The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 834: sensation

Thank you very much ※ Maple Leaf classmates, 629 students of Fair Moon Dance, Faywen classmates, I am a lemon Xiaoxin classmate, a book friend 14944729 classmate, a Tang Tang 8719 classmate's pink ticket!



Xu Ziyan asked strangely: "That is just the game of the original instrumentalist. Is it not necessary for you to be a judge of the Chinese treasurer?"

"Haha, Xu Daoyou said it is good. Today, I am only going to attend with me, and the judges are the disciples of me and me."

Several people said, the side has already reached the foot of the mountain, there is a monster car ready to be there, several people boarded the car, and went to the central square of the refining city.

There is an open-air gladiator in the central square of the refining city. As soon as Xu Ziyan entered the arena, he knew that there was a space array here. At this time, the center of the gladiator field has been greatly extended by the space law. The entire venue can accommodate about 50,000 monks. You can imagine how many viewers can be accommodated in the surrounding stands.

Gongziye brought Xu Ziyan and others directly into a VIP room, after which he left to go to the VIP station, and Yanshan soul left to participate. There are only Xu Ziyan and Gongzi forging two people in the private room.

Time has not passed, and there has been a big man in the central VIP table. Xu Ziyan's eyes narrowed up slightly. She did not think of a martial arts contest, the monks of Ximen, Yan Xingyun, Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng.

And with the increasing number of characters, the son of the forging is introduced one by one. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already understood that this road competition is simply a grand event on the mainland. With the four big rides. The emergence of the three masters of the Central Plains, the emergence of the three major city owners, let Xu Ziyan really pay attention to the instrumental competition in the heart, but also look forward to the Dandao competition held in Alchemy City six months later.

The procedure for the road race is very simple. It was only after the refining of the city master Shen Qianji said a few words, he announced the start of the competition. There were more than 50,000 people on the entire mainland of the Cangwu to come to participate in the test of the next product. Xu Ziyan and the son of the forging eyes are immediately locked in the crowd of Yanshan soul.

Yanshan soul is standing there casually, and his frowning seems to be thinking about something. In fact, the heart of Yanshan soul is very tired of refining a piece of the next product, but there is no way. There is no badge for the refiner, only starting from scratch. The son looked forward to the appearance of Yanshan soul and turned to Xu Ziyan:

"How is the level of the refiner of the Taoist friend? How worried is it to see his expression?"

Xu Ziyan also opened the eagle eye and has been observing the soul of Yanshan. She understands the mood of Yanshan Soul at this time, and let a master of refining to refine a product, which is really funny. Therefore, after listening to the son of the forging, Xu Ziyan just shook his head with a funny smile, but there was no speech.

The refining city master Shen Qianji personally rang the bell of the beginning of the competition. In the melodious bells, more than 50,000 monks began to refine. Each monk has the same thing in front of him, three fire spirits, three common refining materials, and he is required to refine a goldsmith. As long as you pass the test within the stipulated time, the badge will be issued to the next treasurer on the spot.

When Yanshan’s soul fingers were picked, there was a fire charm floating from the stage. Then the finger flicks. The fire spirit was bombarded into the hearth by the Yanshan spirit, and the hot flame burned. Looking at the three materials on the stage, Yanshan soul knows that these materials can be refining two metallic underproducts.

Yanshan soul is not willing to stand here for too long, looking around these rookie-level refining monks, he feels uncomfortable. Therefore, he directly pinched the picked material into a powder and placed it in the ding. Looked inside the Ding Ding, seeing the speed of melting is still slow, simply release a fire charm directly in the device. In less than half a quarter of an hour, the powder of the three materials turned into a hot slurry. Yanshan soul single-handedly. A group of red pulp was caught in the air by the Yanshan spirit from Ding. With both hands, the group of pulp was hugged in the middle, pulling toward both sides, and the mass of the pulp formed a long sword.

The Yanshan soul simply did not go to the forged hammer placed next to it, and his hands covered the sword. Direct release of the real element extrusion, but in an instant the long sword in the handle is constantly being squeezed out. The left hand holds a long sword. The right hand stretched out the index finger and pulled out the residual image of the road. The method of the road was engraved on the sword and then hidden into the blade. The entire long sword Guanghua flashed, and the hot redness instantly cooled, and the whole long sword was cold and glaring.

Yanshan Spirit controls its own realm and refines this metallic long sword into the realm of the peak of the next product. In fact, the three kinds of refining materials given by the contest can refine the peak of the lower product. For the general refiner, it has reached the extreme, but the Yanshan soul can still give it a grade, but the Yanshan soul is not so Do, there is no need to make yourself so special, that is, he is also very prominent. He firmly believes that among the more than 50,000 monks who participated in the competition, the three materials that can be used to refine the product of the peaks should not be used, not to mention that he only spent a quarter of an hour.

Hold the refining of the next product peak in the hand, look up and look around, see the monks around are still in the stage of melting the three materials. Shaking his head slightly, Yanshan soul walked toward the judges.

The monks around did not pay attention to the soul of Yanshan, because no one would have thought that in a short quarter of an hour, someone would refine a craft. They are all concentrating on observing the melting of the material. Even the disciples on the jury and the disciples who were away from the judges did not notice, but whispered and chatted with each other with a smile. Because according to their inertia, this time should be the stage of melting materials, there is really nothing to look at.

Not to mention that they are the people on the vast mainland of the VIPs, and they are chatting with each other at this time. This game is just a preliminary game, the game of the original instrument. If it is not because this is the opening ceremony, these people will not appear. Only when they reach the treasure contest will they attract their attention. Waiting for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, these people will basically not appear.

However, if someone does not pay attention, it does not mean that no one pays attention. In the box of the stands, there are two pairs of dull eyes at this time, it is Xu Ziyan and the son of the forging. Xu Ziyan has never been shocked since he entered the Xiuxian world, let alone being shocked and stunned.

However, the performance of Yanshan soul in front of him is too enchanting. Others still melted the material there, he fell, and the refining was completed. Xu Ziyan’s face was completely speechless. Not to mention the male forging over there, he learned from his family, and he is preparing to attack the treasurer. However, now he finds that it is not as enchanting as Yanshan Soul to refine the product. No, it is too much difference with Yanshan.

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan and Gongzi Forging, the Yanshan soul moved with the instrument and walked out to the judges. His movement, the judges and the VIP seats have not been discovered, but the monks around the Yanshan soul can see it. Looking at the soul of Yanshan in confusion, seeing a handful of instruments in the hands of Yanshan Soul, their eyes are even more confused, and then look back at the refining station, seeing that the three kinds of refining materials have been lost by half. The confusion in the eyes is even better.

What do you mean?

All the monks who saw the soul of Yanshan were stagnant in their minds.



Wait until Xu Ziyan walked out of the 50 meters, and the talents reacted.


First, the monks around the soul of Yanshan sensationalized, and then the news spread around. Soon the entire venue was sensational, one by one, looking at the direction of Yanshan soul.

The sensation of the stadium finally caused a sensation in the jury and VIP seats, and the eyes were focused on the Yanshan soul who was slowly moving toward the jury. The eyes of Yanshan soul looked at the VIP seats, and the corner of his mouth passed a smile. The Xu Ziyan inside the box was a sigh, and slowly took off the brawl, revealing a beautiful face.

When Xu Ziyan sat in the VIP seat when he saw the four majors, he knew that his identity was only a matter of time. The four Mahayana can't recognize Yanshan's soul, and when they wait for Yanshan's soul to be with themselves, they can't recognize that they are Xu Ziyan, even if they wear a veil.

It’s just that Xu Ziyan was really not prepared, because he didn’t think that the level of the refiner of Yanshan’s soul would be so enchanting, and the enchanting attracted the attention of all people. Originally, Xu Ziyan believed that Yanshan Soul would not be exposed to the treasures and always mixed into the treasurer competition, only to reveal his identity. She did not think that the Yanshan Soul would be so high-profile. Is it that the Yanshan soul has any grasp? Otherwise he will not ignore the situation of Xu Ziyan.

As Yanshan's soul slowly paced, Xu Ziyan's heart also calmed down. The ancestral Yan Xingyun of Yanshan Soul sits on top of it. Since the Yanshan Soul is so high-profile, it should be able to win the help of Yan Xingyun. The solitary smoke of Ximen sat on it, and he still owed himself a favor. Yunfeifeng? There is no conflict with himself. Only Wang Liyun, but there is a solitary smoke in Ximen. So at this level of the four major, there will be no threat to yourself for the time being.

So what about the three major cities? Is it true that Yanshan Soul has a way to deal with the three major cities?

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the back of Yanshan’s soul. She felt that she could not see the Yanshan soul more and more. He is not the five-year-old doll in the city of Zongfang. The broad shoulders seem to be the sky, and he can resist the general.

The four masters on the VIP seats were surprised to see the soul of Yanshan, especially Xiaoluotian ancestor Yan Xingyun. He did not think that his disciple would disappear from the Southern Wilderness for a long time, and will appear here, and it is a participant. The identity of the refiner of the contest. Seeing a handful of instruments in the hands of Yanshan Soul, Yan Xingyun slightly frowned at the brows, and secretly said:

"Don't the mountain spirit he refine a tool in such a short time?"


Looking at the pink ticket list, the bell screamed with a smile, and the thick face was smashed, asking for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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