The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 868: Gongziye

I am very grateful to abandon the past to be a pink ticket for my classmates, Dahuo Luomao, nikannikan classmates!


Now the burden on the shoulders of Xu Ziyan feels a lot easier. With such a strong resource force, and the family now has Fu Dian, Dan Dian, and the Dian Dian, in the reserve aspect, it is completely self-reliant, and there is no longer the trouble of the ancient Xu family. Today, there is only a bad external environment, and in these days in the refining city, Xu Ziyan seems to see the external environment is changing in a good direction.

The four Mahayana and the three major city owners could not have known that they were in the refining city, but they did not take any malicious actions against themselves. what does this mean? Even if it is not releasing goodwill, it is at least a reduction in malice.

But what is this for? Xu Ziyan fell into meditation.

All of this happened after the Yanshan Spirit participated in the road competition, which means that the changes in the three major cities, including the Da Luo Tian Wang, were due to the outstanding performance of Yanshan Soul in the instrumental competition.

As soon as I thought of the soul of Yanshan, the heart of Xu Ziyan got hot. From the storage ring, he took out the communication jade, but found that he and the Yanshan soul had not opened the communication channel of the communication jade, and smiled bitterly, Xu Ziyan connected Xu Haohe.

"Uncle Haohe, what is the mountain spirit doing now?" When the communication jade was connected, Xu Ziyan asked unwillingly.

The voice of Xu Hao and the smile of the smile came from the ear: "Yanshan soul will come to me every day, many times, where did the king go?"

Xu Ziyan listened to the warmth of his heart, and his voice became soft: "So... how did Uncle Haohe answer?"

"I naturally answer the question, don't know, you have told the king. Your trace cannot be disclosed to anyone."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan’s mind imagined the anxious appearance of Yanshan’s soul. He only felt warm in his heart and asked softly to the jade briefing:

"That... where is the mountain spirit now?"

There was a voice of Xu Haohe admiring over there: "He went to participate in the martial arts competition. This time he will compete with the refining city master Shen Qianji. Two people will refine the spirit. Finally, see who refines the grade. high!"

"When did it start?"


Xu Ziyan calculated in the heart, Yanshan soul refining a Chinese treasure for three days, with the skills of Yanshan soul, the original refining of a Chinese treasure can not use so much time. The most important part is because the competition is not a fire, but a fire charm. If you use the spirits to refine the spirits, you should be able to rush back before they finish the game.

Xu Ziyan must go back. On the one hand, because this is the Yanshan soul in the refining device, she must personally witness the birth of a refining master. on the other hand. In her heart, she has been very certain that Wang Woyun and the three major city owners have changed their views on themselves, that is because of the level of Yanshan soul refining. After the end of the refining contest, the two sides will definitely show their cards, and Xu Ziyan must be present to find out the reason for everything.

"Is this contest still open? Is it still a fire charm, not a fire?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"Yes!" There was a thrilling voice from Xu Haohe: "This instrumental competition has become the highest event in the history of refining after the ruin of the mainland. It is now that there are still many monks coming from all directions. Even the monks who did not understand the refining ware came to witness the battle between the two spirits. The audience of the whole contest was full, and there were countless monks watching the images outside the stadium."

I knew that the contest still used the fire charm, and Xu Ziyan’s heart relaxed slightly. However, she also knows that her time is very urgent. After ending the conversation with Xu Haohe, he immediately took out the pillars that Gongziye made for her and began to portray the two spirits. It took 12 days to refine the 12 second-class spirits. After that, from the purple smoke space, the twelve demon gods who will enter the income will be the soul after the soul search. The demon of the demon family entered a second-class spirit as an ally. Then I sat there and fell into meditation.

Through the soul search for the twelve demon gods. Xu Ziyan learned about what these Yaozu have been doing in the human world. The heart is angry. Also very shameless of those who collude with the Yaozu. Sigh a sigh, and waved the low-lying demon gods to dissipate their energy in the purple smoke space.

The gods swept the sword and waited for the gods, and they searched the souls of the nine distracted monks. Sure enough, as Xu Ziyan expected. The man with a sly face is just a knife. After searching the Yuanshen who had opened the knife, I knew the beginning and end of the knife and the collusion of the Yaozu. I also know the ambition of the knife, but the heart is a sorrow for the knife.

At the root of it, everything that the knife has done is to break through to the Mahayana period. Trading with the Yaozu, as Xu Ziyan who came to Xiuxian for a short time, is not very repugnant. However, deliberately leaking a few holes on the defense line, let those demon people sneak into the Central Plains, and rob the human monks. When he opened the knife, he also sat down and took a copy of the demon, which made Xu Ziyan unable to tolerate it.

Xu Ziyan opened the knife and waited for the knowledge of the nine monks in the Yuanshen to be temporarily stored in the purple smoke space. She wants to use the nine gods of the distracted monks to refine a nine-square squad. It’s just that time is tight, so I have to put this time aside for the time being.

In the next three days, Xu Ziyan gave the family's resource hall, the temple, the temple, the hall, the temple, the temple, the war hall, the inner hall, the foreign temple, the temple, the guest palace and the Linghu Each of them has set up a second-class spirit array, completely exhausting the twelve spirits refining these days. At this point, Xu Ziyan has completely ended the construction of the family. The future development of Xu family depends on the cultivation of Xu Ziyan on the one hand, but more on the efforts of Xu’s disciples.

After handing over the resources of 40 billion yuan of elite stone and 20 billion yuan of the best stone to the family, they simply explained it to the elders of the family. Xu Ziyan flew to the place where they had released Xiaobai.

At this point, these demons have also been robbed, Xiaobai successfully broke through to the eighth-order monster, although only the eighth stage, but the talent of the monster is originally stronger than humans, the average monster is equal to eight In the middle of the humanization of the gods, not to mention that Xiaobai is a singer, and the ability has been inconsistent with the later days of the human monk.

Chun San Niang and Peach Blossom also successfully broke through the Yuan Ying period, and there are more than 30 tree demons in the knot period and more than 500 tree demons in the base period. Except that Xiaobai is a 10-year-old girl, the rest of the tree demon is beautiful.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and these demons were received in the purple smoke space, but left a small white. After flying out of the Wanli Yellow Sands with Xiaobai, Xiaobai turned into a Peng Peng, carrying Xu Ziyan and flew away toward the refining city.

Xiaobai's upgrade, its speed has surpassed the wind wing of Xu Ziyan. It was only four days and I flew to the refining city. Xu Ziyan also put Xiaobai away, turned into a cloud floating on the refining city, and then turned into a drop of water dripping from the air. Dropped in front of his room in the Qinqing courtyard.

After floating into your room, restore the adult shape. Let go of the gods and see the other people in the courtyard except the Qin and the four women and Qin Qing, no one else, Yanshan soul and the son of the forging are not there.

Xu Ziyan used the gods to call the Qin Qing four people. The Qin Qing four people were sitting in the room of Qin Qing and chatting gently. When I heard the call of Xu Ziyan, the four people were shocked. I didn’t know when Xu Ziyan came back. I hurriedly got up and ran to the room where Xu Ziyan was.

Following Xu Ziyan for a long time, they also knew the temper of Xu Ziyan, and they sat down under the direction of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Yanshan soul and the son of the forging?"

"The son of the forge has been called back by his father, Yan... The master was asked by the city owner Shen Qianji. But when Master Yan left, he once told us that if the owner is back, let you wait for him here. He has important things to tell you."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan gently nodded and asked softly: "Is that wind caught?"

Qin Qing nodded: "Catch it, but it was just caught yesterday. We are lurking outside the windy Zhuangzi, but the wind has been staying in Zhuangzi. It didn't come out until yesterday. It was secretly caught by us. live."


"What do you say? The wind has disappeared. Is it suspected that it was taken by the Qin Qing four people?"

Gongzi Ye jumped from the chair and his face turned pale. Waiting for the woman opposite, his eyes were like people, and he asked.

"Yes... lord!" The woman looked at the eyes of Gongziye and became frightened. She said in a panic: "The family that was so popular yesterday could not contact him with the jade, and he suspected that something had happened. He sent people around to inquire. The news of the disappearance of the wind has spread. Yesterday, just as the guards of the city gate saw the Qinqin go out for many days, they returned to the refining city. The monks who entered the refinery city that day can quietly The wind will be smashed, and only four of them will be able to do it."


A slap in the face of the woman, the woman did not dare to have the slightest rebellion, and was honestly beaten by the son of the family, and then staggered and stood down. There.

"How did you do things? Xu Ziyan couldn't keep an eye, and there was something wrong with it. I don't know! What is the use of my family?"

The woman said aggrieved: "In these days, in order to find the traces of Xu Ziyan, we removed all the people back and looked around for Xu Ziyan, so we ignored other aspects."

When Gongziye saw that the woman still dared to quit her mouth, she was so angry that she wanted to play again, but she heard the voice of Jiang Xiaozhou:



After the pink ticket list fell to ten, it’s gone! Emergency call pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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