The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 890: Shop battle

I am very grateful to the leifang* classmates, vivizhou classmates, fox Linlin classmates, ※ maple leaf classmates, the pink ticket of the dark moon eclipse classmates!


The Central Plains, the Lotus Peak, once again ushered in the Xu Lingling.

In the hall of the House of Representatives, when the Xu Lingling spoke out the words of reprimand, the Xu family monks in the hall were all red eyes. Xu Dingtian chilled a face and said coldly:

"Do you have any qualifications to blame us? Well, we dare to surname Xu, and you? Even if your family name is not dare to use it, but it is not shameful to run here. For thousands of years, if it is not our king, I have laid a foundation, and now on this vast mainland, will anyone know the ancient Xu family?

In front of Wang Woyun, where our king can at least appear calmly, what about your king? Nowadays, the whole continent knows that Xu Ziyan is the king of the ancient Xu family. Can you know that your king can have a monk? What have your kings been doing? Does he deserve the title of the king? ”

Xu Kong Ling was shy, but still whispered back: "All you said is based on the fact that Xu Ziyan is the king. If she is not the king, she must obey the orders of our king, unless you do not admit it. Ancient descendants of Xu family."

Xu Dingtian seriously looked at the Xukongling standing in the hall and said slowly: "Xu Kongling, do you really have a king there?"

"Of course!" Xu Kongling said with a strong tone.

"He is a man or a woman? How is it repaired? Age geometry?" Xu Dingtian asked cautiously.

Seeing that Xu Dingtian was cautious, Xu Lingling was also serious: "The king is a man, now thirty-two years old. It was the repair of Yuan Ying."

Xu Dingtian slightly frowned, and he sighed for a long time: "Embastic, I believe what you said, you have a king there. But I also hope that you believe in me, we do have a king here."

Xu Kongling raised his hand and grabbed his mouth. He was surprised and said: "Xu Ziyan...she is really...the king?"

"Not bad!" Xu Dingtian's tone is also indisputable: "And our king is now the cultivation of the late God. So, whether it is from cultivation or from the contribution of the ancient Xu family, we The king of the king is the well-deserved king of Xu. As for your king, now it is still shallow, and the experience is worse. Let him temporarily serve as the position of the deputy patriarch."

Unexpectedly, this time, Xu Lingling did not react drastically. Instead, I stood there dumbly, and finally a bitter smile:

"Seeing your resolute attitude, I believe in your words. It seems that Xu Ziyan is really the king. This is not something I can make a decision. I don't think you can make this decision. Everything only waits for two." After the king met, they decided by themselves."

"Not bad!" Xu Dingtian also spit out a sulking, this thing is really not what they can manage.

"Zu, so I will leave, and the ethereal will return home as soon as possible, and tell the situation to our king."

"it is good!"

From the vast array of thousands of miles of sand, Xu Kongling looked back. His face flew up to the cloud head and flew outside the 100,000 mountains. Suddenly, Xu Kongling felt a horror in his heart and did not hesitate to drop his body toward the ground.

As soon as it fell to the ground, the shape of the Xu Lingling flashed a few times quickly, then disappeared and completely concealed. It is her talent that hides the magical powers.

The breeze plunged, the leaves rustled, and several red robe figures appeared in the place where Xukongling disappeared. Looking around, I silently retired.

Today's Xu Kongling is already a monk in the Yuan Ying period. Concealed supernatural powers have advanced. Hidden in his body shape. Closed his own knowledge, quietly shuttled between the forests. Gradually away from the place that has just fallen from the sky.

The breeze plunged, and the few figures that had just left appeared again in the same place, looking around. This time I left here with disappointment.


Refinery City, Xuji shop.

Xu Tianwei said boring to the painting Xuan Er who was sitting across from him: "Why is this madman in flames dealing with our family? This breaks the connection between me and the ethnic group. The materials I receive can't be sent back. The things can’t be sent out. Isn’t this shop going to be yellow?”

Painting Xuan Er gently sipped tea, said faintly: "The master will hand over the temple to you, that is, everything must be let go. The reality is that it can not be changed, you have the strength or think about how to solve The problem!"

“How can I solve it?” Xu Tianwei suddenly sat up straight and said: “We have collected a lot of materials these days. I have a lot of materials that the king gave me. From tomorrow, the six people in this store Take them away, go to the refining city to rent a few fire rooms, let them learn the refiner. The finished products will be sold here."

"That... here?"

"It's a good idea here. Anyway, there is no business now. I hired two monks outside to come in. When the time comes, the seniors will look at it."

Painting Xuan Er looked at Xu Tianwei with appreciation and nodded: "Alright!"

"Then I will go first!"

Xu Tianwei stood up from the chair and walked downstairs. The painting Xuan Er holds the tea in both hands and closes his eyes slightly.

Xu Tianwei walked downstairs and walked to the second floor. He heard an arrogant voice on the first floor:

"Can Xu Tianwei be there?"

Xu Tianwei stood at the stairway of the second floor and looked at the three people coming in from the door. As he walked down, he said with a hand:

"It’s Xu Tianwei, don’t know if you are?”

The former monk of the three men stood in the doorway and looked at Xu Tianwei and shouted:

"Xu Tianwei, I am your uncle Xu Haojin, don't hurry to come and see!"

Xu Tianwei looked like a glimpse. He slowly walked down the stairs and stood in front of Xu Haojin. He looked up and down Xu Haojin carefully and frowned slightly. Although the Lotus Peak Xu family has just gathered together for a few years, but the familiar person is also very familiar with him, and he has never seen this person before. Xu Tianwei’s face sank down:

"Does the Taoist friend come to make a joke?"

The opposite Xu Haojin heard this saying that a face was darker than Xu Tianwei, and said coldly:

"I am Xu Haojin of Xujia in the Central Plains!"

Xu Tianwei heard it immediately, although the Lotus Peak Xu family and the Central Plains Xu family are very unhappy, but they are also ancient descendants. Xu Tianwei hurriedly applied a ritual:

"I don't know that Uncle Hao Jin is driving, there is a far-reaching welcome, it is the fault of the younger generation, please uncle go upstairs to drink tea!"

Xu Haojin's face was so good that he saw some of it. He waved his sleeves and said: "No need! I came here to receive the store from the king's life! You can quickly leave with me if you hand over to me." ”

Originally, Xu Tianwei heard the first half of the sentence and thought that Xu Ziyan had returned. From today, he handed over the shop to Xu Haojin. But after listening to the latter part of the sentence, I feel that it is wrong. How can I hand over it, can I leave? Even if you hand over the store to you, you should belong to the instrument hall, and return to the temple management. How to listen is not the case!

Suddenly remembered that Xu Haojin, who had just said that he was a Xujia in the Central Plains, was not a Lotus family. In this way, the king in his mouth is not a purple smoke. In order to be cautious, Xu Tianwei still whispered:

"Uncle Hao Jin, what is the king you said?"

"Of course it is the king of our Central Plains Xu family. Do you really think that your Lihua Peak Xu family also has a king's lies come true?" Xu Haojin stunned his mouth.

Xu Tianwei was angry, and a face immediately slammed down and said coldly: "Please leave! In the case that our Lotus Peak Xu family and your Central Plains Xu family have not reached an agreement, you are doing this, it is mentally handicapped. Still arrogant?"

At this time, Xu Haojin was very calm, and his eyes fixed on Xu Tianwei, saying slowly:

"We are neither mentally retarded nor arrogant, but are doing things according to the rules! Do you admit that you are a descendant of the ancient Xu family?"

"Not bad!" Xu Tianwei nodded.

“Very good!” Xu Haojin said with satisfaction: “We have a family rule in the ancient Xu family, that is, all members of the Xu family must obey the orders of the king unconditionally. In the ancient history of our Xu family, there have also been broken ethnic groups. The experience of the tribes scattered around. However, as long as the king is out, all the descendants of the Xu family between the heavens and the earth will unconditionally be surrounded by the king, so that we can reproduce the glory."

Xu Haojin took a deep breath and stared at Xu Tianwei: "Now I am going to collect the shops in the order of the king. Are you a younger generation, dare to stop?"

Xu Tianwei is a person with awkward intelligence. Can someone who is completely unaware of the singer's technique not be intelligent? He immediately saw from Xu Haojin's words and looks that they had a king in the Central Plains Xu family. It is true that as long as they have the existence of the king, they can completely collect the assets of any Xu family monks on the mainland of China. As long as the monk also admits that he is a descendant of the ancient Xu family.

However, the problem is that there is also a king in the Lotus Peak! And this king is still seen by himself, and there will be no falsehood. Xu Tianwei’s mouth couldn’t help but pass a bitter smile. This old man would really make a joke, or let Xu’s family fall, or give Xu’s two kings at once. However, the things in front of me must be solved. Xu Tianwei had to smile again and said:

"Uncle Hao Jin, there is a king on your side, even if I believe, but I have not seen it. But the king of our side, Xiao Yan is seeing it with your own eyes. You still go upstairs for a cup of tea, then leave!"

Xu Haojin’s body trembled, and a finger pointed out Xu Tianwei’s swearing:

"You, the despicable person who has forgotten the number of books, dared to disregard the command of the king, and turned it against it! It is really wrong! I will destroy you for the king today!"



*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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