The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 855: Two fingers crawling

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Yanshan soul sighed softly and continued:

"A monk who has reached the peak of the late Mahayana period will welcome the only catastrophe before the monk's ascent. If it passes the catastrophe, it will rise in the next day. This day, about It’s a year’s time. However, since the destruction of the ancient times, no monks have reached the late Mahayana, let alone the peak of the Mahayana period. Therefore, no monk has ushered in the catastrophe, and no one can fly. .

Even at the peak of the miles, the cultivation was only the peak of the middle of the Mahayana period. He waited until he died of his life, and he did not break through to the late Mahayana period.

However, one day he suddenly gave the size of the sect to the disciples, and announced that he would try to fly. After that, he stood at the highest peak of his sect, and suddenly released a kind of breath from his body. Although the atmosphere did not reach the late Mahayana, the breath was different from ordinary monks, as if it condensed a world. The breath is general. When he smashes his sword to the void, the breath will turn to the void with the sword. After that, the sky suddenly came to the sky, the sun was shining, there was no day robbery, and it took so many miles to fly. ”

Xu Ziyan heard the heart is a move, thinking back to the words that the righteous father had said nothing. Taking thousands of miles is the only monk on the mainland that will be able to practice a sword. Is it that people who have space in the body? The kind of breath that he released is the power of space in the body. As long as it is cultivated to the Mahayana period, and then the force of the space in the body is released to the extreme, will the door of Ascension be opened?

Suddenly moved in the heart. Xu Ziyan whispered softly: "Is that the predecessor of Wanli is the sect?"

"Wan Jianzong!"

"Wan Jianzong? Where is it now?"

"It hasn't existed for a long time!" Yanshan soul shook his head and said.

“Why?” Xu Ziyan asked with amazement. How can a master who can ride a master like Wanli say nothing?

Yanshan soul spit out a sigh of relief and said: "Those who traveled thousands of miles did not invite the monks on the mainland to watch it, but his things spread out. Wan Jianzong is located in the east of the vast mainland. Its strength If you don't take thousands of miles, you can only count as a medium-sized sect. Its strength is not strong! Well, it is a bit like the current Tianshen City. Without the solitary smoke of Ximen, the strength of Tianzhicheng is fundamentally on the mainland. Not even anything.

After the matter of flying thousands of miles, it spread. It has aroused the attention of all the strong people on the entire continent, especially those of the Mahayana monks. They first went to visit Wan Jianzong politely and wanted to know the secret of flying thousands of miles. Although Wan Jianzong will describe the process of flying thousands of miles in great detail, and take out the image of the final flight of thousands of miles, but those who want it is not this, they want the secret of flying thousands of miles.

However, Wan Jianzong simply couldn’t take the secret of flying thousands of miles, and how those strong people would be willing. The whole Wan Jianzong was encircled. One disciple forced him to ask, and turned the entire Wan Jianzong to a bottom. In the end, they did not get the secret of flying thousands of miles, but the entire Wan Jianzong was thus destroyed. ”

Xu Ziyan heard a heavy heart and thought about it quickly. A heart suddenly and unstoppably slammed. According to the records of Tai Xuanzong, the founding father of Tai Xuanzong was a scattered ancestor. It was not a monk in the northern emperor. And his own Qiang Kun is derived from Zongmen.

Then. The ancestor of Tai Xuanzong will not be a good move arranged by Wanli. He knows that after he has ascended, the Zongmen will encounter huge troubles. Let your own inconspicuous confidant, with the hustle and bustle, flow to the north, the creation of Tai Xuanzong? So, does it mean that after the Mahayana period, there is also the possibility of soaring?

Xu Ziyan took a long breath and cheered up, looking at the front. The gaze of the moment was a flash.

On the alleyway about three hundred meters ahead of them. At this time, they are facing away from them and walking two people wearing a fight. The back of the Xu Ziyan is very familiar. It is clearly the master of the middleware in the refining city.

Why is Gongziye going here? Why do you have to wear a fight? Who is the monk next to him? Why is it so mysterious?

Xu Ziyan turned his head and glanced at the male forging. He saw that he was talking with the soul of Yanshan, and did not pay attention to the son of the front. Therefore, Xu Ziyan once again looked at the back of Gongziye. I don't know the repair of the monk next to Gongziye. Xu Ziyan naturally does not dare to release the gods to explore what two people are talking about.

However, the behavior of the two people has made Xu Ziyan more vigilant. After all, his prospects in the refining city are unknown. then. Xu Ziyan secretly opened the eyes of Kuang Peng and looked at the monk who was next to Gongziye. This was seen with the eyes of Xu Peng, and Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock. The monk around Gongziye is not a human monk, but a demon, and is a demon equivalent to the middle of the distraction.

As a result, Xu Ziyan is even more afraid to release his knowledge. Who knows whether the spirit of this Yaozu will be higher than his cultivation. However, today's scene makes Xu Ziyan very confused, why is Gongziye together with the Yaozu?

Xu Ziyan suddenly felt that a danger was quietly surrounding himself, and he seemed to be shrouded in conspiracy. Secretly glanced at the male forging, at this time the son of the forging also just looked at Xu Ziyan, and smiled at the sunshine of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan also knew that the smile nodded and regained his gaze.

Xu Ziyan quietly stepped behind, and secretly inserted two communication jade jade into the hands of the painting Xuan Er and the book, and then said:

"Do you two see the two monks in the first three hundred meters? The one on the left is the Gongziye, the one on the right is the change of a demon monk. The painting Xuaner follows the demon, and the book follows the son. At the same time, after we have separated for a while, you will immediately inform Xu Shu of this matter through the jade that I gave you, so that Xu Shu will inform the temple and immediately start investigating the two monks."

The pictures of Xuan Er and the book were heard, and the eyes of the two people clearly revealed the shock. In the direction of Xu Ziyan's incomprehensible position, he glanced at the back of the male forging. Xu Ziyan immediately passed the voice;

"The son of the forging does not need you to control!"

The Gongziye and the Yaozu in front turned left into another lane, and Xu Ziyan suddenly accelerated. Although Yanshan Soul and Gongzi Forging did not know why Xu Ziyan stepped up, but also accelerated with Xu Ziyan. Soon he went to the alley where Gongziye turned into, and Xu Ziyan did not stop, but continued to move forward and walked through the alley. However, the paintings of Xuan Er and the book behind them quietly left, and turned into the alley, tracking the Gongziye and the Yaozu.

There is no feeling for the male forging, but how can you feel it without the spirit of the Yanshan soul? However, he did not look back, and did not make any slight moves. Even the pace did not slow down slightly, but he immediately said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, what happened /"

Xu Ziyan did not take the Yanshan soul, and immediately said to Yanshan soul: "I found out that Gongziye and the Yaozu are together, let the painting Xuaner and the book love to follow."

Yanshan soul's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, nodded slightly, stretched open eyebrows, turned around and the son of the forging continued to chat.

Looking at the calm posture of Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan's mood gradually calmed down, listening to the conversation between the son and the Yanshan soul, and interspersed with a few words.

The refining city was very big, and Xu Ziyan and others were slowing down. When they reached the residence of Qin Qing, the sun in the sky had already begun to fall.

Qin Qing was naturally busy arranging rooms for everyone. During the period, Gong Zong also saw the paintings of Xuan Er and the book disappeared. However, nowadays, Xuan Er and the book are the slaves of Xu Ziyan. He naturally does not ask anything. I pretended not to see anything.

After everything was quiet, Yanshan soul came to Xu Ziyan's room, and two people sat opposite each other. Yanshan soul waved a set of prohibition, whispered:

"You see clearly, is the monk really a son? Is it really a demon around the son?"

Xu Ziyan seriously nodded: "Not bad!"

Yanshan soul indulged for a while: "You said that the channels that he gave you to collect refiner materials would not be from the Yaozu?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and agreed to Yanshan’s soul. She wondered if she was going to care about this matter in her heart? If this matter has nothing to do with her, Xu Ziyan is really the mind that has no management. However, if Gongziye meets with the Yaozu and is related to himself, but he is allowed to do this thing, isn’t he getting more and more dangerous? Now the relationship between Xu Ziyan and the refining city is very complicated. Both sides seem to be trying to avoid facing each other and seem to be waiting for something. Under this situation, Xu Ziyan had to be more careful.

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan sitting opposite him, the kind of thinking that he thought seriously, the bright eyes became gradually tender, and in the end, he was too lazy to think about what the son and the demon, but just stared at Xu Ziyan. .

Xu Ziyan in contemplation suddenly felt the direct eye of Yanshan soul, looked up and saw the eyes of Yanshan soul, and could not help but jump, a faint faint gradually appeared on his face. Somewhat strangely whispered:

"what are you doing?"

The Yanshan soul did not change in the demeanor because of the anger of Xu Ziyan. Instead, it contained deep affection in the eyes. The right hand holding the cup was released and placed on the table. The **** of the index finger and the **** alternately crawled on the table. , crawling toward the hand of Xu Ziyan on the table.


I didn't say anything! I really didn't say anything!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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