The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 859: Fire family

I am very grateful to Liu Ge 2012 classmates (300), Shun Shun 666 classmates (200), and Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100) for the reward!


"Right, you haven't told me why we are going to this side?" The fire dance looked back at the direction of Gongziye's residence and whispered.

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "There was surrounded by a fanatical monk, and did not dare to show up."

When the fire danced, I understood it. He also came to the refining city for a few days, and he is very familiar with the reputation of Xu Ziyan in the refining city. When I heard it, I gave a thumbs up to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan repeatedly smiled and waved: "Master, don't laugh at the little girl."

The two talked and laughed and came to the residence of Qin Qing. The fire dance looked around and saw it very quietly. The face revealed the color of relaxation. As Xu Ziyan entered the courtyard, he came to the room of Xu Ziyan all the way. .

Two people sat down in the chair, Xu Ziyan brewed a pot of tea, and then took out some spirits to entertain the fire dance. The fire dance is to eat the fruit of the fruit, drink tea, and sing the things of Tai Xuanzong over the past few years.

I heard that my uncle's name has broken through to the early days of the gods, and Mo Jinghong also broke through the middle of the Yuan Ying. Xu Ziyan can't help but jump. Although the other same doors have different upgrades, it is obviously not as significant as the nameless promotion. This can not help but let Xu Ziyan feel that the monks who understand the meaning of the property and the monks who do not understand the meaning of the property are really different.

Xu Ziyan then thought of looking at the fire dance sitting opposite, this look, Xu Ziyan could not help but slightly frowned. Asked with concern:

"Master, have you not broken Yuan Ying?"

The face of the fire dance was red, and some of them said with awkwardness: "Yes, the brother is useless!"

The atmosphere inside the house was awkward. Xu Ziyan is embarrassed to pick up the teacup:

"Master, drink tea!"

The fire dance silently picked up the teacup and took a sip, after the wine was dropped. Looking at Xu Ziyan curiously asked:

"Ziyan, are you really the king of Xu family?"

Xu Ziyan nodded. The face of the fire dance was shocked. After a long ring, I asked softly:

"So, the purple smoke will not return to Tai Xuanzong in the future?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Whether, I am always a disciple of Tai Xuanzong. I just can't stay in the Zongmen. The things of Xu's family are so numerous. It's really chaotic."

Fire dance nodded, sitting there seemed to be thinking about something. The room was quiet again. Xu Ziyan silently looked at the fire dance opposite, his lips squirming a few times, and finally whispered:

"Master, you have to come to the refining city this time, can you talk to the little girl?"

The face of the fire dance showed a hesitant color, but in the end it was a long sigh of relief, as if it was a decision in the heart. The look is actually relaxed. Whispered:


Xu Ziyan waved to stop the fire dance, and then threw out a few Fu Bao, set up a soundproofing barrier, and then looked at the fire dance. Seeing Xu Ziyan doing this, the fire dance also puts down the worry in my heart. The look became heavy, and the voice said:

"Ziyan, I came here entirely because of my own private affairs. Maybe I don't have to worry about my private affairs in the future, I can honestly do a lifetime of Xuanzong disciples!"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and there was some enlightenment in her heart. Is it like fire dancing? Is there another identity?

"Ziyan!" The look of the fire dance became serious: "I will tell you a story!"

The look of the fire dance was quiet. Fall into the memory. Slowly said: "There is a super sect in the south of the vast mainland, called the fire sect."

Xu Ziyan's heart is a jump, fire dance! Burning the sky! Is it...

The sound of the fire dance seemed to come from ancient times: "At that time, the lord from the fire sect was a great monk called the Burning Sky. But one day he suddenly disappeared. After that, the fire was burned by that time. The younger brother of the burning of the sky, Yun Haotian, took control and became the lord of the fire.

During this time. Yunxiaotian was also questioned and strongly rebounded by the firehouse, but it was ruthlessly killed by Yuntiantian. Almost the master of the fire house will be slaughtered. If it is not scrupulously involved in other forces of the fire, he is likely to kill the firefighter disciples.

Even under pressure from other forces in the fire, he let go of the remaining disciples of the fire. However, in the long years afterwards, the Yun family has been spared no effort to suppress the fire home from generation to generation. And once the fire family has a slightly qualified disciple, the Yun family will try to remove those fire disciples. Or send dangerous missions to those disciples, let them go to life, or publicly kill them on the ring in the time of Zongmen, or simply assassinate them. Anyway, it will not give the fire home the opportunity to turn over.

The patriarch of the fire family originally believed that the fire was not known, and when Yunxiaotian succeeded as the lord, his own firehouse was attacked by Yuntiantian for questioning. However, this is not a deep hatred. After all, he finally became a sovereign from the fire. As the years passed, the Yun family will definitely put down this grievance.

However, what shocked and angered the fire home was that Yunxiaotian did not forget, and the Yun family did not forget the generation after generation, and had been spared no effort to suppress the fire home. In the frustration of the fire home, every 50 years, the disciples who think that they are qualified in the family are secretly sent out of the fire, and they try their best to let them join the various forces. The Fire House will always examine the strength of these disciples, hoping that one day the fire family will be able to grow up as a genius and reinvigorate the fire. ”

Speaking of this, the fire and dance eyes looked red and across the opposite Xu Ziyan said: "I am a descendant of the fire sect of the fire family, because I was able to send it to Taixuan because of my qualifications. This time is the home of the Lord The fate, I came to the refining city for inspection. And my strength is in the disciples who came to the inspections everywhere, although not the bottom of the people, but also rely on the back. From now on, maybe I have no use for the family again. An An is a Taixuan disciple."

Xu Ziyan heard it, turned quickly in his mind, looked up at the fire dance, and whispered:

"Master, since Yunfeifeng is in the refining city, how can your fire house choose to examine the strength of the disciples here? Are you afraid of being discovered by Yunfeifeng?"

The fire dance shook his head and said: "It is because of the place where the contest was held here that the location of the fire tester's disciples was set here. There are many disciples who live outside the fire house. If they gather together, they will receive family assessment. This is likely to attract the attention of the outside world, and may have exposed the secrets of the family. Nowadays, in the refining city, the monks of the mainland have gathered in the refining city, and the disciples of the fire family are mixed here, naturally it will not cause the cloud home. The slightest attention."

Xu Ziyan silently looked at the fire dance opposite. The relics of the Burning Heaven are in their own storage rings. There are fire-fighting practices, medicinal herbs, and the treasures of the townsmen from the fire, representing the separation from the identity of the vassal lord. light. However, Xu Ziyan is hesitating whether it is handed over to the fire dance.

Xu Ziyan had to admit that this was an opportunity for himself. If the fire dance can not give up the things that he gave him, he will leave it completely. With the inheritance and medicinal herbs left by their fire ancestors, and the fire lights, the fire dance will grow very fast, not to mention that the fire dance is more than Yunfeifeng, and control from the fire. Even if the fire dance controls the fire house in the fire, it will be of great help to oneself.

The four super-powers, Tianzhicheng, will not be embarrassed by themselves because of the relationship between the solitary smoke of Ximen and Ximen jade. Xiao Luotian will not be embarrassed by himself because of the Yanshan soul. If you are away from the fire, you will not be able to deal with yourself because of the involvement of the fire. In this way, the super-power that I faced was only the big Luotian, which made Xu Ziyan a lot easier.

However, if the fire dances, these things left by the fire will be handed over to the fire home. Then, with the fire dance, the cultivation is now a thing that will never become a fire house. It will only be an inconspicuous embarrassment. This is contrary to the wishes of Xu Ziyan. What Xu Ziyan has in his hands is definitely a huge resource for the fire home. Xu Ziyan has been indulging for a long time, looking at the fire dance and whispering:

"Master, little girl wants to know, you are secretly sent out by the fire disciples, but secretly get cultivation resources from the family?"

"No!" The fire dance shook his head and said: "If we stay away from the fire, we may have been killed by the cloud. The family can send us secrets. This is a great virtue. How? We will also give us the resources to cultivate. From the day we leave from the fire, the future cultivation will be based on personal opportunities."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and the eyebrows screamed: "If you have a big chance, then is this chance to belong to you personally, or to hand in the family?"

The face of the fire dance is full: "The chances of personal encounters belong to the individual. Even if you encounter the opportunity of Tianda, you will find the opportunity left by the ancestors of the fire family. It belongs to the person who has encountered the opportunity."

"Call~~" Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and silently took out a jade slip and handed it to the fire dance:

"Master, don't ask me how I got these things, where I got them. Let's take a look at this jade!"

The fire dance confuses the jade to the eyebrows, and the face is a change. From the jade slip in the fire, the ancestors of the fire family burned the sky when they closed the peak of the Mahayana period, and they were sneaked into it by their own younger brother Yun Yuntian. The fire burned the sky and opened the secret law to escape to a secret cave house.

However, the fire burned the sky but the injury was too serious, and eventually fell to the Dongfu. In the message, there is also a jade slip that records the cultivation techniques and sentiments of his life. In addition to a large number of the best spiritual stones in the storage ring, there are many high-quality medicinal materials and refining materials. And the treasure of the town from the fire, representing the identity of the head of the fire.


Sweat! The pink ticket list is down! Well, if the comrades have extra pink tickets, throw one!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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