The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 824: Endless

I am very grateful to the raccoon and squid classmates, Lan Xiaoyue classmates, light moon dance 629 classmates, poetry in Tsinghua students, et1896 classmates, eryanu classmates, ※ Maple Leaf classmates pink ticket!


I got what I wanted to know, and Xu Ziyan said goodbye to the ink. However, before leaving, Xu Ziyan left Xu Tianwei. She knew that Yanshan Soul did not put his mind on teaching Xu Tianwei refiner. He is now refining the body of the dragon. There is simply not much time to point to Xu Tianwei.

Therefore, she and the ink are negotiating, and I want to let the ink be removed from Xu Tianwei. As long as Xu Tianwei has reached the realm of the next-class treasurer, in the future, let Yanshan soul record the refiner jade to Xu Tianwei, with the formal inheritance of the ink, and Xu Tianwei’s talent will definitely understand the remnerator left by the Yanshan soul. Surgery. It is not difficult to surpass the ink in the future. After all, Xu Ziyan is very optimistic about Xu Tianwei's talent.

To put it bluntly, today's Xu Tianwei is a wild path. All the refining techniques are realized by his own talent. He lacks formal inheritance. And with the ink is the formal teaching, to fill this short board, Xu Tianwei will definitely fly.

And the ink is also very happy to agree. On the one hand, Xu Ziyan once gave her Yanshou Dan, let her owe a favor. She would not narcissistically think that she helped Xu Ziyan refine some of the pillars, which would offset the grace of Yanshoudan. On the other hand, once she reaches the peak of the late Shenhua, she also expects Xu Ziyan to refine her distraction, and also break through the barriers of distraction.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul returned to the residence of Gongziye, and found that Gongzi Forging had been standing in the courtyard where he lived. Invite the son to forge into the room. It is known from the mouth of the male son forging that Gongziye was recruited by the Shen Qianji to the city government. So, three people sat in the room, chatting with the tea while chatting about the anecdotes of the immortal world.

but. The three people haven’t talked for a while, and there are people in the public son’s house to report that there are monks who come to see the Yunling Fairy. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. The name Yunling Fairy is the first time she used it. She did not know who would come to visit her.

Yanshan soul is also a look of sorrow, that is, the male son forging is also a confused face. When the three people greeted, Xu Ziyan’s face was even more confused. Because of the people in front of her, she is really familiar with the monks who arrived at the refining city together with the flying palace of Tianzhicheng. However, Xu Ziyan and these monks have no friendship! I have never spoken to these people on the flying palace! Today they came to see themselves, and everyone’s face was with a respectful expression. What is it for?

but. When people come, they always have to entertain. All the way politely greeted people, and the people who owned the son of the family sent the tea. Without talking a few words, these people took out the gifts they had prepared from the storage ring. They are all kinds of refining materials, and there are many precious things.

Xu Ziyan did not know why, naturally he would not accept it. However, the monks did not take back those gifts, but placed them on the table. And Xu Ziyan continued to chat. This time I talked. Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. It turns out that these people have seen the scene where Gongziye greeted himself at the gate of the city, so there are only two speculations in their hearts. One is that Xu Ziyan is a master of refining, and the other is that Xu Ziyan and Gongziye are extremely good.

You must know that nowadays, only the son of the son and the ink are separated from the two Chinese treasures on the entire mainland. There are too many monks who want to ask these two treasurers to refine the middleware. Moreover, when Gongziye and Ink are away from this realm, they are not what kind of Chinese treasures are willing to refine. They want to refine the treasures that can help them break through the realm of the top quality treasurer. Therefore, it is not easy to ask for the public and the ink, that is, it is not easy to remove the treasures from the refining.

Now they have discovered Xu Ziyan, how to let go of this opportunity. If Xu Ziyan is also a treasurer of Chinese medicine, then it would be better. They can directly ask Xu Ziyan to refine their treasures. If Xu Ziyan is not a treasurer of Chinese medicine. That doesn't matter. As long as Xu Ziyan has a good relationship with Gongziye, they can ask Xu Ziyan to tell them about them and let Gongziye refine their treasures.

Those who can refine the treasures of Chinese goods are not wealthy people. So the things that are sent are not all. However, I figured out the purple smoke after the situation. Even more will not accept these gifts. Xu Ziyan will be a good refiner, but the level is not as good as Xu Tianwei. Her relationship with Gongziye? Does she have a relationship with the son?

Like those monks who said that they are not treasurers, they have also abolished their lips and told everyone that they have not much friendship with the son. Finally, these monks were sent away, but looking at the look of these leaving monks, Xu Ziyan knew that his explanation was in vain, and none of them believed what they said. Think about it too. If you and Gongziye don’t have a relationship with each other, will you be able to bring your own disciple to the gate of the city to meet?

This has just sent away a batch, and it has come again. Later, Xu Ziyan discovered that the monks who came to see him completely did not know each other. They were not the ones who came to the refining city with the Flying Palace in Tianzhi City. Under the question, some of them were because they saw Gongziye personally greet themselves at the gate of the city. Some of them did not see it at all, just listened to others. I immediately ran.

Xu Ziyan was really a little bit stunned. Yanshan soul had already left the room of Xu Ziyan impatiently and returned to his house to refine the body of the sputum. The muscles on Xu Ziyan’s face were laughing and stiff, and they were able to send away a wave of monks. The monks couldn't move the purple smoke, and when they saw the son of the forge sitting on the side, they would forge a good word to the son, which made the son of the forge also sneak out, leaving only the purple smoke to be there.

Xu Ziyan also thought about ignoring those people, letting the descendants of the son of the family directly block the monks from the outside. However, after pondering, Xu Ziyan did not do this in the end. Although he is now a Yunling fairy, he will definitely be recognized in the future. Imagine these are the people who cultivated the immortals. And there are many people who are very high-cultivated. Although they have always had a veil, but their body and breath, how can these repairers not remember?

The family has just started and is in crisis. It is very necessary to be able to pay some monks, at least not to offend them. Therefore, Xu Ziyan had to bear the temper to entertain the waves of monks. Let's just say that they will persuade them.

Just sent a group of monks, sat down and just took a sip of tea, and then saw the next son of Gongziye to lead a monk. The monk saw a woman wearing a hat, and the veiled woman greeted her, knowing that the woman in front of her eyes was Yunling Fairy, and hurriedly said:

“I have seen Yunling Fairy in the following business.

Xu Ziyan listened to the heart, is this Du Fu a monk in Lingbao City? Then he smiled and said:

"Yunling, the Taoyou is from Lingbao City?"

"Below is the origin of Lingbao City, and now the boss of this refinery city Futong commercial bank, also ask Yunling Fairy to take care of it later."

The two men walked into the room while talking and separated. Then Du Fu put a piece of eight treasures from the storage ring on the table, and put out **** and gently pushed it to the front of Xu Ziyan, with a smug smile in his eyes:

"The first time I met, the little blessing, I don't pay tribute."

Xu Ziyan glanced at the eight-character Fubao on the table, and there was a shock in his heart. He did not expect Du Fu to be able to come up with a treasure of eight products. In my heart, I thought that the ink was separated from what I had said. When Yunhe Fairy, the master of Lingbao City, reopened a hundred years ago, it was already the realm of the nine-character treasures. It is probably now a spiritual treasurer, not far from himself. However, Xu Ziyan also had a smile in her eyes. She laughed at Du Fu and even gave her a gift with eight pieces of Fu Bao.

Xu Ziyan just raised his hand and pushed the piece of Fu Bao on the table back. Then he saw another person who led a person. Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at the corner of his mouth with a smile. The person who came in was actually Mengdi of Danhang. Xu Ziyan also wants to see if Meng Di is coming to the same mind as others, so he did not tell him his identity, but he stood up from the chair in a courtesy manner.

The two sides saw the fire of ritual, Meng Di's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, but his eyes quickly concentrated on Du Fu's body. Looking at the eight-character Fu on the table, he smiled and said:

"Du Dao's friendly handwriting, but even if you send it, you should send the nine-character Fubao. How noble is Yunling's fairy status? Is it an eight-character Fubao that can be moved?"

Xu Ziyan looked at Meng Di with a smile, and she also wanted to see how Meng Di’s words were so full. What kind of gifts would he come up with? I asked Meng Di to sit down and give Meng Di a cup full of tea, silently looking at Meng Di and not speaking. She also wants to see if Meng Di will come up with any high-quality medicinal herbs, so that she can also see the level of alchemy on the mainland.

However, what Meng Di took out made Xu Ziyan disappointed. What Gee Dey took out was not a medicinal medicine, but a piece of refining material. Although it is also very precious, it does not have a deep understanding of the refiner. Then he smiled and shook his head, gently pushing the piece of refiner material and the eight-piece Fubao back.

For a moment, both Meng Di and Du Fu felt embarrassed. Some of them slammed the things on the table, and Du Fu saw that the gift that Xu Ziyan had sent himself had returned, and he no longer intended to ask for it. However, there is still some dissatisfaction in his heart. An eight-character Fubao can definitely sell the sky price on the mainland of the Cangwu, but the Yunling fairy opposite does not hesitate to retreat. Oh, it must be that she is not a treasurer at all, and she also wants to keep her son, so I have to return my gift! Yes, it must be like this! Maybe at this time she is blindly bleeding.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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