The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 743: Sifang Yundong

Warmly congratulate the abnormal crystal students to become the best rudder master!


Xu Jiagu, the hall of discussion.

Six yuan infancy monks sit on the chairs, one by one sinking into the water.

The atmosphere inside the hall is very depressed, and the air is dignified as tangible. In the end, I sighed and sighed from Xu Hao’s mouth:

"Hey~~! It seems that the king judged well. Those Xujia disciples who are happy in the sound of the king's flute are indeed the spies of the tribes of the Southern Wilderness."

"The kings certainly can't be wrong! The sounds of our Xu family are those that can be resisted by the spies. To say that we should kill those people immediately after the king leaves. So, we will not let these spies Let's leak away with our Xu disciples entering the ancient wilderness."

Xu Qinglian said with a dissatisfied tone. Xu Haoge heard the words, his face showed a hint of embarrassment, whispered:

"The king did not let us kill those spies immediately, and they are also the blood of our family. I am still lucky, thinking that these people are not the spies of the South Africans. Who knows... Hey..."

"Now the news has been leaked out, will the king be in danger?" Xu Qingsi asked weakly.

Xu Haoge’s look revealed some worries. In the end, he hesitated and said: “I don’t think so! When the king left, he did not ask us not to reveal her whereabouts, and even if there were no spies in our family, so many It is impossible for people to fly to the ancient wilderness mountains.

"These things don't need to be mentioned for the time being. Let's study the spies in the family! If they still let them live, don't know if the king will come back because we are not doing things right. And abandon our southern wilderness?" Said dull.

Xu Hao blood on the side suddenly exclaimed: "Is this a test that the king left us? If we did not pass this test, even if the king does not give up on us, we are in the heart of the king..."

Xu Haoge’s heart shook, and his face immediately showed a firm color. Hate said:

"I will immediately tell you to arrest these spies, and then use the technique of searching for souls to illuminate the entire family. Then kill them."


Central Plains.

The clouds are interspersed.

Yunfeifeng leaned on the south of the clouds and leaned over the clouds. The gods swarmed toward the bottom and slowly drifted toward the south. The gods swept through the various monks and searched for the figures of Xu Ziyan and Yue Jing.


Xiao Luotian. Into the peak of Yunfeng, a black robe hunting, the blue silk fluttering backwards with the wind, a young and handsome face against the wind. There is a deep lock between the eyebrows. The white clouds under the feet, gently flowing.

A long sigh, the white clouds under the feet.

The clouds in the sky fluctuated, and a figure walked slowly among the white clouds, silently falling behind the handsome teenager.

"Master!" Jun Lang's young pair of cockroaches still stare at the white clouds, and scream in the mouth.

"Soul of the Mountain!" Yan Hongfei looked at the soul of Yanshan, and his eyes showed concern.

"Master. I want to go down the mountain!"

"Going to find purple smoke?"



The wind stops! Cloud stay! Crane dance!

Leisurely sighed, Yan Hongfei whispered: "Go then! Previously, Master shot on Ziyan..."

The spirit of Yanshan shook his head slightly, and the corner of his mouth passed a bitter smile. The voice was bitter: "Master, the teacher's door, no wonder you, just..."

"Don't worry! Xiaoluotian will not be an enemy of purple smoke for your sake!"

"The teacher's door is great, the mountain spirit keeps in mind! Master, the mountain spirit has gone!"

The words fall. Yanshan soul waved his sleeves. The shape of the body is gone, and the breath released instantly is the realm of the late Yuan Ying.


Central Plains, Lotus Peak.

A group of people gathered in a large hall and stood in the middle of the hall with five people. It is Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai. Xu Xingjiao, Xu Tianwo and reloaded Taoist.

"嘭", a table was smashed by a small white palm, and screamed: "What are you waiting for? I want to find the owner immediately!"

In the past three years, there was no strong aura in the purple smoke space. Although Xu Ziyan gave a small amount of medicinal herbs before the departure, Xiaobai only reached the late peak of the seventh-order monster, but did not break through to the eighth order. Wicked beast. At this time, she is still about five or six years old, but with round eyes and a small face.

"Little white!"

Although the Xu family ancestors were not the highest here, only the realm of the early Yuan Ying, this is also because he has been staying in the secular world, starting late and old. If there is no extremely strong aura and good medicinal herbs in the Lotus Peak, I am afraid that he will not break through the Yuan Ying period in his life, that is, there is no chance in the knot period.

However, although the cultivation is low, the generation is the highest, and the relationship with Xu Ziyan is also close. Therefore, no one dares not give him face on this lotus peak. Even if it is Xiaobai, it is not very important to take him seriously, but he does not dare to be too arrogant. At this time, when I heard the words of the Xu family ancestors, they sat there in a sullen mood.

"The king has an accident, and each of us is very anxious. It is sure to find the king, and send the strongest lineup."

"I must go!" Xiaobai said with a helper.

"This is nature. You and the king have the same connection. If you are there, it is easier to find the king."

Speaking of this, the Xu family ancestors whispered with some worries: "Little white, you didn't feel the king's accident?"

Xiaobai shook his head and said: "The specific things don't know, anyway, the master is not dead!"

The Xu family ancestors turned their worries into joy: "That's good!"

All the people in the hall were sighed with relief, and Xu’s ancestors looked forward to seeing Xiaobai:

"Then you can be sure where the king is now?"

Xiaobai shook his head, and some said helplessly: "The distance is too far, I can't feel it. But I know it is in the South!"

"There is direction!" Xu family ancestors said happily, and then they swept their eyes through the monks in the hall, and said:

"This time the king has an accident, it is related to the future of our family. In any case, we must guarantee the safety of the king and would rather pay for the lives of all of us."

"Yes!" Everyone on the main hall shouted. Everyone has a strong color on his face.

"This time I went to the south to find the king. I faced some high-ranking monks, so it was useless for our low-ranking monks to go. And when we went to more monks, it did not reveal the direction of the king. "The Xu family ancestors thought and said."

The people inside the hall nodded in words. The Xu family ancestors saw everyone agree with their opinions. Then went on to say:

"So, we will form a small team with the strongest of our family to go to the south to find purple smoke. Xu Haosang, Xu Haolong, Lu Guangtian!"

"At!" Three people stood up from their seats.

"The three of you are now the highest person in our family. We have reached the beginning of the gods. You must go!"

"Yes!" The three men clasped their hands. A firm color on his face.

"Xu Haoce, Xu Dingtian, Xu Dingyang, you three are now in the late Yuan Ying, this time also go together."

"Yes!" The three men also bowed their hands to the ceremony and slammed.

"This trip to the king was made by Xu Haosang, Xu Haolong, Lu Guangtian. Xu Haoce, Xu Dingtian, Xu Dingyang and Xiaobai went to the seven people. All actions were based on Lu Guangtian."

For the Xu family ancestors to arrange Lu Guangtian as the leader, led this team to find Xu Ziyan, Xu Haosang and others did not have any opinion. Lu Guangtian’s identity is now known to all, and it was once the lord of the Northern Territory. Later, I traveled to the vast mainland for hundreds of years, and it was almost all over the vast mainland. Experienced here, no way to pass the road.

"Old ancestors!" Xu Haoran and Xu Haoliang and other groups of elders stood up from the chair and rushed to say: "Oz, we have to go."

Xu Jia's ancestors shook his head and said: "Your cultivation is still low, but the highest is in the middle of the Yuan Ying. If you go there, you can't help, but add chaos. It is the vast sang, they may not be able to play a role. I hope they can win the opportunity for the king to leave in an instant. 唉~~”

Speaking of it. It was a long sigh. After sighing. Looking up at Xu Tianwo and the reloading Taoist whispered:

"Reload your friends, don't know where you are going next?"

"I want to go with them to find purple smoke."

The re-installation of the Taoist voice, said that the age of the preacher is now more than a thousand years old, and now is the realm of the early Yuan Ying. He does not need to be polite with the Xu family. If you take it seriously, the age of Xu’s ancestors will be much smaller than that of the preachers. No one among the people present was older than him. Therefore, after re-installing the Taoist people to express their own ideas, Xu’s ancestors were also very embarrassed. They were thinking about how to re-install the Taoist people and heard that Xu Tianwo said:

"Old ancestors, Sirius also want to find purple smoke!"

"We have to go too!" Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai and Xu Xingjiao also said.

"What role can you play?" Xu family ancestors took a look at a few juniors.

But Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai and Xu Xingjiao are a firm face. Xu Tianwo was slightly squinting, and his eyes sneaked around.

Xu family ancestors looked at Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai and Xu Xingjiao's determined touch, could not help but have a headache. After sinking a face, he shouted to Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai and Xu Xingjiao: "From today, the three of you will return to me for retreat. If you don't break through the Yuan Ying period, don't give it to me."

Having said that, he turned his head and said to Xu Haoran: "You give them some of the medicinal herbs that the king brought them back, and immediately let them retreat."

"Old ancestors..."

"Shut up! Otherwise punished with family rules!"

Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai and Xu Xingjiao just wanted to open their mouths to argue. Xu’s ancestors screamed and saw Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai and Xu Xingjiao still arguing, and they waved their sleeves and stopped the three people in an instant. Xu Haoquan said:

"Here, you personally press them to retreat."


That Xu Shu, Xu Xinghai and Xu Xingjiao were unwilling, but they were forced to go out by Xu Haoquan.


There are two more gods! Now ranked in the twenty-ninth! Once again, the big summoning technique, please ask the comrades to make up the unbooked chapters! Bells thank you!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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