The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 822: Ghost hand sinking machine

I am very grateful to you ※ Maple Leaf classmates, Xiaorong 2004 classmates, such as 兮 classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, queen (sosi) classmates, want to eat cats, classmates, ※ maple leaf classmates, mutantan classmates, purple 妍? Zhao Yilin classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and looked at the ink and said softly: "You tell me three big cities!"

The ink was a little hesitant from the look, staring at Xu Ziyan and said: "You will not take any action against the refining city?"

Xu Ziyan’s mouth smashed and smiled a bit: “I’m not so crazy!”

Ink gently sighed with a sigh of relief: "Ziyan, I advise you not to have the idea of ​​dealing with the three major cities, their invisible power can not even despise the four super forces. I will talk to you first. Refinery City!"

After a pause, Mo said, "I don't know when the refining city was built. But nowadays, in addition to accumulating huge resources, the refining city has gathered many top monks."

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly, a force with abundant resources, and it is not difficult to gather a group of top monks. I am afraid there are still many monks who want to join the refining city and can't!

"Everyone knows that the refining city has a guardian sect, there are 50,000 monks. The worst is also the Yuan Ying period. But, I want to tell you that it is only on the bright side, there is a team in the refining city. However, its number, repairs, equipment, etc. are all secrets."

Xu Ziyan heard the shock and was shocked. Don’t say that in the dark, Xu Ziyan on the bright side did not know. Now I hear the ink is away from what I say. In the heart, I also attached a few points to the refining city. Originally thought that the three major cities only affected the situation on the mainland with a loose alliance. Now it seems that they are not at all, and they themselves have a powerful force. However, Xu Ziyan suddenly had some doubts. Because this refinery city is very large, if there is a 10,000-strong army, it is impossible to find it, and 50,000 people are not a small team.

then. Xu Ziyan asked, "Mu Daoyou, there are 50,000 cents in this refining city? Why didn't I see it?"

Ink said with a smile: "Ziyan, you can't have heard of people's towns, towns and towns and towns?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head in confusion and looked at Yanshan Soul and Xu Tianwei. Xu Tianwei is also a confused look, Yanshan soul is a slight nod. Xu Ziyan looked at the ink again, and the ink smiled and shook his head:

"Ziyan, no wonder your cultivation is growing so fast. It was not as good as me a decade ago, but now it has surpassed me. It seems that you practice cultivation in addition to cultivation every day, and you know very little about things on the mainland." ”

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile and said: "I think I am being chased every day except being chased!"

The people in the room stunned and then laughed. One sentence was chased and killed, and the cultivation process of Xu Ziyan was exhausted. When the laughter is gone, the ink is softly said:

"The towns and towns, the towns and towns and the towns and towns have been in existence since ancient times. The three towns were originally built to be built by the human forces of the entire continent, just to resist the demon on the mainland. In fact, the entire continent Above, humans occupy only one-third of the places, most of which are occupied by the Yaozu. There are three vast areas on the vast continent, which account for almost one-third of the vast continent.

These three vast areas are endless mountains and virgin forests with a variety of demons. The middle ground surrounded by three vast areas is the current Central Plains. However, in the ancient times, it was not called the Central Plains, it was called the Cangwu continent. Because at that time, only human beings lived here. Because this is the most aura of the Aura on the mainland, humans and monsters have waged endless wars here.

In the end, humans have all the power to build three Guancheng towns in these three areas to withstand the attacks of the Yaozu. This is the origin of the three towns. The three major cities are the logistics for the three major customs towns. It was the place where the Human Alliance was originally stationed. Later, without knowing why, the Human Alliance suddenly disappeared. Therefore, the three major cities are in power. However, at the same time, he shouldered the burden of resisting the Yaozu, so the 50,000 centuries of the refining city were closed in the town. ”

Xu Ziyan turned to look at the soul of Yanshan. But see Yanshan soul full of bitterness, sitting with a slight squint. Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at the ink, that is, he said:

"Mu Daoyou means that these three big cities exist to resist the Yaozu?"


"In the ancient times, only the Central Plains had human monks?"


"What about now?"

"Now the north and south regions of the East and West are all later human monks who have migrated for various reasons. Although the three monster areas are large, they have not surrounded the entire Central Plains region."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "But... I am from the Northland, and I have not heard that the Yaozu in the three major regions attacked the Northland! It is reasonable to say that the three major barriers can only resist the one facing the Central Plains. Is there a barrier to the north side of the road?"

Ink said with a smile: "The three regions of the Yaozu are only interested in the Central Plains, because only the aura of the Central Plains is richer than the three regions. Other regions are disdainful."

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but smile. The place where he came from, even the Yaozu looked down. The ink sighed a bit:

"The reason why I advise you not to be an enemy of the three major cities is because of the strength of the three major cities, and on the other hand, to cultivate the fairy world."

Speaking of this, the sound of the ink is serious: "From ancient times to the present, the Yaozu of the three major regions have never broken the heart of the Central Plains. There have been wars from time to time in the three major customs, although there has been no What a big war has happened, but sporadic small battles have happened from time to time. And..."

The sound of the ink is getting bitter: "In the past 100 years, human beings have gradually lost their advantages, and the three major cities have had collusion between human monks and demons."

Xu Ziyan heard a glimpse of his heart and said with suspicion: "No? What are the reasons for them to do this?"

The ink is cold and disdainful: "Not for resources!"


"Not bad!" Ink nodded and said: "You must know that there are a lot of resources in the area occupied by the monsters, and the monsters will not be able to make alchemy and refiners, so there is almost no consumption of resources there, everywhere. Wherever we humans have been, for thousands of years, resources have been consumed seven and eighty-eight, so there are monks and monsters secretly colluding, using human remedies, scorpions and instruments to exchange the resources of the monsters."

"Scum!" Xu Ziyan hated and hated.

Ink said that he was shaking his head: "Why did Alchemy City and Lingbao City not kill you, I don't know. But there are two reasons why the refining city has not yet chased you."

Xu Ziyan lost his voice: "Do you know?"

Ink carefully looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "Ziyan, can I trust you?"

Xu Ziyan immediately understood the meaning of the ink, and also said seriously: "I will do my best to reconcile with the refining city."

"Call~~" ink spit out a long breath: "Ziyan, one of your Yanshou Dan can be said to give me a second life, I believe you."

The ink immediately separated and calmed down, and this laughed: "I am one of the only two middle-quality treasurers in the refining city. It is still very important."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan said, "Teach!"

Ink whispered: "The bright surface is for the immediate ceremonial contest, but this is only a superficial statement. It is to confuse the people who shut the customs."

"The knife is coming? Is the town closed?"

“Not bad!” Ink said from the sound of Shen Sheng: “There are indications that the knife is the biggest behind-the-scenes black-handed trade with the Yaozu. The refiner city mainly pulls out this human traitor, so your thing is just a small thing. ""

Xu Ziyan listened for a long while, and then frowned slightly and said: "Is the knife open only to trade some resources with the Yaozu?"

Ink said in an angry voice: "Isn't this enough? The Yaozu has our human medicine, and it will grow faster. With the Fu and the implements, the fighting power will be stronger, and finally the taste will be Isn't our human being bitter fruit?"

"But..." Xu Ziyan said with some hesitation: "We humans have the skills of alchemy and refining, and the monsters have a lot of resources. Why can't they take what they need, and open up a public transaction with the beast? place?"

"This is not broken! We are enemies with the Yaozu, how can we publicly trade with them, this is an enemy!" The ink is discolored.

Xu Ziyan silently said nothing, thought about it, and did not feel self-deprecating in his heart. Is such a big thing that I can participate in? I am still at the edge of life and death, how can I still have this mood to think about this? Shaking his head slightly, pulling the thought back again, whispered:

"What kind of person is the refinery city owner?"

The indifferent look of the ink immediately became adored: "The reason why in today's vast mainland, everyone only knows that I have two masters of the middle school, and that is because the old man of the city has not worked out the handicraft for a long time. ”

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows picked and picked, and some interestedly asked: “How does the city owner call him?”

"The name of the city owner is called the ghost hand sinking machine. When the old man retired a hundred years ago, he was already a top quality treasurer. Now he has already passed the customs and has broken through the realm of the spiritual master. And his old man’s cultivation is Nowadays, it is also the realm of the late part of the distraction. As long as there is an old man in it, the knife will come to death. It is only in his hands that there are 50,000 centuries. The city owner must not be careful."

Said here, the face of the ink is away from the face, full of pride and worship. A few hundred years old, even in the look of a little girl, this can not help but make Xu Ziyan feel funny.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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