The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3049: Lost continent

I am very grateful to the exquisite students (588), Jie Jie (200), dcc_closely classmates (100), xanrenys classmates, and Ding Ding's confused classmates!


Xu Ziyan got up straight and stood still for a while, then he re-entered the altar and collected the storage rings of the five monks. After thinking about it, I put the bodies of the five monks into the storage ring and prepared to give them to the five monks in the future. If there is no chance, they should be allowed to enter the country.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the five pillars around and closed his eyes and sensed it. The five pillars belong to the Jinmu water and fire soil. Although it is a murderous array of eyes, the big five-line killing array is five attributes. The perfect place to blend, this is the best practice place for the five-character Linggen monks. She took a look at Sha Xiaofan, and there is a hint of joy in her eyes. If Sha Xiaofan is here to combine murderousness, it will have a multiplier effect. .


"Master." Sha Xiaofan was curiously touching a pillar, listening to Xu Ziyan calling her, then turned to look at Xu Ziyan.

"This place has a great effect on your integration into the roots of the spirit. You can sit on this five-line pattern."

"That Master, you..."

"Master is here to accompany you."

"Thank you Master!"

Sha Xiaofan was overjoyed in her heart. She had too little time to stay with Xu Ziyan. Now I heard that I can be with Master and my face has a happy smile. Bounced to the five-line pattern in the middle of the altar, sat down on the knees, and then took out the jade bottle and drank a drop of ice cream. It began to merge with murder.

Xu Ziyan sat down on the opposite side of Sha Xiaofan, took the jade slip left to her by the Terran woman, and the gods passed in and began to read.

Outside the broken space.

Above a white cloud. Yanshan soul sat quietly on the top, slightly squinting, the breeze passed, and the clothes fluttered gently. The surrounding white clouds drifted from time to time, but the white clouds under him did not move.

The Big Five killed the eyes, and among the five pillars, Xu Ziyan and Sha Xiaofan sat opposite each other. Xu Ziyan was reading the thoughts left by the five monks, and Sha Xiaofan was mixing the murderous spirit into the roots.

In the 10,000 meters below Sha Xiaofan, there has been a huge chaotic beast lying there. There are more than a thousand feet in length and the body is covered with scales. There is a mysterious pattern on each scale. This chaotic beast has four feet, but there is a huge head in front and back. At this time, the eyes above the two heads are closed, as if they are asleep.

About five kilometers under the chaotic beast, they are all solid rocks, and they are covered with mysterious and mysterious symbols, and the chaotic beast is sealed inside. It’s just ten meters above it. The five kilometers below are faint.

Under the 5,000-kilometer, there is an independent space, which can already be counted as a small continent. This is the corner of the fairyland in the Bai ethnic era.

The corner of this fairyland is called the lost continent. There is a mountain in the center of the lost continent. It is called the lost peak. There is a palace on the lost peak, which is called the lost fairy palace.

This lost Xian Gong is usually not open. It will only be opened when there are major events in the mainland, and only five monks are allowed. These five monks are the gambling people. Stone family. The contemporary patriarch of the Terran, Qingmu and Zhurong clan.

In the center of the lost palace, there is a round table and five chairs. The reason why a round table is placed is to indicate the gambling. Stone, human. The Qingmu people and the Zhurong clan are in an equal position. They are usually lost by the five ethnic groups. When they encounter major events, they come to this lost fairy palace for consultation. Of course, if there are major disputes among the five ethnic groups, they will come here to discuss a solution. .

At this time, there are five people around the round table. The middle door is a middleman, golden hair, pale gold face, and both eyes are shining with pale golden light. The body exudes a strong metallic atmosphere, and the eyes are open. In between, Jin Mang flashes.

On the surface, this monk is a very resolute temper, and in fact it is. In the lost continent, he is famous, he is the patriarch of the Jin family, Venus. The repair of the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade.

The person next to him is the power of the wood attribute, the vitality is extremely strong, wearing a green shirt, very beautiful, especially the figure, perfect.

Only the hair is green, and the shawl is down, like a green silk. She is the contemporary patriarch of the Aoki family, with the wood. It is also the cultivation of the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade.

The third is also a female repair, a human race. If Xu Ziyan can see that her looks are very similar to the humanoid woman on the altar, she will know that she is a descendant. The same beauty as the wood is the same as the wind, but her body is not as good as the wood, but the skin is more delicate and white than the wood. She is the contemporary patriarch of the Terran, the water static wave, the same eight-level peak of the holy level.

The fourth place is a man wearing a flaming robe. His body is extremely tall. He is more than two feet in length, with a red hair and a double-headed opening and closing. Two flames are faintly beating. This is the contemporary patriarch of Zhu Rong’s family. , Zhu Ronglie, the same sacred eight-layer late peak.

The last one sits there like a stone statue, giving a heavy feeling. Just look at him, it is like a star is slowly coming to you. He is the contemporary patriarch of the Shi nationality, Shi Zhong, the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade.

The lost fairy palace has not been opened for millennia. But today it is reopened, and the five patriarchs are all in line. It is obvious that something big has happened.

Not bad!

It is true that there are big things happening. In fact, every five patriarchs of every millennium will gather in the lost fairy palace to discuss the same thing, that is, to open the way home.

These five monks were the first masters of the various races who fled into this space. The original cultivation between the five of them was also a gap. It was not the same peak of the eighth grade of the holy level. At that time, Venus’s cultivation was the highest. The repair of the wood with the wind is the lowest, but when the repair of Venus is upgraded to the peak of the eighth level of the Holy Order, it will not be able to break through. The other monks slowly chased them up, but when several other monks also reached the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Order, they found that they could not continue to break through.

This made them puzzled. After many years of deduction, they finally found out the reason. It was because the loss of the heavens of the mainland was lost and not satisfactory. This caused them not to break through to the holy nine floors. After all, This is not a complete fairyland. It is only the corner of the fairy world. The lack of heaven is a very normal thing.

Therefore, from that moment on, the five races united and wanted to open the original seal and return to the real fairy world. But this is not without worry, that is, they do not know what the fairyland is like today, whether it has become a paradise for the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon, or has become a dead land that is not suitable for cultivation.

But, anyway, they have to go home and see. On the one hand, it is because of the stagnation of cultivation, on the other hand, they are also missing the fairy world. Their idea is that once the seal is opened, a small team will be sent out to see if the fairy world is already a world of chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons, or has become a dead land that is not suitable for cultivation, then they will die and return. Lose the continent and re-seal the entrance. If the fairy world has recovered, they will go out of the lost continent, and even they can re-consolidate the lost continent and the fairy world, so they can have an opportunity to continue to break through.

Of course, they are also afraid that once they open the seal, they are all chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons outside, so every time they try to open the seal, they will assemble a group of five monks to make a big battle and prepare for the war. They really have been away from the fairy world for too long, even if they are risking their big, try to return to the fairy world.

So, they started to try, but what made them powerless was the seal of the entrance, but the five masters joined the seal. The five masters were Xu Ziyan who saw five monks under the five pillars of the altar. The five monks were holy. At the end of the nine-layer peak, these five great monks joined forces, and it was still the seal of life under the overdraft. Is it so easy to crack?

They eventually failed to crack, and the loss was great, not only the loss of resources, but also the repair. Strongly cracking the seals and letting them repair the overdraft, it is this overdraft that allows them to recover after a thousand years.

But why do they need to overdraw?

That is because they found that in the case of overdraft repair, their strength will increase sharply, and then under the strength of the surge, although still can not crack the seal, but it can weaken the seal.

Therefore, they did not crack down on the seal for a thousand years, and weakened the power of the seal a little. Moreover, the seal was ready to pass, and the power of the seal passed away, gradually letting them see the hope of cracking the seal.


Just as they were preparing to crack the seal again, they were keenly aware that the seal of the entrance was strengthened. The five monks immediately went to the entrance to investigate, and then their faces became very ugly, because they found that the seal was indeed stronger. They had already had the confidence to crack the seal this time, but this made them lose their confidence. So the five patriarchs gathered again in the lost Xian Palace to discuss the matter.

They naturally don’t know that their five ancestors used the last gods to reinforce the seal. They don’t even know that they are five kilometers away from the chaotic beast of a holy nine-level peak. If they break the seal, the most The first thing to greet them is not the air of the fairy world, but a chaotic beast of the late nine-tiered peak.

"The Kim Patriarch, this seal has been weakening for hundreds of millions of years. Why did this suddenly increase its strength?"

"I don't know!" Venus shook his head.

“Will there be a monk who is strengthening the seal outside?” Mu asked with the wind.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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