The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 774: Twelve images of fusion

I am very grateful to my classmates (1888), my ignorant classmates (588), the large flying pig classmates (588), and I look back at my classmates (100) and Yan Yu 645098 (200) pink tickets!


Yue Jing’s eyes flashed a bit of hesitation, and he felt the killing of Yanshan’s soul. That killing straight into the sky, so that all the monks around are in the air.

I haven't waited until Yue Jing made up his mind, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, but it was the Xu Ziyan that was teleported. I saw Xu Ziyan screaming with dazzling swordsmanship, and his hands caught Yue Jing’s legs in an instant, rounded in the air, rushed toward a mountain peak, and squatted on the cliff of the mountain.

After that, Yue Jing was pulled out of the cliff and plunged all the way to the cliff. Numerous mountain peaks were smashed by Xu Ziyan and Yue Jing. The monks over the entire Xujia Valley were staring at Xu Ziyan in the air and Yue Jing came back and forth to abuse, so that the monks were shuddering.

At this time, Yue Jing, his face flushed. Although there was no harm in the body, the humiliation made him want to die. In the face of so many monks, Xu Ziyan was on the wheel, as if he was falling and falling in the presence of a beast, which would make him more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Wow, hahaha..., violent, I like it! Wow hahaha..."

Xiaobai jumped in the air and waved a small fist with enthusiasm. The excitement looked like a monk in the air. In particular, Xu Jiagu's first time to see the white monk, in his heart immediately put Xiaobai into the category that can not be provoked.

There was a burst of laughter in the sky: "Ha ha ha ha ha..."

The monks in the sky suddenly turned back, and Xu Ziyan also let go of Yue Jing. Looking back, I looked to the distance. I saw more than a hundred monks flying from afar. Even everyone was a man of war or above. Among those hundred monks, there were more than 30 monks above the gods. The two people who took the lead were also the two monks in the early days of the gods. It is Ximenxian and Ximen Fuhong.

"Ximen Yu, I didn't expect to meet you here. Your sister is chasing you hard, see where you are going today?"

Ximen Jade gnashed his teeth. He did not expect his brother and sister to bring people to chase him again. But look at the lineup of the other side. Looking at this side of yourself, I can't help but feel discouraged. It seems that this time my brother and sister are really prepared, but this time my big brother did not come, the last time I did not see my big brother, is it that his big brother did not kill himself? Not interested in the location of the Lord of the City?

The Ximen jade shape fluttered forward, and the four distracted monks and the nine sacred monks also gave up their original position. The figure fluttered and stood behind Ximen jade.

"Four brothers. Six sisters, this is the family affairs of our Tianmen City Ximen. Please let the people who have nothing to do with this leave."

"Ha ha ha ..., Lao Ba, since these people are your friends, then they will accompany you to die!" Ximen Xian looked at Ximen jade with sarcasm.

Yue Jing heard what Ximen Xian said, knowing that it is impossible to prepare for the fish in the water. Naximen and others will not listen to their own explanations, and will kill themselves. and so. He immediately fled from the space let out by the four distracted monks under Ximen Yu.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and other monks could no longer pay attention to Yue Jing, nor did he have the mind and strength. And Ximenxian and Yue Jing were separated by Xu Ziyan and others. When they saw that only Yue Jing fled, they did not make a sound, but they locked the Ximen and Xu Ziyan tightly. Xu Ziyan has lived in Tianzhi City for nearly ten years. These people naturally know Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan has already been assigned to the Ximen Yu camp. At this time, it is natural that Xu Ziyan will not escape.

Xu Ziyan frowned deeply, facing so many high-ranking monks. If you think that you are a god, you want to escape. Still no problem. But can Xu Ziyan escape? How can I escape? Here are the people who come to help her.

"The king!" Xu Hao's voice suddenly came into her ears: "The king, if the twelve elephants are combined with the king, they will have an unimaginable power."

"Well? How to combine?" Xu Ziyan's eyes beat excited. She did not think that this Xu family really continued to surprise her.

"We have placed a dozen large arrays of elephants around the king, combining the power of the blood. The king can play the sorrow or the dragon and the phoenix in the battle."

"Good! Let's try!"

Xu Ziyan decisively began to voice to his own people around him, and there is no room for choice at this time.

"Xiaoyu, you retreat to the back, let your hand resist the following for the first time. Xu family blood disciples formed a series of twelve elephants, and the rest of the people retreated to the back!"

The words of Xu Ziyan were orders for Ximen Yu, and immediately retreated toward the back, and his 13 men, I also heard the voice of Xu Ziyan. Although I don’t understand what is the 12 elephants in the heart, they have also seen the greatness of Xu Ziyan. Not to mention the nine monk monks, that is, the four distracted monks also felt that Xu Ziyan was not as simple as she was on the surface.

Therefore, the thirteen monks immediately formed a four-image array and a nine-star ray array, which was blocked in front of the monks. And Ximenxian and Ximen blush saw the Ximen jade retreating to the back, and thought that Ximen jade would run away.

"Kill! Kill!"

Ximenxian and Ximen blushes screamed and issued orders to their men. The monks who were distracted and turned into sacred rushed from both sides to Xu Ziyan. The two men, Ximenxian and Ximen, did not move, but they stood in the air and sneered at each other.

The four distracted monks and nine sacred monks under Ximen Yu’s hands tried to expand the large array of their own, blocking the opponent’s impact. However, the number of opponents is more than the number of their thirteen people. It was only in an instant, and the four elephant arrays and the nine-star ray array were shaken by the impact. And there are other monks flying from the outside of the two big arrays.

Suddenly, Ximen Xian and Ximen’s blushing man’s body was a slap in the air, and the sound of the whistling sound of the whistle sounded. The eyes of the monks looked down the flute and saw a blue-shirted woman in the air. The clothes were fluttering, and a pair of jade hands, holding a green jade flute across the lips, the whistle of the flute, In the soul, I feel awkward and sleepy.

These feelings are only under the hands of Ximen Xian and Ximen blush, but the monks on the side of Xu Ziyan did not feel the slightest. Xu Ziyan has already locked the whistle of the flute through his own mental strength to those monks. At the same time, around the Xu Ziyan, Xu family's **** monks are rapidly deploying twelve elephants.

Ximenxian and Ximen blush, the body shape of the monks, which are staggering in the air at this time, and those monks who are distracted must be more awake, especially those who are distracted in the middle of the distraction and later in the distraction. It is almost no effect. Thirteen monks under Ximen Yu took this opportunity and strangled more than a dozen monks. Those distracted monks saw their own state, and each of them screamed and shouted, and the screaming voice was like a collision of gold and iron, so that the gods who were stunned by the gods were awakened.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and suddenly went to sleep from the soul of the water property, and jumped to play the second movement with metal, the soul burst.

When the sound of the soul bursts, it penetrates into the soul of the other party, and its power makes the whistle of the distracted monks one of them. There are also some direct monk explosions of monks with relatively low intermediates in the early days of the gods. The gods are destroyed, and the bodies are falling from the air.

Seeing the sight in front of him, Xu Ziyan suddenly realized that he could not stop to give himself a big mouth. When I was in front of Yue Jing, I didn’t think of this. There is no way to take the body of Yue Jing himself, but his own destructive soul can definitely kill Yue Jing’s Yuan Ying and kill Yue Jing completely. Only at this time there is no chance, only in the heart of resentment, as long as you let yourself meet Yue Jing, is the time when Yue Jing died.

Nearly twenty of the distracted monks in the middle of the period once again sang high songs, the sound penetrated the clouds, and the time was soaring. At the time of the space vibration, Xu Ziyan’s flute sounded a little broken. At the same time, their body shape spared the four elephant arrays and the nine-star ray ray array, and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. At this point, they already know that Xu Ziyan is the key. If Xu Ziyan does not die, it is difficult for them to have the hope of victory.

And just as their nearly twenty monks are getting closer, the twelve elephants of the Xu family **** monks have been laid out. The twelve elephants turned their time and turned. Hundreds of people disappeared instantly in people's field of vision. Those monkey-shaped blood-openers merged the blood into one place through the twelve elephants. The entire twelve elephants became a giant monkey.

The sheep-shaped **** monk also used the twelve elephants to merge the blood into one place, in the eyes of the giant monkey. Between the opening and closing of the giant monkey, the lightning of the arm of the arm, bursting with the devastating light burst out. Nearly 20 monks in the middle of the distraction were blocked from the outside, and at the same time, the monks in the early days of several gods were smashed into powder.

The monk of the tiger-shaped blood is in the eyebrows of the giant monkey. In the middle of them is the Xu Ziyan of the hand-faced jade flute. Their soul deterrence technique is integrated into the flute of Xu Ziyan, which makes Xu Ziyan's soul explosion power soar. The nearly twenty-time distracted monks had just tore the thunder nets that shrouded them, and they felt their souls uncontrollably swayed.

Nearly twenty monks in the middle of the distraction suppressed their own soul turbulence, and each of them had a spell, and a huge magical spell and magic weapon bombarded the giant monkey in the air...


I am grateful to my comrades who are still watching my book on a hot day. I am not going to do anything. I want to... powder... red... ticket...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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