The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 837: Kill no trace

I am very grateful to Donggong Suining (999), Sparkling Glitt (588), and the night of the different color classmates (100)!


The lion head took the messenger jade in both hands with respect and placed it in his storage bag. Xu Ziyan glanced at him and said, this half-man is really poor, not even a storage ring. At this moment, the Lionhead said respectfully to Xu Ziyan:

"Predecessors, it is better to let the seniors eat dinner, I also want to introduce the situation of our family, probably like you."

The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse, and the lion head is looked up and down. Mind, you are all poor, and ask me to eat? Probably the lion head also understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan, and he shyly bowed his head and said with a trembling anxiety:

"Just... just want to ask the seniors to eat casually... eat some."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I still want to go to visit it. Wait a minute or I will ask you."

The son of the side smirked: "I am the landlord in the refining city, how can I make Xu Daoyou treat, or I will do the East!"

"Alright!" Xu Ziyan smiled and didn't care. Whether it is Xu Ziyan or Gongzi Forging, who would treat a meal as one thing?

The lion head people also know that they are treated with the spiritual stone on their own body. I am afraid that they are really slow to those people in front of them, so they only have to speak without following the words of Xu Ziyan and others.

On the first floor, Xu Ziyan carefully watched the secrets of the four walls. The more he went up, the more incomplete the secrets were. Xu Ziyan could not help but wrinkled his brows. If you just rely on these things and want to break through to the spiritual master, then you really need the talent to go against the sky.

After all the way to the tour, in addition to the proud look of the son. In addition to the reverence of the lion head and the long-tailed person, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are all lacking in happiness. Out of the refining tower, the son said with a smile:

“Xu Daoyou, there is a restaurant not far from this refining tower. The dishes there are very special. They are all cooked with some high-end monsters, full of aura, we might as well try taste."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan listened, and his heart also raised interest, then nodded and followed the son to go hiking.

After a while, several people came to a small restaurant. There is a plaque hanging on it, and the three characters of "Fun Zhai" are written.

The son of the foreman smiled and reached out and asked the purple smoke and Yanshan soul to walk inside the door, and at this time. The guy standing at the door was swaying, his face was filled with an unnatural smile, and he said flatterly:

"Forging the young master, today has been packaged by the young master. You see..."

The son was forgiven, but he did not expect to encounter Qianyuan here. However, if this is the case, where is the face of his son’s forging?

but. The son of the forging is also reluctant to deal with Qianyuan, it is really the male son forging and this thousand Yuan is very uncomfortable. Moreover, people first packaged the fun and they could not move forward.

If someone else is gone, with the identity of the son, there will be no one in the refining city will not give him face. Is the name of Gongziye white given? Gongziye has been in the city of refining for more than 500 years. No one knows the background of Qianyuan. It is only in the last two decades that he came to the refining city.

It stands to reason that monks like Qianyuan, a new refiner city, are going to be low-key. However, this thousand-yuan is extremely high-profile. It seems to have an extremely deep background and a material store opened in the refinery city. The material is really complete and the quantity is sufficient. The price is also low. It was only a short period of twenty years. It forced the shop of materials in more than a dozen refineries to close, and sold the store to Qianyuan.

As a result, Qian Yuan has developed into the largest refining material store in the refining city in just 20 years. During this time. Nor is there a monk who wants to do some secret moves against Qianyuan. However, without exception, it was cleanly cleaned up by Qianyuan. This makes people even more afraid of the background of Qianyuan. Qianyuan will sweep the leaves with the wind. Almost 60% of the material stores in the refining city are already in existence.

Qian Yuan never went to ask for the son and the ink to leave the refiner. On the contrary, the son and the ink were sometimes needed to go to him to purchase some refining materials. And Qian Yuan has never given a discount to the son and the ink, and does not care about the face of the two sons.

He used this low price and no one to give face, and gradually monopolized the material market of the refining city. And as the status of Qianyuan rises, the act is gradually overbearing. Suddenly and the public son, the ink is in the refinery city into a three-legged trend.

The son of Ye and Ye Mo is very indifferent to the face of the upstarts of Qianyuan, but they are not willing to easily succumb to such people who they do not understand, so that the people who command themselves should be as little as possible with the people of Qianyuan.

However, one is a refiner and the other is a material. How can these two aspects not be related? Moreover, after Qianyuan had almost monopolized the materials of the refining city, it began to raise the price. This allows Qianyuan and the son to smelt, and the ink is in conflict with these refiners, and there is a growing trend.

Seeing that the son of the forging station was frowning, Xu Ziyan whispered softly: "What is the matter of the thousand?"

The son of the forging will whisper in a brief way about the things of Qianyuan. Xu Ziyan heard it, and her heart was a move. She was very skeptical that this thousand Yuan is the person who opened the knife. There are only so many materials in the knife, and only the knife is open to sell at a reduced price, because his material is almost no money. Similarly, only the knife is open, not afraid of the son and the ink, not to mention the small fish and shrimp. Therefore, the monks who want to secretly pay attention to Qianyuan are being cleaned up in secret.

I am afraid that this is the radical way of opening the knife, so that the refining city master Shen Qianji found the knife to rebel. This is the opportunity to pack up the knife by the opportunity of the instrumental competition. Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask the son to forge, and did the knife come back from the town?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan never had the thought of staying here, and whispered: "Forging friends, since it has been packed first, we will go somewhere else!"

The son was forcing and biting the bite to help the gang, and finally reluctantly snorted at the buddy and turned away. Just in this stall, a young man walked out of the hotel slowly, walking with a murderous gas, carrying his hands, turning his eyes and glanced at the male forging, his mouth flicked a trace of disdain:

"It turned out to be a male forging! Come here to treat you! Sorry, this has been wrapped up by the young master."

Qian Yuan’s eye-opening eyes gradually shifted from the body of Gongziye, and saw the two half-humans behind the son’s body, and the sarcasm in his eyes expanded even more. Pi Liyang said:

"The taste of the young master is getting higher and higher, and the half-human has become the guest of the forge!"

The son was angered, but he stepped forward and glared at Qianyuan. Before he even opened his mouth, he saw that Qianyuan had already rushed to say:

"Hey, the son is forging, do you still want to do it?"


Eight monks rushed out of the restaurant, one by one, the five horses, the five monks, the two early monks, and one of the mid-disciples. However, they can feel the strong killing power from their bodies, which is not the ordinary cultivator.

Xu Ziyan was slightly wrinkled and wrinkled, and the strong killing of the other side of the body made him think that this thousand Yuan is the person who opened the knife. Seeing Qian Yuan’s body and rushing out of a group of monks who couldn’t see through it, the face of the son’s forging was tight. However, the pride he possessed did not make him retreat, but he sneered at the thousand miles.

Qian Yuan disdainfully glanced at the male forging, said faintly: "It is useless to stare at me, that is, we are singled out, you are also an ant in front of me."

The voice just fell, the clothes in the sky fluttered, and the figures flew. The guards in the 36 refining city fell from the sky, and the monk in the late stage of the reign of the gods looked coldly at Qianyuan:

"Thousands of Yuan, the rules of the refining city, you know."

Qian Yuan’s heart is a sigh, heart, how come he came.

The monk who had just rebuked Qianyuan was the chief leader of the Refining City Guards, called the killing of no traces, and the cultivation of the late part of the distraction. Generally it is definitely not patrolling on the street. I don't know which nerve is wrong today, but I personally led my men to the front of the fun. However, Xu Ziyan was keenly aware that the killing of the mark seemed to look at Qianyuan, but the mental power was locked in her and Yanshan soul.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul glanced at each other, and the corner of his mouth passed a sneer. When Xu Ziyan left the road race, he was ready to be captured by the refining city. At the time, Xu Ziyan’s nerves were tight and he was ready to shoot at any time. However, the spirit of Yanshan was very relaxed, shaking his head slightly toward Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Qian Yuan knew that the other side was the cultivation of the late part of the distraction, and there was some fear in his heart. However, the face did not show the slightest, still faintly said:

"Killing the predecessors, I understand the rules, I will not forgive the public, and let him collect some flesh and blood."

Killing the face without a trace is a anger, the heart, this kid is really arrogant. However, if the true Qianyuan is just forcing the son to suffer from some flesh and blood, it is really not a violation of the rules of the refining city. If you kill the traceless eyes and sweep through the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls, suddenly forging the former step toward the son, haha ​​laughed:

"Forging Yinxian, are you going to invite these two friends to eat?"

The son of the forge was frightened and killed in the inland of the refining city. It was the respect of the son of the son. In a certain way, this killing is the real master of the refining city when the city owner retreats. When was he so polite to the son? The son is rushing to pay tribute:

"When I meet my uncle, Xiao Xiao is asking for two friends to eat."


Ask for a little pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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