The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3042: Fierce

The big hand that was sacrificed in the air gave a shot, and the two attacks of the other side were shattered. When the big hand copied it, the two extraterrestrial demons were held in the hand, and the eyebrows were a wrinkle. The other side understood the use of the heavens. It is not as good as her, but the body is really real, the results of the nine layers of the late peak, Xu Ziyan this pinch, did not even crush their two bodies.

However, even so, all the monks present were given a jump, not only the extraterrestrial demon and the sea, but the tribes were also shocked.

The other party is the peak of the late nine-level tier, so it was caught in the hands of Xu Ziyan. How can the gap between the two sides be so huge?

The two foreigners who were caught in the hands of Xu Ziyan were initially surprised, but they found that Xu Ziyan had a grip, but they did not crush the two of them. The courage would be big, and the two heavenly demons would have to show their magical powers and get rid of Xu Ziyan. The bondage. Xu Ziyan was a heart-felt move, and he took the two extraterrestrial demons into the purple smoke space.

The cultivation of Xu Ziyan is the peak of the nine levels of the holy level, but the power of the gods is the peak of the nine-level stage of the holy level. Once the celestial body of the purple smoke world is annihilated, it is really not too much to kill the two heavenly peaks of the nine-level nine-level peak. trouble. Therefore, Xu Ziyan's body shape disappeared instantly, and entered the purple smoke space, transforming into heaven.

I wanted to enter the inner world of the ancestors in the Yuan dynasty. The world is still only one side of the mainland. They will all be tossed and killed by Xu Ziyan and so on. So many holy monks joined hands. Today, the world of Xu Ziyan is a universe, and the other side has only two holy monks, after Xu Ziyan incarnates Tiandao. The bodies of the two demon gods were immediately strangled by the heavens, and even the body of the demon outside the field was strangled by Xu Ziyan.

The appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared in the sky above the sea, and the sound of the roaring roar was heard in the ear. At this time, the sea had already become a battle. Xu Ziyan has shot, what are the three tribes waiting for? Even if the tribes are willing to wait, the devils outside the domain are not willing!

The entire sea is full of waves, and the air is dense and small space cracks. There were even black holes of different sizes, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept away, and he saw that the tribes had fallen to the disadvantages because the tribes of the tribes were not as good as the other.

The lord and the demon Lord were respectively attacked by two sacred and nine-level extraterrestrial demon, and they all fell to the bottom. After experiencing the experience of the Baizu trial field, Kuitian has improved a lot of skills for the use of Tiandao. One person faces the two extraterrestrial worlds and the demon does not fall into the wind. The Yanshan soul is still the repair of the eighth grade of the holy level. for. However, his innate understanding of the use of power in heaven has reached its limit. He holds two sledgehammers in his hand, and his rumbling rumbling has become a tie with the two worlds.

The most shocking thing is the original, don't look at the original is only a holy level of the early nine layers, but it is pressed against three heavenly and nine-level extraterrestrial demons, and the skills applied to Tiandao make Xu Ziyan stunned.

The remaining monks of the three tribes will not work, the devil. Cangwu, Zuoyan, Xingli, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyan, and Xu Qinyang each had a holy level and nine floors. The Lord is better, although it is not as good as the other, but his physique is special, but he can also hold up with the extraterrestrial demon, but the remaining monks are too much. Cangwu and Zuoyan have been injured. In the thousands of miles, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyan have a unique understanding of Tiandao application, but the injury is heavier than Cangwu and Zuoyan. After all, their strength is too low.

However, only Xu Shengyang, who is on the first level, has turned into a blood cloud. From the blood cloud, the sound of the piano is heard, and the blood cloud rolls. No one knows whether Xu Qinyang is injured today, but he sees that the heavenly and ninth-level extraterrestrial demon is hard to accept.

Not bad!

The sound of Xu Jia is the nemesis of the demon outside the domain.

But this battlefield that belongs to the Holy Class is not the worst. The worst thing is the battlefield of the Holy Class. It is necessary to know that although Xu Ziyan has killed two holy and nine-level late peaks, the three tribes are temporarily entangled. Live 18 thunder and nine-level extraterrestrial demon, but don't forget that there are eleven sacred eight-story extraterrestrial demon. These eleven sacred eight-story extraterrestrial demon are no for the tribes of the three tribes. The power that can be matched is that the sword of the half-step holy level and the soil of the earth are also the meat on the chopping board in front of the eighteen holy monks.

What's more, there are countless sea people?

Although Xu Ziyan only entered the body space for a moment, half a blink of an eye is not available, but there are also many trio monks casualties. If it wasn't for Xu Xing's unexpected use of the sound of the stars, let the eleven holy levels and eight layers pause, I am afraid that the three tribes of casualties will have to be turned up several times.

However, as a result, Xu Xingfan was eyeing, and a heavenly eight-layered demon rushed toward Xu Xingfan. Xu Xingfan floated a guqin in front of him, holding the strings with his hands, staring at the eight-story level of the holy level, and the seven scorpions had already shed blood.

Xu Ziyan was angry at the time. This is the sect of the tyrannical sect. You killed him. Who is the lord?

At present, the situation is urgent, and Xu Ziyan will not stay in the slightest. The Taixu is in the hands and stabbed out into the air. In the sky is a quiet, a pair of giant eyes open, and more than thirty rays of light cover the thirty heavens outside the heavens.

Those thirty-one extraterrestrial demons instantly felt that they were in a doomsday world. The heavens and the earth were silently cracked, and dense and small cracks strangled them.

They have a terrible fear in their hearts. Imagine that they are in a world of collapse, the world has collapsed, can they still live?

Fortunately, these days outside the demon are not given to white, especially the eighteen levels of the nine-level field outside the demon use the magical powers, actually broke free, although their respective injuries are not light, the body collapsed a lot, but the real combat power not a lot. But the eleven sacred eight layers were miserable. The celestial demon who attacked Xu Xingfan was taken care of by Xu Ziyan, not only the body completely collapsed, but also the body of the celestial demon outside the domain completely dissipated, and the remaining ten extraterrestrial devils were also Get out of the way, but the body has collapsed by at least a third.

So many extraterrestrial demons have broken free, or because Xu Ziyan is a sword that targets too many extraterrestrials. If it is only for a few, no foreigner can break free.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had disregarded the consumption of Yuanli, and it was a type of silence that stabbed out, and at this time the tribes of the tribes became crazy. It was the moment when Xu Ziyan disappeared. The tribes of the three tribes were degraded. Even the Taixu sects had fallen down some monks. If Xu Xingfan and Xu Ziyan’s close relatives are wearing the best defensive genius, I am afraid that they have already fallen some at this time. Even so, the monks who were affected by the sacred priests, their defensive genius They were all blown up and the body was seriously injured.

The original, Yanshan soul, the lord and other monks madly attacked the demon outside the field, and those extraterrestrial demon at this time completely fell in the wind.

Do not!

Not only is it so simple to fall in the wind, it is completely a passive beating situation. Even the low-level holy monks such as Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyun are chasing the heavenly nine-level field. That is because all the celestial devils outside the Holy Order are once again trapped in the sword of silence.

Under the cover of a pair of giants, they can only desperately break free from this bondage, get rid of this collapse, and where is the energy to pay attention to the monks such as Yanshan Soul?

Other monks will forget, the original, Yanshan soul, fairy, demon, Kui Tian and the devil are good monks? The Tianmo demon outside the field has just broken away from the silence, and the body was bombarded by the six great monks. The body has not yet waited until they stabilized their body shape, and the third silence of Xu Ziyan was released.

The silence of Xu Ziyan was stabbed out again and again, and the power of the body was quickly consumed, and the power of 365 centuries was opened.

At this time, not only the high-level holy monk battle became a group, the lower level of the monk also became a group. The surrounding waters are a few miles shorter, and the seawater has been bombarded into water vapor. The sky is filled with huge black holes and wide space cracks. The entire sea surface has been dyed red.


In the huge space cracks, lightning flashes, space turbulent jets, and the entire battlefield becomes a ghost. Road lightning and space turbulence were sprayed out, and the monks of the warring parties had countless monks bombarded to the sea.

The monks of the Haizu have the most casualties, because the tribes of the three tribes are all strong, and the worst is the human respect. It is also the monks who are trained to be strong, so the number is far less than that of the sea. many. The sea people are almost coming to the nest, and what they have cultivated, the indiscriminate bombardment of thunder and space turbulence, so that a large number of people respected the seas immediately became fragments.

Especially when the seas that were taken over by the celestial beings were smashed, the body of the celestial demon appeared out, but the damage of the thunder and lightning to the extraterrestrial demon was almost fatal, but only those extraterrestrial demons were blasted.齑 powder.

"They are extraterrestrial demons!" At this time, the Haizu also saw those extraterrestrial demons. They finally determined that the seas were controlled by the demon outside the domain, so that these sea people would be stupid enough to be desperate for the outer world.

"The brothers of the sea, let's go."


Numerous sea figures stretched out to the bottom of the sea and fled to the distance. The tribes of the three tribes will naturally not be stupid enough to intercept the escaped sea monks, but only those who have not escaped. Of course, those are not real sea people, but the extraterrestrial demon.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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