The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3304: Re-level

Xu Ziyan's eyes were excited, and the body's warfare was smashed, and he stepped into the third and sixth bridges. At this time, more and more Luo Tianzong monks gathered around the stone monument. It has been too long. No one has ever passed the thirty-sixth bridge. Even the contemporary lord Luo Bufan did not have more than thirty-six bridges. Nowadays, Miracles are about to appear, and these monks are waiting excitedly.

When Xu Ziyan’s broken swordsmanship was raised to 92%, she knew that her speculation was correct, because she was still on the bridge at this time, and the swordsmanship around her swordsman had reached 99%. It seems that after crossing the bridge, he will get a smashing sword, which makes her war more ambiguous, relying on her own realm of the gods, relying on her own body strength, constantly comprehending Break the sword.

On this bridge, she spent seven days and seven nights, and she finally passed the last bridge.


The huge stone tablet once again screamed, and the light was once again released. The name of Lingbo appeared in the light. After the sigh, the name was branded on the 36th floor.

Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed the jade box, then sat on the ground and began to precipitate the ten percent sword.

This precipitation has been full for ten days, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, two fine mans from the purple eyes of Xu Ziyan spurt out, like two swords spurt out, the space is torn.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground with joy and looked forward. He saw that there was a stone wall in front, no roads, no bridges.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, why didn't the voice calling him appear again?

Just at this time. In the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, the voice appeared again, only one word.


This word is constantly echoing in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan followed the echo and looked at the past. It seems that this echo is coming from the opposite stone wall. And the eyes of Xu Ziyan looked at the moment of the stone wall. The sound that echoed in her knowledge of the sea suddenly disappeared.

Xu Ziyan is a jump in the heart, is there really anything wrong with this stone wall?

Xu Ziyan walked up to the stone wall and extended his hands to touch the stone wall. His eyes were slightly bright. She seemed to feel different, her hands slammed hard, but the stone wall was still moving. Xu Ziyan stepped back two steps, his hands together, and the swords of the sky burst out.


The fierce sword was bombarded on the stone wall, but the stone wall did not even shake. At this time, her voice once again showed the voice in the sea:

"After entering the holy, come again!"

There was a hint of surprise among Xu Ziyan’s eyes. Is it still a secret here after entering the holy?

Xu Ziyan’s heart showed a sense of urgency, and immediately turned back to the first floor. I saw countless eyes converge toward her, Xu Ziyan made a look to Luo Bufan, and the two quickly left. Out of the Jianfeng, returned to the Luofufang Dongfu, Luo Bufan will congratulate Xu Ziyan:

“Congratulations to the friends. Get 10% of the sword.”

Xu Ziyan said seriously to Luo Bufan: "Lozon, I think there is still a secret behind the thirty-sixth bridge."


Luo Bufan’s face showed an incredible color, but then he believed Xu Ziyan’s words. Before Luo Tianzong did not find the secret, it was because Luo Tianzong did not appear as a holy monk. Xu Ziyan is a veritable master of the holy class. Although it is not repaired at this time, her realm of the gods is definitely a holy monk. So it is absolutely not unusual for Xu Ziyan to discover what secrets.

At this time his heart was also excited. If Xu Ziyan said it was true, then the secret behind the thirty-sixth bridge must be about the holy level. So Luo Tianzong has a cultivation secret about the holy level. As long as Luo Tianzong can produce one or two geniuses in the future, entering the holy level will not be a problem. Then he asked excitedly:

"Lord. What is the secret?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head. "I just have that feeling. It takes me to go back to the Holy Class and see it again."

Luo Fanfan’s spirit is a vibrate: "Lord, do you need the corpse of the Chaos Beast and the genius of the extraterrestrial demon?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"You wait a moment, I will get it for you right away."

When the words fall, Luo is in a hurry to leave. Looking at the back of his hurried leave, Xu Ziyan shook his head helplessly. Originally, I went with Luo Bufan. In this case, Xu Ziyan also stayed. Thinking of the benefits she got at Jianfeng, Xu Ziyan didn't want to owe her feelings. Although she pointed out that Luo was not a month, she still felt that she was owed to Luo Tianzong. After all, there might be a bigger secret in the future.

So she took out the teapot, took out the tea, and took out the fairy liquid. Then he pointed a bullet, and a small fire dragon turned around the teapot. When Luo came back, the tea was cooked. Luo Bufan handed Xu Ziyan two storage rings, Xu Ziyan took a glance, and nodded with satisfaction. Luo Weifan said:

"Lord, my cave is very big, there are many rooms, it is better to practice here."

Xu Ziyan thought a little, then nodded, then pointed to the teapot on the table, and a small jade bottle on the teapot:

"This is Gouda Tea, which is good for you to understand heaven."

The name of Wudao Tea was naturally heard. After listening to it, I was overjoyed and thanked me. Then I chose a room with Xu Ziyan, and I went back to my room and poured myself a cup of tea. There was a happy color between them, and then I closed my eyes and realized it.

Time has passed unconsciously for fifty-nine years, and the device has finally been broken. But the sect is the first sect to be able to persist for nearly three hundred years. This is because of the reasons why the various monks went to reinforcements.

Luo Bufan anxiously swayed in front of the door of Xu Ziyan's room, because he had received the news that the Chaos Beast and the extraterrestrial demon were coming to Luo Tianzong, and about a year later, he would besiege Luo Tianzong.

However, Xu Ziyan’s door is still closed, and Luo is not afraid to bother him, and he also knows that Xu Ziyan’s affairs in Luo Tianzong are only known to him. He dare not disclose the news of Xu Ziyan. If you let others know that Xu Ziyan is now only Tian Zunxiu For, it will cause panic in the entire fairy world. I am afraid that Luo Tianzong will not collapse in a few years.

Luo Tianzong's transmission array continued to illuminate. A team of monks entered Luo Tianzong from all directions. This was a monk from each of the Zongmen and the Eight Great Xiancheng, and came to Luo Tianzong to help resist the attack of the Chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon.

At this time, on the passage of the Baizu mainland to the Shangyuan continent, fierce killings are also under way, and more than one billion monks of the Baizu monks are migrating. Behind them are countless chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons chasing, and in front of them there are also chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. Fortunately, the holy chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon did not shoot, but the other party did not shoot, the bachelor's holy master did not dare to shoot.

There is also a relatively good news for the Baizu. There are not many chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons that block them, because the Chaos beasts and the extraterrestrial demons of the Upper Yuan Dynasty are rushing toward Luo Tianzong, which makes the Baizu monks a lot easier. The speed of advancement has also accelerated a lot, but they are still continually losing their lives. The entire passage to the Upper Yuan Continent is a simple butcher's farm. There are countless monks and chaotic beasts in this meatball farm. The demon outside the field is constantly dying. The Baizu monks are always paying for their lives. cost.

one year later.

The Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon began to besiege against Luo Tianzong.

Five years later.

Less than 10 billion hundred monks finally rushed out of the channel, entered the Upper Yuan Continent, and began to divert to Taixu, Xianzhugong, Mozhugong, Demon Palace, Baise City and the remaining five gates, but More Baizu monks were unable to enter these places because of quotas. They began to wander, counterattack, stifle, struggle in the entire Yuan Dynasty...

A hundred years later.

The breath of Xu Ziyan suddenly fluctuated. It was the breath of the holy level. It looked like the peak of the holy level, but the degree of the fluctuation of the breath was like the three levels of the holy level.

The taiji ball that Xu Ziyan has turned into has a rhythmic rotation, exuding a chaotic chaos. It is a vast space in the Taiji ball. The hundreds of millions of stars slowly rotate, forming a unique rhythm, grand , vastness...

Within her knowledge of the sea, the huge Yuanshen arms stretched to the sides, and hundreds of millions of stars are slowly moving around the Yuanshen, but these stars are still very small, and each star is not the size of a fist. However, at this time they are growing up.

Two hundred and thirty-one acupoints in the body have been turned into small galaxies, which are slowly hovering and emitting great power. Xu Ziyan raised his hand and gently held it, and the sound of the explosion rang out, and the space around the fist produced a crack. She felt that the peak of the holy level at this time was more than a hundred times stronger than the original force of the body did not transform into chaos. If this time plus the sword of the sky, Xu Ziyan now wants to go out and find a holy level. Chaos beast or extraterrestrial warfare on the previous experience.

However, her heart is also very clear, she is only stronger than the original, but for those chaotic beasts may not be able to force much, because the body of those chaotic beasts is also the chaos of the beast. But there is no doubt that between the same-order chaotic beast, Xu Ziyan should occupy an advantage, because she can release the immortal and the sword, but the chaotic beast does not work, they can only melee, and there is no magic.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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