The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3172: Earth spirit

I wish my comrades a happy National Day and all the best!


"No!" Xu Ziyan waved: "Even if I haven't heard of it, I have known the Bai people who have recently come to the Shuangxiong Fairy City. Haven't heard of the Linglings?"

"Our spirits have just arrived in these days."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded, and the heart was dark. It seems that hundreds of people have arrived in these days.

"You have five worms, how can I sell them?"

"When you see a friend, you are also a martial artist. You will be given a special price. Five of them will give you 100,000 yuan."

Xu Ziyan glanced at the Yanshan soul, Yanshan soul did not know what the price of the sucking beast, but shrugged helplessly. The stall owner saw the look of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul and smiled:

"You don't have to think about it. The price I gave is really not expensive. If you see a cheaper worm in this market than I am, I will give it back to you. I see that everyone is a martial artist. On the fate, I gave you a special price."

"Do you also be a Taoist teacher?"

The stall owner laughed: "You don't know? Our monks of the Lings are all martial artists. We have this talent when we are born."

Speaking of this, the stall owner sighed a sigh: "It seems that we have separated the Baizu for too long, and the Terran has been forgotten by the Baizu."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and his face was embarrassed: "We two have no knowledge. I see that you have a lot of material here, so I will buy it with you."

"Good!" The stall owner was also happy to hear the heart, but at this time, he heard a voice coming from the side:

"Xu Daoyou! Yan Daoyou!"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked up. I saw that the Yuzu patriarch and a monk were standing next to them. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not have any good impressions on the Yuzu patriarchs. They nodded and said hello, and then began to pick materials. The look of the rain patriarch is a stagnation. It became very unsightly, but the stall owner opposite the station hurriedly stood up and respectfully approached the monk next to the Yuzu patriarch:

"See the patriarch!"

The monk who stood by the head of the Yuzu tribe was the patriarch of the Terran. At this time, the spiritual people in the land nodded faintly:

"Give me the five worms. I am useful."

The face of Yanshan's soul is a sinking. I think that the conversation between them and the stall owner just let the Yuzu patriarch and the Terran patriarch heard it. He is here to face.

In fact, a few days ago, the Lingzu patriarch was told that he would not be tempted to marry the monks on the Yuan Dynasty, which made his heart very uncomfortable.

Is the monk of the Upper Yuan Dynasty very powerful?

However, it is a group of earthen buns. Why can't it be provoked? Listening to that meaning is still somewhat irritating. Then I asked the reason inexplicably, but how could the patriarchs of the patriarchs say something so humiliating? It’s just a vague statement. This time, the Terran patriarch is more confused. So I sent people out to inquire, but the news came back.

This made the Terrain patriarchs have a hint of jealousy for the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty, but more is not convinced. I wondered when I met the monks on the Yuan dynasty to see how powerful they were. If I could give the monks on the Yuan dynasty a good horse, then it would be best to raise the Terran in the Hundreds. Status.

Today, he is visiting the open-air trading market accompanied by the Yuzu patriarch. This is also the intention of the Yuzu patriarch. Who knows the Terran people in the Hundreds of Families? When it comes to the realm of the array, the hundreds of ethnic groups are the highest. and so. He wants to ask the spiritual people to personally lay out a large group of guardians for the Yu ethnic group. Naturally, they are very enthusiastic about the Terran patriarchs.

When the two of them saw Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul far away, the eyes of the Yuzu patriarch involuntarily revealed a hint of hatred. This kind of hate was of course perceived by the ancestral patriarch of the same level. When the patriarch’s gaze looked over, he saw a man and a woman, so he asked:

"Who is that?"

At this time, the patriarch of the Yu nationality has restored calm: "Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul."

The look of the Terran patriarch is a glimpse: "They are the two Yanshan souls and Xu Ziyan?"


"So young?"

The head of the rain patriarch showed a bitter smile: "Don't look at them two young, but the strength is very strong."

The face of the patriarch of the Terrain is a suspicious color. He can naturally see that Xu Ziyan is only a mid-level and nine-layer mid-level, while the Yanshan soul is the peak of the nine-level sacred level. This repair is a master in front of other monks. But put it in front of him...

He is the peak of the late nine-level. Moreover, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul are so young, even if they have achieved this cultivation now, the actual combat power should never be high. Why are there so many legends about the two of them?

The heart is a jump. This is an opportunity! An opportunity to establish the status of the Terran in the Hundreds, as long as they can overcome the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. No matter what method you use, you will succeed if you can get the upper hand.

"Hey! Today, the two of you are the stepping stones for the rise of the Earth Spirit!"

The head of the Terrain patriarchs secretly followed, and then strode forward toward Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. The rainy patriarchs flashed their eyes, but they did not stop the spirits, but just followed. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already talked with the stall owner about everything. He was preparing to select materials, and the Terran patriarch would open his mouth.

In this opening, Yanshan soul is angry. At this time, Xu Ziyan also saw the rain patriarch, and naturally knew what was going on in the heart, and gently held the hand of Yanshan Soul. She knows that there is nothing to argue about. The Terran patriarch is to come face-to-face, and that people have the qualification to face, because they are the spiritual patriarchs, and the stall owner is absolutely not courageous to resist the Terran patriarch. Not to mention that he only talked to the stall owner about the price, but did not pay, and did not complete the transaction. The more you fight with the Terran patriarchs at this time, the more humiliating you are, the more it is to stretch your face and make people beaten. With the temper of Yanshan soul, it will work directly with the other side. Isn't it worthwhile for the five sucking beasts to be worthwhile?

Sure enough, the stall owner showed a distressed look toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan smiled:

"Nothing, this is just a little play that I bought to give to my disciples. If your patriarch likes it, leave it to him."

When the words fell, the hand holding the Yanshan soul stood up and said: "Mountain spirit, let's go."

At this point, Yanshan soul's face did not have anger, but a smile. Xu Ziyan’s words just seemed to be very polite, but in fact it was as sharp as a knife.

The meaning in the words is that these five squirts are not in my eyes, just the little things that I want to give to my disciples. It’s such a little play, your patriarch is a baby, even shameless. I have already robbed after talking about the price, then I will give it to your patriarch.

This high-spirited attitude and tone suddenly angered the Terran patriarch. Originally, he wanted to disgust the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls, but did not expect Xu Ziyan to give a disgusting meal. If you let Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul go away, let alone raise the position of the Lingling people in the Baizu, I am afraid that it will become a big joke of the Baizu. Immediately shouted at Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul:


The face of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul was a sinking, and they stopped their steps and slowly turned around, looking at the primates of the Lingling. The monks around had lived in the footsteps and looked over here. Some people knew Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, while others did not know.

Seeing Xu Ziyan and Yanshan's soul faintly looking over, the spiritual leader of the tribe was a hop, not knowing what was going on, and the faint gaze gave him pressure. In my heart, I was upset and sighed:

"Five sucking worms are really nothing, I can give you the Lord. Our spirits are all squadrons, as long as you can lay out a fairy squad that makes me look good, then the five worms It’s yours."

Xu Ziyan smiled and blinked at the Yanshan soul. The face of the rainy patriarch is not very good, because he once saw the array of Yanshan soul thrown out, but he thought about the talent of the Ling people, and the man next to him is the Terran patriarch. I couldn’t help but look forward to it.

Yanshan soul was also happy, he was really the first time to be challenged. The gaze of the eyes is revealed in the eyes:

"It's better to set up a lineup for me to see!"

There is a hint of anger in the eyes of the Terran patriarch. If Yanshan soul beats him with the monks at the beginning of the 9th level, he is not depressed. After all, there are many monks who can overcome the challenges.


What is said now is the formation!

Array method!

Among the Baizu, only the Terran is the leader of the platoon. And he is the Terran patriarch, is the leader among the best?

"Since you are going to be a shame, I will let you lose one person!"

The Terran patriarch looked at the Yanshan soul singly: "We are not like this. I set up a fairy squad, and you will crack it. If you can crack it, even if you win, not only the five first-level worms will give you, How many two five-level sucking insects are there for me?"

"Oh!" Yanshan soul said indifferently.

The attitude of the Yanshan soul made the spirit of the spiritual clan more angry. He decided to lay out a formation that he could arrange. He must make the Yanshan soul smashed, and it is best to kill the Yanshan soul in the fairy tales. in.

"Everyone let a hand!" The Terran patriarch shouted.


The people around him let it open, and the Terran patriarch looked at the opposite Yanshan soul as if he were watching the dead. Then the hands continued to rise out, and a fairy crystal spurted out and landed on the ground. When the last piece of fairy crystals fell, all the crystals on the ground disappeared, showing a transparent light. The Terran patriarch looks proudly at the Yanshan soul road:

"Please break into the battle!"


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*(To be continued~^~)

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