The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 897: Flame rogue in action

I am very grateful to the younger students (100), who are supervised by the unskilled classmates (100)!


Xu Ziyan thought carefully and felt that there was also a slap in the face. That is, once you let the hope of leaving the twenty vines with you, you lose the greatest reliance. Maybe you will find your own trace once you are ravaged by the flames. It is likely to be killed.

However, if you have been with a big date, you are not a flower in the greenhouse? Even if you finally destroy the big Luotian and the flame, then you are not in danger? Do you always have to take a Mahayana monk around you and let others protect yourself? So, what kind of immortal do you still cultivate? Can you still find an opportunity to break through? Which person who is a great man is not a strong mind, has gone through thousands of difficulties?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s heart was firm and said faintly: “I don’t have to worry about my safety. After two months, I participated in the Dandao competition in Alchemy City. It is estimated that no one in the entire mainland can want to Hurt me."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth fluttered a little smirk and said: “I’m afraid that at that time, they couldn’t protect me. It’s Wang Woyun’s fear of me’s accident.”

It was only after the chess and the singer heard that it was full and loud. She has been in the refining city for so long, naturally when she knows the ancient ruins, the shock in her heart is even worse:

"Master, you... means... are you an alchemy teacher?"

Xu Ziyan said with a light smile: "I am afraid that on the mainland of the sky, no one in Alchemy is stronger than me!"

Chess Miao squinted at her eyes and stared at Xu Ziyan for a long time before she spit out a long breath. Now in her heart, she has been willing to follow Xu Ziyan. There is no longer any dissatisfaction. Looking towards Xu Ziyan's eyes is full of respect.

Looking at the look of chess, Xu Ziyan can also understand her mood, and then smiled and asked:

"Miao, what about your strategy?"

Chess is taking a deep breath. Press to resist the excitement in your heart. However, when she heard Xu Ziyan ask her about the policy, she also had a slight disappointment. Seeing the look of Xu Ziyan seems to be a scruples about her strategy. In her heart, she is extremely hopeful that her master is a decisive one. Spicy, unscrupulous for the purpose. Because only after such a monk has a future, it is worthwhile to follow.

However, Xu Ziyan did not deny her best policy. She just wanted to listen to her best policy. Maybe she would use the best policy? Therefore, Chess Wonderful stabilized the mood and continued:

"China policy. It is to seek stability. We don't have to pay attention to the big Luotian and the flames, and do not take the initiative to directly conflict with them. Now we have no shortage of cultivation resources, and we just have a shop in the refining city. In the near future. If the owner can shine in the Dandao competition, I would like to discuss it with the alchemy city owner. It is also very easy to set up a shop in the city of Alchemy.

With these two shops, the resources of the Xu family were completely revitalized. At that time, it is just to let hope or let the ten demon distracting vines back and forth to **** the goods and spirits from the Lotus Peak to the refining city and the alchemy city. I don't think there will be anything. In this way, even if the flames are not reconciled, they are helpless. No one can stop the steady expansion of our Xu family. And Da Luotian knows that our Xu family has the hope that this Mahayana period exists, and will not easily provoke us to make a home. This has earned us the space and time for full development.

However, although this policy is better than the strategy, but at the same time as the development of Xu family, Da Luotian is also developing, it is difficult to narrow the overall gap between the two. ”

Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes slightly, and this chess strategy is indeed a smooth policy. Compared to this Chinese policy, the strategy is somewhat violent. However, this Chinese policy is also like the chess player said, while the development of Xu family. Da Luotian is also developing. And with the foundation of Da Luotian, it will only widen the gap between the two sides. Unlike the best policy, while the development of Xu family, it also weakened the strength of Da Luotian.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart. Looking up at the chess, I said quietly:

"What about the next policy?"

"Bottom policy..." Chess wonderful smiled a bit, but said helplessly: "The next policy. That is, the master with hope and other demon and the family in the underwater world, quietly sneak back to the Lotus Peak. Let us Xujia people In the next three years, all retreats and strive to improve their own strength.

The owner is rushing to the alchemy city as soon as possible, as long as the owner enters the alchemy city, it is safe. After the master shines in the city of Alchemy, the owner's life will be safe.

Such a family completely hides its own strength. After three years, Xu Jia is completely in a weak position in the eyes of Da Luotian. Waiting for Da Luotian's will, when Xu's opponents broke out, Xu Jia suddenly broke out his own energy, and maybe he could give Da Luotian a heavy blow.

Even if he could not destroy Da Luotian, he also won the growth time for Xu. It is only because of the strength of the Xu family that it may not be able to give Da Luotian a heavy blow, saying that it can only be self-protection, and it will also lead to the mad revenge of Da Luotian. The situation in the future is unpredictable. ”

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a little embarrassed. I didn’t think that the tricks I had come up with were just the next step in the eyes of Chess. However, when you think about it, the strategy you have come up with is really the best policy. Xu Ziyan could not help but smile a bit, stood up from the chair, gently slammed into the window and looked out.

The best strategy of Chess is indeed the best way to solve the current situation, but it is inevitable that from then on, Da Luotian will embark on an endless road. It was only a partial war between the original and Luo Luotian, so it was completely hostile. And this matter is like sailing against the water. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. It is to win this war in the future, and since then has embarked on the road to hegemony. There is no way back. Is this really what you want?

Chess wonderful child also stood up from the chair, quietly looking at Xu Ziyan, waiting for Xu Ziyan to come up with a decision.

For a moment, Xu Ziyan could not pay attention, she has never been so entangled. I sighed softly in my heart and turned to the chess player:

"This thing will let me think about it first. I will set off for Lotus Peak tomorrow. You will stay here for a while."

"Yes, master!"

If it is said that the heart is like an arrow, these four words are in line with the mood of Xu Ziyan. Now the situation in the Central Plains makes Xu Ziyan very uneasy. The Xujia of the Lotus Peak and the Xu family of the Central Plains only listened to the report of Qiu Mier. Although she later contacted the family through the communication jade, but after all, it is better to go back and see more deeply.

As for the upper, middle and lower strategies proposed by Qiu Miaoer, Xu Ziyan has not decided which one to use now? I thought about everything in my heart and waited until I returned to the Central Plains to make a detailed decision before making a decision.

High above the clouds. Xiaobai unfolded a few long wings, standing on her back with more than 500 people such as Xu Ziyan. At this time, I hope that the demon's cultivation has already shown the cultivation of the knot period, and it is in the middle of Xu's disciples. This is that Xu Ziyan does not want to expose their strength, and each demon sends them a collection of treasures. Let them adjust the cultivation to the knot stage.

In a mountain range about a hundred miles from the junction of the Central Plains and the North, from time to time there are monks gathered toward a mountain. At this time, more than a thousand monks have gathered in the valley, and there are still monks constantly gathering towards it.

Wait until the sunset at dusk. No monks came. At this time, more than two thousand monks have been assembled in this valley. At this time, the two thousand monks were replaced by a red robe, and it was a flame.

Among the more than two thousand monks, there are four monks in the late part of the distraction, four monks in the middle of the distraction, and ten monks in the middle of the gods. The remaining ones have more than two hundred infant monks, and the rest are late in the period of the late Dan. Monk. Such a huge force can directly destroy a medium-sized sect of the Central Plains. But they gathered here today, but to kill Xu Ziyan.

Although the power of the flames flowing in the northern land was almost killed in the battle of the city of Sanxian. However, there are still hidden probes, and there is support from the Witch God believers in the North. Therefore, when Xu Ziyan and his party returned to Taixuan, the news had already returned to the flames.

The leader of the flame rogue immediately issued an order to kill the route where Xu Ziyan returned from the north. Commands began to assemble at the flames around the junction of the Central Plains and the North. At the same time, there is also a flame rogue that monitors the traces of Xu Ziyan and others, and reports to Xu Ziyan's itinerary.

The strength of Xu Ziyan and others has been reported by the flames of the dark detective, a Xu Ziyan in the late stage of the gods, and a pioneer in the early days of the gods. The rest seem to have no powerful characters, and they are all a group of monks below the Dandan period. This is a golden opportunity for a hooligan. In the spirit of the Goshawks to do their best. The flame hooligans gather all the forces that can be assembled in a short time, so there must be no suspense in this siege.

The flames of the four distractions later gathered together and the siege plan was formulated. They will ambush at the junction of the Central Plains and the North, where they will kill Xu Ziyan. The four monks and later monks joined forces to kill Xu Ziyan. Be sure to strike a must. When they want to come, the four monks in the late part of the distraction are killing a monk in the late stage of the gods. I am afraid that under the combined force, Xu Ziyan will be able to smash the powder into a powder to complete the mission. How long can I support the Lotus Peak Xu family without Xu Ziyan? Unless they have been huddled in a lifetime of thousands of miles.

The monks in the middle of the four distractions and the monks in the middle of the ten gods killed the Peng Peng. Although Qi Peng has the blood of the ancient gods, it is not the beginning of the gods. A monk with four distracted mid-term monks plus ten middle-aged gods will easily kill Kun Peng. That is Kun Peng! Ancient blood of the beast! After killing it, how much Lingshi’s material will be worth?

As for the other 200-year-old monk monks and knot-time monks, there is no need to plan, and the smashing of those Xujia garbage monks will be killed. They planned to kill for up to a quarter of an hour, and then immediately evacuated with the body of Kunpeng.


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