The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 843: City gate conflict

I am very grateful to my classmates (1888), ωǒ★玉ル╲(588), Mr. installed classmates (100), Cheng Mengyi Bing Zichang classmates (100), 25964234856 classmates (100) for the reward!


Early the next morning, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul and Gongziye and his father and son went up to the road competition. Along the way, Xu Ziyan also noticed that the look of Gongziye was a bit embarrassing. But people didn't say that they didn't ask well. After entering the arena, four people said goodbye to each other. Gongziye went to the VIP seat, Yanshan soul went to the stadium, and Xu Ziyan took Qinqing and other four women and the son to forge to go to the box.

Sitting in the box, Xu Ziyan’s gaze naturally looked toward the VIPs, and the heart was shocked. He hurriedly turned to the son and asked:

"Forging friends, you are not saying that those masters of the Mahayana and the masters of the three major cities will not come these two days? It will only appear when the treasure contest is over."

"Yes!" The son of the forging nodded.

"Then look at the VIP seats!" Xu Ziyan stretched his finger to the VIP seat in the distance.

The son was forging along the fingers of Xu Ziyan, and his face was stiff. Half-sounding, I was surprised to get up from the chair:

"How come they all come?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him, his heart, your reaction is too slow. Do you want to jump out of the chair for so long?

"Is there something happening?" The son whispered and sat back on his chair, looking at the big guys on the VIP table.

"Hey!" Xu Ziyan called him a voice: "Is there a knife in the town?"

The look of the male forging was carefully scanned back and forth several times on the VIP table. Then I turned to Xu Ziyan and said:


Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and asked softly: "Isn't such a grand event. He is not coming back to attend? Is it really dangerous to be in town?"

"I remembered that he was back in the last class of the road race." The son of the forging thought and said: "Maybe something is delayed, maybe it will come back tomorrow."

Xu Ziyan nodded and thought in her heart that the knife must come back. If he does not come back. How can Shen Qianji deal with him? As for how Shen Qianji can bring the knife back, it will not do the purple smoke. Although Xu Ziyan did not know why Wang Woyun and the three major cities were indifferent to their appearance in the refining city, she still felt that there was a conflict between the knife and the refining city, and she could be safer.

Xu Ziyan doesn't care if it is fake. After all, at this time, I am surrounded by the powers. Originally, I thought about hiding in the dark and seeing the road competition. If I can find the best chance to reconcile with the three major cities, if I don't find the opportunity, I will leave quietly. Where did I think that the Yanshan Soul would be so high-profile, so that she would be revealed in front of everyone.

I was thinking about it there, and suddenly I felt a few sharp eyes glance at myself. Looking at the eyes with a slight gaze, but facing the eyes of the four Dacheng and the three major city owners. Xu Ziyan was shocked in his heart, but his face was still calm. Slowly leaning on the back of the chair, his eyes looked calmly across the street.

However, the result was very depressed in Xu Ziyan's heart. Although she couldn't see it, she clearly felt a condescending view from those eyes. And so many masters, eyes gathered on her body, although far away. But it also made Xu Ziyan feel endless pressure.

The bell rang loudly, letting Xu Ziyan's pressure loose, and secretly relieved. The opposite eyes were removed from Xu Ziyan's body and looked at the stadium. Xu Ziyan also hurriedly opened the eagle eye. First, he glanced at the entire stadium and his heart was a little surprised.

In Xu Ziyan's view, anyone who comes to participate in the Taoist contest is a monk who should have confidence in himself. At the very least, there should be no problem with the next product. Once you get the qualification of the next product refiner, you will never give up the impact on the instrument. Regardless of the ability, you should try it.

but. What surprised Xu Ziyan was. Originally more than 50,000 monks, now there are about 40,000 left, and even more than 10,000 people did not participate in this Chinese instrumental instrument competition. Where did she know, it was because of the last game. The direct result of the sensation caused by the Yanshan spirit is. Let many monks melt the first refiner materials, so they are in a hurry, and the impact of Yanshan soul on their psychology has been lingering, and there are more than 10,000 people who have failed to refine their products. Without the qualification of the undergraduate orthodontist, he naturally lost the qualification to participate in the Chinese Instrument Master Competition.

This time I accepted the last lesson. The monks who participated in the contest did not pay attention to the soul of Yanshan, for fear of being influenced by him again. At this time, the eyes of Xu Ziyan and Gongzi Forging are also locked in the body of Yanshan.

With the spirit of Yanshan Spirit, nature can feel who is locking him. At this point, other monks have begun to melt the material. Yanshan soul first looked up and glanced at the big monks sitting on the VIP seat who locked his eyes on him, then turned his head and smiled in the direction of Xu Ziyan, and then began to refine the middle of the instrument.

Whether it is for the refining of the Yanshan soul or the repair of the Yanshan soul, the Chinese product is really nothing. It’s just a little thing to do. The forging hammer that is not used at all is still the same as the last time. However, the time spent this time is slightly more than a quarter of an hour.

When the Yanshan spirit casually took the Chinese treasurer toward the judges, it still inevitably caused a sensation. However, this time everyone is obviously able to control their emotions, while paying attention to the Yanshan soul while paying attention to the materials in their hands. They looked at the shadow of Yanshan, and the eyes were full of incredulity. The medium-sized instrument is definitely not as simple as the first-order instrument. Otherwise, there will not be a large number of monks stuck in the threshold of the Chinese instrumentalist. Only one product can be made in the life.

Yanshan soul still walked to the judging panel without hesitation. He flew to the stage and randomly placed the middleware on the table, and then took the badge of the lower instrumentalist from the storage. The ring was taken out and placed on the table, and then stood there lightly.

Those judges are all treasurers. Although they are only the treasurers of the products, they only use the eyes to sweep them. They know that this sword placed in front of their eyes is a good tool. The hurriedly stood up from the seat and said to the Yanshan Soul:

“Congratulations to Yan’s brother as a Chinese instrumentalist!”

"Thank you!"

Yanshan soul handed a gift, took over the badge of the middle-aged instrumentalist handed over to the device, and saw it in the storage ring without looking at it. He turned and fell down the platform and left the stadium.

After a while, the body shape of Yanshan Soul appeared in the box of Xu Ziyan. Said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, there is nothing to look at in the Chinese Instrumental Contest. Let's go."

“Alright!” Xu Ziyan stood up from the seat and turned to the forehead and said: “Forging friends, what are the best places in the refining city, let’s go shopping?”

Gongzi Forging was thinking there, but heard the Yanshan soul said: "Ziyan, we are better off going out to see the city today."

“Where to go?” Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

The eyes of Yanshan soul flashed a trace of nostalgia, Shen Sheng said: "Let's go to Wushan outside the city to see it!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was moving. She now knows that Yanshan’s soul was the head of Wushan. Mind, is there what else left there? However, people in the family are hidden in the mountains. The soul of Yanshan is still gone. If it is discovered by the son, it is not very good.

However, thinking of Wushan is great, Yanshan soul may only go to the Dufeng that collapsed. Other places may not go, so it is difficult to meet their own people. Then nodded:

"Okay, let's go see."

Seven people left the arena and took the monster car to the gate of the city. After a full half hour, three people came to the gate of the city. From the monster car, I just wanted to step out of the city, and I heard the sound of the clothes in the sky, and the figures continued to fall.

Xu Ziyan lived in the footsteps and looked up. He saw that more than 70 monks were under the leadership of the killing, and fell straight from the air at the gate of the city, blocking the front of Xu Ziyan and others.

Xu Ziyan looked coldly. In addition to killing the traces, he was standing behind the four gods. The remaining dozens of monks turned out to be monks in the middle of the distraction. Xu Ziyan only looked away, and recognized that none of these monks were the monks of the thirty-six moats yesterday. Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. Isn’t these people the power of the darkness in the refining city in the ink?

Xu Ziyan watched and stopped to kill himself without a trace. A thought flashed through his mind. Is it necessary for the refining city to do it yourself?

Yanshan soul frowned slightly, and said coldly: "No trace of friends, what do you mean?"

Killing the face without a trace and looking at Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan seriously, he said, "Please return two friends to the city."

Yanshan soul eyebrows are a pick, the voice becomes more cold: "What? You want to limit my freedom?"

There is still no way to kill, and the face is serious: "As long as the two do not leave the refining city, how is it."

Yanshan soul said coldly: "Go back and tell you the city owner, I know what he means. But he is better to be a little bit in front of me."

When the words fell, Yanshan soul slowly walked toward the gate. Xu Ziyan followed closely. Behind her is the four women of Qin Qing, although they follow the footsteps of Xu Ziyan, but they can see the tension from the faces of the four of them, and even have a trace of fear. The most entangled is just the son of the forging, he stood in the same place, looking at the back of Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan, and then look at the killing and other people, the face is constantly showing the color of struggle. In the end, I gritted my teeth and followed up.


Today, I found four more gods and thanked my comrades. At the end of the month, ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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