The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 816: emblem

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Under this circumstance, his master had to personally go to the gate of the city to greet Xu Ziyan. What is going on? If this matter is known to the city owner, they will never let go of their mentoring and apprenticeship while killing Xu Ziyan, even if his master is one of the only two treasurers in the refining city.

The **** is sitting on the chair, and the look on the face does not change. If you don’t listen to Master’s words, according to Master’s tone, even if you don’t kill yourself, you will definitely drive yourself out. However, it is necessary to report to the master against the master, and the device can not do such a thing.

The cockerel stood up from the chair and stalked back and forth. Tightly locked his brow, no matter how he thinks, he can't think of why Master did it. Long sighed, my heart secretly:

"Go one step at a time!"

Push the door open and follow the passage towards the cloister. Going out of the cloister, looking around, did not find the figure of Xu Ziyan. Walking along the corridor, after a short trip, I found that Xu Ziyan and others were looking at the bar at this time, talking to each other, and occasionally making a pleasant laugh.

The device stabilized his emotions, raised his hands and rubbed his cheeks hard. When the hands were put down, a face was full of sincere smiles, which made people feel like spring breeze. The heart is close to the meaning.

Walking slowly along the cloister, I finally stood by the side of Xu Ziyan and others, holding hands on the railing and pretending to look like the scenery.

at this time. Xu Ziyan is working with Han Feng, Han Qi and Feng Baichuan to exchange alchemy. And Xu Tianwei is respectfully asking the Yanshan soul for the technique of refining the instrument.

Because Han Qi is a girl, most of the time is that Han Qi is communicating with Xu Ziyan. The cold seal and the wind hundred rivers listened to the vertical ears, and inserted a few words between them. With the depth of the conversation. Xu Ziyan’s erudition for the technique of alchemy made Han Qi’s three people shocked.

Han Qi and Han Feng did not know the true identity of Xu Ziyan. Therefore, despite the shock in his heart, he was only shocked by Xu Ziyan's profound and profound admiration for the technique of alchemy. To know that these two people are not ordinary monks, they are a pair of children of the Alchemy City Lord Han Dan, from childhood, influenced by the skills of alchemy, can be described as a family.

Hanfeng is 36 years old this year. Already a four-in-one alchemy teacher. Han Qi is thirty-two years old, but he is also a three-in-one alchemy teacher. This is definitely an outstanding figure in the alchemy world on the vast mainland. However, today, in front of Xu Ziyan, there is a feeling of facing his father. Xu Ziyan is embarrassed by the erudition and profoundness of alchemy.

At the same time, two people are also guessing the age of Xu Ziyan. Although I couldn't see the face of Xu Ziyan, two people suspected that the age of Xu Ziyan would be similar to that of the two. but. Nowadays, the alchemy of Xu Ziyan is convinced, and the thoughts of the two people are shaken.

Imagine a monk who is similar in their age will have the same alchemy as his father? Do not! This will definitely not! In this way, in their hearts, Xu Ziyan was regarded as an old-fashioned figure who had cultivated for hundreds of years, and he was more respectful to Xu Ziyan in his demeanor.

However, the wind and river standing on the side knows the true identity of Xu Ziyan. At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan's profoundness in alchemy, and his heart was violently churning. Such an alchemy, such a master's temperament, how could it be possible to rob this embarrassing thing? In the heart of Feng Baichuan, at this time, it is absolutely believed that Xu Ziyan is as innocent as the three major cities in this matter.

He naturally also saw that Xu Ziyan is now a mid-cultivation of the gods. He still knows a little about Xu Ziyan. Like the three big cities. There are detailed investigations of the people on the mainland. Feng Baichuan is the confidant of the city of Alchemy, and naturally has the right to look through these materials.

With his understanding of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan is not one or two years older than Hanfeng. When he was so young, he had already rehabilitated the middle of the gods, and he clearly remembered the record. Xu Ziyan is the cultivation of the early days of the gods. That is to say, Xu Ziyan is in a few months. I upgraded my cultivation from the early days of the gods to the middle of the gods.

What kind of qualifications can this be achieved? Moreover, Xu Ziyan is not all devoted to cultivation, but also has amazing accomplishments in alchemy. Although Feng Baichuan did not see Xu Ziyan alchemy, but relying on Xu Ziyan's insights on alchemy, Feng Baichuan believed that Xu Ziyan was worse than the city owner, and there was not much difference.

After the absolute impression of Xu Ziyan, the heart of Feng Baichuan also tangled. What he is struggling with is whether or not to tell the true identity of Xu Ziyan to Han Feng and Han Qi. After a long calculation, he finally decided to hide the matter for the time being. In his heart, Han Feng and Han Qi are still too young. If you let the two of them know the true identity of Xu Ziyan, you can't do it without knowing it. It will definitely show up between the looks. Such a harmonious atmosphere with Xu Ziyan may be destroyed in an instant.

Everything is still waiting to return to the city of Alchemy, and then explain this to the city owner. Since Xu Ziyan is not the murderer of the three major cities, the things inside have become complicated. I am afraid that someone is laying a big conspiracy. In this conspiracy, Xu Ziyan is probably just a chess piece, and the real purpose of the conspirators is the three major cities.

Feng Baichuan is not thinking about it there, but sees that Han Qi took out a thumb from the storage ring, shaped like a leaf, with a green body, but with three gold medals on it. Put it on the palm of your hand and hand it to Xu Ziyan, proudly saying:

"Yunling Fairy, people are now three products alchemy teacher! Are you a few alchemy masters?"

"What is this?" Xu Ziyan took the badge in the hands of Han Qi and put it on the front of the eye.

"You don't know what this is?" Han Qi asked in surprise.

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan looked up at Han Qidao: "Is it important?"

" a proof of the grade identity of the alchemy. Without it, the alchemy would not qualify for alchemy." Han Qi said seriously:

"There is an alchemy alliance on the mainland of the Cangwu. It is in the city of Alchemy. Every alchemy teacher will go to the alchemy to prove the grade, and the alchemy will be researched, and then the grade badge will be awarded. After that, the alchemy will have the corresponding alchemy qualification."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and his heart was amazed. To put it bluntly, this is a monopoly, not only the knowledge of monopoly alchemy, but also the resources of alchemy. As long as you imagine it a little, the alchemy alliance will open the corresponding alchemy to the alchemy divisions who have joined the alchemy alliance, and the corresponding alchemy resources will also be preferential. This will attract a large number of alchemists to prove there and obtain a grade badge. Whether it is Zongmen, family, or even scattered, most will join the alchemy alliance. In this way, the strength of the Alchemy League is intertwined and infiltrated into the forces of all parties, as is the case with the Refiner City and Lingbao City. No wonder that for three thousand years, the three great cities have stood up.

Xu Ziyan, who wants to understand everything, has a sneer in his mouth: "Is there no qualification for alchemy without a grade badge?"

Han Qi whispered a little, frowning and frowning and thinking about the side: "No, in some Zongmen, family, and even in the process of dispersal, some alchemists did not go to alchemy to prove. But most alchemists will go It is confirmed that because of this badge, other monks know what grade the alchemy teacher is, so that others can ask for the corresponding alchemy alchemy. If there is no grade badge, who knows that he will refine several products?"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and the heart was secret, this is what I did not expect. Yes, with this grade badge, it is indeed a great convenience for those who seek the alchemy of alchemy.

“And...” Han Qi continued: “It’s not easy for the alchemy to upgrade a grade. Once the grade is upgraded, there will be a gold thread on the badge. He will gain a great reputation and corresponding The cultivation resources, which also have great benefits for the alchemists."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but secretly nod, and he admired the predecessors who came up with this idea. This is fundamentally a protection for the alchemists and a mutually beneficial thing. The Alchemy League provided the alchemy division with a platform for its reputation. The same alchemy alliance seemed to be loose, but once the alchemy alliance had gone out, this seemingly loose alliance would have a tremendous power.

"Yunling Fairy, are you a few alchemy masters?"

Xu Ziyan handed back the badge in his hand to Han Qi, and said with a smile: "I have not participated in the alchemy of the alchemy, so I am not an alchemist."

Han Qi will take the badge back to the storage ring, and shake the arms of Xu Ziyan with both hands and say:

"Yunling Fairy, you bully people, you know so much about alchemy, how can you not enter the product? If you go to the alchemy to confirm, it will make everyone shocked."

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head, and there was no speech. Han Qi’s eyeball turned around in the eyelids and suddenly jumped:

"Yunling Fairy, anyway, you promised that after half a year, people will go to the Alchemy City to participate in the Dandao Competition. When they arrive at the alchemy division, they will be awarded the grade badge by the Alchemy League. By the time, Qier will know that you are a few alchemists. ""

Xu Ziyan heard Han Qi’s words and looked forward to the Dan Dao contest. They talked very much here, and on the other side, the device was also integrated into the conversation between Yanshan Soul and Xu Tianwei. The temperament of the device is really good. The robes are very clean and tidy. The hair is not shackled, but it is spread out. A pair of celestial bones and a sincere smile on the face make people can't bear to refuse.

At this time, Xu Tianwei was humbly explaining the problems of some refiners to the direction of the device. As a lower-quality treasurer, it is naturally a very good teacher for Xu Tianwei who can only refine the implement. The Yanshan soul has long been hiding on the side. On this road, he was really annoyed by Xu Tianwei. It is rare to have a chance to hide and relax. Naturally, he is happy to hide.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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