The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 866: Xu Ziyan and a palm of water teamed up

I am very grateful to the bookmate 110404195134303 classmates, ※ Maple Leaf classmates, ヤo Fuluo oοΟ classmates, chasing the pink ticket of the classmates!


The fire hood, like a fireball, just rushed out of the water, and was coiled by countless dragons, dragging it under the surface of the water. At the same time, there were countless shrimps and crabs slamming the knives in their hands.

The whole surface of the water is cloudy and the sky is long, and the dragon is four wild!

At this time, the disciples of the Xujiajian Temple and the disciples of the War Hall in the distance have joined together. At this time, they all flew up into the air from the valley, and looked at the sudden appearance of the piece under the night sky, like the ancient Wang Yang. .

The disciples of each Xu family were shocked by a cold sweat at this time, and then excited as if every cell was roaring. This is where they watch their king's battle at such a close distance. They have already imagined the king as strong in the past, but they did not think that the king would be so strong! Strong enough to have their awareness.

The turbid waves of the sky, the dragons hovering, the endless shrimps and crabs, this... Is this a spell that the monk can release? What is this spell? To what extent is the king strong?

Where do they know that the sights in front of them have nothing to do with their king Xu Ziyan, and they are completely the power of the palm of their hand. In their eyes, they only saw their king's hand in the air, and they were very leisurely. It seems that the spells in front of them are a small thing for their king.

Xu Ziyan is standing in the air, watching the scene in front of him. I have already determined in my heart that it is only by this water that I will make myself invincible. Just don't know if this palm of water can finally defeat those demons. Xu Ziyan has passed the eyes of Kun Peng. It is seen that there are actually twelve of the fifty demon people who are distracted monks. The power of the best treasured fire hoist also shocked Xu Ziyan. In Xu Ziyan's view, the fire hoist is not an opponent of the palm of the hand, but. It is not necessarily impossible for the Yaozu to escape with the fire gourd.

And the most important thing is that this place has created such a great momentum, and the heaven and earth aura is madly condensed here. The change of aura between the heavens and the earth may cause the attention of Wang Liyun and others in the refining city. Xu Ziyan does not want to expose his own cards to the world's monks. But things have already reached this point, and she is not reconciled to let her let go of these demon.

Xu Ziyan doubled his eyes and sealed the gas of life in Dantian, letting the black ruinous gas rush out of Dantian, running in the meridians, extending the index finger, swiftly plunging in the air, and displaying the void painting.

The darkness of death in the void is madly fascinating against the emptiness of Xu Ziyan’s void paintings. In the sky, the power of Tianwei was pressed against the sea in the valley.

The demon who released the fire gourd turned pale. Gazing at the sky outside the valley, a figure, fluttering, black hair flying, a finger in the void to pull up countless afterimages, with her fingers running, a complex mysterious graphics are rapidly generating .

He didn't know what the figure was. But that power can tremble his soul. Looking up at the sky and condensing the true yuan and calling:

"Is that the predecessor?"

Where does Xu Ziyan have time to take care of him, and the water of a palm will not take care of him. Just as the voice of the Yaozu had just fallen, Xu Ziyan had already taken back his fingers, and then he raised his hand a little and shouted.

"go with!"

The void painting fell toward the sea, and as it fell, it quickly changed into a **** cage. Black lacquer, square, as a prison from the sky pressed against the fire.

Just in an instant, the fire cover was buckled inside. Now the cultivation of Xu Ziyan is already the late stage of the god. The mental strength is even later in the distraction. In such a voided character, its power has temporarily suppressed the fire cover.

Xu Ziyan also knows that his own void paintings are powerful, but they are limited by their own cultivation and cannot be suppressed for too long. The mind is moving and communicating with the palm of the hand. The ocean that filled the valley disappeared instantly. I rushed to the body of Xu Ziyan, and instantly merged with Xu Ziyan into one place.

Xu Ziyan's body shape flashed, and he entered the **** cage. In the hands of Xu Ziyan, the water of the palm of the hand condensed in the hands of Xu Ziyan, and instantly gathered a long knife, and the whole blade released a cold and arrogant atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan instantly burst the power of a hundred holes in the body, and the power of a palm of water merged into one place. The long knife in the hand broke out with a ray of light, pulling up a beautiful knife and slamming it to the opposite fire cover.

The power of Xu Ziyan and the water of one palm made Xu Ziyan itself very shocked. The knife was so fast that the sound had not been passed to the ear, and the fire cover was smashed by a knife. The fire gourd also fell darkly from the air.

The fire hood was broken, and the fifty demon people appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan has not been arrogant to face so many demon people, not to mention the twelve distracted monks. When the mind is moving, the **** cage is instantly distorted, and it becomes into more than fifty spaces, separating fifty or more demons.

Xu Ziyan reached out and took the fire gourd up. After that, he burst into the power of the body, and the power and the water of one palm were merged. The figure flickered in an independent space. The Hell Cage releases countless black tentacles in each space, densely entangled with those demon. Directly entangled those demon people, Xu Ziyan will kill a demon family like a ruin, and at the same time, the demon's **** is included in the purple smoke space.

Just a quarter of an hour's clock, Xu Ziyan will kill the fifty or so demons. The figure flew out of the **** cage and pointed out a few points to the **** cage. The regional cage was scattered in the air.

In the air in the distance, Xu’s disciple stunned and watched it happen. Wiping his eyes neatly, and doubting that he was in a dream.

Xu Ziyan’s figure did not stop at all, and galloped toward the cave where the fifty demon people were hiding. She wants to see if there are any missing demons. Things have already reached this point. She doesn't want to have the slightest negligence, and eventually she reveals her identity.

There was a wave of volatility in the distant space, and the message from the disciples of the room that was lurking at intervals was very far and near. Xu Ziyan’s body shape continued to whisper to the Xu family’s disciple:

"Disperse, withdraw!"

The Xu family disciple who was originally in the air immediately landed in the jungle, one by one to open the body of the convergence, and sneaked away in the distance.

The shape of Xu Ziyan followed the passage of the dragonfly and quickly came to the bottom of the cave. I saw that the bottom of the hole was empty, and my eyes turned, and a shadow was found in a corner of the cave. Xu Ziyan just had to slash in the past, but he heard the shadow shouting weakly:

"Does the Taoist friend be a human?"

"You are human?" Xu Ziyan exclaimed.

"Yes, I was caught by the Yaozu." The weak voice said.

Xu Ziyan didn't have time to ask in detail. He grabbed the monk and turned his head and flew toward the outside.

At this time, with the fluctuation of space in the sky outside, a team of five hundred monks flew in the direction of the valley. The leader is killing no trace.

The space here fluctuated drastically and eventually passed to the refining city. Xu Ziyan flew in the cave. She was most afraid of the four Mahayana monks coming over, so she was bound to be blocked by them, that is, they wanted to run, and they would be able to catch up with them easily.

In fact, this is completely Xu Ziyan himself is scaring himself, not to mention the four Mahayana monks, that is, the city owners of the three major cities will not come in person. Although the space fluctuations here are powerful, they are not so powerful that they can alarm the monks of the Mahayana and the three major city owners. And they are able to tell that it is the fluctuation of the space caused by the battle, not the alienation of the treasure. How could they run personally for this? Is there any master's temperament? Don't care about the identity of the master?

However, this is, after all, the site of the refining city, and it is a hundred-year-old instrumental competition. It is impossible for Shen Qiang to pretend that he does not know it and ignore it. Therefore, in the end, he still sent a killing and led five hundred monks to come to Wushan to view.

Already coming to the valley, killing without a trace, I flew forward cautiously, thinking about whether or not to separate some monks, and searched the surrounding areas of the valley for a thousand miles.

At this time, in the field of killing no trace, there was a shadow in the valley. The shadow had a pair of wings, and the wings shook away.

Killing the traces and the five hundred monks looked a glimpse, and stopped the figure. A monk hesitated and said:

"What is that? Is it a demon?"

"It seems to be a person!" Another monk said hesitantly.

"Not a person, a demon, holding a human under its claws!" said the third monk.

Kill the traceless look: "Whether it is a person or a demon, chase me!"

At the moment of flying through the valley, the gods swept across the valley and found that there was no atmosphere of the demon and human monks in the valley, and suddenly accelerated the speed to chase in the direction of the disappearance of Xu Ziyan, the five hundred monks behind him. Also followed by chasing.

The five hundred monks in the sky drifted like a cloud. The Xu family disciple who sneaked in the jungle outside in the distance looked up at the monk in the sky and flew in the air. I remembered my figure and hid it. Fortunately, killing the traceless monks and other disciples from Xu family has a short distance, and was attracted by Xu Ziyan, did not stay at all, and did not find these latent Xu disciples.

To see the monks who killed the traces, like the squally wind, swept past the air, Xu's disciples quickly dispersed around, quiet, and orderly. None of them worried about Xu Ziyan. They had just seen the power of Xu Ziyan. They had begun to blindly worship their own kings. They only felt that no one on this continent could defeat their own king.

The Central Plains Xu family can't!

Three big cities can't!

The four Mahayana periods are also... It seems that some of the last four Mahayana periods will be hung up.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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