The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 864: Thousands of miles of ice

I am very grateful to Kang Wei, JJ Xiaojin, classmates, Ai Feng C, tears de lover's pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan quietly retired from the foothills and returned to the mountains. The five disciples seem to have not seen Xu Ziyan, and they are still watching the surrounding situation with full concentration. Xu Ziyan entered the depths of the foothills and took out the seventy-two thousand-year-old Erpin Lingbao. They all came back and were in the water of the palm of the hand:

"Small water, mix it!"

The Lingbao in Xu Ziyan’s arms quickly disappeared and was quickly blended by the water of a palm. After half an hour, the seventy-two pieces of the two treasures in Xu Ziyan’s arms disappeared, and the sound of the water of the palm of the hand came from the gods:

"All right!"

Xu Ziyan checked the water of the next palm, but did not feel the difference with the past. The heart feels more mysterious about the water of a palm. However, there are some concerns in my heart, and I whispered:

"Small water, really no problem?"

There was a wave of unsatisfactory water in the gods: "Of course, no problem! I said no problem is no problem! I said that it will take a quarter of an hour to release the quarter of an hour. I said that I can clean up the nine. A distracted monk will be able to clean up the nine distracted monks, I said..."

Xu Ziyan’s head was big, and immediately interrupted the water of the palm of his hand: “Okay, I know! You must be fine!”

When I heard the words of Xu Ziyan in the water of a palm, I still screamed a few times with a milky voice. This is not a word. Xu Ziyan stunned his eyebrows in pain, and he left the mountain alone.

After leaving the mountain. Xu Ziyan turned into a water drop and rose to the air. The two disciples on the foothills also received news that the king had left the mountain. The two eyes were nervously watching the road leading to the valley hidden by the nine distracted monks. But what surprised and disturbed them was. They have not found Xu Ziyan's figure.

Where did they know that after Xu Ziyan merged with the water of the palm of his hand, he even had the talent of a palm of water. After turning a drop of water into the air, it turned into a cloud. Fluttering to the valley hidden by the nine distracted monks.

In the extremely secret valley at this time, nine distracted monks are scattered in the valley. There are two monks in Taniguchi, and there is a monk in each of the other three directions, watching the surroundings with vigilance. The remaining four monks sit on the knees in the middle of the valley. Sure enough, without the projections of the disciples, the entire valley is less than a ten-mile look, but it is extremely secretive.

Xu Ziyan is hidden in many clouds and looks down. Seeing the middle of the valley, a sulky monk sat in the middle. The other three monks are sitting in the triangle in the direction of the monk facing the face, obviously protecting the man with a face.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is full of suspicion, that is, an ordinary person can also distinguish that the nine people in front of him are headed by the monk who is full of faces. Who is this person? Xu Ziyan’s gaze suddenly shrank, because she suddenly found out that the man with a sly face was exactly the same as the knife! Is this monk a real knife, and the knife in the refining city is fake?

Once this idea floated on the heart of the purple smoke. It cannot be stopped. What do you think, it is impossible for the knife to enter the refining city under the premise of knowing that Shen Qianji has to deal with him. The monk who entered the refining city must be a fake. If this is true, then those resources must be brought to this real knife. As long as you control him, everything is your own.

Stealthy in the clouds, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng, seeing the face-stricken monk really is the repair of the late part of the distraction, so the purple smoke is more certain that the other is the knife to open himself.

Not bad!

The man in the valley was full of knives. This time he sent a man into his own appearance and entered the refining city. He did not expect Shen Qian to see it. He got the change of the Central Plains machine. After all, it is very low-level. I want to conceal a monk in the late part of the distraction. almost impossible. Not to mention the existence of four Mahayana periods in the refinery city.

Therefore, he only used the fake knife sent out by him to contact the jade. He did not know that he was hiding in Wushan with eight distracted monks. Even if Shen Qianji took the fake knife in the refining city to catch it, use Soul. Can't find where he is hiding. In fact, this is why Shen Qianji has never started to work on that fake knife.

The calculation of the knife is. If Shen Qianji finally let go of the fake knife, it means that he can compromise with himself and he can return to the people's town with confidence. As for the future, it is to talk to Shen Qianji about the conditions, how much benefit to the Shen Qianji, and ultimately turn the people into their own territory.

If Shen Qianji finally grabbed the fake knife and found it, it proved that Shen Qianji had a heart to deal with himself. So he had to succumb to the end of the world, waiting for himself to break through the day of the Mahayana period, and then make a comeback.

He had just passed the message with the fake knife in the refining city. According to the message from there, Shen Qianji still did not start to him, nor did he talk to him alone. It seems that he did not see that he was a fake knife, as if he had just opened the knife to participate in the instrumental competition.

This made the knife uncomfortable, because he had ambushed the mine outside the refining city and the monks of Wuliu Mountain had reported to him that they had been surrounded by monks who did not know which forces. Don't think about it, the knife is open to know that those people are the strength of the secret cultivation. In this way, the knife is also open to some understanding, that is, Shen Qianji is dragging himself, looking for his hidden place. Once you find your hidden place, you will immediately get it, and will not give him a chance to escape.

At the thought of this, the heart of the knife is a little anxious. Looking up into the air, his eyes flashed. And just as he looked up, he saw a drop of rain refracting from the air.

"Is it going to rain?"

The knife opened his mouth and muttered to himself, his eyes falling with the drops of rain. The raindrop just landed, but suddenly spread to the surrounding area, the spread of the clear is no longer water, but ice. Its speed seems to be a thousand miles. And the temperature in the air dropped sharply, as if even the air was frozen.

The reaction from the knife was not unpleasant. When the drop of water became the beginning of the ice ridge, it jumped from the ground and flew into the air. However, before he flew half a meter high, the whole body was frozen into an ice cube. The wonderful thing is that he has not fallen from the air, and a humanoid ice cube is so strangely standing in the air. The remaining eight distracted monks were also frozen into ice sculptures.

Xu Ziyan’s figure suddenly appeared in front of the knife. She only knew that this ice seal was only a quarter of an hour. If the knife was opened, these people would break free from the ice, and then I am afraid that it is myself. The death period. What's more, these monks are all people who collude with the Yaozu, and there is no such thing as making Xu Ziyan feel soft. Therefore, Xu Ziyan's body flashed, and the nine men were quickly killed and the nine gods were collected into the purple smoke space.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was relieved for a long time. The whole back is sweaty, although it has a thousand miles of ice, but this is the first time it is used, and it is the nine distracted monks. If you are not nervous, how is it possible?

The figure fell to the ground, looking at the corpse that had fallen to the ground, and suddenly remembered that the fake knife was opened outside the refining city, and the heart was sighed:

"I'm afraid this is a real knife. It's even better than that fake knife. Now it's dead here."

Xu Ziyan ordered the water of a palm to be frozen for a thousand miles. From the beginning to the end of the array, it took only one-third of an hour to collect the nine bodies and searched each monk. . When the purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan swept the storage ring opened by the knife, the face appeared happy.

There are more than a hundred storage rings in the storage ring that the knife has opened, and the more than one hundred storage rings are extremely rich in resources, and there are everything in the alchemy system to the refiner. , treasures, and massive stones. Those Lingshi rough calculations, there are actually about 20 billion or so.

In the meantime, Xu Ziyan remembered that when he first entered the capital city of the secular world, he held a few silver coins and turned it around in Zhongdu City. He couldn’t afford to buy a piece of paper, but now he has such a net worth.

Long spit out a sigh of gas, hit a finger, released a fireball, burned nine bodies. Put the storage ring in your storage bracelet. Walk slowly outside the valley.

The disciples of the two chambers, which had been lying on the opposite side of the mountain, suddenly squinted and walked out of the mouth of the valley where they had been monitoring. It is the king of theirs, Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan flew up, only a few teleports appeared in the mountains. At this time, the two disciples on the top of the mountain also took out the jade, and let the four disciples who were lurking in the room evacuate.

As soon as Xu Ziyan entered the foothills, he saw the disciples who led him and the eyes of the five disciples disciples at the same time. Xu Ziyan smiled lightly:

"Everything is finished, we are ready to evacuate!"

The eyes of the six disciples were shrinking. They knew that their king was very powerful, but they did not expect to be so powerful. It is even possible to face nine distracted monks alone. The most important thing is that in just a quarter of a quarter of an hour, the nine monks of the distracted monk will be quietly solved. This...the king What is it now?


Just want to ask for something! That's it! You know how to drop!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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