The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 755: migrate

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The purple-eyed zombies also need Togo to find him the material of the yin attribute. Therefore, he used his own reluctance as an excuse, and made a promise in the future. This time, Togo, Capricorn and Zhu Lie were fooled away to further collect the Yin attribute material for the purple-eyed zombies.

Lu Guangtian and other four people quickly returned to Xujiagukou. They saw that there was no Nanyu monk at the Xujiagukou. They were all Xu family monks. When I saw my eyes, I saw that Xu Dingtian and others were standing with the six Yuan Yingxiu monks in the Xujia Valley in the south, waiting for them to come back.

On the battlefield outside Xujiagu, Xujiagu's disciples were cleaning the battlefield, and they happily searched the storage bags from the bodies of the southern monks, and some storage rings. The eyes swept over these people, and Xu Haosang and others couldn’t help but look dark. They found that the conflict just now, although the time was not long, but the Xu family had less than eight thousand monks and tens of thousands of Nanyu monks intertwined for several rounds. Half of the monks lost, and now there are only 3,000 monks who clean the battlefield on the battlefield.

However, at this time, the spiritual appearance of these monks in Xujiagu has changed dramatically. The initial wilting has disappeared, and it is a kind of erection. There is a trace of warfare in this kind of hair, a trace of blood. This made Xu Haosang and others feel gratified.

They suddenly discovered that there was a monk standing there beside the far side, and did not clean the spoils like other Xujiagu disciples. Instead, holding a sword in one hand, holding a wine gourd in one hand and drinking there. It was Xu Weiwei, Xu Haosang looked at him and saw him in a realm of acquired nature. There is no death in this war, and my heart is a bit strange.

At this time, Xu Haoge and others have already known the identity of the four monks who have fallen in front of themselves and others from the mouth of Xu Dingtian and others. The three are the ones who share their own generations, and the other is the mount of the king. I hurriedly bowed to Xu Haosang and other four people. Reciphering the young teeth, and then welcoming guests, with the monks flying all the way to the main hall.

On the way through the square, I saw that the old man still lingered in the middle of the square. Cried in tears, and cried in the mouth of the ancestral ancestors, the group frowned and frowned, no one cares about him, flying in the air. Fly to the main hall of the council. The old man heard the sound of the clothes in the air, and looked up. When he saw Xu Haoge and others flying to the main hall of the House of Representatives, his face was awkward.

Suddenly, his body trembled and his face was horrified. Because he saw six family patriarchs in addition to Xu Haoge, there are nine strange backs. He stood up from the ground and flew away in the air. Chasing the past to Xu Haoge and others.

When Xu Haoge and others entered the hall, Xu Haoge waved his sleeves, the door of the hall was closed, and the prohibition on the door was automatically opened to isolate the inside and outside of the door.

Everyone is seated in the main hall. The first place is naturally no one dares to seat. That is the seat reserved for the king.

Although Xu Haoge and others have suffered from the sudden help of Xu Haosang and others, they have suffered. But I thought that if it wasn’t for the people of the Central Plains Xu family who came to the South, they would have been cold and cold, and there was still some panic in their hearts. His face is still somewhat white. I will see the cultivation of the nine monks of Xujia in the Central Plains. The heart has stabilized. I know that Xujia Valley is no longer dangerous in the south.

When everyone was seated, Xiaobai eagerly asked: "Has the owner been there?"

At this time, Xu Haoge naturally knows who the owner of Xiaobaikou refers to, and what identity is Xiaobai. So, hurriedly said:

"Little white. The king has already arrived!"

Xu Haoge's sentence was exported, and four people, such as Xiao Bai and Xu Haosang, burst into the eye. And Xu Dingtian has already asked a few people just now. Naturally, there are no four people like Xiao Bai who are so excited.

"Where is the master?" Xiao Bai slammed from the chair and looked at Xu Haoge with excitement.

Xu Haoge whispered: "The king went to the ancient wilderness with the family monks!"

Although Xiaobai and others do not know why Xu Ziyan will take Xujiagu people to go to the ancient wilderness mountains. However, since Xu Ziyan was able to take the people of Xujiagu to experience the ancient wilderness mountains, this proves that Xu Ziyan is fine, and the heart will relax. Next, Xu Haoge gave Xu Haosang and others details in detail after Xu Ziyan came to the South.

Just after Xu Haoge just finished the matter, he heard the sound of the door outside the door of the main hall. The people inside the hall frowned at the same time, and the gods passed away outside the hall. After seeing the people outside, there was a strange color on each of the faces. Because the man outside the door is the old man who cries in the square.

No one in the hall has anyone to pay attention to him. At this time, there will be people who will take care of him. Xu Haosang and others listened to Xu Haoge's remarks and were somewhat disappointed with the strength and mentality of the Nanzhao Xu family. The most disappointing thing is not the cultivation of the Nanyao Xu family. I thought that when they met Xu Ziyan, their cultivation was not high. Some people who were sitting were not as good as Xu Haoge and others. What they are disappointed with is the mentality of the South and the home, which is completely a reciprocal mentality. However, after thinking about the Nanzhao Xu family, after the war, the mentality has changed, and the heart has a little comfort.

Xu Haoge and others saw the eyes of the opposite Xu family in the opposite direction. Naturally, they understood what the other party thought. For a moment, their hearts could not help but suffer. However, despite the bitterness in his heart, Xu Haoge still bowed his hand to Xu Dingtian and Xu Dingyang.

"Two uncles, can you tell us about the Xujia things in the Central Plains?"

Xu Dingtian and Xu Dingyang looked at each other. From Xu Haoge’s point of view, Xu Ziyan used the one yuan Dan and the spirit liquid to open the blood of the four monks of Xujiagu. Xu Dingtian and others further determined that the Nanzhao Xu family was the descendants of the ancient Xu family. The law of opening the blood, in addition to the Xu family of animals, no one will know. Therefore, in the end, Xu Dingtian will present the current situation of Xujia in the Central Plains to Xu Hao.

When Xu Dingtian said the matter of the Lotus Peak, Xu Haoge also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The scene in the Lotus Peak is exactly the same as the original Xu Ziyan and the one they told, so Xu Haoge also confirmed that Xu Dingtian is the descendant of the Xu family. In this way, both sides put aside the last bit of caution, and the atmosphere became more intimate.

At this time, the re-installation of the Taoist who had never spoken suddenly said:

"It’s best to secretly migrate in the south, and the sooner the better!"

Inside the hall is a quiet, his eyes are focused on the body of the Taoist. Xu Haoge and others do not know, but Xu Haosang and others know that the re-installation of the Taoist is a very experienced monk, where there is rich experience, no one is more than a heavy preacher. And at this moment, Lu Guangtian also reacted, and suddenly realized:

“Yes, Xu’s best to start moving right away!”

So the two most experienced monks said that they had to move immediately. The monks in the hall couldn't help but look dull. The eyes patrolled back and forth between the Taoist and Lu Guangtian. Lu Guangtian arched the archer toward the reloading Taoist:

"Older brother, still you say it!"

"Alright!" The reloading Taoist nodded and said with a sigh: "We are on the road, although we are staying in the middle of the journey, but we also saw that many monks are searching for the southern wasteland. We are because Xiao Bai's speed is fast, and Xiao Bai's heart is connected to the purple smoke. This is the first batch of southern wilderness.

However, in the near future, there will be a steady stream of monks going to the south, so it will be found that the ancient Xu family is still in the south. What happens after that, I don't have to say it! ”

No one who can sit here is a fool, but rather a shrewd person. Reloading the Taoist people with a few simple words, the crisis of the Nanzhao Xu family was clearly stated. They naturally understand the plain and clear.

migrate! Move now!

The people inside the hall immediately confirmed this matter. In the near future, what are the repairs of monks who have come to the South for a long time? Where are these people within their halls able to cope? Moreover, when the monks on the entire vast continent searched for Xu Ziyan from east to west and north and south, it was the time when the strength of the Central Plains was empty. It was the best time to secretly move at this time.

At this time, the monks on the mainland of the sky focused on the search for Xu Ziyan. Who would pay attention to these low-ranking monks? However, they do not dare to have the slightest care. After some deliberation, I finally decided that Xiaobai, Xu Haosang, Xu Haolong, Lu Guangtian, Xu Dingtian, and Xu Dingyang, after the migration of the Nanzhao Xu family, they continued to stay here for a few days, blocking the people who want to follow the South. After that, I went to the ancient wilderness mountain to meet with Xu Ziyan. The two people, Xu Tianlang and the reloading Taoist and Xu Haoge, took the Xujiagu people to secretly leave the Southern Wilderness and migrated toward the Central Plains Lotus Peak.

And in order to avoid being discovered, the net was exhausted, and more than 3,000 people gathered together to move, the goal is too great. Therefore, they decided to divide more than 3,000 people into eight parts, and each of the eight elementary infants led a team. In this way, each team has more than 400 people, each taking a different path, so it is not conspicuous. Finally, they will gather in the nearest sunset town outside the 100,000 mountains in the mountains where Lotus Peak is located. Then Xu Tianwo and the reloading Taoist brought them into the Lotus Peak.

Time is tight, think of it. Within the hall, after a careful deliberation, the high-level members of these Xu family decided to immediately let the family members begin to prepare for the evacuation of the Southern Wilderness.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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