The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 765: Touch the god

I am very grateful to my classmates (1888) for their reward!


With this gap, Xu Ziyan immediately regained contact with the purple smoke space and regained control of the purple smoke space. A glimpse of the gods immediately entered the purple smoke space, covering the entire space. I can't help but feel in my heart.

Within the entire purple smoke space, the number of planets has been reduced to less than a thousand, floating in pieces of different sizes, even dust. God knows on the two planets that he cares about, one is the planet in which they live, and the other is the planet inhabited by five-colored otters.

This time, the mood relaxed. The peach flower of their planet has not been affected, and the development is still very good. Spring thirty maidens fall leisurely on a tree and cultivated there easily, while the peach blossoms are shuttled in the jungle, the sleeves are waving and the streamer flickers, and the trees will grow even more vigorously.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept through them and found that today’s Chun Sanniang and Peach Blossom have reached the realm of perfection in the foundation period. Seeing the appearance of both of them is always suppressing their own cultivation. Although the face is still very light, but the eyebrows are locked deep. I thought that after they reached the great conclusion of the foundation period, they thought about going out to rob, but they did not get in touch with themselves, and they felt the change of space at the beginning and always worried about themselves.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan also found that the remaining twenty tree demons, except for a few last time they have broken through the base period, have now reached the tree demon of the eighth floor or above, and the remaining twenty tree demons. Already reached the great refining period, they also suppressed their own cultivation. Waiting for the robbery. What makes Xu Ziyan happy is that in addition to these tree demons that he already knows, some of the spiritual trees transplanted from Heberfest have more than one hundred kinds of plants. They have also been transformed into a refining period. Although they have not yet reached the refining period, they have progressed rapidly.

Xu Ziyan can't help but sigh that his space is too suitable for cultivation. It is just like the concentration of aura at the time of the flood. The white clouds that are agglomerated by the aura float between the trees. The soil is a spiritual land that is rarely found in today's cultivating world, and it has the moisture of the spirit liquid. It is difficult to practice in this space.

God swept the planet where the five-colored otters lived, and saw that the five-colored otters have changed now, and they are no longer five colors, but four colors. but. However, Xu Ziyan clearly felt that their strength only increased and did not weaken. Can these colors disappear as these otters evolve? How much will it disappear in the end.

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan has just swept the planet of the otter, and those otters feel the consciousness of Xu Ziyan. One by one flew over the sky, flying back and forth in excitement, as if cheering.

Xu Ziyan looked at the otters in shock. She has not observed them carefully since she saw these otters. Now they see them flying freely in the air, only to find that these otters have a pair of wings. It’s just that the wings are transparent, and it’s hard to be noticed under the colorful colors of the otters.

Xu Ziyan retired the gods from the purple smoke space, combined with the frequency of the twelve elephants, condensed the true source of the source and constantly struck the space crack, and forced the crack to expand. Waiting for the crack to expand again, Xu Ziyan sat in the water and quietly released 18 pieces of nine-character. A blindfold was placed beside him. Transformed into his own appearance, and Xu Ziyan himself is flashing into the purple smoke space.

After entering the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan did not go to find peaches and other people, but immediately became the heaven of the purple smoke space. Start frantically absorbing the aura of the outside world.

Outside, the rich aura began to gather toward Xu Ziyan. The Xujia disciples who formed the twelve elephants suddenly found that the rich aura in the entire lake was rapidly gathering toward Xu Ziyan. Even the lakes formed a whirlpool around Xu Ziyan, which suddenly rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

The disciples of the ordinary blood vessels in the periphery were even more surprised, because they suddenly found that the aura of the companion's face, which was so rich that it could not see clearly, was flowing rapidly toward the direction of Xu Ziyan. In just two quarters of an hour, the dense fog above the entire lake is gathered around the purple smoke, and other places become clearly visible.

At this time, around the Xu Ziyan, the fog had become rich and full of clouds, and a huge vortex formed on the top of the Xu Ziyan formed by the obstacle, was sucked into the body by Xu Ziyan. The lake below is also forming a huge vortex. Xu Ziyan is like a black hole, inhaling the aura of the upper and lower vortex.

The disciples around the sputum are already stunned by the sight of the scene. They have never seen such a cultivation of the momentum, let alone seeing it, that is, I have never heard of it.

"This... is the realm of the king?"

This sigh hangs in the hearts of every disciple. Suddenly their hearts trembled, because they suddenly discovered that while the king had this kind of momentum, because their frequency of the twelve elephants at this time was fully integrated with the frequency of Xu Ziyan, the day was full of water and water. Reiki, even in their control, rushed into their bodies. The speed at which this aura is transformed into a real element is several times that they usually practice in the lake. At the same time as they were shocked, they immediately realized that this was a rare opportunity. Immediately one by one, they got together and entered the cultivation.

Within the purple smoke space, all the planets are growing up. Peach blossoms immediately feel the changes in their surroundings and feel that their planet is expanding. At the same time, they once again felt the breath of Xu Ziyan, one by one leaning over the dust and shouting:

"Master! Master!

The gravel that floated in the purple smoke space began to grow, and the aura that constantly rushed in, condensed toward the gravel, and gradually the gravel expanded to have the appearance of the planet, and the more dust was With the appearance of gravel.

The planets in the original body space of Xu Ziyan, although generally look like the appearance of the planet, are too small. That is, Xu Ziyan was narcissistically called the planet, because even the purple smoke was chosen to make the peach flower they lived in. When the planet was born to Xu Ziyan Dantian seal, there was no one-tenth of the vast continent, but now it is constantly The earth expanded, and because the original purple smoke detonated too many planets, those planets exploded into pieces and dust. Nowadays, under the nourishment of Reiki, it has become an independent planet.

Ok! It can't be called a planet, but at least it becomes the embryo of the planet. As a result, the number of planets in the purple smoke space has increased countless times. Under the cover of the purple smoke, it is immediately found that the number of planets is now close to 10,000, and this number is constantly increasing. in. Only the volume of space has not increased.

This is the case, Xu Ziyan's repair is also in rapid recovery.

On the ninth day, there was a roar within the purple smoke space. As the heavens and the earth opened, the seal of the purple smoke space was completely opened. The aura between heaven and earth is more frantically pouring into the purple smoke space. The aura inside the purple smoke space has become more and more intense, and it is like chaos. The repair of Xu Ziyan has been restored to the middle of Yuan Ying.

In the outside, Xu’s **** disciples who formed the 12 elephants’ arrays also began a wave of breakthroughs. The whole lake’s aura was overwhelmed, and the lake’s spiritual liquid was turned into a silky aura, which swarmed toward the body of a disciple. And enter.

After nine days.


A humming sound inside the entire purple smoke space, like a finger swaying the sky. The entire purple smoke space has further expanded, and the rich aura in the purple smoke space has become thinner with the expansion of space, but compared with the outside world, it is still very rich. The stars are also rapidly expanding. The planet where the peach blossoms and other people have lived has expanded to half the size of the mainland. The cultivation of Xu Ziyan has also been upgraded to the late Yuan Ying, and it continues to grow and continues to grow. At the end of the baby's peak, this slowly stopped.

Xu Ziyan knows that he is now able to break through before he reaches a barrier. Then slowly received the work, and then flashed out of the purple smoke space, and recovered the obstacles. Open your eyes and look around.

This hope made Xu Ziyan's heart overjoyed and saw that the surrounding Xu family had different breakthroughs. The monks, such as Xu Haowei, who had been repaired to a higher level, have already been upgraded to the middle of Yuan Ying. This allows Xu Ziyan to sigh that the speed of the single attribute spiritual root is faster than the five attributes of his own, but also sighs these **** disciples.

Seeing that the monks were still there in a stable state, Xu Ziyan left the 12 elephants and flew away on the shore. After flying all the way for dozens of miles, I found a secluded place, and when I thought about it, I released the peaches and the spring maidens in the purple smoke space, and then gave them some nine. Pinfubao, then retreated to the side, watching them rob.

Xu Ziyan sat in the distance and watched the peach blossoms and other people robbing. Gradually, Xu Ziyan was immersed in this Tianwei, so that Xu Ziyan had a sentiment. The essence of this thunderstorm is the formation of the yin and yang collision between the heavens and the earth. The purple smoke space in the Xu Ziyan Dantian, the five elements quietly run, turned into yin and yang, the yin and yang conversion room, let Xu Ziyan have further understanding of the heavenly road, faintly feel There has been an increase in the realm of his own, and there has been a slight loosening of the barriers of the gods.


Oh~~oh~~ I want a pink ticket! Oh~~oh~~


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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