The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3322: challenge

"Try it?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Now my virtual sword has improved the level, the power is stronger, there is too much virtual sword in hand, my strength can be doubled, and there are Breaking the sword, the strength should have an improvement. It is not necessarily impossible to fight, and only when you face the biggest challenge, can you create the last three layers of sword.

go with!

Go try it! ”

The shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared into the Dongfu.

The demon main palace.

The three holy grand perfect chaotic beasts and the two extraterrestrial demons are leading all the chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons to attack the demon lord of the demon palace. The demon Lord stood in the squad of the sacred demon, and the densely-knited monks set up in the squad of the sacred demon, and sent their own cultivation into a complete squad, and the tens of thousands of demon continually condensed The shape of a demon family, from the squad of the squad, and a chaotic beast, fighting outside the field.

The five holy grand perfect chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons simply ignored the illusionary demon who rushed to them. They only continually bombarded the big squad, and the enchanted demon squad attacked them on five. There is no harm to them. It is just the harassment of other holy chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. It simply does not harm the holy chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demon, so all the holy chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons continue to bombard the big array. The squad will be swayed by the bombardment.

However, they don't care, it doesn't mean that the chaotic beasts under the holy level and the extraterrestrial demons don't care. The illusion of the demon genius that has been slamming into the squad has caused great damage to the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon. Numerous chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons were torn apart, and of course there were countless illusion demons being smashed.

And this is just a battlefield, there is another battlefield in the air on the other side. The battlefield is even more popular, because the battlefields are killing the holy monks.

On the air battlefield.

There are nearly one hundred monks and sacred monks and nearly one hundred chaotic beasts or extraterrestrial demons. Outside the battlefield, there are more than 200 holy chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. They did not go up to the siege of the immortal monks, nor did they help to attack the squad, but watched the battle on the battlefield. While vigilantly searching for space, there is a sudden sneak attack on the immortal monk.

They also have a headache for these holy monks in the fairy world. If they say that they want to besiege the monks of the Immortals, these monks will immediately flee through the space and then continue to harass them. Therefore, these holy chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial sorcerers are smothered one-on-one and the sacred monks of the immortal world. Anyway, just drag them and prevent them from harassing the holy chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon who are attacking the squad. Just fine. And the five holy grand perfect chaos beasts and the extraterrestrial demons also ignored the monks of the immortal world and attacked the demon palace with one heart and one mind.

In their view. As long as the main house of the demon is broken, the entire fairy world is left with only the emptiness. They believe that it is only a matter of time before the Taizong sect is broken. By that time, the various ethnic groups in the celestial world have no place to escape. Without a place to breathe, they will become their prey. At that time, it was the true eradication of the sacred monarchs. Moment.


The air is roaring everywhere. Space cracks can be seen everywhere. Moreover, there are also fallen monks in the Holy Class, and there are also holy chaotic beasts and devils outside the domain. In the case of one to one. Both sides refused to take a step back and stunned.

In the sky, the more than 200 holy chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demon who have been paying attention to the space immediately turned their eyes to the space.

Xu Ziyan’s figure appeared there, his eyes sweeping toward the battlefield.

When the monk of the immortal world saw Xu Ziyan appear, the spirit was a revival, and the offensive was even more fierce. Those holy chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons were shocked. They first saw Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul collaborated to kill a chaotic beast in the early stage of the Holy Conquest. Not being explored by God. Looking for the traces of Yanshan soul.

Three holy great chaotic beasts and two extraterrestrial demons are attacking against the big demon, and they have not realized that Xu Ziyan has come. Nearly two hundred chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons who were responsible for blocking in the air opened their mouths like roaring warnings. But before they even heard their voices, they saw Xu Ziyan’s hands not knowing when he had already held a virtual sword, and made a move toward the nearly two hundred holy chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demon.

The sky is raging and the space is broken, as if a mirror was suddenly hit by heavy objects and quickly broken.

A dozen sacred levels were closest to Xu Ziyan, and the body of the relatively low chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon suddenly collapsed, and there were more than a dozen holy chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons.


The warning roar of the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon finally came out, but how the sound heard was not like the voice of the police, but the voice of fear, full of trembling.

In the air, both sides of the Holy Class have stepped back and separated, looking at Xu Ziyan with shock. Yang Hui’s eyes couldn’t stop playing the sword of Xu Ziyan. He felt that the sword of Xu Ziyan was so relaxed, and he did not make all the effort, but that’s it. So a sword that flutters like this, it kills a dozen holy The level chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon, seriously injured more than a dozen chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demon.

"How high is the strength of Xu Ziyan?"

"Is this the power of the Holy Completion?"

The five holy chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demon who are attacking the squad are stopping, turning their heads to the sound of the roaring warning, and then they see Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took back the too weak sword, the side of the pendulum, and looked coldly at the three holy great chaotic beasts and two extraterrestrial demon, and sighed beautifully:

"Can you dare to fight with me?"

The five holy grand perfect chaos beasts and the demon gods outside the field are a glimpse, that is, the surrounding chaotic beasts and the devils outside the field are also a glimpse. The last time Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls killed the holy great chaotic beast At the time, Xu Ziyan only used the sound power to hurt the enemy. In fact, it is the soul of Yanshan who killed the chaotic beast. They did not see the true fighting power of Xu Ziyan. Now they are alone in the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon to the holy level.

Such chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons are naturally dissatisfied and disdainful.


A sacred nine-layer late stage peak outside the horror rushed toward Xu Ziyan, and there were hundreds of meters away from each other. The extraterritorial Tianmo released his strongest attack on Xu Ziyan, and a sharp **** read toward Xu Ziyan. Knowing the sea and colliding.

Xu Ziyan mouth appeared a faint smile, reaching out to the demon outside the field, the realm outside the realm felt that he was imprisoned.

Do not!

Not forbidden!

Instead, the space turned into a solid in an instant, so that the celestial demon outside the peak of the nine-level stage of the holy level could not move completely.


The sacred attack released by the extraterrestrial demon came to the front of Xu Ziyan, but in front of Xu Ziyan, there was a layer of defensive hood that easily blocked the other's sacred attack. At the same time, Xu Ziyan only grasped the hand of the demon outside the field in the air.


The space quickly squeezed toward the middle, and the huge extraterrestrial demon was instantly squeezed into powder.

The five holy chaotic beasts and the demon gods outside the field are a change. Among them, the chaotic beast of the peak of the great stage of the holy stage flew into the air, and looked at the opposite Xu Ziyan and sighed:

"How is this possible? Have you ever become a holy perfection? And is it true that the Holy Order is perfect?"

"This is nothing impossible!"

The heart of Xu Ziyan was immediately tightened. The chaotic beast on the opposite side was a peak of the late stage of the Holy Class. For such a chaotic beast, her heart did not have any grasp. At the same time, he waved his hand to the fairyland of the world behind him:


The celestial congregation is a glimpse of the heart, and Xu Ziyan let them retreat to show that Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest grasp to defeat the chaotic beast, and he did not even grasp the chaotic beast. They can perceive that the smell of the chaotic beast is much stronger than that of the purple smoke. One by one, they are retreating, and they are standing in the air far away. They are ready to shuttle the space at any time, while watching the purple smoke and the excitement with excitement. Only chaotic beasts.

This is the first time that the immortal monk of the Immortal World has challenged the Chaos Beast and the extraterrestrial demons. This does not help them to be excited. Although they can all feel that the breath of Xu Ziyan is not as strong as that of the chaotic beast, their eyes still show their expectations. After all, Xu Ziyan often challenges more and more. Maybe this time can also bring them unexpected surprises.

The chaotic beast stunned his huge head, and his huge disdain did not hide his disdain:

"Are you challenging me?"

"Yes! Can you dare to fight?" Xu Ziyan said coldly, his body began to exude a strong atmosphere, and the high spirit of war was straight.

The Chaos Beast smiled and said: "Can't one more person hide in the dark?"

Hearing this sarcasm, Xu Ziyan, who has already achieved great sacredness, is not reddened. He shook his head and said: "Reassured, this time I am alone."

The chaotic beast had already released the gods when he spoke to Xu Ziyan. When he did not find a hidden monk, he took back the gods and looked at Xu Ziyan and sneered:

"Just rely on a monk who has just broken through to the Holy Sepulchre to try to challenge me? I really don't know how to live."

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly, but the smile was full of provocation. The chaotic beast showed a more disdainful smile. He sent a **** to the demon outside the peak of the holy stage. Then he retreated toward the rear, and the sacred heavenly demon was flying toward Xu Ziyan. . Xu Ziyan turned his body to it and knew that his opponent had been replaced by this extraterrestrial demon.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)<

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