The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 876: Dan Fuzong

I am very grateful to memeqweroo classmates, who flicked the pink ticket of the 5675 classmates~! !


The purpose of doing this is to make the 琅琊 突破 突破 , , , , , , , , , 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 突破 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其 极其”

Xu Ziyan heard a sigh, and asked in a strange voice: "Are you not refining the eggshell to improve it? Not to mention you have a sly leg and a sly head?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "No, in this aura, I can reach the realm of the late Mahayana. It is impossible to break through to the peak of the Mahayana. Because after that realm, there is no support of aura, whether it is The eggshell, or the legs and head of the skull, are no longer refining."

Xu Ziyan said with a deep sigh: "So, the ancient customs of the town, the town of Guanzhong and the town of Tianzhen are the ancient array of aura on the mainland."

"Not bad!"

"So, there is nothing in the monuments left over from the ancient masters?"

"It is hard to say, who knows if there will be?" Yanshan soul is also somewhat uncertain.

"In any case, these three ancient arrays must be cracked, otherwise we will never have a day in the monks on the mainland." Xu Ziyan said firmly.

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul nodded and said: "The ancient towns under the jurisdiction of Alchemy City and Lingbao City and the ancient arrays under Tiancheng should be related to the alchemy system. On the alchemy system, I have nothing. The way, all this is only to expect purple smoke."

Xu Zi thought for a while. The eyebrows suddenly picked up: "Mountain soul, do you say that the three ancient arrays will not be very demanding, and the refinery, the medicinal herbs or the vouchers that we refine will not meet the requirements for cracking the ancient array?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "No. The operation of the ancient array also needs the support of Aura. The aura of the seal on the mainland can only maintain the operation of a fairy, so the three big arrays need to be a fairy. The realm of a product, such as Xiandan and Yipin Xianbao. But this is the case, if there is no such enchanting character like you. I am afraid that the monks of this vast mainland will never want to have a chance to fly."

"I..." Xu Ziyan said: "I will not refine Xiandan and Xianbao!"

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement, and he asked anxiously at half-heartedly: "I asked you last time, you are not saying that you can refine the elixir?"

"That... there is a little bit of blowing!" Xu Ziyan whispered blushingly.

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile and a smile, and gradually revealed the loss. When Xu Ziyan saw it, he shook his fist and said with no conviction:

"It is not that I will not refine the elixir, but I have not refining it. I still know how to refine it."

The eyes of Yanshan soul are bright, and then the eyes of Xu Ziyan are explored. Half-sounding, I whispered:

"Ziyan, you will not be the reincarnation of ancient times in ancient times?"

Xu Ziyan’s look is a slight change, and Zhang’s mouth is open, but he can’t say anything. Seeing Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul quickly said:

"Ziyan, you don't have to tell me."

Xu Ziyan heard the words. While the heart is relieved, it is also awkward. After all, the people of Yanshan share their secrets with themselves, but they keep their secrets. After thinking a little, I finally said softly:

"Mountain Spirit, I am not a reincarnation of the ancient overhaul, but I have been passed down under the chance of coincidence. I don’t know if the monk who left the inheritance is an ancient overhaul?"

"Do you know the name of the repairer left to you?" Yanshan asked curiously.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving, Yanshan soul inherits the inheritance of 琅琊, and should have a detailed understanding of the ancient ancestral gate, maybe you will know Dan Fuzong. The Yanshan soul is also a person who Xu Ziyan is extremely convinced. Therefore, Xu Ziyan has a feeling of embarrassment. Whispered:

"Dan Fuzong!"

Yanshan soul heard the words is a look, and then the face is full of bitterness: "This Dan Fuzong also had a lot of strength when it was sealed, and it is the main force. According to my speculation. The ancient array that was closed in Tianzhen was set up by Dan Fuzong, and the ancient array under the people’s town should be laid out by the sect."

Xu Ziyan listened to the alarm and said: "Do you really know Dan Fuzong?"

"Of course!" Yanshan soul definitely nodded and said: "Dan Fuzong is a super sect of the fairy world. There is a lot of power in the fairy world, how can I not know!"

Xu Ziyan heard a slight brow, and according to her memory, Dan Fuzong was clearly destroyed. When I was born, I had only one woman statue on the square, and no one else. what on earth is it?

When Yanshan soul saw Xu Ziyan frowning, he thought that Xu Ziyan was hard to do at this time. Self and Xu Ziyan are the relationship of lovers, but they were sealed by Dan Fuzong. The inheritance of Xu Ziyan came from Dan Fuzong, and this relationship also caused some confusion in the soul of Yanshan. However, in the eyes of Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan is much more important than Dan Fuzong, but only slightly frowned, and said with a smile:

"Ziyan, you don't have to be embarrassed. At the beginning, Dan Fuzong sealed me, this is a hatred with me. But you got the inheritance of Dan Fuzong, this is with me. This kind of enmity, even forget it. I won't be embarrassing them any more, and you have nothing to do with them. As long as they don't bother us in the future, I can get along with them peacefully. Of course, if they can't find themselves, you don't blame me for them. You are welcome."

Xu Ziyan can understand the difficulty of Yanshan Soul making this decision, but this is also the best way at present. All of Yanshan’s soul is doing because he loves her deeply. Xu Ziyan released tenderness among his eyes, and he said sincerely:

"Thank you!"

Yanshan soul puts a hand in the hand: "Where do we say thank you? It is purple smoke, you will live with me in the city tomorrow. When I am in the refining, you should study the alchemy, I have to Some return to the fairy world. Dan Fuzong's hatred can be put down, after all, they are only obeying the command of the lord and the lord, but the venerance of the lord and the lord must be reported."

Xu Ziyan did not immediately agree to it as thought in the soul of Yanshan, but hesitated a little, whispered:

"Mountain Spirit, I can't live with you in the city's main government for the time being."

"Why?" Yanshan soul's face changed.

Xu Ziyan extended a hand and held the hand of Yanshan Soul. He said softly: "I am the patriarch of Xu family. There are many things in the family to deal with. But I promise you, I will definitely go to participate in four months. In the Dandao competition of Alchemy City, we will do our utmost to refine a fairy tale."

Although the Yanshan soul is somewhat disappointing, it is also a courageous person. Knowing that Xu Ziyan said the truth, he took the hand of Xu Ziyan with his backhand and said softly:

"Then you have to be careful with everything. After four months, I will go to Alchemy to see your alchemy."

"You... go to the alchemy city... look at my alchemy? You don't need a refining device?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

Yanshan soul song took a finger and scratched the nose of Xu Ziyan. He said softly: "Little fool, I can refine some spirits first. After watching your alchemy, I will come back and continue to refine. Anyway, there are three years." Time, time to come."

Xu Ziyan took a picture on his chest and said: "Great, I want you to see the birth of an elixir. It is an elder who is not worse than your fairy!"

As he spoke, Xu Ziyan wrinkled his small nose, and Yanshan couldn't help but squeeze his nose and smiled:

"Know that you are the best!"


The next day, Yanshan soul left alone, went to the city government, and began to refine. Xu Ziyan sat in the room waiting to kill the traces and came to pick her up with her, and she had already informed the owner of the temple, and now Xu Tianwei, who is studying in the ink, is here.

However, what surprised Xu Ziyan was that the first thing that came was neither killing nor Xu Tianwei, but a pair of children of the main city of Dandan City, Han Dan, Han Feng and Han Qi.

I greeted the two people and chatted for a while, knowing that Han Feng and Han Qi would return to the refining city with their father Han Dan tomorrow. The two of them came to Xu Ziyan to say goodbye. The most important thing is to come to the purple smoke. Don't forget to go to the alchemy city to watch the Dandao contest four months later.

Han Dan did not come because his status was there. And he thinks that his own children can heal themselves, as long as they find snow lotus seeds. And in his position, although the water quality is perfect, although the monks are few, they are not invited. So I broke the mind of personal visits. However, the affection of Xu Ziyan could not be denied, so that she could take a pair of children with gifts to thank them. And once again, Xu Ziyan was invited to visit Alchemy City for four months.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to accept the gift from Han Feng and Han Qi. Not to say how valuable the gifts they bring, but a polite question. Xu Ziyan once again used water to fix the meaning of water in their bodies for two people. At this time, Xu Tianwei also arrived.

Xu Ziyan told Xu Tianwei that the family had to open a shop in the refining city, let him choose a few disciples in the family to come to the refining city. Xu Tianwei slightly thought about it, then picked up the communication jade and began to connect with the disciples in the family temple. .

Xu Tianwei put down the communication jade Jane for a while, killing no traces and then came in. As soon as I walked into the house, I laughed and laughed without a trace:

"Xu patriarch, let's go, let's pick the shop."

"No trace of friends, sit down and have a cup of tea, no hurry." Xu Ziyan quickly and politely.

Killing no traces and waving: "No, let's go pick the shop first, the city owner said, dozens of shops pick you up."

"Dozens of shops? Where did dozens of empty shops come?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.


Xu Ziyan has a shop, and the bell is going to be a pink ticket~!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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