The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 845: Risk entanglement

Thank you very much for dodo_oh (1888), Donggong Suining (999), and Liu Ge 2012 for the classmates (300)!


The sky of the demon family drifted to the sky above Xu Ziyan and others, and when the time came, there was a roar in the sky. Along with the sound of howling, countless spells rushed toward Xu Ziyan and others.

Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan and killing traceless people also gave up their opposition without hesitation, and the momentum that climbed to the peak was released, and their treasures rushed toward the demon in the sky.

Xu Ziyan used the thunder fire sword for the first time. I saw a large thunder and lightning from the thunder fire sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan, mixed with the hot industry fire, dancing in the sky.

The strength of Xu Ziyan was originally equivalent to the middle of distraction. Nowadays, this Thunderfire sword, which is equivalent to the best treasure, is just an instant. The dense demon people above the top of Xu Ziyan’s head are blasted by her. hole. More than a dozen demon people were smashed into powder by the Thunderfire.


A humming sound, but the endless knives of killing no traces, the boundless murderousness seems to condense into a pale white substantive knife, full of endless murderous. The densely populous demon in the air is like a black cloth, and the endless knife kills the black cloth into two halves, and countless pieces of broken meat fall from the air.

The black head of the Yanshan soul is even more exaggerated. The black head of a few squares slammed into the air, until the countless demons hit the broken bones. The big mouth of the skull was sucked into countless demons. Then there was a moment of chewing. The sound of the molars made Xu Ziyan horrified. When he saw the blood flowing down the huge corner of his head, Xu Ziyan simply closed his eyes.

The seventy-two distracted monks also showed their own killers. In the air, the time is full of hurricanes and killing.

The demon of the sky suddenly scored a point, rushed dozens of figures from above, and rushed to Xu Ziyan and others. These dozens of demons appeared. The body shape of Xu Ziyan and others were directly slammed to the ground.

Xu Ziyan’s body figure fell to the ground, and he looked up and locked the demon who attacked himself. It was a thin figure, but it was not half as large as the purple smoke, but the speed was extremely fast, and it was actually a late part of the distraction. Just in the blink of an eye, I have already caught up with Xu Ziyan. Holding a dagger in the right hand, he swept from the head to the belly toward Xu Ziyan.

When Xu Ziyan’s thunder fire sword was raised, he threw out the thunder of the arm from the sword. The skinny demon turned around in the air. I avoided the past. The body circling like a whirlwind in the air, and the **** red dagger had already reached the front.

Xu Ziyan quickly smashed dozens of swords in the hands of the Thunderfire sword in his hands. In the instant of Xu Ziyan, he was intertwined into a thunder net, squeaking to the opposite little demon.

Xu Ziyan clasped the thunder fire sword in his hand, slightly narrowing his eyes, looking across the criss-crossing lightning gap. I saw that the thin demon family suddenly burst into a glamorous light, and opened his mouth and shouted. Showing the sharp teeth in the mouth. Xu Ziyan can see that the thin little demon's body is smashing a **** scorpion, and the hand that holds the dagger gathers in a circle.

The blood of the dagger in the hand was greatly shaken, and the thin little demon holding a **** dagger in front of him. Xu Ziyan felt that the distance between himself and the Yaozu had become far away. However, Xu Ziyan knew that the distance between the two had not changed at all, it was just an illusion.

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, as if in the distant sky, there was a rush of dense and dense voice. A **** red line appeared in the extreme. As the sudden and dense voice became rumbled, the blood line became thicker and thicker, turning into a **** wave. The slap in the sky is intertwined in the sky, and the bombs are rushing toward Xu Ziyan.

That thunder net was crumbling under the slap of the blood waves. Xu Ziyan had to release the Thunderfire sword again. Reinforce the thunder net.

The blood wave is a wave of superimposed waves, and it has been like a **** high wall with a few feet high. Suddenly, there were countless blood-colored heads in the **** waves, and Zhangkou whispered, such as sorrowful mourning. It’s shocking.

After all, Xu Ziyan was repaired only in the middle of the god, and the real strength is equivalent to the middle of distraction. Now I have a demon in the late part of the distraction. There was a downfall between the moments.

The blood waves outside the thunder net collide with the protrusions, and the waves are all **** gimmicks, and they continue to mourn and scream, which is shocking. The high blood wave rises, and there is a loud bang, slamming on the thunder. Time has turned into a thousand **** heads, flying around, screaming and screaming.

After that, the thin demon family was superior in strength. The thunder net was slammed under the blood waves and finally disappeared without a trace. Then the **** waves of the sky will flood the Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan had no choice but to make a teleport, teleporting toward the lateral direction, and trying to avoid the direct bombardment of the blood waves. Xu Ziyan just showed his body shape from the space, and he felt a murderous murder. Looking up in a hurry, I saw that the thin demon had already rushed to her face.

“How come so fast?”

Xu Ziyan once again teleported out, but in this teleportation, Xu Ziyan’s eyes locked tightly to the skinny demon. I saw that the thin demon family stood in the air and closed her eyes, but the two ears were constantly shaking.

Suddenly, the thin demon had a body, turned out to be a vampire bat. The wings swiftly swung, like a blood-colored lightning, flying toward the trajectory of Xu Ziyan's teleportation. At the moment when Xu Ziyan's body flashed, it was already in front of Xu Ziyan. The figure instantly turned into a thin human figure, and the **** dagger was drawn toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was shocked and his body shape was teleported again. The thin little demon returned to the body and chased along the path of Xu Ziyan's teleportation. Two people will chase one escape, the shape of the purple smoke is in the space or hidden, and the blood-sucking bat is like a blood line, biting Xu Ziyan tightly.

In the end, Xu Ziyan and the vampire bat once again confronted each other because the speed of Xu Ziyan's teleportation was not as fast as a vampire bat. However, this time the two people are too close, and they can't release the spell at all. Otherwise, even if the other party is killed, I am afraid that the spell will be turned back to himself. Therefore, the two men attacked each other at the moment with the blade of their hands.

A series of jingle sounds through the sky, and the Thunderfire and the **** daggers hit countless sparks. Xu Ziyan's body shape and vampire bats are tightly entangled in the air. The dagger of the right hand of the vampire bat pulled out countless afterimages, and it was as fast as a thousand daggers to the Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan also made all the stops, a thunder fire sword danced tightly, and the attack of the **** dagger was blocked.

Tengdi, the vampire bat in the right hand dagger quickly spurs, the left hand five fingers like a five-handed sword generally grabbed the chest of Xu Ziyan. If you are caught in this attack, you will definitely break the heart of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, those who did not have time to enter the refinery city to watch the lively monks were all slaughtered by the Yaozu. However, those demons did not take the opportunity to rush into the refining city, but tightly surrounded the Yanshan soul and killing people in the air. Look at that look, I want to kill Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul and kill no trace and so on.

These demon people are also very clear that these monks in front of them must be the elite of human beings. The reason is that except for Xu Ziyan, the remaining monks are all monks above the period of distraction. They are convinced that if they can kill these, they will definitely hit the momentum of mankind.

Xu Ziyan and the vampire bat are too fast. Besides, the vampire bat is a part of the distraction, and it is not a piece of cake to deal with a monk in the middle of the god. Therefore, the Yao Yaozu gave up Xu Ziyan invariably, but only madly attacked people like Yanshan Soul and Kill No Trace.

Yanshan soul is not stupid, so many distracted monks besieged, he knows that he can not force the enemy. Also seeing the danger of Xu Ziyan, a heart has already been anxious. The figure shrank, got into the black head, and then controlled the huge head to chase in the direction of Xu Ziyan.

The demon's countless spells bombarded the black head, although it could not hurt the black head, but the power of the dragon did not stop the direction of Yanshan soul. Although the Yanshan spirit controlled the huge black skull and killed more than a dozen demon, but more demon rushed up.

Killing no traces and seventy-two men formed a killing line, and the demon group is facing. This time, the Yaozu has come to a thousand. In the repeated rushing, the Yaozu is constantly falling from the air, but it is only an instant interlacing. The seventy-two monks are only five. Sixteen people.

The news reached the martial arts competition, and the appearance of the four Mahayana monks and the three major city lords was clearly a glimpse. Then his face was furious, his figure stood up from the chair, and he stepped out and disappeared.

In the air, Xu Ziyan and the vampire bat stalked a sword and a dagger in one place, and the opponent's left hand claw had caught his chest. Xu Ziyan turned his left palm and grabbed the other hand's palm.

"砰", the two men's hands hit a piece. But it was not separated, but the hand of Xu Ziyan was tightly held by the hand of the vampire bat. Then the raging mana came into the body of Xu Ziyan.

When this raging force enters the body of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan has a burning sensation. The mana of the vampire bat is clearly poisonous. And the strength of the other side is obviously above the Xu Ziyan, but it instantly damaged some of the meridians on the arm of Xu Ziyan. The **** mana has already attacked the shoulders of Xu Ziyan.


Urgently ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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