xu Ziyan not chasing it out. Then he spit out a long breath and thought for a moment. He did not return to the sky above Black Rock Island. It is to swim directly to the depths of the ocean.

Xu Ziyan resumed her cultivation, but she did not immediately explore the space. Instead, she quietly understood the heavens in this space and wanted to find out why the power in this space was so rich.

About a time or so later, Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. She felt that the eleven kinds of attributes here are much more integrated than those of the Upper Yuan, and that the eleven attributes in the Upper Yuan are all It is scattered, although it seems to be a fusion, but in fact the power of various attributes is independent. Such a variety of attributes of the monks can absorb the attributes of their respective needs, improve their own cultivation.

However, in this space, the eleven kinds of attributes in this space are truly integrated, and the structure of each other is very close. Xu Ziyan can conclude that if a single-property monk lives here, he will not be able to absorb the slightest world. Yuan Li, and only her eleven kinds of monks, can absorb the power here, but also absorb very quickly, it seems to be tailor-made for her.

what on earth is it?

Is this space the beginning of birth?


There is absolutely a trace of man-made here, because Xu Ziyan remembers the traces of artificial seals at the entrance.

So what makes the eleven attributes here so close together?

Xu Ziyan stood up and removed the defensive array and flew away from the depths of the space.


Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped. He erected his ears and listened, then he narrowed his eyes and looked at him.


The sound is getting denser, more and more loud, getting closer...

suddenly. Xu Ziyan’s eyes were wide, and she saw a layer of white in her eyes, undulating like frost, spreading toward her.

"this is……"

Xu Ziyan felt a layer of goose bumps. It is a fist-sized chaotic beast, a little like a spider, but not exactly like it. The spider has eight legs, but it has only four legs, and there are two horns on the head, and a sharp mouthpart. There are two pairs of wings on the back. At a glance, I couldn’t see the margins, like a sea tide, rushing toward Xu Ziyan.

Just an instant, Xu Ziyan is less than ten feet away, and Xu Ziyan has one shot, and the air has condensed a big hand and slammed it down.


The chaotic beast within a square of Baizhang was photographed by Xu Ziyan as a powder. Xu Ziyan gave a light breath, it seems that this chaotic beast is not very powerful.


Then the blank area of ​​the square was filled with white chaotic beasts, and these chaotic beasts began to wander around. Surrounded by Xu Ziyan in the middle, and then quickly encircled.

Xu Ziyan is like a solitary island, and the dense white chaotic beast is like an endless Wang Yang slamming toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan raised his right foot and stepped on it. A piece of flame spread toward the center with Xu Ziyan as the center. Only those chaotic beasts are still slamming against Xu Ziyan, and the Chaos Beast is a lot of dead, but the layers of chaotic beasts are covered with fire, and then the sea of ​​fire is extinguished.

Xu Ziyan's look changed slightly, his left foot lifted up to the ground, and the earth began to freeze with Xu Ziyan as the center. The layered chaotic beast was frozen into ice sculpture by Xu Ziyan.


There was a crack above the ice sculpture. Eventually broken. A chaotic beast broke out of the ice and continued to rush toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stretched out her finger and took her as the center, and there was a space storm around her. The surrounding space produces dense and small space cracks, and these dense and small space cracks constantly smash the chaotic beast into glutinous rice. And the dense and small space cracks have great appeal, sucking those chaotic beasts that have turned into powder into the cracks.

The chaotic beast is endless, and the energy of Xu Ziyan is consumed very quickly. It has already forced Xu Ziyan to start the power of the hole. The look of Xu Ziyan became dignified, and so on, Xu Ziyan will be consumed by Chaos Beast sooner or later.

Xu Ziyan's heart turned, and suddenly moved, all the flying water in the purple smoke space was released.


As soon as the dense flying water scorpion appeared, it slammed into the chaotic beast and began to bite the chaotic beasts. The entire space was filled with the biting sound of "嚓嚓嚓", but Xu Ziyan found that this kind of biting sound is not all It is the flying water raft, and the chaotic beasts also make a biting sound. That is to say, while the flying otters bite the chaotic beasts, the chaotic beasts are also biting the flying otters.

Xu Ziyan immediately swallowed Xiandan, and embraced the veins to restore his cultivation. Thanks to the richness of the heavens and the earth here, Xu Ziyan only took two quarters of time to completely restore the consumption of the yuan.

Mindful thoughts.


Those flying otters left the chaotic beast and flew toward the air. At the moment when the flying otter flew away, Xu Ziyan released the space storm again.

The dense and small space cracks reappear, forming a huge space storm. The dense and small space cracks cut the chaotic beasts, and the chaotic beasts are smashed into powder and absorbed into the space cracks.

Chaos beasts continually slammed, like moths and fires, and space storms quickly smashed chaotic beasts. The time is passing quickly, and the force in the Xu Ziyan Dantian is consumed, and the power of the acupoints begins. This time, Xu Ziyan opened very thoroughly, and the power of the last point was exhausted, which made the flying otter and the chaotic beast fight again.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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