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Xu Ziyan can't be anxious. If Shen Qianji took back the Xuji shop, it means that the refining city and Xu family turned their faces. So, this matter is serious. Maybe Xu Tianwei and others are in danger, and there is another important aspect, that is, the Yanshan soul has an accident. Because the refining city can form an alliance with the Xu family because of the Yanshan soul, if the refining city and the Xu family turn their faces, it must be because of the Yanshan soul.

Looking at the anxious look of Xu Ziyan, Chess Wonderful, then suddenly realized that Xu Ziyan was anxious, he smiled and said:

"Master, don't worry. It has nothing to do with the refining city!"

Xu Ziyan screamed and vomited a long breath, slowing down the voice: "Talk about it, how is it going back?"

The look on Chess's face reveals a few irony: "The master is the moth of the Xu family of the Central Plains. All their actions are in the dark investigation of our family hall. This time they sent a total of four monks. Two of them went to Alchemy City and Lingbao City respectively, and wanted to buy a shop in Alchemy City and Lingbao City, but they did not succeed, and they went back."

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "In fact, their ideas are good. If you want to grow your family, it is essential to have a shop in the three major cities. However, the shops in the three major cities are easy to get. It’s the price that has no market. This time, if it’s not the light of the mountain spirit, we simply can’t have a shop in the refining city.”

"Yes!" Speaking of the Yanshan soul, Chess is also admired.

"Continue to say!" Xu Ziyan knew that he did not turn his face with the refining city, but also relaxed his mind. Leaning on the back of the chair, I looked at the chess with ease.

"The other monk in the Central Plains Xu family went straight to the Lotus Peak and rebuked us when Xu Jia faced Wang Woyun. There was no war with Wang Woyun. Revenge for the ancient Xu family."

"噗嗤~~" Xu Ziyan is really amused, is this too funny? You don't even dare to face the face of Wang Woyun. Even the surname should be there, but you have to blame me for not working with Wang Woyun?

Chess is also a child. Laughing and giving the answer to the Lotus Peak Xu family to Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan couldn't help but laugh.

"The last monk went to the Xuji shop in the refining city. They went there to receive the shop directly. If it is the shop of Xu family, it must be handed over to the authentic Xu family."

Xu Ziyan listened to Huo Di and stood up. He took a few steps back and forth, and got angry with his forehead. Chess is standing up from the chair and standing quietly, without saying a word. Xu Ziyan stood at the window and looked at the green bamboo forest opposite. The chest suddenly undulating for a while, and then took a deep breath and gradually subsided.

Why are you angry? Ever since they knew the Xu family in the Central Plains, haven’t they always been like that? They think that they have a king. The descendants of the ancient Xu family should be tempted by the wind and eagerly worshipped at the feet of their king. This is the family rules of the Xu family, the family rules passed down for hundreds of millions of years. At the beginning, I did not use this family rule to condense many of these descendants. Got their support?

A long sigh of relief, Xu Ziyan returned to the table, sat quietly on the chair, took a cup and took a soft drink, which said faintly:

“How does Xu Tianwei respond?”

Chess in the eyes of the girl quietly flashed a look of appreciation, the corner of the mouth passed a smile: "At that time, there was a moat of the refining city, but the Xu family said that this is a private matter of Xu family, and the refining city also Asked Xu Tianwei. Xu Tianwei considered that the Xu family of the Central Plains was also a family member, and nodded and admit it. The moat of the refining city would not be able to participate any more. However, Xu Zhongwen of the Central Plains heard that Xu Tianwei admitted that this was a private matter. Arrogant. Finally annoyed the paintings of Xuan Er. Throw them out."

"And after that?"

"Then they went away with a slap in the face!"

Xu Ziyan can not help but shook his head and laughed. I put this thing aside for a while, and asked with a smile:

"What is the last thing?"

Chess’s look became serious, and he said with a sigh: “The Xu family in Central Plains was destroyed!”

"What?" Rao is Xu Ziyan who has calmed down. The cup in the hand could not help but tremble, and looked at the chess game opposite.

Although Xujia in the Central Plains has been dealing with Lotus Peak. And it is still very arrogant, but it belongs to Xu family after all, with a good power. If this is the case, it is a loss. This is definitely a blow to the Xu family that has just risen. Although Xu Ziyan brought back some Do Lingen disciples and twelve complete disciples from the underwater world, but after all, the number is still small. If it is to wait until the Xu family to proliferate, it will take a long time. And with the Central Plains Xu family is different, will soon enrich the population of Xu family. During the time, Xu Ziyan became extremely heavy, and looked at the chess player and asked:

“How many people are there in the Central Plains Xu Family?”

"The last time the disciples tracked Xu Kongling and others went to the Central Plains Xu family, they did a detailed investigation. The entire Xu family has about 20,000 people."

Xu Ziyan's face became very ugly, more than 20,000 people! The eyes stared at Chess, and the voices were a little nervous:

"That... how many people have they escaped?"

Chess's face became awkward: "The news from the family hall, no one escaped, it seems that the Xu family was extinct!"

Xu Ziyan’s body shook a little, and he kept his body in his chair, his body trembled and his face paled. Uncontrollably trembled and asked:

“Who did it?”

"Flame rogue!"

"Flame rogue?!"

Xu Ziyan bit his teeth and repeated the word. There is a murderousness in the eyes. Xu Ziyan has never wanted to kill like this, and more than 20,000 disciples and Xu Jia’s hopes of rejuvenation have been extinct by the flames. The name of Da Luotian flashed in my mind. I don't think that in the heart of Xu Ziyan, it has been determined that there is a shadow of Da Luotian behind the killing of the fire. Otherwise, the flame rogue cannot be so directed against Xu.

I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. She knows that she must be calm at this time. From the appearance of this matter, there is no loss for the Lotus Peak Xu family. It seems to have indirectly solved the contradiction between the Lotus Peak Xu family and the Central Plains Xu family. However, Xu Ziyan knows that the essence of things is not like this. Whether it is Da Luotian or flame rogue, what I really want to deal with is my own Lotus Peak Xu family. This time, Xujia of the Central Plains was said to have been implicated by the Xu Family of Lotus Peak.

The situation at Xu Family is very dangerous now. In fact, it can be said that it is extremely dangerous. On the bright surface, the Xu family has the enemy of Da Luotian. The reason why Da Luotian temporarily compromised with himself was because of the face of Yanshan soul, which was due to the ancient ruins of the people. After the opening of the ancient ruins, Da Luotian would not even care about the face of Yanshan Soul.

And that is also the compromise on the bright side, that is, he will not personally deal with himself and Xu family, but it does not mean that they are no longer behind some conspiracy. Presumably this flame rogue is hired by the Da Luo Tianhua Lingshi. Thus, even if Xu Jia and himself were killed by the flames, Yanshan soul could not blame Da Luotian. This will not delay them to continue to cooperate with the Yanshan spirit to open the ancient ruins under the people's town.

Even if the fire hooligans did not kill themselves, and Xu family also hid in the lotus peak, let the flames flow nowhere to start, but completely inhibited the development and growth of the Xu family. As long as three years later, after the opening of the ancient town to close the ancient remains, the role of Yanshan soul disappeared, and Da Luotian will begin to crack down on Xu. Of course, if you can kill yourself in the past three years, this is the best result for Da Luotian. As a result, after three years, they will easily destroy Xu.

That is to say, within three years, Xu can rely on the Wanli Huangsha big array will not have a loss, but Xu Ziyan can not hide in the Lotus Peak, so she is always in extreme danger.

Of course, if you wait for yourself to shine in Alchemy City and Lingbao City, and the ancient ruins of the town and Tianzhenguan can be cracked, Da Luotian will immediately withdraw and let the flames flow. Own killing. Because the ancient ruins of the town and the town of Tianzhenguan need to rely on themselves. In this way, she will earn herself three years of security. After three years, it was the time when Xu Jia and Da Luotian faced each other.

However, at that time, the Xu family did not have the strength to resist Da Luotian. Because these three years have only gained security, the disciples of Xu family will still be in the pursuit of fire. That is to say, in the past three years, the influence of the Xu family has not been developed in the slightest, and it still has to be huddled within the Wansha Huangsha.

There is one more crucial point, that is time. It is still more than two months from the Dandao Competition. During these two months, I will always be in a situation of being hunted by flames. This situation will not end until I have proved myself in the Dandao Competition.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s mood was loose because she remembered hope. I hope that the master of this early Mahayana should be without the danger of life. There should be no masters of the Mahayana period in the flames. If the flame has a master of the Mahayana period, it will directly establish a force on the bright side. Hidden in the dark. After all, everyone is willing to live in the sun, not willing to hide in the dark.

In this way, as long as there is hope at your side, your own security will be guaranteed. And it's not just a hope, there are many ancient vines. So you can plan it.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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