The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 857: Yanshan soul breakthrough

Congratulations to Eason to become the best!


Mo Lion smiled sadly and continued:

"We also organized monks but arrested them, but in the past 50 years, we have not caught the traces of their monks. We are even a large number of people, but we can't stand the children they have caught us. Now we There are not many children who have worked hard to protect them. If this continues, our half-humans are not far from the genocide."

Having said that, Mo Shi and Cha Tong could not help but shed tears. Xu Ziyan frowned at this time and meditated. This matter is really difficult for the people living in the sandbar, completely weak in human society, and the prominent semi-human beings. The investigation is indeed a difficult thing that can't be difficult.

However, for the human monk, let alone the super power like the four Mahayana, it is not too difficult to develop the Xujiajian Hall. After all, it’s been theft for more than 50 years, and it’s almost impossible to steal the big living. If you want to completely cover it, it’s not the slightest trace.

And for fifty years in a row, the semi-humans have no way to take those who steal, and I am afraid that those who have stolen have already relaxed their vigilance. As long as you check it carefully, you can definitely find it. However, Xu Ziyan is not thinking about this at this time. What she thinks is, what if I check it out? The situation of my family is not good now, do you still have the energy to provoke new troubles?

The air inside the house became heavy, and Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, looking up at Mo Shidao:

"Mo Lion. Since your place of residence is thousands of miles away, how can you return so quickly? And this thing last time you met, you didn't tell me, why did you find me this time?"

Mo Lion raised his arm and touched his tears and said: "This thing has no head and tail. We haven't found a clue for fifty years. How can we trouble the patriarch? Just this time I rushed back. At the time, I met the elders of the family halfway. They told me that the children in the family were stolen again. And this time the thief relaxed his vigilance. He was followed by the family. It was only when he was near the refining city. Found. Killed a few of our elders, I met a few elders who escaped."

“Where is it near the refining city?” Xu Ziyan thought and said: “After they found their trace?”

“No!” Mo Shi shook his head and said: “After I heard it, I immediately searched the elders of the tribe outside the refining city, but there was no trace. In the human monk, we did not trust the half-human. Only you call us friends, you are the only person I trust, so I found you in desperation. The villain knows that this is very reckless, if it is not happening around the refining city, And you happen to be in the refining city, the villain really can't find someone to ask for, and ask the Xu chief to help us half-human."

When the words fell, Mo Shi and Cha Tong once again slammed into the face of Xu Ziyan.

do not know why. Xu Ziyan’s mind flashed the figure of Gongziye. His scene with the Yaozu is lingering in his mind.

"Mo Lion, did your elders who tracked the thief discover whether the thief was a human or a demon?"

"It’s a demon! They have changed their bodies to chase down our elders, so the elders we tracked out this time have killed 90%."

“Zezu!” Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked. One thought came out: “Gongziye and the Yaozu colluded. In addition to opening up a channel for purchasing resources, is there any other activity? Will this half-human kid’s disappearance be related to him? Is there a relationship? Since the Yaozu has colluded, what else can he do? If this is really what he did, how many hemiban children do he want to do?"

Do you really want to take care of this matter? That is tens of thousands of children. If this matter is allowed to continue in this way, I do not know that there are still tens of thousands of half-human children who continue this fate. Reasonable. Xu Ziyan should not take such a thing at this time. Because she has a lot of troubles, she may not be able to get through. However, emotionally, she feels that she can't care. That is a living person. And there is no child who has the slightest resistance. In the end, Xu Ziyan pulled out the communication jade.

After the communication jade is opened. There was a voice from Xu Haohe: "The king!"

"Uncle Haohe, how is the development of the hall now?"

Xu Haohe over there said proudly: "Returning to the king, with the strong support of family resources, today our hall is developing very rapidly. The entire Central Plains area has basically penetrated and is preparing to penetrate into other areas."

Xu Ziyan listened to the joy of his heart and immediately said with a sigh: "Well, Uncle Haohe, you immediately ordered me to check one thing. The children of the half-human family lost continuously in 50 years, and found out who this is. Dry? Where are the children now?"

"Yes, the king!" Xu Haohe over there promised to be crisp and neat.

"Give you a clue that the thief is a demon, and after the last time he stole the half-human child, he appeared around the refining city. And I have seen Gongziye and the demon, and gave me good. Check it out. With the news, let me know immediately."

"Yes, the king, I will arrange it now!"

Xu Ziyan closed the communication jade, and said softly: "Mo Lion, I can only do my best, but there is no effect, but I am not sure."

Mo Lion slammed his head on the ground and said with sorrow: "Thank you for being a benefactor, no matter what the outcome, we are willing to trade with the benefactor at a price of two-tenths of the market price."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and said: "This is two different things, you still stand up, first read the road competition and say."

Xu Ziyan turned and looked through the window of the box to the stadium. There was a slight regret in the eyes. It turned out that during her time with the half-humans, the Yanshan soul had been forged. When Xu Ziyan looked toward the soul of Yanshan, he just saw him put the forging hammer in his hand down.

The next step is the engraving method, the refining of the treasures, and the Yanshan soul is much more serious. Time flies quickly, after three hours, a finished treasure is finally completed in the hands of Yanshan Soul. The time given by the contest was three days. Yanshan Soul only had three hours to refine a counterfeit treasure. He saw the refining city seater sitting on the VIP seat. .

Xu Ziyan in the box spit out a long breath and said with great emotion: "The refining technique of the mountain soul is really cultivated to the extreme. It is a pleasure to see his refiner!"

The Yanshan soul over there is next to the treasure of the next product, and swaying toward the jury. The first stage in the stands was quiet, and then a deafening cheer broke out. The other 97 monks, including the male son forging, were still there forging hammer forging. When they heard the cheers of the Shanghai whistle, they looked up. Looking forward, I saw Yanshan soul walking toward the judges.

This... Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Big brother! Is this a refining treasure? Did the contest give three days to the time? Give us a chance, ok? We just want a refiner!

Yanshan soul did not pay attention to the resentment of those refining monks, and went straight to the judging seat, and took a step in the air, flying to the judges. Even in the face of the public and the ink, there is no respect in the demeanor, and the faintness from his gaze reveals the taste of overlooking. I casually put the next treasure on the table, and put the badge of the best instrumentalist on the table.

Gongziye naturally does not dare to have any opinion on the attitude of Yanshan soul. After all, Yanshan soul once saved his wife's life. However, the face of the ink is not good. Mind, your Yanshan soul is too arrogant, right? Don't think that you can refine the treasures of the products, you think that you will be able to refine the treasures. The distance between the middle is not what you think. If you can't refine the middleware, it is our junior in refining.

Although the face is not good-looking, it is not undeniable that Yanshan soul refining is indeed the best treasure. When Gongziye saw the ink, his face was not good-looking, he took the initiative to smile and finished the procedure, and handed the badge of Yanshan Spirit to a lower-quality treasurer. After the Yanshan soul took over the badge, he nodded slightly and flew away from the arena.

As soon as he entered the box, Yanshan soul saw two half-humans sitting there. Just a little surprised, I said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, let's go!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said, "Let's look at it for a while, and see if the Gongzi Forging can break through the realm of the next treasurer."

Yanshan soul hesitated and said: "Then you stay here, I feel that I will break through immediately. So, I think that before the start of the China National Treasures Competition, I will finish this matter, so as not to delay. The contest."

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse of the Yanshan soul, and saw that the Yanshan soul had reached the peak of distraction. Although there are more than two days from the end of the next product, and there will be two days off. But the breakthrough time for a step is also very tight. In this way, Xu Ziyan did not dare to disturb the spirit of Yanshan, and stood up from the chair:

"I will go back with you, and I will protect the law for you."

Turned his head and glanced at the two half-human races: "You two will follow me!"

Mo Shi nodded immediately and thanked Xu Ziyan for a moment, followed closely behind.

Several people returned to the residence of Qin Qing, Xu Ziyan let Qin Qing arrange the room for the two and a half people, and then entered the room with the Yanshan soul. Yanshan soul sat on the bed and began to refine the eggshell, while Xu Ziyan sat in the chair and closed his eyes slightly.


It is said that there was a double pink ticket at the end of this month, and the comrades left a few pink tickets and cast a bell at the end of the month. Salute to your comrades!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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