The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 800: See also fire spirit

I am very grateful to the students who are chasing the sky, the students who are screaming at the ice, the students who are desperate, the ones who love the classmates, the students of Huafei, the students of hiko-yy, the students of 308803461, the students of ZXY7, don’t let me see your classmates, *^*0 classmates, Gu Qin, eryanu, Linye71, shaken love classmates, Park Yuexi, wqiy2003 classmates, Fengfei ah classmates, kentasa classmates, Liu Yue classmates, Shun 囝 classmates, realcat1688 classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, book friends 100621160831812 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, Ai Feng C classmates, assassination month classmates, susanfsy classmates, cold and **** classmates, ``fish. . . Classmate's pink ticket!


Xu Tianwei gratefully led Xu Ziyan and Xu Haoran into their own room, and took out a Tianleizi hand and handed it to Xu Ziyan with respect.

Xu Ziyan took the Tianleizi in his hand and carefully measured it through the gods. The corner of his mouth passed a smile. She found that Xu Tianwei's refining of this Tianleizi was similar to the instruments that he had been able to detonate at any time under the Qinghai Zongshan. Under the excitement, Xu and Wei Tian discussed each other and confirmed it.

Xu Tianwei heard it, and he was shocked. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to have such accomplishments in the refining device. Discussed with Xu Ziyan and confirmed that Xu Ziyan is more respectful. That is a respect for the peers, not just because Xu Ziyan is the king of Xu.

After Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwei discussed and confirmed, the heart confirmed the power of Xu Tianwei. Xu Haoran nodded to the side of the seat and said:

"Da Bo. This matter will be settled. Let Tianwei be the patriarch of the refining family and form a refiner. Well, there are five peaks around the Lotus Peak. I don't know if there is a fire in the mountain?"

"The king. You forgot that we need a fire pulse for our alchemy, so when I chose Haoshan, I chose a mountain with a good quality fire."

"Great!" Xu Ziyan said here, suddenly stopped. Suddenly she remembered that since Xu Jia has a fire pulse here, does it mean that Huo Linger has a place for cultivation? Maybe there will be the existence of a fire stone in the fire vein. When I think of it here, my heart will move, and there will be no thoughts to sit down here.

Turning his head and talking to Xu Tianwei: "Tianwei, you can pick a disciple of the refiner from now on, and then move to the Lotus Peak to live."

I thought about it. Xu Ziyan took out a bunch of jade and handed it to Xu Tianwei. "Tianwei, these jade slips are all recorded in the refining technique. Well, it was the refining method of the Tai Xuanzong treasure peak that I was in, and Refining the magic trick, you should study it."

Xu Tianwei took over the jade Jane with excitement. Xu Tianwei’s refining talent naturally does not need to be said. What he is worse is just inheritance. Nowadays, I heard that these jade slips are all the techniques of refining. This is just scratching his itch, thanks to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan rushed to see the fire pulse on the lotus peak, and hurriedly slammed Xu Tianwei a few words, and Xu Haoran flew toward the lotus peak. I came to the mountain where Xu Haoran lived. I saw that this huge mountain has already established many alchemy rooms and chambers. Xu Ziyan and the people on the peak simply said a few words, and they entered the alchemy room alone. Standing in front of a crust, the fire spirit was released. Said to the fire Linger;

"Fire Spirit, can you enter the fire from the earth's crust?"

"Of course!" Fire Linger proudly said, swaying the flame swaying on his head.

"Then go in and see how the quality of the fire pulse is. Can you cultivate in it? Also. Be sure to see if there is any fire in it!"

"Master, I know!"

Huo Linger looked at Xu Ziyan with some contempt and slammed into the crust and disappeared. Xu Ziyan sat on the floor with his knees. The eyes stared at the crust and waited for the fire to come back.

This is an hour of time, only to see a red flash in the earth's crust. Fire Linger drilled out of the earth's crust. All of a sudden, I floated to the front of Xu Ziyan. I slammed a fullness and spewed a flame from my mouth. Xu Ziyan flashed, and the flame was wiped from the ear of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stared at Huo Linger with anger, and Huo Linger put a small head and patted his small belly. He completely ignored the warm anger of Xu Ziyan and said excitedly:

"Master, there is a huge fire pulse underneath."

“Really? Is it good for your cultivation?”

"Well! The quality of this fire pulse is better than the one from the fire class!" Fire Linger was intoxicated.

"Is there a fire stone inside?" Xu Ziyan's eyes sparkled with the fire of the fine stone.

"Yes!" Fire Linger calmly nodded.

"Where? Where are you hiding it?" Xu Ziyan stretched out a finger and squatted around Huo Linger's body.

Every time he squatted, Huo Linger smiled slyly, and he couldn’t help but look at it.

"Do you know itchy?"

"I don't know why, everyone looks the same, has arms and legs!" Fire Ling said a little uncomfortable.

"Oh~~, that's alright!" Xu Ziyan suddenly turned a face: "You haven't told me, where did you hide the firestone!"

"I didn't take it!"


The purple eyes of Xu Ziyan emerged as Mars, as if the temperature of Mars exceeded that of Huo Linger, so that Huo Linger could not help but hurriedly said:

"The distance from the underground fire is too far away. I have found another exit for it. Master, I will take you there."

"Good! Let's go!"

Xu Ziyan rushed out of the alchemy room with Huo Linger, telling Xu Haoran and others that he had something to do, and then teleported out according to the place where Huo Linger told her. A series of teleports, came five hundred miles away, Xu Ziyan looked down in the air. In the foothills is a crater, looking up from the crater to the inside, only to see the magma inside, but outside the crater is lush. A piece of green. Xu Ziyan asked Wu Linger inexplicably:

"Fire Linger, how does the magma in the crater not be ejected? And the plants outside are not affected at all?"

Huo Linger is crisp and eager to say: "Because there is a fire in it! The fire veins that produce the fire spirit will not eject the crater. The power of the fire pulse will be restrained and slowly absorbed by the fire spirit."

Xu Ziyan changed his face: "You mean. Is there a fire spirit inside?"

"Well, Master!" Speaking of this, Huo Linger’s face showed a very pleasing look, and the milk said with a milky voice:

"Master, the fire spirit just bullied me, and the owner will help the fire spirit for a while?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the fire and said: "Have you met?"


"You can't beat it?"

"It...the level is higher than me!" said Ai Ai during the fire.

Xu Ziyan was silent, and the fire spirits over there saw Xu Ziyan ignore it, and he was anxious. Standing on the shoulders of Xu Ziyan, two small hands were extended, and the ears of Xu Ziyan spoke:

"Master, that fire spirit is very useful to me! Just let me blend it, I will be able to upgrade!"

After listening to the words of Huo Linger, Xu Ziyan’s heart is a move, if Huo Linger is promoted. Does it mean that the seal can be upgraded? Stretching out his fingers and pulling the little hand that Huo Linger grabbed his ear, he asked:

"If I help you integrate that fire spirit, what good will you have when you step up?"

"The benefits are much better!"

Huo Linger immediately turned red, oh ~~, its face was originally red. Just a little redder, okay!

"Master, if I step up, I will be able to upgrade the one like a big one. At that time, I might release three products, no! Four spirits. And if I just released two The spirit of the product. It will not be consumed as fast. It can release a quarter of an hour."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan's eyes immediately released light.

"And, you use my alchemy, refining equipment, it is much better than using the fire. No. There is no comparability at all."

"Oh? Is there still?"

"Of course, you can also use my attack or defense directly. If I reach the third-order fire spirit, it is equivalent to the power of the treasure!"

What else can you say about this purple smoke? Immediately said to Huo Linger: "Fire Linger, how do you want me to help you?"

"Master!" Huo Linger cheerfully jumped on Xu Ziyan's shoulder and said: "The fire spirit is higher than me. I can't beat it. I was almost swallowed by it. As long as the owner looks like it. I used the flute to blow out the last song like this and put it in it. I can devour it."

Xu Ziyan nodded and looked down in the air. He whispered: "When we go down and grab it, will it not come out? Also, once we combine it with you, will it affect the quality of this fire, and ultimately affect the disciples of Xu’s disciples? Alchemy and refining?"

"Master, rest assured! As long as I appear, the fire spirit will definitely come out to devour me. Also, it will not affect the quality of the fire pulse. On the contrary, if there is a fire spirit, one day it will take the whole fire pulse. To refining, at that time, the disciples of the Xu family did not have a fire refining device."

"Good! Let's go down!"

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, rushed with the fire Linger, he fell on a reef in the crater, turned his hand and took out the jade flute across the lips. And Huo Linger is floating on the top of the magma and yelling. When I yelled for a dozen times, I saw that the magma burst into a rush, and a fire that rushed a little more than Huo Linger rushed out, and opened the mouth and swallowed it toward Huo Linger.

Huo Linger slammed into the air, and the fire spirit that jumped out of the magma was chasing it behind. Xu Ziyan immediately locked the fire spirit, and the dragon dance in Long Fengming instantly enveloped it.

When the fire spirit was shrouded in the dragon's music, there was a lingering time. With the continuation of Xu Ziyan's dragon dance, the fire spirit in the air swayed toward Xu Ziyan. The fire spirit who was still escaping saw it and flew back without hesitation. The whole fire spirit became a big mouth, and one bit of the body of the fire spirit was bitten in one bit, then floated in The air has merged.


This chapter is plus!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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