The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 899: Anti-kill

I am very grateful to Xuan Tian Ziwei Xingjun (200), Xiaomu Can Xue (100) for the reward!


"Little white, after a while of the air marsh bursting the flames, you and I will kill the Yuan Ying period monks."

"Yes, master!"

Xiaobai replied, his eyes sparkled with excitement, his wings fluttering, and he rushed toward the junction of the Central Plains and the North at a faster speed, as if he was afraid of going late, letting the flames roam and waiting impatiently.

Xu Ziyan felt the excitement of Xiaobai, and could not help but feel helpless. Are these ancient beasts so violent? Shaking his head and talking to the disciples around him:

"When you fight for a while, you will withdraw from Xiaobai and watch from a distance!"

"Yes, the king!"

These Xu family monks in the underwater world have already been a little stupid by the arrangement of Xu Ziyan. They really don’t know how much strength Xu Ziyan has. The other party has more than 2,000 monks, and it seems that there is also a period of distraction and a period of disappointment. The monks, but still a lot.

Their king, Xu Ziyan, did not immediately escape and said that he still planned to burn more than two thousand flames, leaving no living, which was completely beyond their imagination. Originally, their respect for Xu Ziyan was the reason why Xu Ziyan was stronger than them, but more because Xu Ziyan was the king. However, now they look at the eyes of Xu Ziyan with awe.

Xu Ziyan calmed down and took out 360 of the nine treasures from the storage ring, and quickly set up a large array of aerial swamps. The sky swamp floated in front of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan extended his hand toward it. In the palm of Xu Ziyan's hand, the water of the palm of the hand formed a vortex, and the sky swamp was absorbed into the water of a palm, about a quarter of an hour. The water of the palm will completely absorb the big array.

The surrounding monks, including the hopes of the early Mahayana, were surprised to see Xu Ziyan. Naturally, they did not know that it was the water of the palm of the hand that absorbed the air marshes. It was thought that Xu Ziyan absorbed the air marsh array into the body. This magical vision shocked every monk.

The sky gradually darkened, and a round of fiery red sun had left only half of the face after the mountains. The sky was a rainbow of clouds, reflecting a magnificent world. In this magnificent world, a long, white feathered Peng Peng flew slowly and quickly. Xu Ziyan stood in front of the white back, a gemstone blue dress fluttering in the wind, and the hair swayed backwards. A pair of eyes slightly turned into a crescent, looking to the front.

Xiaobai squatting Xu Ziyan and others gradually approached the junction of the Central Plains and the Northland, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes were blinking in the eyes of the Crescent Moon. Suddenly, the clouds rushed in and out, and countless fiery figures rushed from the white clouds in all directions, just like adding a sunset glow to the middle of the white.

Xiaobai is already ready. Just as the flame monk just showed his body to the moment of her encirclement, Xiaobai’s wings fluttered and his body shape rose sharply. The flames flowed underneath in an instant, and the flames flowing below were concentrated in the fire. The center, like the fire tree blossoming, generally dissipated into the air and chased Xiaobai.

A drop of water fell from the air, and no monks noticed it in the flames. At the same time, a one-meter-wide cloud baby also landed from the air toward the flames.

The drop of water instantly spread in the air, and an aerial swamp covered all the flames flowing inside. The flames that included the distracting period immediately felt that the body became very heavy and struggling to fly upwards. And the flames flowing below the knot period were completely trapped by the swamp. Immediately after the swamp, there were countless mud dragons that entangled the monks tightly. Only in an instant there are countless monks who have been smashed by the limbs, and their bodies are broken.

The cloud baby follows the water of a palm, and the breath becomes a sea of ​​clouds. The entire air marsh is tightly covered from the west. It obscures the attention of everyone outside.

I hope to take the 20 small ancient vines and rush into the sea of ​​clouds. Xu Tiannian’s monk with the underwater world has left from the back of Xiaobai. In the air, Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai's figure also rushed into the sea of ​​clouds behind the hope. Xu Ziyan’s mind was moved, and the demon of the fifty-four yuan infant period came out of the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan and Hope and other monks are naturally free to move in the air swamp controlled by the palm of the hand. Those flames of the distracting period are not as much as they hoped to imagine, and the mud dragons that have been morphed by the air swamp are constantly intensively attacked. And it is also trapped in the air swamp. Ten successes have lost 60%, and it is still in the late stage of four distractions and in the middle of four distractions, not all of them.

I saw that the eight fingers popped up, and the eight-thick-thick ancient vines immediately wrapped the eight distracting flames, and the ears only heard a bang, eight bursts of time. The body of the monk was broken. There is less than two time before and after.

After Xu Ziyan entered the air marsh, his eyes swept away and he saw that he was about to attack the eight distracting flames. Seeing that the hope is easy, I know that I hope that the eight distracted flames are not treated at all. I saw that there were only ten flames of the gods, which was not enough for the twenty small ancient vines. The flames flowing below the knot period are continually dying. On the contrary, the flame hooligans in the Yuan Ying period have a certain number of advantages.

Xu Ziyan immediately ordered the ancient vines of the ten gods to help kill the flames of the Yuan Ying period, but she herself stood in the air swamp. The spirit spread and shrouded the entire air marsh.


The eight distracted flames were first expected to be strangled, and the eight distracted gods ran out. Xu Ziyan has been standing in the air marsh array, shrouded the spirit of the whole array, etc. This is the moment. Under the big sleeves, the eight gods of the distraction period were taken into the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan.

Then there were ten distracting period vines that easily killed ten flames of the gods. The shape of Xu Ziyan is another plunder, and the ten gods of the gods are collected into the purple smoke space. After that, Xu Ziyan's body shape flew in the big array. Xiaobai and Gu Teng and other demon kill a monk infant. She will receive a Yuan Ying into the purple smoke space. Xu Ziyan, who was killed by the air marsh squad controlled by a palm of water, no longer pays attention to Xu Ziyan. Although the number of monks is large, the current vision of Xu Ziyan is already very high. I really don't see them.

It’s really fast! It was only a quarter of an hour, eight flames of distraction, ten flames of the gods, and more than two hundred infancy flames were killed. Only a few of the flames of the knot are dying.

Fifty-two Yuan Ying period ancient vines and peach blossoms, Chun San Niang has returned to the purple smoke space. Hope and twenty small ancient vines will also be repaired to re-adjust to the completion of the knot period, Xiaobai also withdrew, and the ancient vines they stood next to Xu Ziyan, cold eyes looking at the air marshes in the array Still dying in the dying flame.

A group of rich clouds outside the sea, Xu Tian Nian with the Xu family disciples of the underwater world, anxiously looking at the sea of ​​clouds, his face full of worries. In the distance, there are also some monks watching. Most of these monks are here. However, there were also sneak sneak sneak peeks and Xu's disciple's disciples hidden in them, all looking at the group of clouds.

After another quarter of an hour, the sea of ​​clouds condensed toward the middle, and then seemed to drift with the wind, disappearing into the clouds in the air. The water of a palm has been dispersed into the air swamp, and returned to the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took hope and Xiaobai and other demon. Flying toward the sky, Xiaobai flew to the edge of the Peng Peng, and everyone fell back on Xiaobai's back. Xu Tiannian and other monks also had a happy face, and they fell on the back of Xiaobai. . The little white wings fluttered and flew away. Behind them, a **** rain fell from the air, mixed with tiny minced meat.

Those who watched the lively monks changed their faces one by one. They are far away to see that there seems to be a war between the monks, and they are far away from the air. It's just that things happen too fast. Just blinking between. A large array of battles appeared throughout the battlefield, and then the big array was shrouded in a cloud of clouds, so that they did not see the repair of the monks.

They don't know, but the dark detectives who know the flames know! Seeing it in less than a quarter of an hour. The two thousand monks on one side of the party turned into a **** rain. This time they shocked them a bit sluggish!

When did Xu family have such strength? A few days ago, they destroyed the Central Plains Xu family easily, how is it now that the Lotus Peak Xu family is the result? Is their strength higher than our flame?

impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

correct! It must be that big array! It’s the big array that doesn’t know what it’s called to annihilate our flames! otherwise. Even if their Xu family's strength is stronger, after all, there is no monk in the Mahayana period, it is absolutely impossible to kill more than two thousand flames in less than a quarter of an hour.

After the disciples of the Xujiajian Temple were shocked in their hearts, they were followed by ecstasy. In these days when the king is absent, their family is really hard to be suppressed by the flames, that is, the disciples of the temple are also cautiously acting outside, like a thin ice, but also sacrificed a dozen disciples. Now the king is back! And when I got back, I gave the arrogant flame a heavy blow.

Xu Ziyan flew toward the Central Plains Lotus Peak in Xiaobai, and flew for a while. Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods and monitored that there were no outsiders around them, and they called Yunling. I saw the clouds in the back bursting, and the cloud baby flew out. Xu Ziyan swung the sleeves and absorbed the cloud baby in the big sleeve. In fact, it is absorbed in the big sleeves, but the purple smoke space is recovered. Just in the eyes of Xu Tiannian and other monks, it was Xu Ziyan who absorbed the cloud baby into the big sleeve.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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