The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3082: Xu home news

"With... lead the way?"

The voice of the youth did not fall, and the look was a change. He found that the power in his body could not be mobilized. At this time, it was like a mortal. When I recalled that Xu Ziyan just stretched out the folding fan and knocked him, he didn’t even hide. Now he took a step back and decisively sideways:


"Chou brother!"

"Oh..." The three monks jumped out of the second floor window and landed beside the young man.

"Three brothers, my brother, I want to take this... Fairy to see my father, we will gather again tomorrow."

The three monks looked at him and looked at Xu Ziyan, then turned to look at the youth road:

"Is it really okay?"

"Ha!" The young man smiled and said: "What will happen? Well, come back."

When the words fell, the young man stepped forward and Xu Ziyan smiled behind. When I was away from the crowd, the young man suddenly turned back and said with a pleading:

"Fairy, don't make trouble, give me a repair!"

"Don't make trouble?" Xu Ziyan couldn't help but laugh: "Is this what you ask for?"

"No!" The young man quickly waved: "You are an expert, you must know my father, why do you have a general knowledge with the younger generation? I know that you want to teach me something, but this has been punished, forgive the younger generation. ”

"Well, take me to see your father. When I get back to you, I will restore it to you. Don't worry, I am not malicious."

"it is good!"

The young man was also very simple. He reached out and hired a flying carriage. Two people sat on the drive to the city hall. About half an hour or so. The Flying Horse Carriage came to the city's main government. The young man walked into the gate with Xu Ziyan and walked all the way to the study room of the city owner. He did not go to the study. Then shouted loudly:

"Daddy, a beautiful fairy is looking for you."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and looked at the typical dude of the young man, but this has nothing to do with her. She is here to ask if there is any spatial change in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. The door was opened, and a monk came out from the inside, thinking of Xu Ziyan looking over here. Xu Ziyan stretched out the folding fan and knocked on the shoulder of the young man, then dialed to the side and stood in front of the city owner in two steps. The young man who was set aside was a happy face, because he found that his cultivation was restored. It seems that this beautiful fairy is indeed not malicious. The city owner looked at Xu Ziyan up and down. Seeing Xu Ziyan is just a big Luo Jinxian, can not help but frown slightly:

"you are?"


There were two whispers in Xu Ziyan's body, and the breath of his body climbed to the peak of Xianjun. Then I perceive it, and sure enough, I didn’t have a tendency to soar. There was a shock in the eyes of the city owner. At that time, the young man standing behind Xu Ziyan had a glimmer of wisdom in his eyes. Where is the look of a little bit?

The look of the city owner is complete. Then we will welcome the guests: "Please!"

Xu Ziyan was not polite, and Lianbu walked into the study with a slight movement. The father and son of the city came in. Everyone was seated by the host, and the city owner vaulted:

"Not yet consulted?"

"Xu Ziyan!"

"Xu Ziyan?"

The city owner frowned, his face was thoughtful, suddenly his face changed, looking up at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan was a big name in the middle of the galaxy, can you say that the Zhongyuan Galaxy has seen Xu Ziyan . But few have never heard of her. And the days when Xu Ziyan was soaring were not long. Still not drowned in the long river of history, so the city owner finally remembered the name of Xu Ziyan.

"You... is the Xu family... Xu Ziyan?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

The city owner took a breath of cold air. For more than 100 years, they have heard the news that Xu Ziyan returned to Xu. Only the news came from the mouth of Xu’s disciples, and they did not see it. The heart will be suspicious. But there is no doubt that the cultivation of Xu disciples is very fast, and the fairy in his hand is also extraordinary. The rumor is that Xu Ziyan brought the elixir and the fairy to Xu. Now I saw Xu Ziyan admit that at this time he completely believed in his heart, and his heart immediately ecstasy, this is his chance. Immediately stood up from the chair and bowed to Xu Ziyan:

"I have seen my predecessors."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and motioned for him to sit down. Then he asked: "What happened to the meta-galaxies in recent years?"

The face of the city owner showed a bitter bitterness: "Now it can no longer be called the Zhongyuan galaxy."

"Well? Why?"

"I don't know why. About two years ago, the earth and the earth shook, and then the barriers of the Zhongyuan and Xiayuan galaxies disappeared. The whole lower galaxies soared up and merged with the Zhongyuan galaxies."

"What?" Xu Ziyan was shocked. Gently took a breath and calmed the mood: "What later?"

The city owner shook his head and said: "Chaos, very chaotic. There are so many planets at once, and the monks of the lower meta-galaxies are low, and there is absolutely no comparison with the monks of the Chinese galaxies. It began to divide the planets of the lower galaxies. Only in the process of the fusion of the lower and middle galaxies, the earth and the earth are very vibrating, and all the transmissions are destroyed. I want to conquer the planets that have just ascended. I only rely on Xianzhou, but there is no interplanetary transmission array. I only rely on Xianzhou. How many planets can I reach in two years? I don’t think I can travel these planets for thousands of years, let alone conquer. But thousands of years. Later, maybe the monks of those planets have grown up and are not easy to conquer.

And now the original Zhongyuan galaxies are also very chaotic. This time, the great changes in the world have caused many forces to create huge innovations. Many families have disappeared, and there are also very new forces born. First, there is competition from every planet, then the interstellar between. ”

"It’s really messy!"

Xu Ziyan stunned his eyebrows, don't need to see it, just think about it, it will feel very messy. I couldn’t help but worry about Xu’s heart, and I asked:

“How is Xu Jia?”

"Xu...not bad or not!"

"How?" Xu Ziyan frowned.

"Since the great changes in the world, the Xu family in the hidden world has never appeared. In fact, it is not just the Xu family, there is no one in the hidden world. There are rumors that the entire hidden world is in the world. It was destroyed, and the monks inside were... dead."

Xu Ziyan’s face changed: “Are there people who have not hidden in the mainland for more than two years?”


"not even one?"

"not even one."

Xu Ziyan was silent. For a long time, Xu Ziyan looked up and asked: "What about the Xu family of that day?"

"The monks who stayed in Tianguixing are not high, and their qualifications are not very good. But the resources they possess are many, and they have long been shackled by all parties. Only they used to be jealous of the hidden continent. At home, no one dares to move the mind of Xu Jia. But now the Xu family disciples of the hidden world have not appeared for a long time, and there are rumors that the hidden continent has been destroyed, so now some families are ready to move."

"Is it mad? I haven't done it yet?"

"It should not be done yet!" The city lord said with meditation: "On the one hand, because the time is still short, only a little more than two years, it is not completely sure that the hidden continent is destroyed. The other aspect is the Tianguixing Xu family. Although the monk is not strong, but it has the weapon of war castle, and there is a large array of guardians, it is not easy to destroy the Xu family. There is now the original Zhongyuan galaxy planet is rebuilding the transmission array. So I am not very clear about the specific news."

"What star is this?"

"Heavenly Star."

"Is the transfer array from here to Tianguixing rebuilt?"

"I don't know! But the path I know." The words, the city owner took out a picture to open, this is a star map: "This is the sky wrath, and the sky is here, with seventy-eight planets in between. Need to transmit one by one, the path is like this..."

“Thank you!” Xu Ziyan remembered the star map and then asked: “Have you heard of Ziyan Xianguo?”

"The original lower galaxies?"

"Well, I was originally established in the lower galaxies."

"I haven't heard of it. It should have not been discovered by these forces in the lower galaxies."

"Right, now that the merging galaxy and the lower galaxies have merged, there is no lower galaxies. What is this space now called?"

"Spirit world!"


Xu Ziyan stood up, and now she is in a hurry. I wanted to rush to Tianguixing at the fastest speed, but the city owner stood up and gave a deep ceremony to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan understood the other side's thoughts and said faintly:

"what do you want?"

"Former seniors, Tian Nu Xing was originally the strength of our Zhou family and Qi family. The two sides each have two immortals. But now the son of Qi family has broken through to Xianjun, so there are three immortals in the family, and we Zhou Jia still has only two immortals. That Qi family has begun to **** our Zhou family's territory, and also asked the predecessors to give a fairy, so that the dog can also break through to Xianjun."

Xu Ziyan looked at the side and stood next to him. He just brought himself to the youth road of the city government:

"It's him?"


Xu Ziyan thought about it, took out two jade bottles and put them on the table: "The medicinal medicine in the jade bottle on the left will make his repair from the late nine-day Xuanxian to the nine-day Xuanxian late peak, and then Taking the broken order Dan in the right jade bottle will make his repair break to Xianjun."

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

The father and son of the city deeply worshipped, and when they both looked up, Xu Ziyan had disappeared. Two fathers and sons walked to the table with excitement. One person picked up a jade bottle and opened it. The rich medicinal fragrance was spilled out, and the father and son were intoxicated. Young people look at the city's main road:

"Father, this broken Dan is not as good as you, so you can break through the fairy king to fly on the fairyland."


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*(To be continued~^~)

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