The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 904: why? (Double pink ticket! Fight with your comrades!)

I am very grateful to Taiyi’s father and classmates, zisedeyu classmates, 7999198 classmates, wuxiangbobo classmates, Chinese students, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, KELLY classmates who love dogs, Peace2011 classmates, hurricane classmates, eryanu classmates, flying pig cat classmates, o early morning o classmates, He Liang 0316 classmates, He Liang 0316 classmates, light moon dance 629 classmates, SOi classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, **** classmates, espflykite classmates, mamm classmates, rainjin classmates, ktiantian classmates, Yan Yiqian classmates, Nanxun Rain Frog classmates, Zhang Danya classmates, vian Xin classmates, cocoa music students, fat toot bear classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, the big pink ticket of the students!


After hoping to leave, Xu Ziyan entered the practice room with six sealed monks who were sealed by air, and then took them directly into the purple smoke space and came to the six yuan infants. When the six Yuan Ying saw six scholars in the Dandan period, they recognized the people in their own flames and found that their qualifications were really good, and they were all the twelfth layers of the knot period. I was overjoyed and directly rushed to the past and began to win.

Xu Ziyan stood by the side with a hand, and his heart was a little nervous, afraid that they would fail. However, the Yuan Ying period was too strong for the knot period. In the half hour time, the six yuan infants succeeded and they bowed in front of Xu Ziyan. Call the owner.

Xu Ziyan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and opened up Peng Peng's eyes to carefully look at them, and finally determined that they succeeded. Although after they succeeded, they have been repaired from the Yuan Ying period to the twelfth floor of the knot. But their Yuan Ying is still there. So it won't take long for them to refine this body to the Yuan Ying period.

Xu Ziyan is more and more happy, as if the medicinal herbs and the ceremonial flag are constantly being replaced by Lingshi. Looking at myself, smiled and looked at the six people and said:

"You go to the places you have chosen, and build a place for your cultivation. Your equipment for the alchemy system will wait for me to prepare for you. Ok, let's go!"

Six people once again thanked Xu Ziyan, and they hurried up their bodies and went to build their own territory happily.

Xu Ziyan also came out of the Ziyan space, and hoped to discuss the plan in detail with Xu Haoce. After that, I hope that with the warlord disciples, there will be no monks outside the current family. After leaving the tribe, they started their plans.

After Xu Ziyan sent them away, they left another day to arrange things in the family. It was only after the arrival of the elders of the public that they left the ethnic land and flew outside the 100,000 mountains with Xiaobai. When there was still a distance from the 100,000 mountains, Xu Ziyan took Xiaobai into the purple smoke space, and she changed a gem blue dress into a white dress. A bucket of veiled veil was taken from the storage ring and worn on the head, flying away from the 100,000 mountains.

Xu Ziyan flew to a small city closest to here. She knew that there was a stop at Tianzhicheng’s flying boat, where she could take a fly boat to the alchemy city.

Xu Ziyan adjusted his cultivation to the late Yuan Ying, flying all the way in the air, but no monk recognized her. Moreover, the repair of Yuan Ying was not weak, and there were no thieves who did not open their eyes and robbed Xu Ziyan. After spending three days, Xu Ziyan flew to the small town. First, he went to the docking station of the flying boat and asked about the arrival time of the flying boat. He knew that he still needs to wait here for two days. It was only after I found a hotel nearby and stayed in.

Two days later. Xu Ziyan took the flying boat of Tianzhicheng and began to fly toward the city of Alchemy. At this time, Xu Ziyan was completely relieved. She believes that there should be no risk in the above-mentioned flying boat, as long as it does not reveal its identity. And Xu Ziyan also stayed in the house for many times and could not cultivate. It only comes out every few days, and you can see the scenery of the sea in the outer corridor. Very few talks with the monks in the same boat.

While in the cloister, although Xu Ziyan did not talk to the monks, he erected his ears and paid great attention to listening to the conversations between the monks. From the mouths of those monks, she learned that the name of Xu Ziyan was rapidly rising on the mainland. The reason is that on the way back to the tribe, she circulated more than two thousand flames at the junction of the Central Plains and the North. This makes Xu Ziyan famous in the world in a very short time. When the monks were talking about the matter, there was a faint excitement between the eyebrows.

In the hearts of these monks, the flames are a mysterious beast on the vast continent. Xu Ziyan is a legend in their hearts, a hero who is weak and strong. From the fight against the big Luotian to the current flames, it created the admirable legendary life of Xu Ziyan.

But these monks are talking about more of the upcoming Dandao competition. It seems that these people are all monks who travel to Alchemy to participate in the Dandao competition. Each monk’s eyebrows exudes a high-spirited fighting spirit, and the eyes of the monks are famous in the Dandao competition. When Xu Ziyan was listening to his strength, he heard a monk’s exhilarating voice:

"Do you know? This time in the refining city of the instrument road contest, there is a Yanshan soul, and even a refining of a nine-pronged spirit, and according to legend, he can refine the fairy!"

"Yeah! I heard that!" Another monk's voice: "I can't refine the fairy. I don't know, but when he refining the nine spirits, my brother is at the scene. He sees the Yanshan soul with his own eyes. Refining a nine-character aura. The funny thing is that when the Yanshan Soul participated in the Taoist contest and refining the treasures, the refining city master Shen Qianji also wanted to accept the Yanshan soul as a disciple, did not think of Yanshan soul later I challenged him directly. You didn't see the look of Shen Qianji at that time. It was so funny! Especially later, when Shen Qianji and Yanshan were singled out, Shen Qianji only refines a piece of spirit, and Yanshan The soul refines a nine-character spirit, and shocked hundreds of thousands of people at the scene!"

An envious voice said: "I don't know when our alchemy city can produce such a powerful power! Our alchemy city is going to be suppressed by the refining city!"

"Do you say that this Dandao contest will also have such a great power?"

"Dream you! How is it possible?"

"Oh, too. It is impossible to just have a refinery power. Another alchemy power. There is a great power on the mainland, it is already a miracle, how can there be two miracles. If the miracle is so good Is that still a miracle?"

Hear the arguments of those monks. Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a smile, and the image of Yanshan’s soul flashed in his mind. He listened to the monks who praised the Yanshan soul and called the Yanshan soul a power. Xu Ziyan’s heart was more than happy to praise himself, full of sweetness.

A small flying boat rushed from behind and flew by the flying boat of Tianzhicheng. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked toward the small flying boat. I thought about it, if I want to buy a flying boat. After all, riding a flying boat is much more comfortable than riding a small white. I couldn't help but look at the flying boat. When Xu Ziyan's eyes moved to the deck in front of the fly boat. His face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

I saw a black robe youth standing on the deck in front of the flying boat. In the arms of the black robe youth, I was holding a seductive beauty. The black robe youth looked at the beautiful woman's eyes full of love and pity, a pair of big hands are wandering around the beautiful woman's body. And that beautiful girl is also tired of being tired in the arms of the black robe youth, full of happiness.

"Mountain Spirit!"

Xu Ziyan’s lips lost color and became pale. One body trembled. The tears in my eyes couldn’t help but flow down.

At this time, a young woman came out of the cabin of the flying boat. This woman was a very pure temperament. She gently walked to the side of the black robe youth. The black robe youth stretched out her arm, and the pure girl squatted into the black. In the arms of the robe youth, he raised his toes and kissed the cheeks of the black robe youth.

The monk on the sky boat of Tianzhi City looked at the black robe youth and hugged the left, and looked enviously at the three people on the small flying boat not far away. At this time, the black robe youth may also feel the gaze on the sky boat, and then the two women turned and walked toward the cabin.

The black robe youth turned around. The face is clearly displayed in the vision of Xu Ziyan. That young, tough face. Xu Ziyan is too familiar, not the Yanshan soul or who?

Xu Ziyan closed his mouth and bit his teeth hard, but the blood in the mouth came out of his nose. The body leaned weakly on the railing, and a pair of eyes looked at the back of the hatch with the eyes of the two mountains.

I don't know how long it has been. Xu Ziyan stood up straight on the railing, lifted his sleeve and wiped the tears and blood on his face. She has been carrying a tassel with a veil, and no monk has found tears and blood in her gauze. Xu Ziyan clasped the railing with both hands, staring at the small flying boat flying in front. Whispered in my mouth:

"Mountain Soul, Why? Mountain Spirit, Why? Why? Why are you deceiving me? You have to give me an explanation!"

From this moment on, Xu Ziyan never returned to the cabin, but just stood by the railing with a fixed gaze and stared at the flying boat in front. So sunset and sunrise...

On the second day, the Tiancheng City Flyboat arrived at a medium-sized city. When a monk boarded the flying boat, Xu Zi smoked down the boat and looked at the small flying boat of the Yanshan soul who was away. Xu Ziyan flew up and chased it. past.

Stay away from the medium-sized city and there are no other monks around. "Pu rang", Xu Ziyan's back unfolded a pair of wings, the wind wing fluttered, Xu Ziyan as a meteor generally chased toward the small flying boat.

The distance between the two sides continued to pull in. After half an hour, Xu Ziyan's body shape swept past the flying boat and stopped in front of the flying boat. At this time, Yanshan soul was holding two women in his arms, and suddenly saw a head-on squat, a woman in white stopped the flying boat. Then slowly loosened the two women in the arms, the shield on the flying boat slowly retracted, Yanshan soul and the two women flew up from the flying boat, the flying boat instantly narrowed down by the Yanshan soul.


Recommend a book:

Title: "carry on Cultivation System" Author: Bi Hailan. Book number: 2477119

Introduction: Finally, three turns are flying! what? Did you accidentally cross?

Have a system in hand, what are you afraid of?

A variety of portable systems, everything, to cultivate the world, only me!

Haha, forgot to say a little, I have to play privately!

God devil is careful!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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