I am very grateful to Jie Jie (100), looking for the gold dragon in the book, Bai Zibing's classmates' reward!



The Japanese patriarch nodded and looked at the Yuzu patriarch. The rainy patriarch would shrink his head and heart, don't let me go. When the Japanese patriarch saw him like that, he shook his head gently, and his eyes swept away from the sanctuary in the hall. The saints all lowered their eyes, and no one would like to go to such a unpleasant thing.

Seeing the appearance of the sanctuary, the Japanese patriarch’s heart was filled with anger, and the joy that was just called was shrunk in real time. When his gaze fell on the body of the giant clan, his eyes could not be brightened. The relationship between Cheng Buming and Xu Ziyan is good, let him go the most suitable.

"Cheng brother!"

It’s a helplessness in the heart, but he can’t refuse. Then nodded and said:

"I go!"

On the face of the Japanese patriarch, a smile appeared: "It’s a trouble to become a brother, we are here waiting for you."

No, he nodded, and he was too lazy to talk. He turned and walked out of the hall and flew over to the station on the mainland. Soon, he landed at the gate of the manor and saw that only two disciples in the refining period were at the door. Although it was a monk in two refining periods, but did not dare to swear, but annoyed Xu Ziyan, he could not afford it.

"Please inform us that you will not be able to see Xu Daoyou."

One of the refining monks saw it as a silent one. He naturally knew that it would not be heard. It was not the first time that he came here. Then nodded and said:

"Please wait for the patriarch to wait!"

Seeing the other party's courtesy, Cheng did not feel a smile, nodded, then stood at the door with a negative hand waiting, the refining period monk rushed to the inside, because it can not fly, can only run. This made it impossible to shake the head and shook his head.

"It seems to wait a little longer!"

This is two quarters of an hour, and the disciple of the refining period is naturally not qualified to go directly to see Xu Ziyan. It was the direct qualification of Xu Xingfan. He first reported the matter to the elders of Zongmen. The elders of Zongmen went to Xu Xingfan to report, and then Xu Xingfan went to Xu Ziyan again. He saw that the door of Xu Ziyan was closed and went to Yanshan. Originally, the drug Wang Sun Qingmu and the sword were turned around and found that they all closed the door, and released the defensive array. Xu Xingfan came to the gate to meet the giant clan.

Cheng did not wait at the gate for two quarters of an hour, and finally finally saw the figure. But at first glance, it is not Xu Ziyan, but Xu Xingfan. There is some dissatisfaction in my heart.

Xu Xingfan came to the gate and bowed to the singer. He looked faintly: "The patriarch is a long time. The aunt is retreating. Do you think there is anything to tell me, come in, etc?"

Tell me about it? Can't help but laugh in your heart, is it useful to you? What is this? The Bai people have been nervous for a long time. People have closed their doors here, and they have never been treated as a child.

"Xu Zongzhu. Can you tell when Xu Daoyou is going out?"

"I don't know!"

Xu Xingfan faintly shook his head. Xu Xingfan was arrested as the owner of a sect. If there is no anger in his heart, it is false, and he also has opinions on the giants. As an ally, he has not fulfilled his obligations to allies. Therefore, although his look is not bad, it is definitely not good.

Cheng did not sigh slightly and said: "Then I will go in and wait."

He had to wait, the Patriarch of the Patriarchs was still waiting for Xu Ziyan to go in the hall of the Yuzu.

With Xu Xingfan coming to the manor's hall of the manor, Xu Xingfan asked the disciples to serve the tea, and he sat there and lowered his eyes and did not care for it. If this is the case of other Tianzun in front of Cheng, I will have a slap in the face, but at this time I have to endure.

He saw that the monks on the Yuanyuan do not care about fighting here with the Baizu. Although he does not know how the Yuanyuan mainland dares to do this, they have any cards, but he does not want to become a Baizu and the Yuanyuan. The reason for the war, so he only has to endure.


I know my own things.

The Giants really owe it to Taixu Zong, and they have returned the inheritance to you, but you have no act of repaying it at all. This is really unreasonable. So he had to sit there and sullenly.

This one is another half a day, and it is at night. In the heart of the unsuccessful, there is a hint of anxiety. To be honest, he really wants to spread out the knowledge and explore whether Xu Ziyan is really retreating, but the last time he ate a loss, this time he did not dare to do so. The heart sighed, and the heart was dark, this time the face was thrown away. I just waited here, on the one hand, it was the task of completing the Baizu’s handing over to him, and on the other hand, it was a low-pitched gesture to express apologize to Xu Ziyan.

At this time, in the hall of the Yu people's deliberation, it was like a vegetable market.

This is half a day passed, Xu Ziyan did not come? And it didn't come back when it didn't sound. Didn't Xu Ziyan catch it up? Is the fairy war between the Baizu and the Shangyuan continent inevitable?

Looking at the squabbling sects in the hall, the Japanese patriarch's heart was an impatient, hesitated in the heart, and finally spread the knowledge, but his knowledge quickly swept the manor where Xu Ziyan lived.

In the retreat of Xu Ziyan, they all opened the fairy tales in the room. The Japanese patriarchs’ natural knowledge could not be detected naturally. They also could not perceive the purple smoke. Like the lords, they did not feel better because they were not as good as the Japanese patriarchs. Go to the consciousness of the Japanese patriarch.

The Japanese patriarch retracted the gods. He saw several rooms open the fairy tales. He didn't use the gods to be alarmed. He knew that it should be Xu Ziyan. They were in retreat, and they saw the stunned eyes sitting in the hall. Waiting inside, the heart sighed and sighed slightly.

Just now he released his knowledge, but he still let some patriarchs of the late nine-tiered peaks perceive it. At this time, when the Japanese patriarchs recovered their knowledge and sat down with their eyes, they asked:

"Yang patriarch, that Xu Ziyan..."

The Japanese patriarch raised his eyes and said faintly: "At the retreat!"

"The patriarch of the family..."




When the words fell, the Japanese patriarchs lowered their eyes. The public does not speak any more. In fact, they also know that Xu Ziyan is not likely to retreat for a long time. It should be a matter of understanding and closing a small pass. After all, it is not too primitive in the Yuan Dynasty. How could she be here? Closed long?

Moreover, as a holy monk and so on, it is nothing at all today. Sitting here to comprehend something, it will pass. It’s just that the heart feels wronged, so many of the Baizu monks are here to wait for Zi Ziyan alone.

However, there is no way and things can always be solved!

The lords in the manor naturally knew that they would not come, but they did not come out to meet. What do you say when you come out? They can't make a decision!

This is another three days.

In the heart of the unspeaking heart began to stunned, and slightly raised his eyes to look at Xu Xing, but saw Xu Xingfan slightly squinted, as if entering the general.

At this time, there was a terrifying momentum from the manor. Suddenly, the heart was shocked. When he stood up from his seat, his body shape had already come to the outside of the hall. Immediately he saw the outstretched courtyard bursting out of a smashing sword.

"That is... the power of nothing..."

"That is... nothingness..."

Outside the main hall of the Yuzu patriarch, the Japanese patriarchs and other monks also saw the power of emptiness, and they could not help but move.

in the room.

Xu Ziyan slowly opened his eyes, and the emptiness of the rushing land slowly landed and eventually dissipated. Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a happy color. After she refining and understanding the sinful power of emptiness, she finally cultivated the imaginary sword into the realm of Dacheng.

Standing up, put away the fairy tales, pushed the door out, and saw the Yanshan soul, the original, Yao Wang and other members of the Yuan Dynasty are standing outside the door, see Xu Ziyan coming out, together with the hand:


"Just a little harvest!" Xu Ziyan said modestly.

"Xu Daoyou, Cheng did not come!" Zuo Yan said with some anxiety: "It has been more than three days, and has been waiting in the hall."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and she didn't want to see it at this time. Now her impression of becoming a voice has become bad. And she has just realized the illusory sword, is preparing to relax, and then continue to reconcile. In her body space, there are two souls outside the domain. Since she got the benefit from the fist monk, she thought about refining the souls of the two outer gods and seeing what they could get. However, since it’s not coming, it’s not going to disappear.

"Let's go, let's see you."

A group of holy monks went to the main hall. From a distance, they saw that Cheng Wu and Xu Xing were standing at the door of the main hall. When Xu Xingfan saw Xu Ziyan, he greeted him far away:

"Aunt, congratulations!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded to Xu Xing, and then he did not sing the singer who had come forward:

"Cheng patriarch!"

Cheng Wuming saw Xu Ziyan's radiant appearance, and his heart could not help but sigh. Xu Ziyan is getting stronger and stronger, and hurriedly marched toward Xu Ziyan as a ritual:

"Xu Daoyou, congratulations!"


Xu Ziyan released the guests, and everyone entered the hall. After the seat, Xu Ziyan looked at it and did not say:

"I heard that the patriarch has been waiting for three days here, can there be something important?"

The old face that became unsuccessful was reddish. He was a holy nine-story monk. A giant patriarch was waiting here for three days like a disciple. Don’t say how other people think, he feels uncomfortable.

"Xu patriarch, for the monks of your mainland to be caught..."

When Xu Ziyan heard this, he waved his hand and said: "If you are apologizing on behalf of the Baizu, then even if I accept it, what compensation do you have for the Baizu?"


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