The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3318: Breaking the sword

The Baizu mainland does not want to re-infect the mainland, only to be honestly staying in the mainland of the Baizu, as long as the purple smoke in one day, they have to be honest one day.

Seeing the expressions of the monks, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bright smile. A cleaning technique was performed, and then a dress was changed and walked out of the cave.

Xu Ziyan just appeared, excitedly stepped forward: "Ziyan, you broke through to the Holy Completion?"

The eyes of all the monks looked at Xu Ziyan, and then they felt that they were shocked. Xu Ziyan was like a huge chaotic whirlpool. He wanted to absorb their gods from the sea and rushed to one by one. Yuanshen, looking forward to Xu Ziyan.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.


The original excited wave of a fist. He is really happy, because Xu Ziyan once broke through the Holy Completion, it proves that Xu Ziyan's road is not wrong.

He is different from other monks. He needs to know that he knows that there is a bead in the sea. He is likely to complete the eleventh attribute. This means that he is likely to break through to the holy level with Xu Ziyan. pursue. Maybe this time will be very long, it will take countless millions of years, and it will always be ten thousand times stronger than the goal.

When the public heard that Xu Ziyan admitted that he had broken through to the Holy Completion, no matter what he thought, this time he neatly prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Congratulations to the lord!"

"Master, Master..."

"Ziyan, purple smoke..."

Listen to these two voices, Xu Ziyan knows who it is. And in the presence of so many holy monks, dare to drink so much, and only those two people, they smiled and looked over there. I saw Sha Xiaofan and Ma Jingying waving at her, and they smiled at them. The two men squeezed from behind a group of holy monks and ran to the side of Xu Ziyan. One person grabbed Xu Ziyan's arm.

"Master, do you have any feelings after breaking through to the Great Perfection? For example, the feeling of soaring. Will there be a new world above the fairy world? Will you fly up?"

The monks listened to their feelings. Especially those holy monks, who are eager to get an answer from Xu Ziyan. There is still a bit of thought about going to the Baizu holy monk, that is, if there is a higher-ranking world, then does the purple smoke not leave one day?

As long as she left, the mountain that was pressed against their head disappeared, otherwise would it be suppressed by Xu Ziyan forever?

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "No!"

At this time, it was not calm, and his heart was very yearning for a better world, which would make him full of motivation. I heard that Xu Ziyan said no. Can't help but ask again:


“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “There is no such feeling.”

When I saw the monks looking at her with gaze, they confirmed again: "There is no feeling at all."

Not only did the sages show disappointment on their faces, but the Baizu monks were even more disappointed. Isn’t this purple smog to be on their heads for a lifetime?

However, at this time, their hearts were still more happy than disappointment. After all, Xu Ziyan broke through to the Holy Completion, and he scored a point against the catastrophe, and more hope for survival.

Ordinary monks scattered. The public gathered in the Purple Smoke Peak Hall, and Xu Ziyan did not hide it. He gave them a detailed explanation of the great success of the Holy Class. These holy masters know that they actually listen to it, they can't break through to the Holy Completion, because they are not eleven attributes, but they can't resist the thoughts they want to listen to, and then ask Xu Ziyan to say one. Say.

After saying this, Xu Ziyan learned about the situation in Xianjie today, and the people have left to leave. After the sacred departure, Xu Ziyan immediately came to the mountain soul peak.

Break through yourself. Yanshan soul did not come. This made her worry. The figure fell on the mountain soul peak, and his eyes swept away. He did not see the Yanshan soul on the rock, and he came to the Yanshan Soul Cave House.

The Dongfu Xu Ziyan of Yanshan Spirit is naturally entering. Those immortal bans Xu Ziyan know, but when he entered the Dongfu. However, it was found that there was a trapped array, and the level of this trapped array was very high. It is that the realm of the current purple smoke is not able to enter casually.

Xu Ziyan began to push this trap, she does not need to completely break this trap, just need to break a gap, let their own knowledge into the look of Yanshan soul.

Even so, Xu Ziyan spent a full nine days to break through a gap, and the gods swarmed in, and then she saw the Yanshan soul sitting closed.

At this time, Yanshan Soul is in a state of cultivation and calmness. It completely isolates the five senses. The feeling for Xu Ziyan is to enter into the deep comprehension. Seeing that the Yanshan soul only enters into deep comprehension, Xu Ziyan puts the suspended heart down. , recovered the knowledge of God, the gap in the trapped array automatically closed. Xu Ziyan left the cave house of Yanshan soul, looking at the direction of Luo Tianzong, she is going to go to Jianfeng.

Stepping out, the figure disappears on the mountain soul peak. The next moment, Xu Ziyan's body shape has come outside the Luo Tianzong Jianfeng. After looking at the ruins of Luo Tianzong, he sighed in his heart and walked into the Jianfeng.

Looking around, there is no chaotic beast or the whereabouts of the demon outside the realm. It is known that today's chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons are all focused on attacking the fairy tales. I am afraid that they have already forgotten this place. The figure quickly passed through the bridge and finally stood in front of the stone wall. Xu Ziyan’s heart was a little excited. She didn’t know what kind of changes would happen to this stone wall after breaking through the Holy Completion. The heart was filled with expectations.

Xu Ziyan also refers to the sword, and the operation of the holy level of the perfection is to stab a sword toward the stone wall.


A roar, this time the stone wall did not recede to a cliff, but split from the middle to the two sides, showing a passage. Xu Ziyan's look is a glimpse, and then a hint of fear in his heart, staring at it, faintly seeing an exit at the end. Taking a deep breath, he was promoted to the peak state, and slowly walked into the passage.

The passage was very quiet, only her footsteps echoed. The passage was not long, and soon the purple smoke came to an end and took a step in one step.

The footsteps are a meal. The entrance is a small space. There is a square of about 100 meters. A huge pattern is hovered over the space, covering the entire top of the 100-meter circle. There was an old man sitting cross-legged under the center. At this time, the old man was looking at Xu Ziyan, and there was a hint of joy between the eyebrows.

Xu Ziyan carefully looked at the other side, and the heart was a jump. With Xu Ziyan’s current cultivation, many things could not hold her eyes. It was only this eye that she saw that the other party was not a real person but a sword. Spirit, and the strength of this sword spirit is very strong, that is, today's Xu Ziyan feels that the other side is as deep as the sea, and may not have the confidence to overcome the other side. Take a deep breath and pray to the old man:

"Xu Ziyan has seen his predecessors."

"You are finally here!" the sword spirit said faintly, then raised his finger to his opposite side: "Please sit."

Xu Ziyan nodded and came to the opposite side of Jianling to sit down and look at the sword spirit. The mind quickly thought about it. Is this Jianfeng a sword, and the old man in front of him is the sword spirit of this sword? However, Xu Ziyan has already been able to affirm at this time, the person who calls himself is the sword spirit in front of him, because the sound is exactly the same.

"You have seen that I am a sword spirit?" Sword spirit said with a smile.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "I don't know what the predecessors summoned the purple smoke to come?"

Sword Spirit was silent and half-sounded: "I don't know how long I have existed, and I have forgotten what my master was. I just remember that there was a catastrophe in the world, and my master ended up with a chaotic beast. I have also been hit hard."

Speaking of this, there is a mournful color on the face of Jian Ling, silently. When Xu Ziyan saw that Jian Ling did not speak, he whispered:

"This mountain is a sword?"

"Yes!" Sword spirit looked up again and looked at Xu Ziyan nodded.

"Have you had nine major gates in your time?"

Jianling shook his head, and Xu Ziyan asked again: "But there are five holy?"

Sword spirit looked at Xu Ziyan strangely and shook his head again.

"That can be the age of the dragons and the winds?"

Seeing that Jian Ling continued to shake his head, Xu Ziyan said again: "Is that the age of the Bai nationality?"

Sword Ling shook his head again, but this time he said: "In our time, there are more than a hundred people, and there are thousands of people."

“Who is a family of people?”

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a tremor. At this time, she has already speculated that this sword spirit and his master should be earlier than the Baizu era, but after speculating this message, Xu Ziyan did not know what to say, only silently To the other side. The sword spirit slowly opened:

"My master is the first monk in that era, and the only monk in the entire fairy world that blends eleven attributes..."

Xu Ziyan is a hop in the heart, can not help but blurt out: "Integration of eleven attributes?"

"Not bad!" Sword Spirit looked at Xu Ziyan with deep thoughts: "As with you, it is a monk who blends eleven attributes."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was excited when she arrived. This is the first time she heard that there is a monk who combines eleven attributes. After a long time, the stormy waves in her heart gradually subsided. She knew that she had encountered a chance. Then sit quietly waiting for the sword spirit to continue to tell.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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