The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 814: Xiaowudao tea

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"Daoyou, why don't you catch the cloud?" Feng Baichuan asked.

Xu Ziyan spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. He said with regret: "Oh, just gone, the two jade bottles have disappeared from my spiritual power!"

Feng Baichuan heard a word, and then laughed and said: "Oh, nothing, I have jade bottles here, and give you a few more."

Xu Ziyan hurriedly waved her hand, and she did not want to be found here by others to catch Yunling. If you need it later, just come back here and catch it. Pretending to say helplessly:

"Windway friends, forget it, I will watch it here!"

Feng Baichuan saw that Xu Ziyan showed an uninteresting look, not too much, smiled, and tried to catch Yunjing.

Soon after they had two words, they saw that the Yanshan spirit, who had been squatting on the railings, jumped up and reached out, and the jade bottle in the sea of ​​clouds came into his hands. Looking at the inside, I laughed excitedly:

"Ha ha ha..., I caught the cloud, hahaha..."

The sons and daughters of the alchemy master were shocked. The gaze of looking at the soul of Yanshan clearly revealed that he did not believe it. Yanshan soul will stretch his hand and hand the jade bottle to the other side:

"Let's see for yourself!"

Even Feng Baichuan looked at his head in disbelief and looked into the jade bottle. After they saw that there was indeed a cloud in it, the face was shocked and envied. The Lord of the Lesser City in Alchemy City is also a bachelor. A lower spirit stone was taken from the storage ring and handed to the Yanshan soul road:

"I lost!"

Yanshan soul haha ​​laughed and took down the next product Lingshi and Yunjing. At this time, the monks in the cloister also knew that Yanshan soul had caught a cloud essence, and all of them were envious of the color. There are also a few monks who walked toward the soul of Yanshan, and said:

"This friend!"

"What?" Yanshan soul looked at the opposite monk faintly.

"Do you have any idea of ​​the cloud to sell the cloud? You can give you a satisfactory number of spiritual stones." A monk asked.

"No!" Yanshan soul decisively refused the opposite.

"Daoyou!" Another monk said, "If the Taoist friend does not lack Lingshi, he can use barter at the bottom. I don't know if there is any need for the friend. Maybe there is something in the body."

"I don't have anything to do. Don't bother with it. I won't give it to this cloud."

The soul of Yanshan was surrounded by several monks, and suddenly he lost the fun of fishing Yunjing. He turned his head and said softly to Xu Ziyan:

"Let's go back!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently. Walking along the cloister to his room, Xu Tianwei naturally followed behind, and the three people of Fengbaichuan also received jade bottles, followed by Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. After the two sons and daughters of the alchemy city lost the game, there was no interest. All the way down the head with frustration. Those few monks who want to buy the cloud essence from the hands of Yanshan soul, some regret to disperse, and some are blinking.

Several people did not return to their respective rooms. Instead, he came to a hall in the palace. This is where the passengers rest. The rule to enter here is that each person has a top grade stone. There are also some things to eat and drink here, but it has to be a separate stone. However, if you don't want to buy something here, you can use what you bring with you. You can eat nothing, drink nothing, just sit here, no problem, anyway, you have already made a top grade. Lingshi.

Six people found a place to sit down. As the lesser of the alchemy city. Naturally, I don’t see what I sell here. And Xu Ziyan did not mean to consume here. When they reach their realm, if they are not something that can lead them to desire, they are really not interested in eating some common things.

However, Xu Ziyan saw Xu Tianwei look like a pair of people looking around. Then he took a hand to the waiter inside the hall. When the waiter came to the front, Xu Ziyan smiled and asked:

“What good introduction?”

The waiter said with a humble smile: "The most distinctive dish we have here is the wind bird."

Did not wait for Xu Ziyan to ask. He whispered: "This windbird is also a kind of bird, but it feeds on the dew in the air. The meat on the body is not only rich in spirit, but the most important thing is that the taste is extremely delicious. Some predecessors are not as good. Taste it."

"Yes, the taste of this wind bird is really beautiful. Today, the old husband will treat you, and the Taoist friends should not compete with me."

Feng Baichuan said with a smile, then he told the waiter a few words. Xu Ziyan naturally does not mind because of these small things, and has accepted the guests of Feng Baichuan.

In a short while, the hairy bird that had been cooked and was cooked was sent. Xu Tianwei is a southern wild soil buns, and Xu Ziyan is actually no different from the earthen buns. He simply does not know how to eat this wind bird. The Yanshan soul just felt the sputum of Xu Ziyan in an instant. He reached up and picked up a wind bird. He extended his thumb and forefinger and pinched the mouth of the wind bird. A real element was transported from the finger and gently pulled out. The wind bird The mouth and the bones of the meat were drawn together by the Yanshan soul.

After that, he extended his fingers and smacked in the air. The four seasonings prepared on the table were filled with floating drops in front of Yanshan Soul, and Yanshan’s soul flicked, and the four drops of seasoning slurry The hole in the wind bird's mouth hit the belly of the wind bird. The Yanshan soul used the real yuan to force the four drops of seasoning slurry into the flesh of the wind bird, and a strange fragrance floated out. The wind bird in hand was handed to the Xu Zi flue:

"Try my craft!"

The Shaocheng Lord of the Alchemy City said to the Yanshan Soul: "The Taoist friends are from everyone, and they are elegant and unique. Only the Taoist friends are so elegant and worthy of the beauty of the benefactor!"

The Shaocheng Lord said it here. I looked at Xu Ziyan with a gaze. Yanshan soul smiled slightly, but there was no speech. Instead, I looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan looked red, and her lips squirmed. In the end, there was no explanation. I just took the wind bird into the mouth and took a bite, and immediately opened my eyes. After swallowing the imported wind bird meat, I can’t help but praise:

“Surely delicious!”

So, Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwei also knew how to eat, and everyone started to work. Just a short while, the six-panel windbird was left empty by six of them. After the waiter cleaned up the table, the daughter of the alchemy city owner smiled at Xu Ziyan:

"Daoyou, you are the benefactor of my brother and I, although the benefactor did not regard this as one thing. Even our name did not ask. But today, I am still telling the benefactor and my brother's name, and asking the benefactor to name. Tell me. My brother is called Han Feng, my name is Han Qi."

Let me say, I will look at Xu Ziyan with a pair of eyes and a pleading. Xu Ziyan’s heart was slightly moved. He thought that he had just got a Yunling, and he said faintly:

"Others call me a Yunling Fairy!"

Han Qi solemnly gave a gift to Xu Ziyan, and looked at the Yanshan soul again. Yanshan soul said faintly:


Han Qi and other three people did not say anything. But the surprise in the eyes can't be concealed, because they have never heard of the two names of Yunling Fairy and Skull. Had to look at Xu Tianwei again, although Xu Tianwei's repair is nothing in their eyes, but it is impossible to throw Xu Tianwei out of court. Xu Tianwei replied even more simply, and directly removed his family name, politely said:

"Be called Tianwei!"

Han Qi and others look a glimpse, Tianwei? The repair is not very good, the name is arrogant! After a glimpse, it quickly restored nature. After all, they are all born and know how to control their emotions. Han Qi took a small stove and a teapot from the storage ring. Six crystal clear jade cups were taken out. Let the waiter give some water. This carefully took out a small jade bottle road:

"Yunling Fairy, wait for Han Qi to cook a pot of the best tea for you! This kind of tea is called Xiaowudao Tea! My father regards him as a baby. On the whole mainland, only my father has a small tea tree. Usually, he is not an old man. I am willing to drink. I use it to make alchemy. I have been asking for a long time to ask for one or two."

Having said that, Han Qi’s eyes reveal a pleasing color. Xu Ziyan went to see. It is the eyes of the cold seal and the wind hundred rivers that also reveal the envy.

Xiaowudao tea? There is only one on the entire vast continent? Even my daughter asked for a long time before giving one or two? Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but feel moved:

"How many stones do you want for this tea?"

Without waiting for Han Qi to speak, the cold seal will be interfaced: "The price on the market is one thousand or so, but even if someone takes out a thousand top grades, they can't buy it. This is simply priceless." Something. That is, my father loves our sister, even I can't ask for it."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but scream, a thousand pieces of Shangpin Lingshi, or a priceless city, which makes Xu Ziyan can not help but feel interest, seriously watching Han Qi tea.

Watching Han Qi throw a piece of fire charm in the small furnace, then pour out the Xiaowudao tea a little, fill it with water. After a while, the teapot overflowed with fragrance. Sniffing the scent of the heart, Xu Ziyan’s face revealed a happy color:

"Cold friends, this tea is really good. If this tea is so expensive, wouldn't your father plant more tea trees? So, he will not delay his alchemy, but he can taste it from time to time."

Han Feng said with a smile: "This Xiaowudao tea planting conditions are very demanding, it needs extremely rich aura, and it needs a few drops of spiritual liquid to water every once in a while, but this one makes my father can't afford it, where I will branch again. Besides, this Xiaowudao tea is very expensive, so it is so carefully taken care of, sometimes when it still does not have tea, where to dare to branch it!"


Yesterday, I was beaten to the seventh place. Today, I was dragged down by dozens of votes...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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