The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 847: Reappears

A big hand suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sky, as if the entire space was shrouded and caught in the air.

"Slow!" A demon in the late part of the distraction shouted loudly.

The sky-covered giant hand stayed one meter away from the head of the demon. The solitary smoke in the west gate still looked at the other side with cold hands.

The demon in the late part of the distraction secretly wiped a sweat, and the pressure displayed during the Mahayana period was too great. I took a deep breath and stabilized my mind. I said:

"Which is the predecessor of the Mahayana period?"

The solitary smoke of Ximen still stared at the other party coldly, and did not answer the other party's meaning. The cold-eyed gaze seemed to be the essence of the two swords nailed to the demon's body, it is obvious to tell the other party, ask my name, do you match?

Under the gaze of the solitary smoke of Ximen, the demon's temple suddenly jumped and the blue veins on the head were stretched. The tension is sweating and flowing. However, he firmly believes that the solitary smoke of Ximen will not be shot for himself. These people are just to pass a message, and they are not equal to the solitary smoke of Ximen. The solitary smoke of Ximen will not be able to deal with them by themselves. So, once again, he took a deep breath and shouted:

"Below is just a messenger, for our demon to give people a word!"

"The demon?"

All the people on the wall are in a tight heart. Is there a demon family that has broken through to the tenth-order monster and reached the realm of the beast? This is definitely a shocking news for humans. To know that even if it is a demon who has just broken through to the tenth-order monster, his strength is absolutely equivalent to the mid-term cultivation of the Mahayana. The body of the Wicked Beast is so powerful. There is no way for this, and God has given mankind advanced wisdom and understanding. It is behind the Yaozu in the cultivation of physical fitness. In the midst of it, it has its own way.

"Wang Wanghualong?" Ximen solitary smoke sinks for a while, finally said.

"Not bad!" The demon in the late part of the distraction proudly said: "We the demon emperor asked me to bring you a message. The secrets on the vast continent belong to the whole souls of the vast continent. If you humans unravel the continents of the vast continents Secret, our Yaozu should also have a place."

Simon’s solitary smoke looked at the demon and said faintly: “Why didn’t he come in person?”

The Yaozu proudly said: "Our demon emperor naturally has more important things to do!"

"Is it in a stable state?" West Gate said faintly.

The face of the Yaozu changed and he said nothing. The giant hand in the sky suddenly fell, except for the demon who passed the message. The remaining Yaozu were actually hit by the solitary smoke of Ximen.

"You..." The only remaining demon eyes released anger and fear.

"Your demon lord just wants you to pass a message, don't you want to go here to scatter wild?" Simon smoked coldly and asked.

"We said the demon emperor, the pride of the Mahayana period during the Mahayana period will never be shot to us. We are only fighting with human beings in the same realm. Is there anything wrong with this?"

The demon saw the companion who had just lived alive and alive, and instantly became a dust. Under the sorrow and anger, he remembered what the demon had said to himself. Can not help but ask questions.

The solitary smoke in Ximen is cold and cold. Does that mean that I need to explain it to you? I just didn't like it. I killed your Yaozu, what happened? Are you biting me?

The solitary smoke of Ximen was originally a scented scent, and it was cultivated to the Mahayana period. He is different from Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng. The three people often used their own children to pay attention to their identity. Pay attention to your temperament. Even if it is a despicable act, it will find an excuse for yourself to stand on the moral high ground to condemn the enemy and then kill each other.

The solitary smoke in Ximen is different. He does not have the inheritance of the big faction, nor does he have the influence of the big faction. What he pays attention to is to follow his heart, as long as I want to do it, I will do it. Unrestrained and natural. Nor do they care about other people’s comments on his reputation. This is often Wang Liyun. Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng are the most despised to the solitary smoke of Ximen. However, at this moment, when I saw the behavior of the solitary smoke in Ximen, I was screaming in my heart.

"Go back and tell your demon. Next time don't send you these little donkeys, let him come. Tell him. The demon is my kill, the words are what I said, I am waiting for him at any time. Roll!"

The words of the solitary smoke in Ximen cannot be said to be hard! Let the human monks inside and outside the city of the refining city boil, can not help but cheer loudly.

The demon was photographed by the momentum, his lips moved twice, and eventually he did not dare to return, his body flashed and flew away in the distance.

The departure of the Yaozu, so that everyone's eyes are focused on the Xu Ziyan who is breaking through. In the eyes of the public, Xu Ziyan is actually very depressed. The Tiandao, which can't be able to realize the space of the purple smoke, absorbs the aura of the heavens and the earth. On the one hand, it will break through very slowly, on the other hand, it will also reduce the effect of its breakthrough.

However, as in this situation, Xu Ziyan had to break through like a normal monk. In order to shorten the breakthrough time and minimize the difference in effect, Xu Ziyan kept taking the mixed yuan Dan. This is the Jiu Pin Dan medicine. The potency of the cockroach is running in the meridians of the body. Combined with the influx of spiritual power from outside, it is transformed into a true element, washing the dirt in the meridians, expanding the width of the meridians, and enhancing the strength of the meridians. tough. The skin of the muscles and bones was transformed, and the space of purple smoke expanded again, and the aura was further rich. Every planet is growing, and a new planet is born.


There was a string of bubbles in the river in the purple smoke space. A transparent little man jumped out of the water and floated on the water, but it was the water of the sleeping palm that woke up. .

On the wall of the refining city, the four Dacheng and the three major city owners watched Xu Ziyan, and were shocked by the momentum of Xu Ziyan’s breakthrough. This is where the breakthrough of the late Shenhua, the beginning of the sound called the distraction is not too late. The solitary smoke of Ximen shook his head gently:

"Let's go back and see the situation of Xu Ziyan's breakthrough. I am afraid that when the instrumental contest ends, it may not be able to end!"

“Not bad!” Yan Xingyun’s eyes were appreciative: “There is such a momentum, no wonder her real strength is higher than her realm.”

"Just... that Yanshan soul does not participate in the road competition..." Wang Liyun looked at the Yanshan soul who was protecting the law for Xu Ziyan, and turned to look at the Yan Xingyun.

Yan Xingyun looked at the Yanshan soul who had been guarding the side of Xu Ziyan. He could not help but frown slightly. He is now very ignorant of the Yanshan soul. Since Yanshan soul came out from Heberfest, Yan Xingyun seems to have become ignorant of Yanshan soul.

Although the surface is still the original Yanshan soul, but it makes Yan Xingyun have a strange feeling, and occasionally can feel a little pressure from the body of Yanshan. This makes the Yan Xingyun very confused, and his own monk of the Mahayana period will feel the pressure in a disciple of the Yuan Ying period. Nowadays, far away is the Yanshan soul that is already the peak of distraction. Yan Xingyun suddenly has a weird feeling, that is, Yanshan Soul will soon break through to the Mahayana period and become a character who is comparable to him.

I sighed in my heart, and I don’t know what it was at this time. I went to the secret of the Yanshan soul and entered the secret passage:

"Mountain Spirit, don't forget to participate in the contest!"

The voice of Yanshan soul immediately conveyed: "Yuzu, the martial arts contest I may not be able to participate, the purple smoke breakthrough does not know when it will be. If I can not participate in the normal instrumental competition, then I will meet in person." Let's go."

The look of Yan Xingyun was stagnant, and I wanted to be angry. But today's Yanshan soul makes him very strange. If he doesn't say anything else, he will say that this handicraft, not to mention him, is that no one knows in the whole Ronaldinho. Moreover, the extent to which the Yanshan Soul's refining realm has reached is of vital importance to them.

At this time, how dare you force the Yanshan soul? If Yanshan souls do not hide, this is something they can't bear in their hearts. The hope of thousands of years is swayed by the spirit of Yanshan, and it is naturally cautious. This is why they temporarily put down the grievances with Xu Ziyan, even Wang Woyun is no exception. The same is why they do not let the purple smoke leave the refining city, is to do a good job, once you can't talk, use Xu Ziyan to threaten the soul of Yanshan.

Hearing the sound of Yanshan soul, Yan Xingyun smiled helplessly. Whispered:

"Let's go back, the mountain spirit has promised, even if he can't participate in the instrumental competition, he will talk to us once."

Several Mahayana monks and three city owners looked at each other and nodded helplessly. However, they knew that the Yanshan soul would not leave the refining city. They were still happy and left the city head thoughtfully.

Five figures flew out at the gate of the city, and instantly fell around Xu Ziyan. It is the four women who are awake and the son of the forging and Qin Qing. The eyes of Yanshan soul swept through four women coldly, and Qin Qing and others were a guilty conscience. Although I was injured because I couldn’t resist the power of more than 70 distracted monks, I didn’t play the role of a slave. For a moment, my face was awkward.

Xu Ziyan took a mixed yuan Dan at an hour. This mixed yuan Dan is not a nine-piece medicinal medicine. In the madness of Xu Ziyan, it actually stabilized the realm of the late period of the gods in twelve hours. However, Xu Ziyan is very dissatisfied, she always feels that this breakthrough is not as good as before.

In fact, this is only her heart's role. Under the condition that she took the mixed yuan Dan, it has greatly reduced the impact of the wartime breakthrough. Although there are still differences, there are not many differences. To know that in today's Cangwu mainland, the best medicinal herbs are eight medicinal herbs, and for breaking through the small realm, the best medicinal herbs are ternary Dan. If a monk can serve a ternary Dan when he breaks through, he will definitely be able to break through and stabilize the realm in one day, and the effect after the breakthrough is definitely more than those who have not served Sanyuan Dan, but only rely on time to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. A monk who slowly broke through.


Ask for a pink ticket again! Weeping and rushing back to the top ten!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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