The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3040: Lingen variation

The original but the big sleeve waved, disappeared the trace, went directly to the Baizu trial field, to stabilize his realm. Only Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls and some Taixu monks were left behind.

Nine days are the time passed, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul opened their eyes, each spit a long breath, and there was a hint of joy in their eyes. There is no doubt that the two of them have already learned from this holy character. The holy fairy, as well as the understanding of heaven, also has a harvest.

For the next period of time, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not practice, but tired every day, drinking tea, playing chess, dancing swords...

Or do nothing, just sit hand in hand and sit quietly in the Taixu Peak, watching the sunrise and sunset...

Three months passed quickly, and Taixu was so busy that Xu Qinyang retired and Xu Xingfan succeeded as the seat of the tyrant. However, Xu Xingfan’s body also exudes a sense of sacredness at this time. It is obvious that there is also an understanding of the holy level, which makes the monks of all parties stunned in their hearts, but also fears.

This is too horrible. It’s only a few years since I entered the holy ones. I am afraid that Xu Xingfan will not be able to hold the lord for a long time. I don’t know who the next tyrant is?

Who is it?

Of course, Sha Xiaofan, at this time Sha Xiaofan’s cultivation has reached the peak of the late Emperor. This makes Xu Ziyan very satisfied, but I also know that Sha Xiaofan’s cultivation will be slowed down from now on. I will never want Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan to be as fast. After all, Sha Xiaofan is not the spiritual root of congenital five like Xu Xingfan and Xu Qinyang. It is the day after tomorrow. However, today, with the original legacy of inheritance, it should speed up some pace.

After the passing of the ceremony, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul and other holy monks came to the Black Sea again. The Yanshan spirit looked at the Black Sea and the brows were tightly locked. Indulged in a half-sound:

"Ziyan, I think we still don't rush to crack here."

Xu Ziyan had no words, but looked at the Yanshan soul with the eyes of the inquiry, and other monks also looked at the Yanshan soul.

"I think the Baizu spirit should be able to deal with the invading extraterrestrial demon. If the Baizu spirit can't cope with it, it should be like we ask for help. We are still cautious when the Baizu spirit does not ask for help."

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. Other holy monks have not heard of the Bai culture, and have never seen any Bai culture, and want to ask questions. However, the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls clearly did not mean to say, one by one closed their mouths.

"Okay!" Eventually, Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief: "However, we must always be prepared, and the extraterrestrial demon and us open the Black Rock Island Fairy, estimated to cover their move into the Black Sea. At this time they We have entered, and we have no choice. Only when we are ready, when we need us, help the Bai culture."

"What happened to the Bai culture?" The lord finally couldn't help but ask.

"Go back and talk!"

The monks followed Xu Ziyan and left the Black Sea. In the deep sea outside the Black Sea, several celestial devils looked at the backs of Xu Ziyan and other monks leaving their eyes flashing.

"It seems that the three tribes have acted!"

"Don't worry so much, as long as they don't really take action, we don't want to act."

"We should also be prepared to build up strength. Once the tribes act, we can intercept them."


Deep in the Black Sea.


Five extraterrestrial days, the devil finally showed a relaxed color on his face. Although they are still surrounded by dense bones, they have been keenly aware that the bones that have jumped out of the trenches have become less and less.

The lords and other people have returned to the forces of all parties, but they are closely monitoring the movements of the Black Sea. Xu Ziyan once again entered the Baizu trial field, all the way to the customs, and soon reached the final level, the eleven attributes of the monk.

This time in the face of the monk, Xu Ziyan relaxed a lot, but it is not easy to kill the opponent, and Xu Ziyan is also anxious to kill each other, she also wants to hone her skills for the use of heaven.

Xu Ziyan and the eleven-character monk fought for a month and a half, and finally, after fully comprehending the skills of heaven at this level, they will kill the law. Then it was sent out,

After returning to the Taixu Peak, the first task of Xu Ziyan was to spread the knowledge of the gods and observe the movements of the Black Sea. The holy level energy revealed by the Black Sea was stronger, which made Xu Ziyan feel a little worried.

I want to go to the independent space under the Black Rock Island to comprehend it, but when I think about entering it, I don’t know how many years to go. If I have something happening in the Black Sea at the stage of my comprehension, wouldn’t I have to miss it? And she has a feeling that it will not take long for the Black Sea to undergo fundamental changes.

When Xu Ziyan was still there, he saw Sha Xiaofan coming over far away. Xu Ziyan interrupted his own thoughts and looked at Sha Xiaofan. He saw that the smell of Sha Xiaofan was somewhat unstable, and the space around her was slightly distorted.

this is……

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and his heart sighed. The child’s murderousness was too heavy. It seems that even if the five attributes are generated, they are not suppressed.

However, this murderousness is not suppressed by suppression. The more it is suppressed, the stronger the rebounding force. How can we solve the murderousness?

Is it really necessary to kill the road?

That is a very dangerous road. If you do not control well, you will lose your heart and lose your heart.


Sha Xiaofan went to the front of Xu Ziyan to pay tribute.

"Sit down!" Xu Ziyan sighed slightly in his heart.

Sha Xiaofan sat on the knees in front of Xu Ziyan, and his eyebrows were full of murderous jumps, and his face showed painful color.

"Master, I feel that the murder is even more powerful. I am almost unable to control it."

"Let Master see."

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Peng Peng and carefully looked at Sha Xiaofan. Then the brow was a wrinkle, and she found that Sha Xiaofan's murderousness came from her cold roots. At this time, Sha Xiaofan is already the root of the five attributes, but the spiritual roots of these five attributes are not very pure, but they are contaminated with murder.

Every property has a murderous spirit. Xu Ziyan fixedly observed the roots of the five attributes through Yan Peng, and gradually revealed a smile between her eyebrows.

It turned out that Sha Xiaofan’s body was too murderous, and Sha Xiaofan was always looking for ways to kill the road. He even inexplicably integrated the murderousness into the root of the spirit. In fact, Xu Ziyan did not know whether it was murderous and active. Root, or Linggen actively absorbs murderousness, but it has never been heard of such a thing in the fairy world, Sha Xiaofan is a single.

However, in the realm of Xu Ziyan, I observed about one hour or so, but it is able to deduce the result. If Sha Xiaofan can truly fuse the murderousness with the five attributes, the behavior has the five attribute roots of murderous attributes. Sha Xiaofan is the real killer.

Once you get into the road, don't say whether her cultivation will rise quickly. Anyway, it won't be enchanted, and it should be an invincible existence in the same realm. Even the more difficult challenges are not in the air, maybe In the future, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan are not her opponents.


If Sha Xiaofan is finally unable to fully integrate the murderousness into Linggen, it is the real murder.

Sha Xiaofan looked at Xu Ziyan nervously, and some baby fat faces were full of worries. Sha Xiaofan was born in the Pearl Garden. If it wasn't for the murderousness of her body, she would be like a young girl next door. From the outside, no one could see that she was a heart-wrenching person.

"Master!" She saw a glimmer of joy between Xu Ziyan's eyebrows and could not help but scream.

"Xiaofan! Are you worried about killing the roots?"

“Yeah!” Sha Xiaofan nodded. “And I feel that I can’t control it now. If it completely invades Linggen, will I be enchanted?”

"Can't say that!" Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "What you have to do is to combine murderousness, not to let murderously erode your roots. But..." Xu Ziyan frowned and said: "I am afraid of doing it with your own ability." Arrived, it will eventually be eroded by the murderous roots."

"That... what do I do?" Sha Xiaofan suffered a small face.

"It is not impossible to find it." Xu Ziyan thought.

"What is the way?" Sha Xiaofan's eyes lit up.

"There are two ways, one is to take Bing Xin milk."

"Bing Xin Qingru?"

"Well! It is a treasure that washes the demons. You can't combine murderousness, mainly the devil, so that your mind can't be completely integrated. Of course, if you have great perseverance, you can't do it. At this point, but we can't take the risk, so it's best to have the help of Bing Xin Qing."

"Master, what is Bing Xin Qing Milk? Where can I get it?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "I am not very clear. This is the record that I got from the Thunder House in the past. I just know that it is the nemesis of all my heart, and the environment in which it was born is also very strange. The treasure that restrains the demons should be born in the beautiful land, but it is to be born in the land of bones, and the land to be buried can not be small, it needs a lot of dead bodies, and it needs the death in the battlefield. Only when the monks bury their bones can they be born with such treasures. Therefore, such treasures are inevitable."

Sha Xiaofan heard it, and the head pulled down again.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "But the second method Master can help you."

“Really?” Sha Xiaofan looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise.

"Master takes you to a place."

Xu Ziyan stretched out the hand of Sha Xiaofan, and Sha Xiaofan felt a sigh of relief in front of him. When he was awake, he widened his eyes and looked around curiously.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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