The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3294: Jianfeng

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a kind smile, and pointed his finger at the mountain peak that just released the sword:

"Brother, do you know the mountain?"

"The mountain!" The monk looked down at the fingers of Xu Ziyan: "The mountain is called Jianfeng."


"Not bad!" The monk nodded. "Because the mountain is like a giant sword, it is called Jianfeng. It is said that the Jianfeng is haunted, but I have not been there, not very clear."

"Haunted?" Xu Ziyan heard a glimpse: "Luo Tianzong will tolerate a haunted place?"

"Of course not!" The monk shook his head. "But it is said that Luo Tianzong can't help those ghosts. Many people go to catch ghosts and die. Even the lords are injured and returned, so they were listed as forbidden by Luo Tianzong. It’s rumored. But there are always some legends coming out.”

Xu Ziyan looked at Jianfeng’s hair, and the monk had already left his sleeve.

"Haunted? The monk will be afraid of ghosts?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and fell to his own cave. She decided to upgrade some of them first, then came out and inquired. In any case, the mountain suddenly burst into a sword, and summoned himself, saying something to pay attention to.

The first thing to enter the Dongfu is to set up the fairy squad, then enter the body space, collect the absorbed extraterrestrial genie, and then enter the time matrix to start practicing.

At this time, most of the Chaos Beasts and the Extraterrestrial Devils in the Upper Yuan Dynasty were besieging the Stars. Although Luo Tianzong did not go to the rescue, there was actually no way to rescue them. But they are still doing what they can.

There are constantly monks coming in and out. These monks are companions to hunt and kill the Chaos Beasts and the extraterrestrial demon. They mainly go out to intercept the extraterrestrial demon and chaotic beasts from the starry continent, the heavens and the lost continent. In the cracks of the catastrophe on the mainland, the torrents of the catastrophe rushed into the outer world, and then rushed toward the upper Yuan dynasty. These monks of Luo Tianzong were hunting these extraterrestrial demons to reduce the threat to the celestial domain. Kill one more. The Stars are less dangerous.

No time has passed in the past, and Xu Ziyan will appear outside the Dongfu again. In the time array method, she has refining and absorbing the essence of the demon and the body of the chaotic beast. One of the repairs has been promoted to the peak of the late King of the King, but her face is not happy, because she found that the more backward cultivation, the more the genius of the outer world and the body of the chaotic beast. I have obtained so many extraterrestrial geniuses and chaotic beasts in the outer space of the horoscope, but she has raised a level, I am afraid that later levels will require more.

It is not impossible to cultivate without the savvy and chaotic beasts of the extraterrestrial demon, but it takes too long to recover to the holy level. Maybe it will take hundreds of millions of years, how can Xu Ziyan have time to wait?

Looking up at the sword peak in the distance, this time there was no call and sword sentiment, Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and flew to Luo Tianzong's open-air market.

The purpose of her coming to the open-air market was to sweep the goods, while sweeping the goods and looking at the monks, she finally fell in front of a monk wearing Luo Tianzong costume. It was a fairy king who was similar to her. Xu Ziyan asked all the chaotic beasts he sold and the extraterrestrial magicians to buy them:

"This brother is a disciple of Luo Tianzong?"

The monk saw that Xu Ziyan’s repair was slightly higher than him, and his face showed a gracious attitude:

"Not bad."

"Brother, I heard that the Jianfeng is haunted?"

The Luo Tianzong monk's face was a sinking. He just wanted to get angry, but he saw Xu Ziyan handing him a jade bottle. After picking it up, his face showed a happy color, and there were actually two inferior immortals. I will sink into the road:

"This is a long story..."

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "I want a brother to have a drink?"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan has already acquired his Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon, so he also stood up happily. With Xu Ziyan came to a restaurant in the city. After the wine came up, I didn’t wait for the purple smoke to ask, and the monk said it while drinking.

"According to the legend, there was nothing unusual about this Jianfeng. It was from the third generation of the Sovereign that the Jianfeng appeared abnormal, and suddenly there were many ghosts. And these ghosts can release the sword meaning, at that time on the Jianfeng The disciples were almost completely degraded, and only a few disciples escaped.

Later, it was said that the third-generation sect went to Jianfeng personally. After he came out, he listed Jianfeng as a trial place for Luo Tianzong's disciples. So there has become a place for trials in our sect. ”

"Have you been there?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"Goed." The monk nodded. "It’s just that I didn't go deep. It is said that there are thirty-six layers. It was the third-generation lord who had reached the thirty-sixth floor. I just reached the ninth floor. The more I went up difficult."

"Sword meaning!" Xu Ziyan thought in his heart: "It seems that the Jianfeng does have problems."

"You... have you heard the call of the mountain?"

"Call?" The monk shook his head and said, "No!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a hop: “It seems that this mountain has not been prominent before, but it is a trial place for Luo Tianzong, but why do I hear the call from there?”

“Who can go there to try it?”

"No! Only the monks of this class can go. And they have to pay the fairy crystal."

Xu Ziyan nodded. Then she changed the topic and chatted with the monk. After about half an hour, Xu Ziyan and the monk separated. Standing in front of the restaurant, I thought about it. Xu Ziyan decided to go to the city to continue to acquire the chaos of the chaotic beast and the magic of the extraterrestrial demon.

When she bought the chaotic beast body and the extraterrestrial demon in the open-air market, she couldn’t help but smile. The acquisition is not enough. She will upgrade her level to a higher level. While walking outside the open-air market, she thought about the solution. In the end, she decided to leave Luo Tianzong to go out and see if she could hunt some chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demon. If she could hunt some high-level chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demon, upgrade The speed will be faster.

Xu Ziyan left Luo Tianzong and began to hunt the Chaos Beast and the extraterrestrial demon in the area around Luo Tianzong. As for leaving Luo Tianzong to return to Taixu, she did not think about it yet. She still wanted to go to the Jianfeng who summoned her, but now I haven't thought of the way to go.

Time flies.

The nine-day time passed, and Xu Ziyan actually hunted a lot of chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. There were also a few Tianzun periods, but the number was still not enough. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge spread and went on to find new chaotic beasts. Outside the world, then take the cloud baby and quickly rush to kill the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon.

In the past six months, Xu Ziyan felt that the number of chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons collected by him was almost the same. Even if it was a little worse, he could return to Luo Tianzong’s open-air market to acquire some. So Xu Ziyan began to fly in the direction of Luo Tianzong, and at the same time spread the knowledge to monitor the situation around him.


Xu Ziyan’s brow slightly wrinkled. She saw a group of chaotic beasts on the ground not far from the siege of some monks. This situation was not the first time in the past six months, and she also saved many monks. The figure will fall to the bottom.

More than a dozen monks formed a defensive circle, and there were hundreds of bodies around them. According to the current trend, I am afraid that it will not take long before the dozens of monks have fallen.


The shape of Xu Ziyan fell directly on the head of a chaotic beast, and suddenly the head of a chaotic beast was crushed.


The shape of Xu Ziyan flew in the chaotic herd, and one chaotic beast was smashed by Xu Ziyan. The dozens of monks in the middle were stunned. In less than two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan killed all the chaotic beasts, and then ignored the monks and took care of all the chaotic beasts. At this time, the dozens of monks also came over and thanked Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan glanced at their cultivation. The highest one was just a late stage of the land. Then he waved his hand and left, but then her gaze It fell on more than a dozen bodies, and the bodies were wearing Luo Tianzong's costumes. Xu Ziyan's heart suddenly moved. If he took one of the identity cards and became her appearance, he should be able to mix into Jianfeng. .

Not to mention, there are really two women in the dozens of corpses. Although some parts of the body are already broken, the head is still intact.

When the dozens of monks saw Xu Ziyan’s swinging hands, they suddenly stopped talking, and there was some awe in their hearts. After all, they saw Xu Ziyan killing more than five hundred chaotic beasts in less than two quarters of an hour. Have a bow and then leave quickly.

After leaving Xu Ziyan far away, they talked about it.

"Hey, who are you talking about?"

"The repairs of that predecessor are not high. How do I see that only the peak of the Queen of the Kings is late! But how can she kill those chaotic beasts so fast?"


At this time, Xu Ziyan stood in front of a female repairer, staring at her and remembering her appearance. Then she took down her storage ring and erased the ban. The gods passed through and saw that there were several sets of Luo Tianzong's clothes and identity jade cards, and a smile appeared on her face. All the storage rings were quickly collected, and then these people were buried and flew toward Luo Tianzong.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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