The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3334: Epiphany

Yang Hui is being attacked by two chaotic beasts, and the situation is in jeopardy. But at the most critical time, a chaotic beast suddenly stopped and did not understand, and was killed by Yang Hui...

After three days.

Xu Ziyan resumed the cultivation, took out the jade flute across the lips, and merged the three stars of the stars and the Yanshan soul into one place, looking for a chaotic beast and an extraterrestrial demon.

A chaotic beast and an extraterrestrial demon are killed. This sudden imagination of the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon will finally let the tribes of the various tribes find the source. Their eyes look at the Xu Ziyan above the peak. Yanshan soul, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan, four people, know that these four people are using the sound to help them. Xu Ziyan will have a lot of monks knowing that Xu Qinyang was originally known as the Qinmo, and naturally many people know it, but they did not think that Yanshan Soul and Xu Xingfan would also make sounds. This can not help but make them feel refreshed.

Xu Ziyan played the star illusion while observing the situation. Although with the help of four of them, they killed a lot of holy chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons, but in fact the monks of all ethnic groups still fell in the wind, and there are also many holy monks fallen. And the monks of all ethnic groups below the holy level are more and more fallen.

Xu Ziyan played the magical side of the star and the sound of the Yanshan soul. "The mountain spirit, this is not the case. We are very different from the strength of the Chaos beast. Even with the help of our four sounds, it is difficult to stick to it, the casualties are too Big."

"After I upgraded this big battle, I have a new function that can force the cultivation of the various ethnic monks to forcibly improve a large rank. But in that case, I will fully control the fairy tales."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright. God knows the voice: "Then you will take full control of the fairy tales, and other things will be handed over to us."

"it is good!"

Yanshan soul stopped his hands, and the stars that he played out were stunned. This time the flame trace between his eyebrows is more active, just like the same real flame side, the flashing light in the eyebrows is more rapid.


The 90,000-year-old squad sent out a scream of the sky, and the 90,000 mountains had a glimmer of contact, but this connection was very mysterious, invisible, intangible...


The chaotic beast of the late stage of the great level of the Holy Age felt a little bad. But they couldn't grasp it, and they didn't see the fact that Xianzheng caused substantial harm to them. Only they snarled in uneasiness.


The monks of the various celestial circles have a feeling of earth-shaking, and because this feeling is too sudden, they are given a glimpse of it because of this embarrassment. Even thousands of monks of all ethnic groups were instantly bombarded by the Chaos Beast and the Devils outside the domain.

But then they were ecstatic, and they felt that their cultivation was actually promoted to a big stage, and the body exudes a huge atmosphere, which makes them feel that they have endless power.


The monks of the various celestial circles only broke out in a round, killing countless chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. The battle was even more intense.

Above the peak.

Xu Ziyan. Xu Qinyang and Xu Xing's heart are a joy, and their Xu Jiayin Gong Long Fengming also has this effect. However, there is absolutely no such a large array of Yanshan souls.

ten years!

The war has lasted for ten years.

The monks of all ethnic groups in the celestial world have already suffered one-fifth of their casualties. The Chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon have also died countless, but the war is even more fierce.

The face of Yanshan soul has begun to become a little pale, and has been in control of the big array, so that his power of the gods is constantly consumed, this is still in the case that he continues to swallow the heavenly fairy.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has completely immersed himself in the stars.

This situation began a year ago when she kept playing the stars. She has been playing for nine years and she is immersed in it.

The original star illusion is an understanding and understanding of the universe. It generates a universe, which contains heaven and earth. With Xu Ziyan's understanding of Heaven and Tao, she has been playing the magical illusion, which has given her a deeper understanding of Heaven and Tao.

The stars that she played are more complete, and the universe that the magical derivation of the stars has become more realistic, has gradually revealed the power of a real universe.

In this kind of non-stop performance, in this immersive comprehension, Xu Ziyan's state of mind began to improve a little, and there was a gap between the barriers that broke her into the middle of the Holy Sepulchre.

Xu Ziyan played the stars and the magic power is getting bigger and bigger, but it is suffering from Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan.

A year ago.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan discovered that Xu Ziyan’s star illusion suddenly broke out with greater power. This is undoubtedly Xu Ziyan’s breakthrough in sound work. These two people are extremely excited, and they still have the opportunity to borrow and Xu Ziyan. The fusion of insights into the stars.


Then they both found that Xu Ziyan’s star magic power was improved, but he lost his direction.

Because Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in the illusion of the stars at this time, he completely forgot to attack the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon. At this time, the star illusion she played was completely untargeted attack. Wherever the sound spreads, it will attack. There is no such thing as a monk and a chaotic beast of all ethnic groups in the world.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Xing were shocked in the heart, but in an instant they knew that Xu Ziyan had entered the epiphany. The monks' epiphany is hard to come by, and Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan will naturally not wake up Xu Ziyan who is immersed in the epiphany. So the two of them had to join forces to guide the star illusion played by Xu Ziyan.

Fortunately, all three of them are Xujia people, and the cultivation is a kind of sound work, and now the sounds of the three of them are completely integrated, so Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan will separate part of the sound work as a traction, dragging The star illusion played by Xu Ziyan attacked a holy chaotic beast and an extraterrestrial demon.

Another ten years.

The faces of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan have become pale. At this time, the two of them have already split half of the sounds to pull the purple illusion of Xu Ziyan, because the star illusion played by Xu Ziyan is getting stronger and stronger.

Time flies quickly in the fierce slaughter. Too imaginary is not just a blood red in the earth, but a **** fog in the air. Nearly one billion monks of the immortal world now have less than 500 million, nearly ten billion chaos. The beast and the extraterrestrial demon are now less than five billion. This is still the three catastrophe cracks in the continuous flow of chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demon.

For fifty years, the Taixu ancestor has become a ghost field.

Above the peak.

The two scorpions of Yanshan's soul have already sweated, and his face is pale as paper. Like him, there are Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan. At this time, both of them have used all their energy to pull the stars of Xu Ziyan, and the stars of Xu Ziyan are too powerful.


There was a sudden wave of volatility between the heavens and the earth. This kind of volatility caused the various ethnic monks and chaotic beasts who were in the midst of madness to kill, and the magicians of the outside world could not help but pause.

This voice also awakened Xu Ziyan from the epiphany. It was too late to watch the situation around him. The gods spread to the fluctuating places, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

"Closed a catastrophe crack!"

Yanshan soul also delighted to say: "It is the catastrophe crack on the mainland."

"There are three catastrophe cracks left! Two in the mainland of the Bai nationality, one in the mainland of the stars." Xu Qinyang also said excitedly.


The killings in the 90,000 mountains began again, and the monks of the celestial world were more inspired by the closure of the catastrophe, and the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon became more crazy.

Xu Ziyan took back the gods, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She suddenly found that her state of mind had reached the realm of breaking through to the middle of the Holy Age. It was only because of the power of the gods and the power of chaos that have been consumed in the past 50 years that no breakthrough has been made.

"Mountain soul, I want to break through!" Xu Ziyan shouted excitedly.

"Really?" Yanshan soul, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan were both excited to see Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan nodded excitedly: "I am going to the altar space, you must hold on."

"Reassured!" Yanshan soul, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan are nodding their heads.

Xu Ziyan went to the "protection", the body shape disappeared from the peak, and the next moment she had entered the Baizu trial field. No one in the 90,000 Dashan monks found that Xu Ziyan disappeared, and the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon were not found. At this time, they were all in a crazy fight.

Xu Ziyan broke out all her potential and was crazy. She knew that even saving time is also crucial for the fairy world.

It took her only fifteen days to pass through all the levels and once again stood on the altar.


The altar was screaming and the brilliance was released. The shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared from the altar.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw that I came to the altar space again. Xu Ziyan quickly walked down the altar and then quickly returned to the altar. The altar screamed, and a mysterious pattern on the altar glowed with brilliance, condensing a beam of light on a distant house.


With a roar, the house collapsed, and a chaotic beast from the middle of the Holy Age came out from the inside and rushed toward the altar.

At the moment when the chaotic beast entered the altar, the altar was turned into an infinite space. Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to smash out the sword. The seventeenth floor of the broken sword screamed out, momentarily Between her and the chaotic beast, a super whirlpool was created that was completely constructed by the broken sword. It was like a bottomless black hole, and swallowed away from the chaotic beast. The forty-seventh layer of broken swords is superimposed on the chaos of the peak of the first stage of the great reunion. When the two are closely combined, the power of the explosion is far beyond the simple addition of the two.


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