The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 790: Lotus Peak

I am very grateful to ZXY7 classmates, book friends 080910205917581 classmates, Heshu combination classmates, rainjin classmates, Hanbing 3888 classmates, Aoki soul classmates, Miao Fuer classmates, whot autumn classmates, mamm classmates, and Luo Luoyi classmates' pink tickets!


"How come you are here?" Xu Ziyan's heart raised a slight feeling.

"Oh, Xu Ziyan, are you descendants of the ancient Xu family?"

The distracted monk saw Xu Ziyan as the realm of the early days of the gods. Although it was the peak of the early realm of the gods, it was not in his eyes. He saw her anxiety from the eyes of Xu Ziyan. He enjoyed this feeling and the sarcasm of the corner of his mouth expanded.

"Not bad!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan has no need to hide anything. The descendants of the ancient Xu family were exposed, and it was already a matter of Xu Ziyan’s expectation.

"You are still the king of the present family?" The distracted monk narrowed his eyes.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a shock. How can the other party know that he is the king? Is it a problem with Xu? Xu Ziyan’s eyes became cold and he asked:

"How do you know?"

"Ha ha ha..." The distracted monk smirked and said with a smile: "If you don't know, unless you have nothing to do. Xu Ziyan, do you have a Xu Xuan blood in your family?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a shrinking heart. “Is Xu Hao’s blood revealing his identity?”

Seeing the change of Xu Ziyan’s expression, the eyes of the monk’s monk revealed a trace of respect: “I didn’t think that your Xu family had been ruined for thousands of years, and there are still such **** people. Like his name. Xu Ziyan, not him. Revealing your identity, he finally blew himself!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a pain, and his eyes became sharp.

"Oh..." The distracted monk did not care about the change of Xu Ziyan's expression. The look has become ironic: "It’s a pity that you are not as **** as Xu’s blood. When we kill your monk Xu Xu’s blood, we are looking for another one. Xu family's team."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was awkward, but he did not speak. Just staring coldly at each other.

"The Yuan Ying period monk of that team is called Xu Qingsi, huh, huh..., it is really a coward! She can't have the determination of Xu Haoxue's self-destruction, so we used Soul for her, and everything understands It is."

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and did not lose the squareness as the violent anger of the great monk expectant monk, but the eyes became more and more cold:

"What happened to these two teams?"

"All killed!" The distracted monk answered the cloud light.

Xu Ziyan’s chest only felt a suffocating rush, and his face became pale. Once again, I took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in my heart. I said coldly:

"And after that?"

"Oh... I know what you mean in your words." The distracted monk smiled sarcastically: "I know that now you have more than two teams in the Lotus Peak. But we are big for these Little shrimp is not interested. Since you know where your Xujia base is, just destroy the roots of your home, and the remaining shrimps will not be able to rise."

Xu Ziyan was shocked. His eyes revealed a stunned look: "You mean..."

"Yes, at this time our Da Luotian monk is killing your lotus peak, hahaha..." The distracted monk laughed haha.


In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, there is endless anger. In Xu Ziyan’s heart, I did not want to avenge the ancient Xu family. After all, that era was far away from Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest impression. Moreover, Xu Jia is now a cockroach ant for Da Luotian, and it is still a newborn ant ant. There is no threat to Da Luotian. She does not understand why Da Luotian is so motivated.

"Why? You are asking why? Hahaha..." The distracted monk pointed his finger at Xu Ziyan and laughed:

"Don't you know that the ancient Xu family was destroyed by our big Luo Tian? Do you want to be the king of the Xu family. Do you know the potential of the king? How can we allow an enemy to grow up!"

"This is the idea of ​​Wang Woyun?"

"Not bad!"

"he came?"

"Oh. With you now, you can't take the ancestors out! I can do it!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is very anxious. The Lotus Peak is her hard work. The people there are all her hard-working migration. It is now likely to face the massacre of Da Luotian. Mindful thoughts. The sword of the fire that was sent to her from the fire of Rosong Rose was like a streamer of light that was directed at the distracted monk.


Xu Ziyan slammed a bang, and the jewels of the lower stalks burst into bursts. The power of coziness fills the space. The distracted monk did not have the slightest panic, but the big sleeves waved and blocked the detonated power.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape rises to the sky, and at the moment when Xiaobai followed Xu Ziyan’s sky, he turned into a 鲲peng, Xu Ziyan stepped on the top of the 鲲peng, and then Peng Peng screamed and spread his wings toward the Lotus Peak. .

On the ground, the distracted monk's big sleeves were swayed, and they wrapped the smoldering sword and detonated it into the air. Xu Ziyan stood on the back of Kun Peng, facing the distracted monk. The hands quickly turned over, and there was a scream of the dragon in the air, a water dragon facing the wind and welcoming the violent power.


In the treacherous bang, the dragon and the disastrous monk thrown over the fierce fire of the sword and the bursting power collided and dissipated. In a hurricane, the body of the distracted monk rises into the sky and passes through the hurricane. A sword is like a stream of smudges on the back of Xu Peng.

Xu Ziyan handcuffs illusion, a water curtain Tianhua blocked in front of him. Immediately after the right hand, the golden light is shining, and the golden fist is transported to the peak. really. As Xu Ziyan thought in general, the spurred sword light shattered the water curtain Tianhua. Xu Ziyan greeted the Jianguang, and violently attacked six punches. Then the finger is hooked. The handle of the Thunderfire will appear in the hands, followed by the meaning of the Golden Fist.

In the air, a series of explosions, the sword of the handle broke six strokes in a row, and finally collided with the fire sword of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan spurted out a stream of blood. But it also forced the sword back. Xu Ziyan was in a vertical shape and jumped into the air, instantly detonating the force of thirty-six points in the body, and his right foot suddenly stepped in the air:

"Step by step lotus!"

In the air, the sky is full of clouds, and the white clouds are turned into blossoming white lotuses. The lotus leaves dance with the wind, blocking the line of sight and limiting the gods. At the same time, it is like a sharp blade, circled around the distracted monk and cut.

The robes on the monk's monk were broken, and even a trace of blood began to appear on the body. At the same time, the real element in the body was also taken by the lotus leaf. However, the white lotus leaves danced a beautiful world, so that the distracted monk could not feel the pain of his body. I can't feel the passing of the real yuan in the body, and there is joy in the eyes.

Xu Ziyan's body shape fell on the back of Xiaobai, swallowing a ternary Dan, and Xiaobai encouraged his wings to fly toward the Lotus Peak.

The monks of the Great Luotian who flew on the ground each punched and smashed the step-by-step lotus, so that the distracted monks who were intoxicated were awake. His face was red and he didn't know whether it was humiliating or angry. Looking up and shouting, the figure was unfolded, and a residual image was pulled up in the air, chasing away in the direction of Xu Ziyan disappearing.

but. At the beginning, they thought that a distracted monk was on the last monk. That is not the hand. I did not think that Xu Ziyan would escape. Therefore, the start is just a moment, just a short night, and the speed of Xiaobai has disappeared.

It is not far from the Lotus Peak. At the speed of white, just a few breaths of time. Xu Ziyan, standing on the back of Xiaobai, has already seen the Lotus Peak. The eyes can't help but red as blood, and the eyes are cracked.

The Wan Sha Huang Sha has been smashed. At this time, the Xu disciples have already died about half, and the remaining disciples are concentrated in the middle peak of the Lotus Peak. In the air, a dragon that is nearly a kilometer long is hovering, protecting the remaining disciples on the peak. Twelve distracted monks and more than fifty of the gods and monks also have hundreds of infancy, and are working together to kill the hovering dragon.

That dragon gives people a feeling that it is not strong, only the equivalent of the realm of the gods. It stands to reason that not to mention that so many monks besieged it, that is, a distracted monk can also smash that dragon into a slag. However, the monks of the Great Luotian are very far from the dragon, because there is a purple cloud around the dragon, and it is the purple cloud that envelopes the entire lotus peak, so that those big Luotian The monks did not dare to approach. This has protected the Xu family who survived. At such a long distance, the blasted spell naturally loses its power.

The reason is that the purple cloud contains a strong poison gas, which makes people far from the purple cloud, and will be dizzy. This forced the monks of the Great Luotian to be able to use the spells or magic weapons to bomb the dragon in a place far away from the smell of the purple cloud. And that dragon is not a big dragon mouth, and the spells that the big Luotian monks bombarded were sucked into it.

In this way, the dragon has persisted until now, and the purple cloud is gradually getting weaker. The dragon is very powerful despite its ontensive defense ability and ontological power. At this time, it is also crumbling, in a state of falling at any time. Because it can only be passively defended there, as long as the monks of the Great Luotian are far away from the purple cloud, they will not be hurt.

As for the other attacks of the dragon, they simply don't care. Although at such a long distance, the attack power of the Da Luotian monks went to the top ten, but they were many people, that is, they would drag the dragon to death. And they did not have the slightest damage.


Do not say stunned, although the hot days are sweating. But as long as the total number of my pink tickets can reach 100 tomorrow, the ringing will kill and add more! The bells have already been said, and the comrades who know the bells know that the bells never say empty words. Now watch the comrades!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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