The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3320: Comprehend sword

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked over one by one, the Thunder’s giant sword, the water of a palm, the fire spirit...

The eyes are getting wet...


Twelve sword spirits once again entered the Taixu sword, and then the handle was too weak and could not help but tremble, Xu Ziyan knew that their swallowing and refining began, a tear passed from the cheek of Xu Ziyan, one by one sword spirit A scene was played in front of her eyes...

"Ziyan!" Jianfeng sword spirit whispered.

"Predecessors!" Xu Ziyan raised his hand and wiped the tears and looked at the sword spirit opposite.

"The second gift I gave you was that you can continue to comprehend the sword."

The look of Xu Ziyan is a sigh: "Isn't that the inheritance of your master?"

Jianfeng Jianling smiled and said: "The broken sword is only one of my master's powerful inheritance. Since you have already realized the 19th floor of the sword, let you continue to comprehend the remaining swords. There is nothing. But my master It was just a forty-six layers of broken swords. According to my master, this broken sword has not yet reached its limit. These two gifts are given to you as a reward for thanking you for introducing the two monks. ”

"But..." Xu Ziyan said with some hesitation: "I can't guarantee that the two people will be willing to become disciples of their predecessors."

"It doesn't matter. I said these two gifts are just a thank you for the referrals. If they finally agree, they will look at the fate."

However, the thought of Jian Ling is that the two people are not yet eleven attributes, and you are different from the freak of Xu Ziyan. How could you not accept the inheritance?

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan immediately nodded and promised, she is also very yearning for the sword. Since this is the reward that the other party gave to himself, he is not very polite.

"Ziyan you relax, don't resist." Sword spirit said softly.


Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and then saw that the sword spirit became a sword inserted in front of Xu Ziyan. A light from the sword was released, and the purple smoke was shrouded. Then the shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared.

Waiting for the purple smoke to open his eyes again, he saw that he had returned to the original room, with a huge pattern hovering overhead. And Sword Ling is sitting opposite her. Seeing Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and said:

"The pattern above is a broken sword, you will understand it here."

Xu Ziyan nodded, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes, but instantly felt a trace of silk hanging from the pattern...

Mountain soul peak.

Yanshan soul's facial muscles have been distorted, and the body trembles, the sweat is like a pulp, and the whole body clothes are already soaked. His body began to petrify from the foot. However, the eyebrows of Yanshan's soul still show reluctance.


The petrochemical climbed up and down the legs of Yanshan Soul, gradually reaching the knees, reaching the thighs and reaching the abdomen...


Yanshan soul suddenly opened his mouth and screamed, and the sound wave hit the trapped array. The trapped array was a violent wave, but in the end it did not collapse. Block endless sound waves inside.


Yanshan soul opened his eyes and spit a long breath, looked down at his body, and had turned into stones from below the chest. His face could not help but show a bitter smile.

At this time, two gods appeared in the sea of ​​Yanshan soul, exactly the same.

When the mind was moved, a **** came to the outside from the sea of ​​Yanshan soul, sitting cross-legged on the ground, a pair of small hands constantly swaying the shackles, and a pattern of circles formed around the Yuanshen, gradually forming a With body. The Yanshan Soul also closed his eyes at this time. Start a little bit of repression of the body's petrochemical...

The Imperial Palace is broken!

The entire fairyland is left with the demon palace and the Taixu.

All the chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons rushed toward the demon palace under the leadership of three holy and perfect chaotic beasts and two extraterrestrial demons.


There is another humming between heaven and earth. The whole fairyland resounded, and the chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons who were rushing in the sky could not help but look neatly toward the Baizu mainland.

Those holy great chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demon gods were all changed, and then they heard the first holy chaotic beast roaring. At the sight of the marginal chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon once again rushed toward the demon palace.

At this time, the holy monks in the fairyland were happy on the face. They knew that a crack in the catastrophe over the mainland of the Baizu was closing. So there are only four cracks in the catastrophe. Although the catastrophe is not over yet, the support of the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon is decreasing.

The appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared in Dongfu, and she has fully realized the forty-six layers of broken swords. His eyes fell on the two swords that were inserted in front of him. One handle was the sword of Jianfeng, and the other was a sword.

The Jianfeng Xianjian waved, and once again turned into an old man, looking at Xu Ziyan and laughing:

"Congratulations to Xu Daoyou, it took only a few hundred years to fully understand the meaning of the sword."

Xu Ziyan will hand over his hand: "This is also thanks to the predecessors. This is really extraordinary. The more difficult it is to understand later, I really have a feeling. If I can practice the sword to the extreme, it is very likely Crush this piece of paper."

Jianfeng Xianjian smiled and nodded: "My master once said that, and he also speculated that the ultimate goal of this sword should be the forty-ninth floor, as long as you understand the forty-ninth layer of the sword You can smash this piece of the sky. It is a pity that my master does not have that chance."

Xu Ziyan’s face also showed a trace of sorrow, and it is conceivable that his master was a man of the moment. Then she whispered softly, because after she realized the forty-sixth layer of the sword, she knew how difficult the sword would be. I have to know that no one has borrowed from her since then, and I can only comprehend on my own.

Do not!

Not comprehension, but creation!

The three layers of the back of the sword need to be created by her alone. This is not so simple to understand, and the time spent can not be determined. Perhaps a moment of inspiration will create a layer of swordsmanship, perhaps hundreds of millions of years can not comprehend a layer of sword.

Shaking his head, put the matter aside, and looked at the sword, the heart is a jump, she felt that the virtual sword at this time has become different, the floating power is turned over before Know a few times. Finally, I saw that the sword was too fluctuating, and turned into a person who was exactly the same as Xu Ziyan, looking at Xu Ziyan with a smile:


"Are you finished?" Xu Ziyan knows it, naturally knowing that this sword spirit is the spirit of the sword that is split by his own god.

"Yeah!" Taixu Jianling nodded with a smile.

Xu Ziyan reached out and the sword was too swayed into the hands of Xu Ziyan. On the way, he turned into a too weak sword. Xu Ziyan had a hand and a hand, and he felt that the sword had a huge power. Not only did he like it, he drank:

"it is good!"

When the mind is moving, it will take the Taixu sword into the heat of Dantian. Then I looked at Jianfeng Jianling, and my face suddenly showed a sad color:

"Predecessors, have not asked for your honor."

Jianfeng Sword Spirit smiled and said: "The name of the old man is called the sky."

"The predecessors, you wait a moment here, I went to see the mountain soul and the original did not go out."

"Go together!"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and left the cave house and flew toward the mountain soul peak. When the figure fell, the Dongfu, which saw the soul of Yanshan, was still closed. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and thought in his heart, what is the mountain spirit comprehending? Haven’t been out for a long time?

Then he entered the Dongfu with a broken sky. At this time, the Yanshan soul has split the Yuanshen. The split **** is using the circuit to build his own body, while the Yanshan soul is destroying his body.

This kind of situation naturally does not need to close the five senses, so when the Yanshan soul and the broken Tianyi entered the Dongfu, Yanshan soul and the avatar opened their eyes together, and saw the purple smoke and the sky through the trapped array. The eyes of Yanshan have revealed a strange color. He naturally has never seen a broken sky. He does not know why Xu Ziyan brought a stranger to his Dongfu.

However, there are Xu Ziyan, he naturally does not have to worry, the gods will reveal his eyebrows, then there is a portal in the trapped, Xu Ziyan stepped in with a broken day, then Xu Ziyan will stay there, tears in his eyes, body The shape of a swept will come to the front of the Yanshan soul:

"Mountain Soul, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Yanshan soul is still petrified below the waist, looking at the grief of Xu Ziyan, the face of Yanshan soul reveals a smile:

"Ziyan, I am fine, I will recover soon."

At this time, Xu Ziyan discovered that the **** that is building the body next to him, looked a glimpse, and then stunned:

"The mountain spirit, you refine the king of the spirit, and then split to the gods?"

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul's face showed a trace of satisfaction: "Although the process is a bit painful, it is good to succeed."

"You...what is this? Why don't you wait until the end of the catastrophe to refine?"

There was a bitter smile on the face of Yanshan Soul: "I am also trying to get through the catastrophe. Otherwise, with my previous strength, I may not be able to safely pass the catastrophe."

The pride of Yanshan soul will not be said to be because the gap between him and Xu Ziyan has increased. He wants to pull into the distance of Xu Ziyan to risk refining the king of the spirit. Seeing Xu Ziyan still wiping his tears there, he changed his mind and looked at the broken heaven:

"Who is this?"

The spirit of Xu Ziyan is a revival. She thinks that it is from the era of the Wan people, and his master is a perfection of the holy level. Maybe there will be any way to solve the petrochemical problem of the Yanshan soul, and then turn to the heavens:

"Breakfast, what can you do?"


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*(To be continued~^~)

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