The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3038: Huizong

Xu Ziyan stood up from the altar, his eyes swept over the giants in front of him, and sighed with a sigh, and then shuttled between the bones of the giants, and collected a huge storage ring. These storage rings, Xu Ziyan, are naturally left behind. They only put the storage ring that has the inheritance of the giant family in one place. If the organic age encounters the descendants of the giants, they will be returned.

After all the storage rings were closed, Xu Ziyan buried the skeletons of these giants one by one. Although they knew that these bones would be decomposed by chaos in the end, they would only be safe. The skeleton of the Chaos beast Xu Ziyan naturally does not care, but also knows that the skeleton of the Chaos beast will eventually evaporate, and she also dismissed the intention of using the Chaos Beast skeleton refiner. Even the chaotic people who had been collected went out and threw them on the ground.

For the understanding of Heaven, let Xu Ziyan have some worries about his body space. Because she has long discovered that the chaos of the edge of her body has changed. The original chaotic gas was half solid and half liquid, but then gradually became solid and liquid.

Xu Ziyan sinks into the space of the body and comes to the edge of the space. He sees the chaotic gas of the solid state and sees it. Today, it can only occupy 30% of the appearance. Xu Ziyan knows that this is because the space is constantly widening as he cultivates himself, thus consuming chaos.

Xu Ziyan now has speculation that this universe has a life as a person, and does not know whether the life of this universe is related to this chaotic gas. Is it that once this chaotic gas is consumed, the universe enters the aging period and eventually collapses?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan has another speculation that the holy monk really has an infinite life span, but is it a long life?

Since it is said that the monk is a sacred monk and the same life, then the world has a life limit, how can a monk grow immortal? Whether the chaotic gas in my body space is consumed cleanly and the space collapses. Is it the moment when my limit is coming?

Xu Ziyan shook his head and was able to live with the heavens and the earth. Is it a big chance to go beyond the heavens and the earth? I am too greedy.

Looked again at the surroundings of the independent space.

"It's time to go back."

Xu Ziyan stepped out and went to the entrance. After another step, he came outside the independent space. The look is a change.

She felt the volatility of the Holy Power from the Black Sea. At this time, she did not know that the Holy Power had expanded from the original one to the other. The five extraterrestrial demons had been slaughtered in the trench for more than a year. Time, the accumulated holy energy is fluctuating more and more.

When the catastrophe came, this was a huge space crack, and the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon came from here. It used to be a main battlefield, and I can imagine how many hundred monks died here. What are the five extraterrestrial demons that can kill in a short time?

If it is not the five extraterrestrial devils who are taking turns to kill, I am afraid that they have already been killed by the Baizu. It is now that they are also very uncomfortable. They have not been slaughtered for more than a year. It is like an ant who does not simply crush a year of mortal death. The boredom in his heart can be imagined.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan shrouded toward the top of Black Rock Island. She was worried about whether it was a big event on the Yuan Dynasty and closed her for more than a decade. The Shangyuan Continent has already smashed the sea?

Fortunately, after seeing the situation on the black rock island, Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief. The fairy war on Black Rock Island continues, which shows that there has not been any change in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. It is just a sigh of time. Now the monks on the Black Rock Island have been replaced by the battle of the Immortals.

The figure flickered and disappeared on the bottom of the sea.

The next moment, Xu Ziyan has come to the depths of the white clouds above the black rock island, and he sees the black rock island underneath while looking at the drinking. When I saw Xu Ziyan flying, the original eyes were bright, and I reached out to Xu Ziyan:

"Give me a scent!"

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but smile, took out a storage ring and handed it to the original. The original grabbed the storage ring. The gods swept the inside and saw that there were five hundred altars inside, and there was an ecstasy on his face. Color, throw the wine gourd in the hand, take out a jar of scent, patted the mud and drunk.

Xu Ziyan came to the opposite side of the original, sat down with a smile, and took out a jade gourd in his hand and slowly drank the scent.


The original spit out a sigh of relief, throwing away the empty jar and then said to Xu Ziyan:

"I know what you want to ask. There is no change in the mainland. The battle of the Black Rock Island is going smoothly. As for the Black Sea, I have been there once, I can’t figure out the truth in it, but the holy level leaked from there. Strength, I smelled the atmosphere of the demon outside the field. Now the lord, the demon, the demon, the coffin and the left rock have been paying attention to the Black Sea in Zhenhai, but they did not dare to go. I know that."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and his body shape faded above the white clouds. The next moment, she appeared in the Wuthering Mountains. Passed through the fantasy city and walked into the Taixu. Returning to the Taixu Peak, when the gods spread out, they saw Shaqianli. Several people in Xutianwo were practicing in Dongfu, and they were called over. At the same time, the disciples were kept at the Baizu trial site, waiting for Xu Qinyang. Wait for them to come out and let them come to Taixufeng. At the same time, they also sent people to wait for Ling Xiao and others to come out at the Fusion Beast Trial.

Xu Ziyan will go there on the Black Sea, but not now. Even the original is full of taboos, Xu Ziyan will not arrogantly think that he will be unimpeded there, because there is a clear change, Xu Ziyan is cautious, naturally will not trade.

She summoned the imaginary high-level buddies and friends, on the one hand, they wanted to see what they are doing now, and on the other hand, they wanted to give them some advice. As a purple smoker who passed through the test in the Baizu trials, the skills used in Tiandao naturally surpassed others in Taixu.

For more than two months, one monk came to Taixufeng one after another, some came out from the Baizu trial field, and some came out from the fusion beast trial field. Everyone's body exudes a strong atmosphere, face On the display of joy, they greeted Xu Ziyan and asked where Xu Ziyan had gone in the past few years.

Xu Ziyan also briefly introduced what he had done in the past ten years. When Xu Qinyang and others learned that Xu Ziyan found an independent space under Black Rock Island, they all showed great interest, but Xu Ziyan said that there was ten In addition to a property monk, the rest of the monks could not be cultivated, and their faces were lost again.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already seen the cultivation of these friends, and his heart is very happy. However, when he thinks that Taixu has a strong world, there is an inexhaustible high-grade Xiandan, and the most important thing is to have a Baizu trial field. These people have spent more than a decade, and there is nothing unusual about improving them.

Liu Qingmeng broke through to the early days of Tianzun.

Luo Yu, Lou Ruyun, Hai Lan, Xu Tianqi, Dance Color Clothes, Lan Bailing, Ma Jingying and Liu Huaping broke through to the middle of Tianzun.

Li lazy, Zhang Wujie and condensation frost broke through to the late Tianzun.

Light Moon Dance, Ling Yijian, Ximen Jade, Intoxication, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Xu Lin, Ximen Gale, Di Yidiao,

Song Wanzhong, Thousands of cups drunk, cold and clear, sand thousand miles, Pu Songhe, iron heavy, snow flies, Xu Tianwo, Ling Xiao, Langyue, Jin invincible, magical, heart, Satan, Zuo Pengming, Liancheng, ink God machine, no shadow, Hua Lian, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi, Xu Xiang, Xiao Bai, Gu Teng hope and Chun San Niang, these have already reached the peak of the late Tianzun period, this time has been hunting in the fusion animal trial space The fusion of the beast, and Xu Ziyan has seen that they have complemented the spiritual roots of the missing attributes.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyan suddenly thought that he had said that he would leave a legacy of sacred cultivation in the Taixu sect. Once he learned the martial arts, even if there is no fusion beast, there is the possibility of becoming a holy class. Of course, it is only possible. As the original said, it is not the ability to practice to practice the Holy Order. It depends on the qualifications and understanding of the individual.

Just like giving you a practice, can you cultivate to Tianzun?

However, the method of merit is better than the lack of merit, waiting to remind the original, and quickly leave the inheritance of Taixu. Temporarily let go of what I thought in my heart and look at other people.

There is nothing to say about the qualifications and understanding of the soil and the sword. The two of them have already hunted enough fusion beasts to make up the spiritual roots, and more importantly, the two people in terms of mood and ontology. It has already reached the level of the holy level, so at this time, the two people who have been living in the water and the sword have gone to the holy level and become a half-step holy monk.

Xu Xingfan’s sacred atmosphere has a slight improvement. Xu Qinyang has really stepped into the holy class and become a holy monk.

Xu Ziyun became a three-level monk in the Holy Class. He became a four-level monk in the Holy Land, and Kui Tian successfully entered the peak of the 9th floor of the Holy Grade.

However, Kui Tian’s heart was only surprised. She thought that she would break into the peak of the 9th floor of the Holy Grade, and she would become the first master of the fairyland. At the very least, she would become the first master in the realm, but she did not expect that Xu Ziyan had reached the holy level. At the beginning of the 9th floor, she has caught up with her in the realm. And is the peak of Xu Ziyan's holy nine-story early peak and her holy nine-story peak? She has no doubt that Xu Ziyan can easily defeat her.

This can not help but make her a little discouraged, how many years have she practiced? How many years has Xu Ziyan cultivated?

Xu Ziyan asked some of the changes in the Zongmen for more than a decade. I learned that everything in Zongmen is developing in a good direction, and my heart is more happy. Thinking about it, there are a few things that need to be done now.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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