The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 762: Driving south

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Ximen Yu left the Tianshen City with four distracted periods and nine monks. Before leaving Tiantian City, Ximen Yu had already made some analysis in his heart. Now that Xu Ziyan did not come to Tianzhicheng, it proved that Xu Ziyan did not come to the West. And the north has her sect, so she will not lead the disaster there.

In the East, when Xu Ziyan made a dog and a dog there, there should be a lot of people who knew Xu Ziyan. Therefore, Xu Ziyan should not escape to the East. The Central Plains are strong, and now Xu Ziyan is fleeing, and it is unlikely to stay in the Central Plains. Therefore, Ximen Yu aimed at the south.

After leaving Tiantian City, Ximen Yu flew with the 13 men to the south.

After flying for a day, Ximen Yu and his party flew to Xilin Mountain. Ximen Yu took the lead and landed down to Xilin Mountain. Wu Daogui on the side asked softly;

"Less Lord, are we going to rest here?"

Ximeng Yuguang searched around and faintly nodded.

"Less Lord. You are not saying that Xu Ziyan is in a critical situation? Why don't we stay in the night? And we stay here, if the brothers of the young masters bring people to catch up, it is a trouble!"

At this time, the monks have landed on the Xilin Mountain. Ximen Yu looked at Wu Daogui and whispered:

"The purple smoke sister is very anxious. And my brothers and sisters will definitely send people to kill me! If we have been flying overnight, when we are tired, my brother and sister suddenly came to the scene, I am afraid that by then We may not even be able to save ourselves, let alone save my purple smoke sister!

We are here to wait and see, waiting for the arrival of my brothers and sisters. I believe that my brothers and sisters are not friendly, so they could not immediately join us in the beginning. In this way, it gives us the opportunity. Whoever appears first here, we immediately concentrate all the power and kill them in a very short time. ”

Speaking of it. Ximen Yu has already sat on the ground and said to the 13 trio of people around him:

"As long as my brothers and sisters appear in front of us, don't talk to them, go up and kill immediately. To surprise them, solve the battle in the shortest possible time. We are not facing my brother or sister, it is probably my three. Both my brother and one sister are sending people."

Thirteen monks nodded and sat down on the ground. It seems to enter the interest rate adjustment.

The wind is very light, the leaves are slightly moving, and occasionally rustling!

An hour has passed and no monks have appeared in front of Ximen Yu and others.

Wu Daogui and others opened their eyes slightly and secretly glanced at Ximen jade. I saw Ximen Yu still sitting there calmly, without the slightest anxious color. It seems that he did not know that his brother and sister would chase him. This made Wu Daogui and other monks secretly nod in his heart. From this point, it can be seen that Ximen Yu’s state of mind is very good, and such a master is still Promising.

Another hour has passed. After the fourteen people of Ximen Yu. There are still no traces of people.

Does Ximenmen straight, Ximenjie, Ximenxian and Ximen blush have any come against it?

Of course it is coming!

Less than a quarter of an hour after Ximen Yu and others left, Ximen Yu’s brothers and sisters sent their strongest lineups to follow Ximen Yu.

at this time. They are in this Xilin Mountain. Soon after Ximen Yu and others fell, these trailing monks also fell in the distance. The Quartet arrived at Xilin Mountain. And each other knows the existence of the other side, and at the same time, there are thoughts that let the other party first shot. Therefore, for a while, no one turned to Ximen Yu.

As time passed, these people began to feel a little unsettled. Because when they left Tianzhicheng, their masters gave them a death order, that is, they must kill Ximen Yuxi outside the city of Tianshen. Moreover, among the Quartet, the most hated Ximen Yu is not Ximen Jie. At the beginning, Ximen Yu and his bet, not only killed his three men, but also won the two family members, so that he greatly lost his face. Therefore, this time he not only sent people to kill Ximen jade, but also personally led the team.

Others can be patient, he can't stand it. This tone, he must come out, this face, he must take back. And most importantly, this time he brought six distracted monks, and twelve monks in the sacred period, both in terms of cultivation, and in terms of numbers, they are superior to Ximen. Therefore, he believes that he does not have to wait any longer and cannot wait. Do you have to wait until Ximenxian, Ximen and Ximen blush people come out to kill Ximen jade, to laugh at yourself?

Therefore, Ximen Jie ordered it!

Nineteen figures skyrocketed and flew away to the place where Ximen Yu’s fourteen people were. Just a few breaths of time, Ximen Jie with 18 people landed in front of Ximen Yu.

"Ha ha ha..."

Ximen Jie looked at Ximen Yu Yangtian laughing, he was ready to mock the Ximen jade, let Ximen jade slowly tortured and died in fear.

However, his arrogant laughter came to an abrupt end. Because Ximen Yu’s thirteen men have quietly rushed to death at a very fast speed.

I haven't waited until Ximen Jie and others have fully reacted. The four images of the four distractions have been formed in an instant, and the six distracted monks brought by the Ximenjie are surrounded. The four elephants turned into thousands of worlds. The world was twisted and staggered, and six of the four elephants who had not yet had time to prepare for the distraction were smashed into powder.

On the other side, the nine sacred monks under Ximen Yu’s men also formed a nine-star ray-day array, and the strength of the nine men was blessed by the formation. How much more than ten times?

This is the power of the array!

This nine-star Yaoji array only rotated for a week, and the middle of the law burst into a round of dazzling light like a white day. The night sky on the entire Xilin Mountain is reflected like white. Make people's eyes suddenly blind.

Ximen Zhi, who was lurking in the distance, and the people of Ximenxian and Ximen were looking at the dazzling whiteness of the mountains. After the dazzling white dissipated, there were only fourteen figures left in the foothills. It is exactly fourteen people from Ximen. Nineteen people, including Ximen Jie, have disappeared and have been smashed into powder.

Among the three groups of people in the distance, there are no Ximen Zhi, Ximen Xian and Ximen Yanhong. At the time when Ximen Yu left Tiantian City, in addition to Ximen Jie personally led the men to chase Ximen jade, Ximen Zhi, Ximen Xian and Ximen blush did not lead out, in their hearts. With these men, it is enough to kill Ximen jade.

Ximenxian and Ximen blush did not come, but Simon came straight. At this time, he was dressed in black, and he had been pointing to the branch of an old tree. With the breeze, the branches were together, and the straight shape of Ximen was also together. It is like being integrated with the branch.

Slightly frowning, revealing a trace of surprise in the eyes, then a smile across the corner of his mouth, murmured:

"This is a bit interesting!"

As the figure flutters in the night, it disappears above the branches and flickers in the direction of Tianzhicheng. The volatility of the body is definitely higher than that of Yuan Ying.

In the leader of Ximen, who was lurking in the dark, the leader of the team, the sudden passage of the West Gate, which was suddenly heard from the ear:


At this time, above the mountains.

Ximen jade and the thirteen men sitting cross-legged in the foothills, as if they did not know that there were ambushes in the distance.

Ximen’s straight hand left quietly. Ximen Xian and Ximen blush were still hesitating there. No one wants to go out and fight with Ximen Jade first. The scene just now made them feel scared. Conceited by myself, the strength of one side is not stronger than that of Ximen Jie. Even if it is strong, it is not much stronger.

Slightly thought about it. Both Ximen and Ximen’s men sent people to contact each other. I want to combine the strengths of Ximen Zhi, Ximen Xian and Ximen Qihong. However, the result shocked the people of Ximenxian and Ximen. Ximen straight people disappeared!

For a moment, the two monks knew that Ximenzhi’s people had retreated, which made them even more afraid to confront Ximen Yu. Just in this tangled, the sky gradually faded out. Tengdi was above the foothills, and Ximeng jade stood up from the ground with 13 men, and sang to the lurking places of the two monks:

"Thank you brothers and sisters to send! Ximen jade is grateful!"

When the words fall, thirteen monks rise to the sky and go to the clouds. Only a burst of "haha" laughs from the sky!


South wild.

A figure reclined high above the white clouds, lazily glanced at the bottom. Although the gesture is lazy, it is not tacky, giving a sense of elegance and elegance.

Yunfeifeng suddenly wrinkled a delicate wrinkle between the eyebrows, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, she is above the Xujia Valley. The valley is just abandoned, and the scale is not small. And it doesn't look like it's being Tumu, so the monks in this valley migrated as a whole. What is the reason for the overall migration of monks in this valley?

The slender and white fingers gently picked up the orchids, and Yunfeifeng thought about it. Chasing all the way from the Central Plains, neither saw Yue Jing, nor saw Xu Ziyan, this degree made her a little depressed. I don't know if the West Gate is solitary, and Wang Woyun and Yan Xingyun have searched for the traces of Yue Jing and Xu Ziyan.

"Since I haven't searched for the traces of the two of them, and I saw that there is something wrong with the valley below, go on and ask! Maybe it will be with Yue Jing, Xu Ziyan."


唉~~ The pink ticket was taken by the latecomers and was taken away! Ask for a ticket, ah, ah, ah!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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